Insta360 One R Tips and Tricks: SYNC VIDEO WITH MUSIC with Jump Cut 🔥🔥🔥

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how would you like to make a captive vaping video that your audience will love to watch one way to do that is to synchronize your video with music video editors use this technique all the time and in this video you're going to learn how to do that with your insta360 1r and your phone thanks to a new feature called jump cut insta360 has added a lot of features to their cameras we've seen bullet time there was drift shot now there's clone trail flash dash a whole bunch of effects now these effects are really cool but you can't use them all the time this one though is different because it's based on classic video editing principles it's a skill that you're going to be using time and time again this video is divided into four parts in part one we're going to learn what is a jump cut when do you use it what are its advantages and disadvantages in part two we'll learn how to use the jump cut feature in the insta 361r app in part three we'll use the jump cut together with key framing for the 360 mod and finally in part four we're going to learn how to use jump cut to synchronize our video with music let's get started so what's a jump cut well the easiest way is to show you here's an example of a jump cut so as you saw in that example jump cut is when you have a continuous shot interrupted by sudden cuts like as if there were gaps in the video so when you were seeing that jump cut how do you feel about it chances are you felt like it was kind of like a jarring effect it's kind of interesting because the job of a video editor is usually to make the video flow smoothly so smoothly that you don't notice the transitions but jump cut is kind of like the opposite because the transition is very sudden so when do people use jump cuts well traditionally jump cuts were used for marking passage of time and video creators also use jump cut to create a faster pace jump cuts are also very useful for social media because you're working with very short clips you're creating videos that are like only a minute or two long and your audience doesn't expect you to tell a flowing sequence of stories you're probably showing just highlights of your vacation and possibly the best use for jump cut is for synchronizing with music why well think about it when you're synchronizing your video with music you want to emphasize the beat and the jarring effect that we feel when we see a jump cut can help emphasize the beat so enough about theory let's head on to my studio to learn how to use the jump cut first we gotta have a video and i recommend a video that's about a minute long or more in my case i shot a short video when i was in a short camping trip i saw this beautiful lake in the mountains so i shot a four minute video of me walking along the shoreline now the truth is that no one will want to watch a four-minute long video of me just walking along the shoreline and instead we're going to cut it down to just the highlights and if you don't have a video yet go ahead just pause the video and just record one right from your home we're just going to use it for practice so we can understand how to use the jump cut feature i've downloaded my video to my phone because it's kind of long so i it's already here and you can see that i can scrub through the timeline i'm looking for what i want to show so first i want to show this a view of me walking and then next scene okay this is good i want to see show the what i'm walking to towards um and then the next scene is probably another shot back this time looking at me then we'll show the lake we'll do that for now so here's how to do that so first i'm going to go to the beginning then i'm going to tap on this scissor icon tap on that then i'm going to scrub the video to the point where i want to begin the video so let's say here to begin the segment i'm going to tap on the scissors in the timeline that's the start of it then i'm going to scrub the timeline to the end of that video you should create a segment that's a little bit longer than what you need you'll find out why later so this is the end of the segment not to end it i'm going to tap on the scissors again okay so i've created one segment now i'm going to scrub the video again to the next segment let's say this one okay then i start the second segment by tapping the scissors again next i'm going to scrub it to the end of that segment again i want a little more than what i need then i'm going to end it then i just do the same for the third and fourth segment so when you're done choosing your segments then all you have to do is tap on the check mark on the upper right corner now if you want to change the segments making them longer or shorter or add more you could here's how to do it you tap on the scissors again and it brings you back to the original timeline so if you want to edit a segment just tap that segment let's say this i'm going to just tap on it and when you tap on it or if you bring the playhead to that segment then you're going to see the segment turn from yellow like this with the yellow border to a white border that if it's a white border then that means it's ready to edit and you can change the end points you can also delete the segment by tapping the trash hand icon above the segment now if you notice it's kind of aimed the wrong way so what we need to do is use keyframes and we use keyframes a little bit differently when we're using jump cut i'll show you why so first let's create a keyframe right here next one is still pointed the right way so that's okay so the next one my intention was to point it back myself so let's see what happens i'm going to point it at myself and i'm going to create a keyframe there but if we do that the app treats all the segments as a single video rather than separate videos so it's going to pan the camera from the previous keyframe panned the camera from here to that view which is not what i intended so here's the right way to use keyframes with jump cuts first create a keyframe just like you normally would then at the end of that segment create another keyframe to preserve the view that you want so even though it's not at the very end of the clip that's okay and that's why i suggested earlier to record a little longer than what you need because it's hard to put that keyframe exactly at the end of that clip so for the next clip is this one okay so again i'm gonna aim it where i want and then create the keyframe there and then create another keyframe at the end of that segment now for the next segment i wanted to point it at me so i'm going to create a keyframe there and then another keyframe at the end of that segment so this time when we play the video here's