DaVinci Resolve 18.6 - Beginners Tutorial Easy Video Editing

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hey there and welcome back to my channel after watching this video you will be able to work with the Venture resolve you will be able to import your files edit your footage use some useful tools to enhance your videos with outof the boox transitions add text to your videos or stabilize your videos using the Venture resolves built-in warp stabilizer after finishing your edit I will show you how to export your Masterpiece so that you can create a video like this [Music] so we are now at tart shim so the Vienna soup and let's check out the [Music] Penguin and now we're heading to the [Music] wolves [Music] and now let's go up to the Tree Tops this bridge is swinging a lot here in the background you can also see the scho shampon so the castle [Music] shampon [Music] [Music] all right that's all for today see you well today I will invite you to a journey to provide a beginnner introduction to the Vinci resolve 18 the video you saw in the introduction is the outcome of this tutorial and we will be creating it together as usual a short disclaimer this video is not sponsored I've been using the vinture resol for over 4 years and it's simply my tool of choice one of the reason is the availability of a very powerful free version and speaking of free this video is totally free but if it helps you I would greatly appreciate your likes and the subscription to this channel thank you so much so before we start I will just give you a note on this video it is really aimed at beginners which means I won't be explaining complicated things like shortcuts complex Fusion techniques and the like my goal is to help someone who has never worked with the program to edit the first video and Export it of course I will explain things like frame rates and what you need to consider when shooting so you don't encounter problems during post production unlike photos which can be captured in raw where you can save all attributes in the file and change them later it's not so simple with videos therefore it's advisable to familiarize yourself with the exposure clure triangle beforehand so that you can use the right settings during the recordings in this video I've presented exactly that take a look I think it's worth it that you don't open the tool and later wonder why the video files aren't as editable as you want them to be okay without further Ado let's get started all right we will go with the VCI resolve as I already mentioned it is a software developed by the company black magic design known for their Cinema cameras the software is used for both private users and film companies long story short the free version is completely sufficient for beginners I used it for over 3 years and bought finally the studio Edition for our needs it doesn't matter which version you are using both provide us with the features we need for exactly this tutorial on this side you can download your copy of DCI resolve the free version fill out the needed details and then download it from the link you will receive then installation should be very easy after that we can start the program after a brief loading sequence your project window will automatically appear where you can select your projects for our reasons I think the local ones are enough we don't need the network stuff and we also don't need to do anything in the cloud means we will go to titled project because we want the new one let's double click and let's open it all right now we are in the main window of the V resolve before we do anything here we will check out the prese settings we need that we do not see any warning popups what does this means we click on file here then we click on Project settings and then we have to take care of two sections beforehand the first one is the timeline resolution at the moment it's here pre-selected in HD so full HD my videos are recorded in 4k so I have to switch to Ultra HD means 4kk resolution the next point is the timeline frame rate it's here on 24 you can select a bunch of different timeline frame rates but in the end I use 25 because this is the normal one I use in my videos all right the other things can be as it is and so we go to save and click save and then my settings are pre-selected after that we need to import our videos and audio files we want to use during our editing process from a folder so as I already mentioned I copied the files to my external hard drive and I will work with these files so alt together I will select all of them so I move my mouse here these are 75 elements most of them are videos I have just one audio file and we'll just simply drag and drop it from here to the vure resolve then it loads a little bit and after this process you can see that all the videos I need are already here in my cut window preview we could use the cut view but honestly I never use it I will skip this part and I jump directly to edit for the beginners tutorial especially I will just work in the edit menu point and then I will jump to the deliver one I you can ignore first the media the cut the fusion the color and the fair light we're just working in the edit all right we're here now as you can see you see your preview of the videos as well so you have here pre-select that your whole videos you need and you can add to your timeline speaking of the timeline your timeline is down below is here it is split up between video and audio let me show you what this means when I take my first video