Multicam Masterclass | how to Edit with Multiple camera angles in DaVinci Resolve 18

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recording with multiple cameras at the same time or even phones is a great way to spice up your videos and also avoid those nasty jump Cuts like those ones by the end of this video you'll know how stupidly easy it is to edit with multiple camera angles in resolve so here in resolve we've got these three video files these are all from three different camera angles this one is from an a7s3 this one is from a phone and this one is from an a7r4 so we could go and edit each of these video files separately and chop out the bits we want to create a kind of multi-camera edit but that's going to be super tedious really error prone and it's going to make you not want to bother instead we can actually go and create a multi-cam sequence which is going to make things so much easier so once you've got all of your video files from the different cameras select them all and then right click and come to this option create new MultiCam clip using selected Clips click that and then you get this dialog box if you want your starting time code to start at zero rather than one hour you can change it here and you can also give the new clip that this is going to create a specific name in this case we'll just call it demo multicam you can choose a specific frame rate and then you have this angle sync drop down there's a few different ways that you can sync up the different video files so that when you make edits it's editing in the same place that'll make sense in just a minute if you're using professional equipment that you set up time codes for then you can use this time code option if you know that all of the clips start at exactly the same time or at a specific endpoint you can choose in or out or you can manually set up markers on the individual clips that are going to be used as the sync point however the easiest way is to first of all make sure you're recording sound on all of the cameras and then select this sound option from the drop down when you choose to sync up all of the angles by sound what resolve is going to do is it's going to look at all of the audio in the separate video files and look for the common points and then kind of mesh them all together or merge them over the top of each other so that the same audio is always going to be at the same point in the edited timeline next you get to choose how the individual angles are going to be named when it comes to editing the multicam sequence choosing sequential for the angle name is fine and it'll basically just give you a number camera one two three as you're editing a multi-camera sequence however it's not very descriptive and you're constantly thinking about oh which sequential number is to which camera I'll show you a better way to create your multicam sequence later that's going to actually let you choose the names for the camera angle if you want to you can also choose the clip name for the camera angle or the file name we'll just leave this at sequential this tick box will automatically move any of the source clips that we've selected to a new bin that it will create called Original Clips I'll show you what this does but if you want to leave the original Clips in the same place make sure this is not ticked then simply go and hit create and you can see that resolve analyzed all of the content it's created this new demo multicam clip and it's moved all of the original Three clips into this original Clips bin now we've got this multicam clip which contains all of the synchronized video files we can go and just edit it like any other clip so if you have a timeline created already you could just drag this into the timeline or just simply right click and choose create new timeline using selected Clips give the timeline a name and then hit create once we've created the timeline we can close the media pool and notice down here that we've got this clip in the timeline the first thing you're going to want to do is come up to the right here and click this button so we can see the dual view on the right hand side is the timeline that we're editing and on the left is the source you need to come down to this drop down come down to multicam and select it and when we do this notice now we can see all of the synced camera angles just going to find where I want this edit to start and then just trim the start and trim the end and zoom in at the minute this timeline is starting using angle one which is actually the phone that I had down there on the desktop I don't want to start with angle one I actually want to start with angle three here if you want to change the angle of an existing clip on the timeline right click on the video come up to this switch multi-cam clip angle and choose the angle you want in this case angle three notice again that we're just working with sequential angle numbers here which is a bit annoying we'll fix that in a minute so I'm going to choose angle 3 great watch what happens in the main view here now we've switched to exactly the same point in time but now we're looking at the a7s3 camera so now we've set our starting camera angle we want to switch between the different cameras at certain points one way to do that is to just position the playhead where you want to change the camera angle I just play a little bit of a spec so say it there we wanted to switch to angle two one way to do this is to come up to this multicam view hover over the angle you want to change to notice we get this little razor icon if we click this it's going to create a cut and then change the camera angle you can see now we've got this cut here if I play this back making better looking better sounding and better you can see that we cut between these two angles at this point you may have heard a difference in the audio there and that's because not only are we switching the video but also switching to the audio of the different cameras in most cases that's not what you want as it's going to sound pretty terrible you're normally going to have one camera that's going to be recording the best audio for example this demo sequence that we're working with the main camera was recording higher quality audio from this wireless microphone so we want to make sure even if we change the video angle we always want to be using the best sound which is usually going to be coming from One camera so what I'm going to do is I'm going to undo that with Ctrl Z and I'm going to click on the audio for this clip so not the blue but the green right click come to switch multicam clip angle and then choose where you want the audio to come from in this case the best audio is angle three because this microphone is wirelessly transmitting to the A7 S3 which is angle 3. when I do that watch what happens in the audio here it changes