Insta360 One R - EVERYTHING you could ever want to know

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hey I'm gonna give you a heads up right at the beginning of this video that it's a pretty long one I think we're looking at like 45 minutes at this point if that's not something that you are interested in I have a link to my website below that has a lot of the kind of breakdowns just bullet points as well as side by side footage if you want to get that quick digestive that is totally your option just go check that out otherwise this video is broken into basically five parts that's kind of an introduction talking about the features of the camera there's a section talking about the positives there's a sections actually talking about the negatives there's a section where we compare it side-by-side to a bunch of similar cameras on the market and then we're gonna draw some conclusions based on all of those things so if you want to watch all of that you're absolutely more than welcome I'd love to have you do that if you don't just there's a more digestible quick version in the description if that's something you want but otherwise stay watching and we'll dive just hardcore into the insta 360 one hour before we go on to the rest of the video I just want to kind of drop a quick hey if you're not subscribed please do that if you haven't liked the video please do that and please leave a comment give me whatever you want it's all helpful to me but I would love to know what your thoughts are on the camera before we even get into it so please just jump in now leave a comment hit that like button thank you so much for your support today we're going to do an overview of the instant 361 are I'm a huge fan of the insta really I've got my insta 360 go I've had a 1x I've had the the original insta 361 and this is just a continuation of my love affair with insta 360 the insta 361 R is just a continuation and evolution in their line of cameras that I think is a an awesome step in a direction that can support the drone racing community and as I guess many others in a bunch of different ways the first and foremost of this is that it's got the moddable the switchable options right so like you can actually take the whole camera apart into a bunch of different pieces and then swap in other mods to make a different version of the camera so like with this mod the 4k mod you can actually turn the camera around and have like a little selfie camera now that when I power it on you have the screen facing back at you so that you can see what you're doing on the camera and all that or if you're more in the more traditional mode you flip it back around you plug it back in and now it's back into the standard now I can film what's in front of me instead of what's behind me or at myself or whatever you want to say but what I'm loving about this as a camera is that it can mount on a drone obviously like just with a normal GoPro strap but then you can also take it apart and put on the 360 mod not only that but insta 360 has worked really hard on developing they're like hyper smooth competitor called flow state and I think it might actually be slightly better than hyper smooth in some ways and worse than others but you know for a certain set of purposes I think that this stacks up really well against the GoPro especially for kind of run-and-gun situations so we're gonna dive into all of the features of the 1r we're gonna go through the good stuff we're gonna go through the bad stuff and then we're going to go ahead and do a big comparison we're gonna take the insta 360 line it up against a GoPro line it up against the GoPro max up against DVR all of that stuff so we can see the difference between each of these cameras so the most obvious feature that we have to talk about is the mod situation so I have the insta 360 one our twin edition and the twin Edition comes with two things it's the 4k camera which is their cheapest item the 360 camera which you can see has lenses on both sides and then it also comes with the brain which is the screen and and then the battery so if I pop off the battery here which I always forget which way the switch goes and then I pop off the 4k mod I can then stick on the 360 mod you just have to make sure that you have all of the little nubbins on the bottom there for the actual battery that goes on the bottom and then put the battery and then now it's booting up into 360 mode and so you have the ability to choose between a three 60 camera which has a lot of cool features for fpv drones behind the scenes all that stuff or the 4k mod and what you can even see is that you can actually change where the camera is looking just by swiping around on this which i think is a pretty cool you can't even do that on the GoPro max which is absolutely insane to me and then you know when I'm ready to switch it back over to the 4k mod just pop it off plug it in and then stick the battery on the bottom and now we're ready to record 4k super stabilized all that stuff so the modding option is absolutely phenomenal and in more than just these two options there's also a version of the camera that has a one-inch sensor which means that it's going to be better in lower light it's going to let more color information into the camera it's going to produce a better picture unfortunately I do not have the one-inch mod yet the they've been at a hard time keeping them fulfilled so I am NOT able to test that for you yet but I'll do a follow up to make sure that we get that included but and then the other thing that you to mention is that there's also versions of this camera coming where you can actually take it split it apart and then have it mount on like both sides of a drone so if you have it mounted on the top and the bottom of a drone what happens is that the seam line which is the space between