How to Edit a Video Podcast in Davinci Resolve | Audio Syncing, EQ & Compression | Color Correction

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hello and welcome this is how I edit our podcast from top to bottom uh first things first I've got an SD card from the camcorder I can talk about pre-production stuff in a separate video if anyone would like to see it we do a fairly budget friendly setup I'm going to take the SD card I have an SD USB converter so I'm going to plug that into the computer and here's my SD card these are the files I want so the first thing I'm going to do this is DaVinci Resolve I use this as my video editor I'm going to start an Untitled project it's a great video editor if you're on PC or Mac it's very powerful it's a little demanding on your system if you don't have like a super good computer if you have a really old or weaker computer maybe try cap cut is a good program but I like DaVinci Resolve for PC and Mac it runs pretty well too if you're on a Mac and you can't do DaVinci Resolve iMovie is great if you're on mobile cap cut is is good I shot is good too a lot of options for video editing but here we are individual resolve I'm going to go to the edit tab which is what you'd see if you were in a video editor of of any kind really this they're all going to kind of look like this where you've got a timeline here a media pool stuffer effects and things an inspector and a window for your footage and whatnot so I'm going to go into file import and I'm going to import my media off of the SD card I'm not going to bother copying it to my machine and working off of my machine you can work straight off of your SD card if you want dsim is the folder that the the camera makes on your SD card here's the file I'm going to open that it's going to ask me to change the frame rate so I'm going to drag that onto my timeline and that is the start of the project here next thing I'm going to do is import my I could have done this all at once but I'm doing it separately just for the sake of demonstration I'm going to pull my audio files in these are captured separately on a MacBook just off camera during the filming process they're typed in from a USB interface through microphones like you're seeing right here but now I've got my audio here this is my audio track and I'm going to pull that into the timeline this is Felicia's audio track we're going to drag them in and now I've got our good audio tracks and um this is the video track from the camera and this is the audio track from the camera I have a mic on the camera but it's just for backup and syncing and stuff so before I do anything what I like to do is color correction you don't need to do this it's totally extra it'll make it look a little nicer um every video editor is going to have a color correction tab I don't know if you can tell but the image on the video it comes in a little warm and you can see that it's warm and by warm I mean it's a little more red than it should be I've got what I like to use for this is an RGB parade red green blue parade and it shows where the levels are for all the colors color correction is its own thing don't worry about it if you don't want to do this I don't know that much about it but I know enough to make it look a little better so here's all I do I want to bring the blue up and the red down now you can do that manually with the color wheels over here so what I like to do instead is I drag this temp slider and this will leave the green pretty much where it's at but it'll bring the blue and the red up you can't see the blue I'm going to move myself so there's the blue what I did was drag the temp slider and here's where it starts for this video for this file and I'm just going to bring it so the blue is higher and the red is lower and they're all about even there's my color correction in a nutshell it it cools off the image a little bit the only other thing I'm going to do is I'm going to bring the um the darks a little lower here and uh the brights a little higher and I'm going to boost the saturation a little and I like that that looks good to me back over to the edit tab here I'm going to make myself a little smaller there we go okay so color correction is done all the files are in now I have to start editing the video itself so what I'm going to do is I'm going to look for a point where it looks like everything is sort of the same so the video and the audio started recording at different times but I'm looking at the waveforms and these two match so this is us talking all right so there's the start of the episode itself it's out of sync right now we're going to fix that first thing I'm going to do is cut out all the crap I don't want and DaVinci Resolve you can highlight everything and hit Ctrl B it'll cut where the header is I'm going to highlight that stuff hit the delete key it's going to suck everything back to the beginning of the project now I'm going to zoom in and just manually sort of trim and sync things I'm going to trim these back and bring them over so now I've got this is the camera mic and this is my microphone now listen to the difference between the quality of the two of them hello and welcome to the my dietitian