clip here I simply drag and drop it here down below and then you will see here the video a preview window and here down below you see the video section and the audio section which is connected to the video means I can take this now and I can move it around and the audio sticks directly to the video so this is our main working area I would say you can also scale this part a little bit that you have more space here and you can also move this up and down if you want to work more in the audio section or here in the video section so we have now our first video so we can watch this we can use this um timeline to scroll through the video very quickly or we can just simply press the play button and then you can see the video as well hearing also the sound of the video and for this video I don't need any sounds okay I already draged this little line down to zero means there is no audio anymore and when you want to check the audio you can see here the audio levels on the right side so it's always useful when you have activated this mixer feature that you can see your audio levels normally I try that the Audio Level will be between - 10 minus5 so most of the time it should not go over this minus5 otherwise the sound Clips all right so I have now my first video this is the video section when I select my video now I can use a lot of tools in my inspector section here in the right upper corner so video is selected I have the inspector right on and here you can use your video related attributes and you can manipulate them if you want to zoom in into the video you can simply go here and zoom in and it stays like this or you want to move your position of the video you can move it here with X and Y to the left or to the right you can also rotate your video here and adapt it and you can also pitch it so everything is possible here you can could also flip it if you want so you don't see much here when I flip it horizontally then yes okay but I will reset everything you can do this here with this rounded Arrow so now let's go to the video I want to cut the video a little bit because I'm not quite satisfied how I recorded it so maybe I want a little bit of this Fountain this looks nice okay but not the whole beginning so I will drag this to this side a little bit you can always drag it and shorten it and then I will move the whole video clip including the audio to the beginning again so I go to the beginning of the video and I press my play button this is enough so this movement is too much so I will do a cut right before the movement means for that this is the selection tool the selection mode where I can select something but nothing happens I can just drag and drop and then there are several other tools I will just use for this video the blade edit mode means I use this and where I want to cut it I use this razor plate to cut my video file then I go back to the selection mode all right so I will also get rid of this part I don't like this one then there is a zoom out I also want to prevent this and I think I want to have a little bit of this section when I now press play and that's enough so this is enough for me but as you can see this one is a little bit shaky but the second one shakes a lot what we have to do is to stabilize now footage a little bit means we select the first clip then we go to our inspector again and then we scroll down and there is the section stabilization you click on it and then you have a predefined cropping ratio smooth range I think for our purpose it will stay like this and also the perspective is for us enough if it doesn't work you can jump to the other mode maybe this works better then but the perspective is the one I use 80% of the time and it should work very well let's press stabilize it will calculate a little bit as you can see it zoomed in a little bit and now I press play and it shouldn't be that shaky okay the first one is good the second one is still shaky we will just do the same on the second clip select it check the stabilization section and press the stabilize button all right now let's see if it's more stable than before yes and also the second one is not so shaky anymore that's great all right let's continue with the next one when you select the next clip and double click it it will be shown here in the preview window as well this is always a good filler b-roll stuff this shows how I walk into the park so in this video as you already have seen in the beginning we made a trip to the Sue in Vienna and for sure I want to show you as well a little bit of a b-roll so I move this down it's too long so it gets boring if it's too long so I will just use a smaller part out of it let's start here and I think 2 seconds and 20 milliseconds are enough so I put this here I don't need really the sound here and then I go to the first one and check this out how this looks like we have the fountain then we have this section and we go to the next place but to be honest I think it's still too long I will shorten it a little bit to two seconds and we should be fine good perfect so speaking of boring at the moment there is not really a sound in this video so let's add some music to make it more Dynamic I would say and for that reasons I already downloaded a nice sound from epic Dynamic Sound I have been using now for years I paid for it it's not sponsored but I just um searched for a suitable one what I think fits the most to this video and then I will just drag and drop it here in the next audio section most of the time the audios from the