your two 360 lenses will essentially be all the way around madrone that means that the drone will disappear in air so you can essentially look in any direction from your drone in post and figure out which direction you're in and reframe the entire 360-degree shot wherever you want in post which is gonna be pretty awesome so between those couple different things we've got the four came out the 360 mod the one-inch sensor and then like an error unit kind of sensor the battery life on the 1r has been pretty phenomenal I've shot for two hours at a time it's this whole thing is the battery this whole bottom piece and it does an awesome job and you can just plug if you have more of them you just plug it on a new one it's ready to go and then you can also charge it over USB see one of my favorite features for 360 cameras is the ability to do time lapses that can be rearranged in post so if I put the 360 mod on here and plug that all back together and I just set this down somewhere I put it on a tripod over here well I'm working on a quad on my bench or I'm you know setting up a course at the field I can just put this in the middle of the action hit time lapse mode it's gonna record everything around it and then I can post when I get back to the computer I just sit down and I point the camera where I want to focus on the action and it captures that whole timeline so I'm not like picking up my time-lapse moving it over here picking my tablets moving over here picking up my time-lapse move over there it's just this perfect all-in-one solution for doing good stuff like that on top of a time-lapse it does a really good job of hyper lapse in the same way it because it's recording in all directions it's stabilized you can just walk around and record the entire moment so say I'm going on a hike to go to a new flying spot or something like that and I can just hit time lapse mode you know maybe strap it on my head or on my bag or something like that and I can just continually change where the camera is looking throughout an entire hike getting into a new flying spot and that creates better and better content not only does this camera do faster the normal speed it also does slower than normal speed you can record up to I believe eight times slow motion which would be 200 FPS 240 FPS as well as in in different modes you can do that in the 360 mode or in the 4k mode or the other sensors and that allows you to slow down time and see what's going on especially with the 360 month that's really cool because then you can kind of get these cool bullet time effects where like as the camera is moving past something you just boom and that makes for some really really cool stuff in my opinion the flow state software the there stabilization attempt is very very very good we're gonna get into why I think that of what I like about it but that is one of the features that this camera offers in addition to great onboard software performance the apps like the suite of apps that insta 360 has to offer to allow you to edit 360 footage and 4k footage is are phenomenal and I would actually venture to say that there better than GoPros like I've been playing around with some GoPro max like their 360-degree camera footage and I have a hard time editing it in the way that I can with this and the app that it comes with or the on computer app and well we'll talk about both of those and why I like them both so much but yeah one of those one of the things that has kind of blow me away about the insta 360 family is how easy it is to edit the 360 degree footage like I'll take this I'll set it down on a racetrack and just let it record in 360 degrees and then I'll follow the drone through the track you know and just in post like follow it around and that makes for it almost looks like there's somebody else holding a camera like looking around chasing the drone and all that stuff but that is something that this can allow me to do as a single operator it's like one person that's doing the recording at a time so that's pretty cool to me so far in my testing and I've probably flown this camera a hundred times I have not had any durability issues it's actually in pretty good shape like the biggest scratches I have is here on the top and it's just it was actually not from a crash it was from me like accidentally scratching it while I was trying to fiddle around with something so like but it's held up really well no cracks in the screens no dents or issues or anything like that I have crashed it I promise but it's no problem so far that being said I haven't like like slammed into the ground to see and obviously the lenses on the 360-degree camera are fairly well exposed relative to like the body of the camera so you know something to keep in mind that it's probably not gonna be as durable as something like a GoPro especially when it's in these three pieces but like not once has this failed like it has never come apart on me like it's it's durable it's locked in there like do you not worry about this camera by itself as it is is waterproof to five meters that's kind of a feature that we've been become accustomed to especially in the drone world we're not afraid to dump our clogs and do a little bit of water sometimes and having a camera that's not gonna die when that happens very important an advantage of this camera over top of the 1x is that it has in body playback so I can go into the little menus in here and actually go and find the video and watch it back there I don't have to connect it to my phone or to a computer to be able to view the footage that's not a make-or-break thing think for most people but it's a really nice thing to have when you need it in the field the next thing I want to do is take a look at the apps both on mobile and on desktop I want to see kind of the awesome features and the power of the apps