Journey podcast my name is Adam your co-host and uh here's the microphone hello and welcome to the my dietitian Journey podcast my name is Adam that's why I do things the way I do the room noise the echo the camera mic's not gonna sound good but these microphones they do sound good isolating the audio alright so I need to sync things up and make them look and sound like they're together and uh one thing you run into sometimes when you have a really long file like this you'll get audio drift and here's what that looks like so everything about the specific forms of it but is together right now there's there's the camera mic in my mic if you want to talk about some of the why and at the end huge DeLay So All I'm gonna do is every six or eight minutes I'm gonna bring them together again it's it's audio drift I'm not exactly sure why it happens but it's just something that happens and it takes like a minute or two to correct it so all I do to correct that is um I have everything is synced up at the beginning hello and welcome so that's synced but I'm gonna I'll cut the very beginning out here and delete all right hello and welcome to the mic there's the actual start of the podcast so I'm gonna go I'm gonna zoom out and go to about eight minutes in and just find a point to jump in and correct which will so you'll you'll hear the echo here a little bit so if they're going to do that very subtle Echo but I'm gonna correct it and you can see that these aren't lined up anymore that's kind of what I'm looking for so I'm going to highlight just these two audio tracks Ctrl B is going to cut you could also use the cut tool here every audio editor is going to have a way to cut footage there'll be a hotkey or a uh a mouse option for that so I'm going to cut there and then drag these over and line them up so that they look good together and now they're going to sound in sync so if they're going to do an there's no Echo it's not perfect but she's speaking in sync with the audio now I do it every eight minutes or so every eight to ten minutes so I'm just gonna cut back when I've finished doing that throughout okay we're all synced up I made a few Cuts in a few different places you can see where the cuts are in the audio tracks everything's synced up I'm happy with it this is the end of the podcast recording itself uh one thing I'll do right now is highlight everything I'm happy with this end point control B I'm going to get rid of this stuff and that's the whole file so one thing that I do because I'm super lazy is I pull a still from the video and I make the thumbnail in my video editor instead of doing a full-blown thumbnail and an image editor it's a lot of work I use for for editing images but um you can just grab a still from your video and use that instead so that's generally what I'll do but the first thing I'm going to do before I do that I pulled my Steel I'll get back to that later I'm in the audio editing portion of our podcast and this is another thing that you don't have to do especially if you're recording into good microphones and you've got your pre-production stuff dialed in I'll talk about that in another video if anyone cares to see what I do but one thing I do is because I have a background in music and audio I I know how to do some of this stuff too so first I'm going to take this is my audio track I'm going to name it Adam this is Felicia's track I'll name it Felicia so one thing I'll do is I'll look and see where I'm bouncing around at in the um you don't need to see that so this meter over here on the right side if I hit play my dietitian Journey podcast my name is Adam your co-host and producer with me of course Felicia that's not bad I'm bouncing around between like minus six and uh minus three decibels that's kind of where I want to be you don't want to be at zero you don't want to be peaking your audio that's where you lose data and it sounds bad you get some Distortion so I'm pretty happy with the levels here so I'm Gonna Leave the volume alone but what I'm going to do is I'm I'm going to instead go into Dynamics and we can do some things in here the main thing I'm going to do is compression I'm going to add some compression that's going to bring the quiet stuff up and the loud stuff down kind of squeeze everything together make it sound a little more even I have Felicia in my track separately so I edit them separately because uh male voice female voice come in a little a little different the frequencies are a little different so certain things matter if you just want the quick and dirty for audio compression if you're just talking it's a four to one ratio is good that's typically what I stick to at the advice of some stuff I found on YouTube it works it's good so then I'll I'll bring it up a little bit Mr Peraza of Peraza nutrition and my dietitian Journey Vapes so the quiet stuff's a little louder the last stuff's a little quieter and everything sounds a little more even I'm happy with that I'll leave that for now fortune links to the socials in the description yeah I'm still bouncing around at minus five I'll bring it up a little bit a little bit more so I'm adding 5.6 in my makeup gain over here on this knob every video editor is