How To Set Up Camera For Music Videos (Tutorial)

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today we're gonna talk about camera settings for shooting music videos what's up everyone my name is Cracka Lack welcome back to Cracka Lack TV today we're gonna talk about camera settings for shooting music videos so I've been shooting music videos for over 10 years now. I've shot over 300 music videos and I have a lot of ideas for tip and tutorial type videos for my fellow peers on the come up that are shooting videos but before we do all of these tutorials that I have planned we got to get to the fundamentals first and the fundamentals is the actual settings with shooting music videos so to make sure you're notified when all of these good future videos drop and these tutorials and tip videos make sure you subscribe and hit the bell to be notified for future uploads all right so camera settings for shooting music video so it's all about getting the perfect exposure so if you overexposed your videos gonna look way too bright and it's gonna look like I'm gonna show you guys an example on the screen and then also if you under expose your video it's gonna look too dark and that's also gonna look like I'll show you another example alright so let's talk about getting the perfect exposure I'm gonna be going over frame rate shutter speed aperture f-stop and they're also iso alright so when you're shooting music videos you're gonna be filming one of two things it's either the performance shots and that's anytime you get the artist actually saying the words to the song the b-roll is everything else any type of slow-mo any type of them moving you get capturing the scenery flying the drone anything other than the performance that's what b-roll is so for the performance shots I recommend that you film at the highest quality that you can at 24 frames per second so if you got a camera I can film 4k set your settings to 4k 24 frames per second if the best your camera can film is 1080 for the 1080 24 frames per second now you can also film the performance shots in 60 frames per second so that way you can slow it down and speed it up and they give them actually like vibing to the song and then have it go slow-motion and then speed it back up and then now they're back on beat with the words so you can do that as well but the general basic settings this is what I learned was anytime you film your performance shots go 24 frames per second any time you film your b-roll go 60 frames per second now for your b-roll make sure you're filming at 60 frames per second or 120 frames per second or whatever other settings that your camera has but most cameras can film at 60 frames per second and then some better ones can film at 120 or even higher but that is for slow-motion so you can slow it down because your end video should be 24 frames per second one thing I noticed about a lot of guess you would call theme like amateurs amateurs videos is when people were upload them in like 60 frames per second and they just look weird and if you're wondering like why did it look weirdest cuz the 60 frames per second like what we're used to seeing what we're accustomed to seeing is the 24 frames per second I believe that's what the foam movies TV shows like that all right so shutter speed your shutter speed should be one over double whatever your frame rate is so if you're filming at 24 frames per second you want to shutter speed of at least 50 if you're filming slow-mo at 60 frames per second you want to make sure your shutter speed is at least 120 125 and if you're filming 120 frames per second slow-mo make sure you got your shutter speed of at least 240 250 also with shutter speed the lower your shutter speed the brighter your video is gonna be the higher your shutter speed the darker it's gonna be now a tip one thing that I like to do is if the song has like a high energy it's a real hype upbeat type song or if you want to capture like some real action style filming what I'll do a lot is I'll film at 4k so 24 frames per second but I'll crank my shutter speed up to like 200 or sometimes even like 400 500 I'll be holding the camera and I do this like shaky twitch kind of fast movement high energy and it gives the video a dope look so try this out if you've never done it before now lots of bad slow motion comes from your shutter speed being set wrong so if you got your shutter speed set to like 50 where you're filming 60 frames per second the shutter speed is too slow to capture all of the frames in there so that's how you get that ghosting look and then also let's say you're filming an artist and he's moving a lot he's moving his hands and stuff like this the lighting is not that good it'll sometimes give it this ghosting look I remember one of my first like nighttime music videos that I shot um I had that effect where I was like this bad ghosting and I reached out to a veteran photographer guy and he was saying that yeah finally had your shutter speed too low all right so the aperture f stop is your depth of field when you think of like a really cinematic picture or a video when someone's doing this and the fingers and focus but the face is blurry that's from setting your aperture really low so like f 1.8 F 1.4 even a 2.8 can give you that drastic look it's it's actually called bokeh when you got the lights that are out of focus one tip is to film like a 60 frames or 120 frames per second slow motion for like the intro of the music video I do that a lot where I'll get a real close-up of like some lights and I'll set my aperture all the way down to like 1.8 and I'll get some lights that are real out-of-focus you know add some sort of movement with it but that's just a tip for you right there one thing to remember with your aperture is the lower you set your aperture let's say you go down to like 1.8 the brighter your video will be the higher your aperture like 8 9 10 11 the darker it'll be so a lot of the lenses that are known for being good in low-light they have a lower aperture like 1.8 so the lower your aperture the brighter it is and the more shallow that the fields you have within the higher you set your aperture the more everything is in focus like you picture the sky and it's just kind of like everything looks and focused that's because your phone is using a higher aperture let's say you're in a situation where it's nighttime or your indoor your lighting sucks it's pretty dark in there you're gonna drop your aperture as low as you can and then let's say in the opposite you go outside in the daytime and it's super bright you're gonna have to raise your aperture up to darken your video now tip let's say you want to keep that cinematic look to have the low aperture of that shallow depth of field but it's still too bright you can buy in the filters it's like an adapter that twists on the front of your lens and I would say the simple way to describe a nd filters kind of like sunglasses for your actual camera lens now I personally don't own any nd filters so what I end up doing is I just crank my shutter speed super high and I it's not technically what you're supposed to do you're supposed to keep that shutter speed if I'm filming at 24 I like 50 but if it's too bright and again I'll have the ND filter so I'll just crank my shutter speed so like a thousand sometimes even 2,000 and I've never noticed anything crazy like bad look from doing so alright so now iso iso it's the last setting that you're going to have to adjust and pretty much you want to keep your ISO as low as you can giving yourself the best exposure because when you put your eyes so too high that's what causes is called noise when you look into the shadows and you see all these crazy dots flashing and popping up that's noise and that's from having your ISO too high but again sometimes you might be in a situation where the lighting sucks you got your aperture all the way low you got your shutter speed down and it's still too dark that's when you just have to crank your ISO up just enough to get good enough exposure for your video I just got fast hey yeah I'm pretty sure I went over everything if you guys found this video helpful please do me a favor and get a video a thumbs up and also drop of comment and give me ideas for future tutorials that you would like me to share on this channel right here again make sure you don't miss any of this good content that's coming your way so subscribe and hit the bell to be notified for future uploads Cracka Lack TV yeah I just filmed my first tutorial right here follow me on instagram at @cracka_lack twitter @crackalack I'm on Facebook Cracka Lack let's get it
Channel: CrackaLackTV
Views: 79,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cracka lack, camera settings for music video, how to set camera settings, music video settings, music video camera settings, how to setup camera for music video, how to set up camera for video, music video tutorial, music video camera tutorial, video aperture settings, video settings shutter speed, camera settings exposure, how to shoot a music video, music video tips, manual camera settings for video, how to shoot a music video for beginners, music video tutorial for beginners
Id: 1VorMEcziCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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