that they have to offer so that you can take your 360 footage or 4k footage and make really cool videos with it so once you're in the insta 360 app you can go into the album section and you can see all the files that are on either both your camera and local local or just your camera on the camera tab if you go down you can see you know here's all the videos that I have from my little day of testing I'm not sure what this clip is but it's a clip scroll in here so now we're flying and then we have the option to first of all turn on and off flow State so now I've turned on flow States so stabilization is on retro actively so we don't have to have stabilization on one way or another we can choose to have it on or off but we could also turn it off and now it's gonna be kind of in that normal that the normal mode that you're used to seeing FPV footage so I think that's pretty cool being able to change that after if the fact but then you can also change the field of view after the fact so it records everything at the widest I think Ultra actually does some sort of stretching and I think why it is more normal perspective without the kind of super view II kind of look some people like it some people don't I happen to really like it a lot download it and all this stuff but the power of this app really comes when you get into a 360 file so this is a 360 video here and I'm gonna scroll through and the first thing you can do with this button here is edit their trim out the fat so like you know there's stuff at the beginning of the video that we don't actually need so I'm just gonna scroll raid until I take off here should be any second so here it is you can see me in the background and then I'm gonna use the other end and scroll until it lands this is pretty normal for video editing software for these sorts of things and give it a check mark and now we have just the flight selected with this button he in the timeline in the bottom you can choose to have a keyframe and what that allows me to do is to pan the camera around wherever I want it to look set whatever field of view I want set the roll angle even I can change the roll angle if I want to and just move the camera around to whatever I want it to so now if I leave it like that and hit play it's gonna take off and start flying and now it's gonna respect what I said on that last keyframe as long as I've want it to so now I'm going to pause add a keyframe let's set forward a little bit add another keyframe and now this is what I want to go to tiny planet mode so I want to be able to see the whole drone and have it zoom backwards and I play again now it's gonna do this forever but here's the trick when I go back to before those two keyframes as soon as I get to them whoosh now it changes the field of view and for some reason it didn't respect I gotta turn this first and then hit the keyframe it's a turn keyframe so now if I scroll back it should turn it around as soon as we go boom and then I want to turn keyframe tiny planet if I scroll back it makes it all nice and small add another keyframe pause and now I'm gonna have it look down so that we see the drone with the whole planet and kind of flying around or anything so now this allows you to get pretty creative with how you edit your footage what I like the most about this the apps suite for oh you know another thing you can change is you can also set it to be 9 by 16 for this so you you know which would be normally kinds of you to be videos one by one which is I think more Instagram friendly and then 9x6 23 by one which is like the super cinematic II this would be like what movies are shot in and then 9 by 16 which would be like Instagram story or a tick-tock or whatever you want like that so I like that you can change all those things after the fact and and that you could just kind of record and then everything kind of magically works in post now everything that you're seeing is happening here on the app can actually happen the same way on the desktop version of the software so I'm just showing you on the app because I think that's the way that most people will want to use it but if you go on the desktop version you can also record and keyframe and do all these same sorts of things so pricing on this of 361 are the 4k Edition which is the one with just this lens starts at $300 the which is a hundred dollars less than the GoPro Hero eight if you get the 360 camera version the price jumps a little bit up to four hundred and fifty dollars you can get the twin edition for four hundred and eighty dollars so it's gonna come with both the 360 and the the camera and then to compare the GoPro Hero 8 right now is four hundred dollars so you can get all three of these things I guess three maybe four depending on how you want to look at it for you know less just a little bit more than a GoPro Hero eight or you can get just the 4k mod for $300 which saves you hundred dollars off of a GoPro comes with awesome stabilization and you don't need to do much work in post to make it work well so now that we've had a good broad like general scope overview on what the insta 361 R has to offer I want to talk about the things that I thought were good about it like the the best the benefits then we'll talk about kind of the neck not so good things about it and then we'll kind of make some conclusions about the footage that we have looked at so the first really positive thing that I want to mention about the camera is the flow state stabilization the flow state to me looks better out of body than hyper smooth does now that being said I think I still prefer RS go footage over top of flow state over top of hyper smooth but if I was going to just run and gun if I grab if I had to just grab one camera and film and not have a chance to do any kind of post-production I would pick the one are over top of