going to have a version of this contained within it that's my compression done I'm going to go into my EQ I'm going to roll off the ends basically the low frequencies and high frequencies I'm going to chop them off and um you know you could leave it there if you want but what I do is um well the easy way is just to scoop the mids just a little bit and this is just going to make it sound a little better hello and welcome to the my dietitian Journey podcast my name is Adam your co-host I'm produced it's a subtle difference um you know if you really want to go at it what you can do is turn your Q factors up on here if you're not using DaVinci I don't know what this looks like frankly but I can sweep the audio to pull out some some bad frequencies with me of course Felicia Peraza of Peraza nutrition and my dietitian Journey Fame and Fortune links to the socials in the description we're going to get into some stuff a little different I'm looking for like a harsh sound that I want to pull out basically but this time we're focusing more we're circling back to our I don't like that that's really whistly what we're talking about not good so I'm going to pull that out by like minus six just to get a little bit of it out of there they do this this is something people do in movies when they're when they're editing um uh audio for like a movie they'll pull out they'll sweep the audio and pull out some bad frequencies um this is a little extra if you don't want to do it I I totally understand so there's another one that I don't like of course Felicia Peraza of this sounds harsh I'm gonna pull it out a little bit it's hard to hear the difference but when you're listening to audio for 10 20 30 40 minutes and you're hearing like harsh audio you end up getting something kind of like hearing fatigue or listening fatigue where you don't want to listen to it anymore if it's not well produced it can fatigue your ears so I'm trying to avoid doing that to people if they're listening to our podcast for like you know a half hour plus or whatever that's why I'm doing this I just want it to sound a little nicer on the ear I'm also going to add a a de-esser which is going to take some of the sibilance off that kind of sound on the s's in the DS that's why it's focusing called a de-esser so it's going back to Our Roots you can see the reduction happening here you know how to be a dietitian in the practice so so on sh and it's pulling some of that off so I'm gonna put that in there so I've got a de-ester I've got my compression I've got my EQ here that's all I'm going to do for mine and I'm going to do the same thing on Felicia's track and then on the the main output all I'm going to do is get in and add a limiter and then I'm going to bring that to a ceiling of -3 so that the audio can't go beyond -3 that way I don't run the risk of anything peeking out and uh being too loud and distorting the Audio I kind of look at mentioned that with a lot of money there's felicious compression there I have them do like a seven day lock same thing I usually have her come in a little hotter so she's a little louder to begin with then I edit her down in a very similar way to the way I edit mine if you're gonna do this sweeping the audio thing you want to leave this area alone that's like your money frequency that's the bulk of the good sound of the voice coming in around here so try to stay away from like you know 50 to 500 I guess go beyond that like eight hundred a thousand two thousand and so on if you're gonna pull any frequencies out you don't want to pull the good stuff out so that's the last one I'll pull out you know if you want it to be just quick and dirty with this sort of thing you could just take one of these and just pull out like a big section right here they call it scooping the mids and it's effectively the same thing I'm just being a little more precise with doing that that's all same de-esser be important in terms of like how frequent their meals are throughout the day taking off for the S's and whatnot this is all extra if you don't want to do it don't worry about it so the audio's done I'm happy with that from here all this left is to export the file I'll export the video file call it self monitoring and then export it to my desktop frame rate 24 that's a good frame rate for just people talking that's the frame rate if you watch movies or whatever that's the frame rate usually I'll export it as a video but I'm also going to export it without the video Audio Only as an MP3 and that's what I'll use for the podcast I'll add that to the render queue also and uh that's it I hit export upload to Youtube and that's the whole editing process for our podcast so any questions concerns feel free to leave a comment below thanks for watching
Channel: My Dietitian Journey
Views: 3,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to edit podcast, how to edit a podcast, podcast editing, edit podcast davinci, edit podcast davinci resolve, edit video podcast, audio editing, audio edit podcast, how to edit a video podcast, video podcast editing, video editing podcast
Id: hCSdaxjtG54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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