epidemic sound webs a little bit too loud so I can show you right now and here you can already see it's over minus5 and this is the silent part so when we just jump to another section here you you see it will scratch here on the top and this is too loud means normally I try to reduce the sound volume a little bit speaking of sound I just hear it uh very quiet out of my headphones so I will use them all right so let's see how loud it is I think that's fine let's I think it's still too loud so let's move it down to yeah minus 13 I think this should be okay all right now we have added a little bit of sound as you already heard and I want to introduce you where I am so I also use this video here to add it as the next one but in this case I need sound so when I now show you how it sounds like so we are now at T G Chon so the the sou and let's check out the Penguins okay first of all I think um my movements in the beginning and in the end is too much so it's just the beginning and end so I will cut here down a little bit then I will move the whole clip to the next one and in the end I will also reduce it after the penguin session here thumbs up that's okay and then I will stop here all right here you can see that the sound immediately starts so when I press play here now so we are now at T sh so the the just jumps to the audio from this video because in the previous video there was no audio at all so you can use this little Point here and you can move this simply in this direction so you have a fade in of this audio let's try it again so we are now at tar Gart Vienna Su and let's Che as I'm talking I want to raise my voice a little bit here and I want to move the audio of the music a little bit down then you can hear me better so I will do this cut as I did before here let me select the razor tool I do a cut here and a cut in the end of this Penguin part so I will go back to the selection tool and then I will lower here as well it to let's say 24 is a good value when I'm talking the music still plays and here in the beginning I will do a small Fade Out and here again a small fade in so let's see and hear how it sounds and it looks like so we are now at T Chon so the Vienna sou and let's check out the Penguins maybe this is not perfect because there is too long of a break so means I will move my finger here up I will cut this as well a little bit and then before I say something I will just remove this part in removing you can just click delete and it will be removed so and let's check out the Penguins I think this works better all right the beginning is already made and I check just which scene I want this is quite nice where to move away I will reduce the sound a little bit because I this has no sound I will also fade this out and then we have this okay then I will do a cut here and then I can remember they jumped into the water I will have this as well here as my next scene that it's not too long and [Music] yes and for the next scene I will check that some of them go out of the water again and just reduce it a little bit in the end so that it looks like [Music] this good okay so then we have the description here of the Penguins so so basically it's always good to have more footage as needed in the end so um I will just add the next part because it shouldn't be too long this video so I will insert myself with my point that we go to the wolf I think I say here and I will also yeah raise this a little bit from audio from audio side and then I will do the same because I already know I will cut here and here and I will lower here this audio again to 24 I will do a fade out of the previous a fade in of the next one and also here a fade in of my voice and a fade out that it sounds like this and now we're heading to the wol nice one okay then I have several Wolf videos so I will check out a nice scene where this wolf is standing here here up but I keep it very short so let's just put it on 2 seconds after that I want some moving pcks from the Wolves a closer shot here and you also should uh take care of the sound so when the sound changes you should do a cut that it is a flow you know okay here a small one where I just try to capture a little bit the Sun what I forgot to tell you beforehand we should also save our project because we have still an Untitled project here means we click on file then we go save project s and we insert here this name Sue test project and then we click save so it's now saved in our project list we have here the Sue test project and it will be shown here as you see it so what's maybe important also to to mention you can hear the length of the timeline here so very often you need this that you can see how long the project already is to get an better overview I will now speeden up this part and I will come back to you when I'm ready and when it's [Music] done all right good I think that's all so I have my two it's a 2 minute video um it's done but the only thing what I think is missing are the transitions so in the beginning there is a too hard jump into the video so what we do is go here to this section video Transitions and we have additive resolve here you can see if you add this there will be a smooth transition to the next one if there is no video before that video it will use just a black fading from black to the video sequence so I will try it out now I will put it here and then you can see when I start the video it fades from black to the video I think here we don't need a transition because this is fine but from here to the foot