the GoPro for their stabilization the flow state just looks a little bit more smooth than it doesn't have any little jerky you're kind of like hidden movements to it that I have kind of started to notice out of hyper self is super convenient for mounting on drones one of my biggest issues with the 1x which is the like kind of tall previous version of the insta 360 family was that it didn't really mount on drones very well it had a quarter-inch thread in the bottom but it just like it's stuck out it was really long and kind of oblong this is much more GoPro form factor so I can just strap it on to the to a top plate of a quad just like I normally would with like just a battery strap or I can put it in its cage and you know mount it with with the normal GoPro kind of whatever their little system is that allows you to mount stuff the 1r as compared to previous one our models has the review screen so I can do playback and that allows me to see the footage really quickly what I filmed and that to me is great I know it seems like a pretty minor feature but the ability to take the camera apart turn it around and get kind of like the vlog mode has been useful for me in a number of different ways obviously I do vlogging and I record myself so being able to kind of just do this normal thing is super useful but another thing that like kind of unexpected to me was sometimes I want to have the lens like for the body of the camera on one side of the drone or one side of whatever it is or an or another at any given time okay first of all it's a little bit weird that kind of it's a new day and I'm wearing different clothes and all that stuff but just ignore that just don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain so the next great thing about the 1r is its onboard screen the GoPro has this other cameras have it the previous generations of insta 360 did not the 1x for example a tall one didn't have the ability to like go on here and actually go through and do playback and check your settings and format your cards like it had some menus but it didn't have full playback and that's a huge feature for the instance 61 our of all of the cameras that I've gotten to play with in this similar category the insta 360 series especially the 1r has an extremely solid connection between it and the phone you'd be amazed like how many times I've found that the the phone apps just kind of crash or don't work but for whatever reason the one ours seems to work really really well I've talked to a lot of other people that don't necessarily agree with me on that but for me the connection between the camera and the app on the phone have been flawless it's a super simple thing but something I think is worth mentioning is that the 1r came with this little rubber lens protector for the twin Edition just just goes off covers the lights great little feature something that I wouldn't have thought of but it's something I'm super glad I have this lens protector also works on it without it on the mod then you add the mod and build the camera and it's all back together it still works and then if you have the cage on it it'll still fit over the cage too crazy it's just it's great simple idea another great feature of the insta 360 one are over competitors like the GoPro is that you can turn stabilization on and off in post so you can choose which look you want the footage to have after you've shot it and speaking of stabilization I've found that flow state does some things better than hyper smooth including that hyper smooth sometimes does this weird hitching thing where I like it kind of like well like lock and hold a position and then kind of continue with the smoothness again flow state doesn't do that it's always continually allowing the the smoothness to move with the shot and in my mind that looks better for an out of body stabilization software the insta 361 are supports HDR mode while I haven't always had super good success with making that application work the fact that it is there is a feature to be able to allow you to move from low-light to highlight to low-light again and again really quickly and be able to get detail out of all of those I think is really important for people especially because we're constantly going under trees into gaps all that stuff where you want as much dynamic range out of the camera as possible so we've spent a bunch of time talking about the stuff that's good about the insta 360 but what about the stuff that could use some improvement first thing that's pretty disappointing for me is that there's no option for standardized mounting of the camera so in the past insta 360 had a quarter twenty thread in the bottom here where you like screw it on to a tripod mount or on to whatever but for whatever reason they got rid of it on this camera and they don't have the GoPro like labia things these little guys you have to use the the cage that comes with the insta 360 in order to mount it to GoPro stuff I think that honestly this is a genius move by GoPro to be able to support having the GoPro mounted on stuff but just out of the body so I wish that gets to 360 had included something like that when they release their camera another downside of the insta 361 R is that the touchscreen tends to be sometimes a little bit glitchy like if I show you here I'm gonna go into the menu and I'm gonna go over and start scrolling down to format the SD card and once I see the SD card I'm gonna so I'm going to start scrolling down and I see the SD card and now it's up there and it kind of gets a little bit glitchy like where like the momentum of swiping and eventually I get it but and it's not the end of the world but it's really sometimes kind of inconvenient just doesn't doesn't work it's not smooth but it still works I don't know if this is the case for all people that have used it there