BEST Insta360 One R Video Effects

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hey guys how's it going today I'm going to be trying out every single effect in the insta 361 are shot lab now if you didn't know the insta 361 art is capable of shooting some really cool effects all you need for any of these effects is a insta 360 one our camera ace mini tripod and an invisible selfie stick for every effect there's a short tutorial telling you exactly how to shoot on what to do if you shoot in the way that it describes then all you need to do is select the effect and it will automatically be created in the app now I'm going to try every single one of these and see one how easy they are to actually shoot how easy they are to edit and if they actually work and if they're actually worth using now let's start with the first one on the list and that is clone trail this is the newest effect added recently to the Institut 61 our app and this is actually my favorite effect and it's the easiest one to create I'm not like I said I'm not going to go into huge detail about how to shoot these effects because the app literally describes in much better detail than I would with a video tutorial for every single effect so I'm just gonna go into actually editing it showing you exactly how it's done and whether it turns out well all you need to do is select the relevant shot that you want to create this effect for so that will be this one for me the first thing you need to do for clone trail is use the insta 360 one our apps really awesome a tracking feature which basically tracks you as you move around so this tells the app where you're going to be and it will allow the camera to follow you and then the camera will create these clones in the direction that you're moving so once you've done that you just need to tap on yourself and it will automatically track you I think this is a really awesome a feature of this app I select the clone density and that's basically how often these clones appears you can go into reverse if you prefer so that would mean basically you running into your clones as opposed to the other way round and you can also adjust the speed now this effect is actually really awesome I think it's very easy to create very easy for Instagram and tik-tok and that kind of thing it's a very cool effect everyone's asking me how I do it from people who don't know 360 cameras so this is something you should definitely try [Music] okay the next effect is spin view now this is essentially animating a 360 photo this was possible in the previous version of the one-hour app and it was also possible with the insta 360 1x so all you need to do is select a photo that you want to animate and select exactly how you want to animate it there are some built-in presets depending on what the images are so it could be of plant it could be a selfie it could be a group shot all around the camera you just need to select one that's most relevant to you this again is a really easy effect if you want to animate your photos again you could be great for Instagram and great for social media and it works every single time now on to the next effect which is parallel planet this is a kind of odd one I don't see the point in it that much it's kind of like a little tiny planet I'm sure if you've used 360 cameras before you know what a tiny planet is it's like an animated tiny planet with kind of a reverse tiny planet in the middle I guess it's just trying to create some kind of wormhole effect all it involves is basically you putting the camera on the ground on a very short tripod and then running around it and that's the kind of shot you want to shoot and then select that shot but and it will automatically create the relevant video again this effect works pretty much every time I've tried it as long as you shoot in the correct way make sure you are about two meters away from the camera when you're walking around it it's really easy to do and I guess it works every single time okay on to the next shot lab effect which is stop-motion so this is obviously trying to emulate the stop-motion shooting style which would require a lot of effort and a lot of moving shooting moving shooting where this is all done using one video now this is also slightly harder to shoot you need to hold the camera in a certain position that it's showing your whole body you need to walk in pretty much a straight line there are some tricks to it I have found it doesn't every single time with me in fact I only managed to get one or two shots where it worked for more than about 10 seconds but if you do manage to at position the camera correctly then the app will detect your motion and it will create this stop motion effect where it kind of looks like you're floating on the ground I mean it's kind of a unique effects I guess it looks quite cool again a little bit gimmicky I only managed to get about eight or so seconds of footage so maybe that's my fault but it does require a little bit of practice the next effect is dolly zoom to shoot this kind of video all you need to do is find something that's quite prominent a prominent object or a person with a lot of a clear space and background behind it then you essentially just go very close up to it and then walk backwards for about 10 seconds keeping the camera facing that object when you select that shot you can either select a person you can free select an object or it will automatically detect a face then it will create this dolly zoom effect which does work really well this is one effect that I think is really cool and one of my favourite ones [Music] the next effect is auto timeshift this fast motion effect which almost looks like it's shot with multiple cameras or like a film crew or something I think it's really awesome the auto time shift is supposed to make it a lot easier to create these kind of videos by automatically detecting the most interesting parts of the video so when you select the relevant clip that you've shot for a