Insta360 One R Beginners Guide (Part 1) - EASIER than you think!

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this is an instant way 61 or tutorial for beginners and even if you've never shot with a 360 camera before by the end of this video you'll know how to use the insert 360 water so I'm sure you've seen demo videos of the instantly 61 R it looks really cool but at the same time it looks a little intimidating I mean if you've hung around forms for 360 cameras and you've seen the posts that people make they mention things like reframing and horizon and stitching and unfamiliar words and it seems like it's really tactical but don't worry it's a lot easier than it looks so in this video I'm gonna assume zero knowledge and then take you step-by-step through using the insert a system on our you'll learn number one why should you shoot in 360 mean what's the advantage compared to shooting with your smartphone or with an action camera soon I'm gonna show you a Quick Start Guide for the insert three c1r in about two minutes you'll learn everything from shooting all the way to share your photos and videos this is the absolute fastest way to get started on the insert risk steer on our next I'm gonna show you essential shooting techniques for shooting in 360 these are basic techniques that all 360 shooters must know now that's a lot to cover so I'm going to include time codes that I'm going to put in the description and into this show I'm gonna put in this section the screen a little chapter title so you know where you are in this video you're watching 360 rumors my name is Nick and you're gonna learn a lot in this video [Music] so let's start with and why should you shoot in 360 what's the benefit compared to shooting with your smartphone or with a regular action cam well the first benefit is super stabilization and I know your action cam can have pretty good stabilization but can't see in stabilization like this second you can capture an amazing third-person view your videos will look like they were shot by an invisible flying camera or a camera crew with thousands of dollars of camera equipment and you can do all that with a camera that fits in your pocket shoot without a me that's huge because that means that when you're shooting with the insta 361 are you can focus on having fun with your family and friends you don't have to think about how to shoot the video or what kind of angle you want to take just shoot first end point later so these advantages are really cool but you may be wondering is it hard to use that 360 camera it just seems so different from all the other cameras you've had don't worry it's a lot easier than it looks and in the next couple of minutes you're gonna learn how to shoot with it 360 camera and share your video with your family and friends so let's take a look at the inset 360 watt hour now the one R is the modular 360 camera and that means there's different parts that you can reconfigure depending on what's your purpose there are several mods such as the 4k mod which is like an action cam the one-inch mod which has a one-inch sensor and aerial Edition which is a 360 camera for a maverick pro so in this case I'm using the 360 mod which is used for taking 360 photos and videos so here's the power button and here's the shutter and this one is a touch screen over here you have a door for the USB type-c port and the micro SD card slot so you see how the there's a yellow bar over there that means it's not completely closed so you want to push it in and make sure that it's totally closed so the first time use the into 360 one hour you should calibrate the two Jayram so go through the settings by swiping down from the main screen go to the next page up on the scare icon and tap on general and scroll down and look for gyro calibration now set the camera down like this and then slide this button here and wait for it to calibrate and if you've never shot with a 360 camera before don't worry it's not as complicated as it looks so I'm just gonna turn it on by holding down the power button and you're gonna see the touchscreen turn on now to change modes you simply swipe up and to change from photo to video to time-lapse if this is your first time to shoot with a 360 camera it's okay to shoot with it like a normal camera so now I'm gonna start recording by pressing the shutter button that beep tells me that it started recording so I can aim it let's say at this tree and pan it slowly up to the top of the tree or aim it toward the lamp post and pan it up to the top of the lamp post then to stop recording I just press the shutter button again now you've recorded your first 360 video let's learn how to share it to do that we're gonna need to insert 361 our app so I've already downloaded the app and I'm going to connect the app to my camera so I'm going to turn on the camera then over here I'm going to tap on album so then I'm gonna tap on this icon over here to connect to the camera so it found my camera I'm going to select my camera and then it's going to prompt me to connect to the Wi-Fi so to go to go to settings turn on the Wi-Fi and then I'm going to look for the cameras Wi-Fi network so it's over here at the ready connected once it's connected then you can go back to the app so now we're in the app and it's going to load all the videos that we shot on the camera let's say we want to share this video I'm going to tap on it and then it's going to load the video and preview it for you if you want to pause the video tap on the screen and the upper right corner you'll notice three dots so I'm going to tap on that and then it's going to bring up a bunch of other options now if we were pointing with the one our the way we point with a regular camera then we want to make sure that direction dock is turned on and we also want to make sure that stabilization is turned on so as when Direction not has turned on then you'll notice that the video will aim wherever the camera is pointed so here we pointed at the lamppost before we share it we can choose the aspect ratio for example you can make it sixteen by nine or we can make it square whichever your format you prefer so let's say we want to share to sixteen by nine share it you tap on this icon