used to be an SD card door on there there's a little plastic bit that came with the insta 360 that was on there and that broke out like day one they it just did not hold up and fell off as soon as I accidentally kind of like tweaked a little bit too hard so that's my fault it's on me but I wish it would have stayed on there a little bit better and the final thing to note that is not great about the insta 361 are is that the audio really is pretty pretty bad like if you listen to especially proud noises awful but like there's constant weird noise there's the the pig it picks up audio like you get stuff but the balance is all over the place the the audio the the wind noise is pretty much unusable like there's options in the camera to turn stuff on and off but honestly all of them are pretty terrible that being said you can use a USB see 2 3.5 millimeter adapter and you're on mic on it if like you know if for example you wanted to use that with the backwards facing screen to do some vlogging you absolutely could with an external mic but you're definitely not gonna get away with what is onboard the camera already at the same time kind of who really cares I mean audio on an action camera really is not all that useful in the first place and at least in my opinion but you can decide if that's a feature that's worth pursuing for a better camera over something like the other 360 one arm this is the indianapolis marion college velodrome or psycho cycle Plex like there's there's a skate park over there there's a dirt bike BMX track there a velodrome Park and then all sorts of dirt trails throughout and mr. Michael Dirr here has volunteered very at its risk his GoPro max to be compared against the instance 360 so we took the the 1r and then we all stuck the max thank you do you have a Best Buy warranty on that by the way we should have probably figured that out ahead of time but and he would also volunteered himself as a filming subject to just kind of run around so I could get two similar shots one with the max one with the 1r so we'll go ahead and just play those side-by-side you can compare them you can see what's different what you like about the other ones and then as always the full clip from these flights will be uploaded somewhere else so you can click and like you can really kind of dive in and compare the two so thank you very much Mike I appreciate it Rick and stay fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wait wait wait what ah so apparently the GoPro shot that we did did not film in 360 but instead in the hero max mode with max boost so it's like super stable it looks pretty good but it was not the intended test so we're actually gonna go back out and film that again without having mic there on a spike in all that stuff that sucks alright anyway well let's go I've done a lot of weird things for these random internet videos for useless points but this might be one of the stranger looking once strapping two GoPros or two cameras side-by-side to see you can see what they look like in the air such want to make sure that this thing actually flies before we get out into a field yeah all right it seems to fly well enough not great but it'll get the job done that's for sure purpose of this whole video is to test out the insta 361 R but I want to have a similar conditions test between each of the cameras so I've got a GoPro Max with me I've got the one are both the 4k and the 360 degree mod and then I've got a hero 8 which will run hyper smooth hyper real study and will have all of them just raw no stabilization as well so let's get set up and we'll go through all of those flights back to back to back it's gonna be is gonna be a lot of flying and it's gonna be all in the same spot but what I'm gonna do is take all of those videos and upload each of them so you can look at them like directly to see if you want to see anything different like you can you can pull them up pull 4k or probably 2.7 K for most of them and you'll be able to see them side-by-side so you know it's not gonna be the most exciting flying but I'll show you a little clip from each especially the side-by-sides but then I'll also have a link in the description for all of the individual flights as well so let's get to it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I'm done filming 360 video so this is the the 1r in the 360 mode and then the hero max isn't here and I gotta switch this from normal mode I so I flew those two cameras individually figuring that they were both a little bit heavier cameras and I didn't want try to mount them both on the drone at the same time but now I'm gonna be doing these exact side-by-side with the 4k mod for the one are in the GoPro Hero 8 with hyper smooths and all that stuff and I'm gonna do them side by side so I'm actually gonna take apart the 1r take the battery off split them in half then we put the mud on and then I'm gonna stick the battery back on and boom ready to go in 4k mode okay so now both cameras for this test are going to be running 2.7 K 30 the insta 360 go or a 1r is not going to be recording in flow state and this is not gonna be recording in hyper smooth they're gonna be shooting raw straight out of body no stabilization or anything so you can see the difference between the two okay just a quick little aside for this test is I'm trying to fly a similar kind of flight profile every single time we probably do some like low and slow some kind of faster more cinematic II kinds of things some straight lines some kind of curves and turns some flowy stuff and then I'm also trying to do some like more hardcore flippy floppies so that like a bunch of different people can learn what they want from this I know that not all of each of the style is good for everybody but that's just my goal for this was to kind of try to do a similar flight profile