time shift it will apply fast motion slow motion it will move the camera automatically it will try and select things that it thinks are prominent in your video but if you're honest I think it's always going to be easier for you to select the best bits of your video rather than AI do it itself if you just wanted some quick videos then this would be an awesome way to do that but I think that creating your time shift manually is always going to look better [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so I did say that I was gonna try every single effect in shot lamp but that was a little bit of a lie because I didn't try the bullet time mix mostly because I don't have the relevant selfie stick for it also I just really don't like bullet times I know this is something that some people like to do I just think it looks kind of weird and I really don't like spinning my camera around in the middle of various places in the city I live in and I'm also not able to do star lamps because again I live in a big city I was shooting in the day I would actually have to travel about four hours into the middle of nowhere to be able to do this but I did try everything else so let's go on to the last few effects the second-to-last being jump planet which is actually a really awesome looking effect I can see this being pretty popular on social media and especially for like travel videos you could literally pretend like you're jumping from one place to another once you've shot all of the clips that you need for this effect select them in the app the app will then analyze them and try and see if they're possible to create this effect using those clips even if you film correctly sometimes the app for some reason doesn't quite detect that you've done those jumps and it will say it's not possible so I would suggest doing more than what you need so that you can create the effect but if you do get it right and the app can work it out then the effect looks pretty cool I think you'll agree here it worked quite well and yeah I mean it's not perfect sometimes it doesn't quite get the landing with the effect of changing locations but to be honest for a simple free effect that just requires a few Clips I think it works pretty well [Music] now onto time flip which is again another quite interesting effect especially for traveling travel vlogs it will be a great b-roll if you wanted to show some awesome places you've been to this does require some pretty specific filming motions you need that invisible selfie stick you need to be against a flat surface you need to spin the camera around in front of you again the app will show you exactly what you need to do again this is another thing where you're going to probably need to do more than what it requires because sometimes it doesn't detect that you've done it right even if you do think you've done it right sometimes the app will say it can't detect it so make sure you do more than what you need so that the app has enough to work with once you go into the app and use the effect and select the relevant Clips then it's pretty easy to create you can select the order that they go in and then it will automatically generate the effect might be a little bit gimmicky after a few goes but for social media for b-roll I think it works really well this is one of the harder ones to shoot and again one of the harder ones to edit because it won't always detect the effect has worked okay the final effect is role planet which is pretty much the same as one of the other ones that I showed you the parallel planet you shoot in exactly the same way and it's almost the same effect but it doesn't have this weird thing in the middle so again all we need to do is select a clip where you have walked around your camera in a kind of circular motion and it will create this tiny planet effect where it will roll the planet around people seem to like these once they see it for the first time and then it gets a bit boring after that so yeah I'd use it sparingly but it works every single time it's a very simple effect and the app automatically does it so guys that's it I hope you found that useful that is every effect in the shot lab and from what I can tell they all work pretty well as long as you shoot in the way that it describes let me know what your favorite effect is let me know which one you would be trying the most I think this is one of the cool things about this camera it does provide some fun kind of shooting modes he doesn't have to be always complicated it is all automatic so it doesn't work 100% of the time maybe 80% if you take into consideration all of the effects but that's pretty good for a free app and it does add some value to the camera if you didn't have the insta 360 1r and this video has it maybe convinced you to try it out or buy it then is actually on sale now so check the link in the description and you should be able to see that is about 10% off of the usual price should you get the camera just because of these no because it's some of them are a bit gimmicky and some of them are a bit repetitive but all-in-all I think it's a decent job from instance 360 and it does kind of put them ahead of the competition okay guys that is it I hope you've enjoyed that and if you want some more tutorials and some more 360 camera contents then subscribe because I will be bringing you much more check out my Instagram to see some of these effects in action in the future I've shot a lot more when I was out shooting these so you can see some of the my favorite ones on my Instagram but until next time I will see you around bye
Channel: The 360 Guy
Views: 13,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: insta360 one r, insta360 one r shot lab, insta360 one r shooting modes, insta360 one r shots, insta360 one r clone, insta360 one r clone trail, shadow clone insta360 one r, insta360 one r jump planet
Id: iwzuxWVBsIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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