what we get now watch this one this one it's still pants it's just a shorter pan but there's still a panning movement that we we don't want so we need to do one more step which is to enter the jump cut again so i'm going to tap the scissors to enter the jump cut mode and then we're going to adjust the ends of that segment so that the keyframe is outside the segment so here the keyframe is in the segment i'm going to adjust the end so that it's outside the segment keyframes still there it's just that it's not within the segment so this one i'm going to adjust the keyframe out of this segment here's a bonus tip for keyframing if you don't want the jarring effect make significant changes to the angle or field of view between cuts [Music] so now we press the check mark now let's watch the video get to this part where there's a transition from here so the sunset and then sudden cut to this scene which is what we intended so that's how to use keyframes with the jump cut now it's time for the exciting part we're gonna add music we're gonna synchronize our video to the music so first of all let's talk about what kind of music works best we're looking for two characteristics first it has a strong beat like a very identifiable beat that's one the second one is don't make it too fast if the beat is too fast you're going to need a lot of clips for that so it's easier to use a more moderate beat the next question is where do we get the music well first source is the insta360 one our app itself over here if you swipe to the right side you'll see this icon for a music icon you tap on that and then you'll see several royalty free selections now that's pretty good but can you use your own music yes now on ios it's going to be itunes so that means that whatever is in your itunes library you can add it to your mute your video now one thing i must caution you though is that if it's copyrighted music like almost everything on itunes then when you upload it to youtube you could get a copyright strike so i need to warn you about that now for android however it's any file that's on your phone so when we choose local i can choose any music i want so where can you download songs you could try the youtube music library and there's there are a lot of free songs the only thing is they sound free if you know what i mean so if you want better music you can go for websites such as which is what i've been using for the past couple of years uh but i'm thinking of switching this year because um they want artless doesn't have sound effects and they want to add extra they want to charge you extra for it meanwhile there are two other places where you can get music and sound effects for just one price one of them is epidemic sounds very popular now peter mckinnon uses that the other one is the storyblocks so i use storyblocks for stock videos but you can also use it for music they have a music library with sound effects but you'll have to pay extra for it so after choosing the music then the next thing we need to do is listen to it and find out how many video clips we'll need as we listen to it i'm going to count so you start out with one in every print every cut i want to make i'll add another so listen to it [Applause] [Music] [Music] so i'll need nine or so clips so i know how many clips i need i'm gonna go use jump cut and go through my video again and add the number of segments that i need now for each segment you need to make it longer than what you need because we're gonna trim it later on to match the beat of the music i'm gonna do this you can work on your video in the meantime all right are you done me too so i've broken up the video into segments that i need and i've keyframed each one now we're going to add music to it so to synchronize the video with music the feature that we're going to use is mark so that's going to be at the end of these icons there's one of them is a flag that's what we need we're going to listen to it and then we're going to pause the video on the first beat where we want a transition we're going to play it and i pause the video there and then i'm going to tap on the flag icon now i'm going to go back to jump cuts i'm going to tap on the scissors again go back to jump cuts then i'm going to tap on that segment where we added the flag then you'll see there's like a little tiny triangle there and look here it's kind of hard to see there's a little tiny triangle there what we're going to do is move the end of the the segment to the beginning of that triangle so i'm gonna move it just there okay then i'm gonna tap on the check mark let's listen to the video again [Music] so now the video is synchronized with that first beat now let's do one more sample so i'm just going to listen to it [Music] i pause the video i'm going to move it to the flag mark the flag now there's a triangle there i'm going to uh go back to jump cuts tap into scissors tap on that segment that we want to edit move the end point to that triangle to the beginning of that triangle okay then press the check mark [Music] so all we need to do is do that for the rest of the clips now if you wanted the slightly faster way to do it you don't have to use the marker you can just pause the video so from there i can just go straight to jump cut and i'm just going to move the end of that segment to the the where the play head is right now this technique also works but it's potentially less accurate so i finished making the edits let's watch the finished video [Music] strong like a tree [Music] there's [Music] all right here's a bonus tip here's how to do it on the desktop now i'm using premiere but the process is similar for other video editors i just add music to my video then i'm going to listen to the music and as i listen to it i'm going to add the marker for every beat after adding the markers turn on the snap feature in your video editor then move your video clips to the markers here's what it looks like [Music] now how would you like to combine your videos from the 1r with videos from your other cameras like the one x or even your phone in my next tutorial i'll show you how to do that see you in 360. [Music] you
Channel: 360Rumors
Views: 16,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: insta360 one r jump cut, insta360 one r editing tips, insta360 one r keyframing, insta360 one r tips and tricks, insta360 one r, insta360 one r app, insta360 one r tutorial, insta360 one r editing tutorial, how to sync video with music, how to make music video on android, music video editing software, insta360 one r app tutorial, insta360 one r tips, insta360 one r mobile editing, insta360 one r editing, Insta360 one r techniques
Id: BY4lfT83lJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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