over here and then choose it's going to ask you to if you want to share it as a flat video or a say 360 video so let's say we're gonna choose that one and it's gonna start exporting it so notice that we never had to download the video all we had to do is share it now you'll see should called ColorPlus and what that does is it adds kind of like an HDR effect and when you do that it's going to re render the video and add the HDR effect so once it's done we can it's already been saved to album and you can choose to share it to any of these social media services now when you are looking at your video you may have noticed that your hands look huge how do you avoid that well it's easy you just need two things one you need a selfie stick like this and second you'll need to use this self timer you just have to use them this time let's take a photo so if your camera went to sleep just press the power button to turn it back on and let's switch to photo mode I'm gonna switch to the swipe up and then let's go to that photo icon and tap on it and now we're in photo mode so to activate the self timer tap on this bottom right corner now you can choose the timer from 3 seconds to 5 seconds - as long as 15 seconds so let's just - choose 5 seconds tap on the check mark they'll go back to the main screen let's take a photo of this tree right here so I'm just gonna press the shutter button and you notice this can count down it's gonna hold it like there and that's it we've taken our first 360 photo did you notice something else the selfie stick disappeared how did that happen that's because eight three sees the camera sees everything except whatever is in the stitch line so the space between the lenses is the stitch line and that's kind of like a blind spot for the 360 camera so anything that's in that blind spot will look invisible including a selfie stick so when you're shooting with a selfie stick make sure not to bend the camera like this because when you do that their selfie stick is gonna show up in the video instead keep the camera in line with the selfie stick and that way the selfie stick will be within the stitch line and will become invisible and that's how you get the invisible flying camera effect or the third person view effect because the stitch line is a blind spot for the 360 camera you want to make sure to avoid pointing the stitch line at your subject or anything important here's why watch as the stitch line points at my face doesn't look too good does it so that's why you should aim the stitch line away from your subject or anything important now here's a tip for avoiding the stitch line imagine that there's a giant fan along the stitch line and if that giant fan is hitting you or your subject then you're in the stitch line you need to point it away from them now here's how to get the best third person view effect when you're shooting your video or photo you can point the camera up any way you want you don't have to hold it up like this instead just hold it at an angle at the collateral angle and just point wherever you want or move wherever you want to go now because the 1/r has excellent stabilization and because you're recording in 360 then everything will remain level no matter which way you point your camera a common issue for beginners is uneven exposure for example the top part is this video looks a little bit brighter than the or part it's most noticeable allow my dark pants what you're actually seeing is glare now here are three tips to minimize glare number one keep the lens very clean wipe it very carefully before using it to avoid scratching the lens never ever lay your camera down on a hard surface three aim the stitch line toward the brightest light source to help you do that look at the shadow of your camera if you can see the shadow of both lenses at the same time then the stitch line is probably pointed at the brightest light source now I bet you have some questions so don't worry just leave them in the comments I do my best to answer all questions now one of the most common questions that people ask about 360 cameras is why isn't it as detailed as my 4k 4 well I'll show you why in here I've got the insert 361 or 360 mod and 361 r4 came on side by side let's take a video and see what it looks like I'm gonna take a video of a shed over there when we put the 4k and the 360 month side by side at the same viewing size we can see that the 4k mod is clearly far more detailed even though it's resolution is only 4k and 360 months resolution is 5.7 K that's because the 5.7 K resolution of the 360 modest spread out over 360 degrees whereas with the 4k mod the 4k resolutions is spread out over around 150 degrees so the 4k mod has more pixels per degree and that's why it's much more detailed than the 360 month when using slow motion the 4k mod has an advantage as well not only is it more detailed but you also get a higher frame rate for smoother slow motion on the other hand we the 360 mod there are ways to simulate a slower speed the 360 mod also has a much wider view that can capture some details that they 4k mod would miss and as we learned in the first part of this video the 360 man has many unique advantages [Music] so which is better well the good thing is with in sub 361 are you don't have to choose you can get the best of both worlds if you want slow motion or if you want more detail choose the for K mod and if you want a third-person view or amazing camera angles you can use the 360 mod so congratulations you now know the basics of shooting with 360 cameras in the next part of this video I'm gonna show you how to edit your 360 photos and videos and again I'm gonna make it as easy as possible for you thanks very much I'll see you in 360
Channel: 360Rumors
Views: 117,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: insta360 one r beginners guide, insta360 one r tutorial, insta360 one r, 360 camera, insta360 one r tips, insta360 one r tips and tricks, how to use insta360 one r, insta360 one r quick start guide, 360 camera vs action camera, 360 camera vs gopro, 360 camera tricks, 360 camera tips and tricks, 360 camera tips
Id: yrHcprg8HPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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