that had a little bit of everything all the way through so hopefully that helps at least something [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay this is a handheld test just walking around holding the cameras in my hand comparison between flow state on the instant 361 R and hyper smooth on the GoPro Hero 8 no other settings or anything just 2.7 k 60 I'm just holding the cameras in my hand I'm not doing anything special other than just walking maybe a little selfie action would be interesting just holding the camera playing it out myself walking around I hope you guys find this like riveting interesting cuz it's you know it is what it is I'm holding it with both hands now kind of at waist level trying to use my arms to balance out the vertical movement okay I think that concludes all the tests that I was gonna do here at the park I hope that all of this has been kind of useful there's a lot of footage to go through I'm gonna like I said I'm gonna try to upload each individual clip to YouTube I'm gonna put them side-by-side like on my website so if you look in the description below you'll see like a full like a link to each of those side-by-side results so that you can really kind of dive in and compare them back and forth to yourself I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to put all of like the original files like just a Youtube uploaded version I guess yeah that would be would be a lot of space and a lot of bandwidth to try to figure out a place for you to be able to download them but yeah so I am pretty happy with how this test went the the Sun condition was pretty much the same the whole way it's gotten a little bit lower but not by much and then there was also a little bit of wind picking up at the end but I don't think it's on an unfair test at that point either because I mean I guess we're comparing the same camera the whole time and it's just really a couple different stabilization settings my theory before I get home and look at all the footage is going to be that I'm gonna like the out of body better on the insta 360 and then I'm gonna like the processed better on the hero 8 so like the this with flow state just like right out of the box done not needing to mess around with anything gonna be really solid and but this is gonna look the best after it's gone through real City go and a color treatment and all that kind of stuff so that's my theory and that's when I'm sticking to for now but we'll go back I'll take a look at all the footage and kind of give you some reactions to what I see once I do that and then hopefully we'll continue wrapping up this video but thanks for coming out with me to the park now let's get back on though so just to make some final conclusions the insta 360 is an awesome camera the the flexibility the ability to kind of fill in a bunch of gaps where this camera can take on the task of a bunch of different cameras is absolutely incredible incredible to me as a b-roll machine capturing time lapses and hyper lapses and using it as sometimes as an a roll machine on drones it does an incredible job I like the way that the picture looks I love the way flow state works but I'm not always going to choose it as my main flight camera overtop of the hero ade when I have the ability to use real steady go real Citigo is the ultimate the go to the the the thing that you have to beat for stabilization and you just in my opinion flow state does not beat real steady go that being said if you want to have a camera with real study go you need a GoPro Hero 8 which costs you $400 then you need to buy a license for real city go which costs you another hundred dollars but you can just have one insta 360 twin Edition for 480 gives you some different options so you know it's you kind of have to pick and choose which features do you want which things are the most important how do you want to balance out your budget to support the different needs that you have if you don't want to do a bunch of post editing and you just want that picture right out of the camera honestly the 1r is the way to go if you are interested in spending a little bit more time and a little bit more money to get the best possible picture I definitely swing towards the GoPro Hero 8 I'd be curious to hear what you guys think down in the description below we've covered like all of the features we've compared everything I possibly can think of and there's probably more that you guys are gonna be like why didn't you not include this and I apologize for that and I'll do my best to rectify the situation huh but I'd love to know what you guys think what do you think about the comparisons of the footage what do you think about each of the cameras why do you like one over the other please share it in the comments leave comments hit that like button subscribe if you want to see more content like this all of those things are immensely helpful to me as a creator trying to put out as many videos as I can to help keep you guys entertained in these strange times but in the meantime thank you very much for watching this video and stay flying [Music]
Channel: NURK FPV
Views: 33,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drone, fpv drone, fpving, fpv racing, drone racing, fpv drone racing, winter drone racing, fpv drones, drones, drone vlog, vlog drone, drone vlogging, drone nationals, drone nationals 2016, 2016, drl, drl pilot, drl 2017, drl season 2, drone racing league, drone racing league pilots, drone racing league episode, drone racing league watch online, drone racing league pilot, drone build, insta360, one r, one, insta360 one r, 360 camera, 360 drone, 360 fpv, 360 degree camera
Id: UGwCqqjH_C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 49sec (2569 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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