steps let's add a blur disolve and it looks like this so we are now at so footsteps to the talking head from me for the introduction can stay like this this is personal taste I like it also here check out the penguin this is also fine and here we need also a transition I would say but I will do this one which Fades directly from one picture in the next one let's do this and you can all so in that case let's see and now we're heading to the wol ah for my taste it's a it is a little bit too long so I can press down hold this and shorten this transition a little bit so let's see how it looks like now and now perfect yeah this is a complete different topic so I will go also here with the yeah let's see I think a cross dis dissolve could be fine also not so long let's press play yeah this looks good then the rabbit the second [Music] one perfect I think that's fine I think we can go with this video so this is really the basic one the only thing what I just wanted to add because you don't know where we are is adding a text so where do we add a descriptions in the beginning here there's the fit in then there is this one and I want to add the text here in this section here down in this area here in the left um bottom corner and for that I will switch to titles I will go with the normal text one I move this via drag and drop to the video line and now you can see it's all over it so you can do the same as you did with the video you can drag and drop it right here and then you can shorten it to this oh let's go a little a step further okay so means you have here this one and then you have a basic title okay so this basic title should also fade in and fade out so you can also use your video transition as you did on the single video also on your text so you go to video transition add the first one to fade in shorten it a little bit and then to fade out and align with the Fade Out of the video so it should look great the next step is we want to put in a title so we go to video here so back to our inspector section and we select the title and here you can enter your title and we want to enter Su sorry Su vien sh and we don't want to have it in the middle of the picture because I don't like it here so we can go down a little bit we can reduce the size then we can maybe switch switch to a nicer font family let's figure out one I think I think this is a standard one let's go with a standard one let's go with the open sense extra Bol one I think everyone of you should have installed it and then we go down below to our position and then we positioning it here and move it via the Y value to the bottom I think this should be fine all right so that's it I think this was how you add a text let's check it out if it works yeah and now it disappears with the next fading out of the video well done the next step is to export our video for this we will go to the last one to the deliver part and here you see every single video clip in a row and the finished video here down below and what we have to do is simply give our video the name so we enter here Su vien sh Bon so I will save it here from now on my desktop let's click save so my location will be the desktop suvana I don't like the quick time to be honest because I'm working on a Windows machine I use MP4 then the codec is fine encoder is also fine as I use ultra HD means 4K and 25 frames I will go not with the best quality because there want also to save a little bit of space so I will restrict it to 50,000 50,000 is by the way also the value I use for my 4K videos for YouTube upload but it works also fine if you watch it on the PC or on the TV set so 50,000 is sufficient at least for me so this works fine so then I go down here I can keep it as it is and we are good to go just add to render queue we have it here now in this we have the first job and then let's render [Music] it the job is done perfect and now we can close the whole program and you see on the desktop there is my suven shamun movie we just created I do a right click I go to my attributes and I see here I rendered it in 4k with the bit rate I wanted approximately 50,000 it's 25 pictures per second so the same FPS I recorded my video files and the audio bit rate is 256 and stereo and we have it mean we can open it and it should play properly here okay that was our video and I hope this little tutorial helped you in creating your next video with the VCI resolve as always you will find all the links to the mentioned tools website Etc in the description down below I would greatly appreciate a like and a subscription as it helps the channel to grow as always if you want to see more videos from me just stay tuned and check out the next one here or here yeah thanks again for watching and all the best until the next video take care bye-bye
Channel: Christian Eggbauer's Camera Experience
Views: 35,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 18, davinci resolve 18.6, Beginner, Easy, Tutorial, No prior video editing experience, Quick, Learn, How to, Produce your own film, Film, Clip, Cut, Application, Windows 11, Windows, Windows Laptop, Quick Tutorial, Beginner Tutorial, Epidemic Sound, Sound, Music Editing, Sound Effects, Film editing program, Editing, Edit, Timeline, Transitions, Textanimation, Animation, Effects, Movie, 4k, HD, davinci resolve tutorial for beginners, editing
Id: DLb1CyVxvFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 43sec (1843 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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