very slightly because it's a slightly different volume but if I go and switch to or two here Watch What Happens notice down here we've switched back to angle 2's audio which is definitely not what we want I'll just undo that that's where these three buttons here come in currently this button is highlighted which means that anytime we make a cut it's going to switch both the video and the audio if we want to just switch the audio we can use this button but in this case when we make a cut we just want to switch the video and not the audio so I'm going to change this by clicking on that button there and now if I make the cut again notice that we've changed from angle 3 to angle 2 here so now we're always going to use the audio from the best video file just undo that instead of clicking on each of these icons with this Razer tool whenever you want to make a changing camera angle you can actually just play it back and then use the number keys on the keyboard to change in real time let me show you what I mean so we'll just hit play and then every time I want to make a cut I'm going to hit one two or three on the keyboard is what this channel is all about if that's something that would be useful to you make sure you subscribe and hit that notification Bell and hopefully I'll see you in the next video so changing this in real time is a super simple and super quick way of quickly switching between those camera angles without having to manually create edit points and then manually choose each camera angle this can be a quicker workflow if you've got a lot of editing to do and maybe multiple takes or a lot of errors that you want to cut out you get to craft and refine the flow of the video first and then just worry about the camera angles later if we do that however what we're going to do is we'll just delete this demo timeline and this demo multi-clip sequence and we'll go and get the original Clips just move them up to this demo folder and then just remove this original Clips folder earlier in this video I said there was a better way to actually create the camera angles rather than just sequential numbers a great way to do that is to just come back to the media workspace here and you can see here our three video clips what you can do is right click on these column headers and this gives you all of the different metadata that you can display what you want to do is come up here and make sure you've got camera number selected I'll just tick that now you can see we've got this camera column if you click on one of these clips and then click in this camera number column you get to enter a custom camera number but it doesn't have to be a number you can actually use any text you want so in this case I'm just going to say side this is the phone that I had on the desktop so let's just call this phone and this is the a7r4 just call this front now we can once again create our multicam sequence by right clicking on all of the files choosing create new multicam clip using selected Clips give this a name once again we want to sync on the sound in the video files but this time for the angle name rather than sequential we're going to choose metadata camera that's going to use those camera numbers that we just entered this time I'm not going to move Source Clips to an original Clips bin so just click create now we have our demo multicam sequence let's go and create a new timeline from it click create and if we head over to the edit page chose the media pool once again we've got our starting clip notice this time however rather than a single sequential number we've actually got the name of the camera here camera up front we'll make sure we're in multicam View and now we can see that each of these angles is named front phone and side that just makes it a bit more intuitive when we're editing once again I'm going to select the audio that we want by right clicking on the audio and switching this to camera at side which has the best audio we've still got this button selected here so when we switch angles it's not going to switch the audio we'll just trim the start and also the end here so in this second editing workflow I'm going to edit the audio first and not really worried about the camera angle we'll just trim the start here so here we've got this pause what I'm going to do is just hit Ctrl B to add a cut use Ctrl shift left bracket to close that Gap a little bit and then just keep playing this back if that's something that would be useful another little pause here so once again I'm going to hit Ctrl B just scrub closer to the next bit close that Gap do the same here so now we've got things a bit tighter we can go and change the camera angles wherever we want so you can right click on the video and come to switch multi-cam clip angle and choose which one you want another way is to select the clip hold down control and shift and then use the left and right arrows on the keyboard so if I tap the right arrow Watch What Happens it switches from camera front to camera phone and if I hit the right arrow again with Ctrl and shift held down it switches to side and you can cycle through these angles by either using Ctrl shift left Arrow or Ctrl shift right arrow when I'm doing this notice what's happening in the clip cycling through all the different camera angles so let's start off with the side angle we can select the next clip and once again use Ctrl shift and left or right to change the angle tools we're just going to play this back and add some more edit points so you can see the process so we want to switch to the front camera there I'm going to hit Ctrl B and now what I need to do is hit shift V to select that clip and then hit Ctrl shift left Arrow right arrow let's check out that better looking better sounding and better so here I'm looking down at the phone on the desktop so we want to add another edit point there I can hit Ctrl B hit shift V to select that hit Ctrl shift and then switch to the phone on the desktop let's just review that better sounding and better editing so that cut was a little bit late what we can do is find where we actually want that to happen so probably we want to make the cut around there very simple to do that hover over the edit Point left click and then just drag maybe something like that let's review that and that's a lot cleaner don't forget to subscribe and hopefully I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Jason Roberts Video
Views: 43,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve for beginners, DaVinci Resolve Beginner Tutorial, Can you do multicam editing on DaVinci Resolve?, Does DaVinci Resolve support multicam?, How do I set up Multicam in DaVinci Resolve?, How do I sync multiple clips in DaVinci Resolve?, How To Do Multicam Editing In Davinci Resolve, Fast Multicam Editing in DaVinci Resolve, Resolve multicam tutorial, davinci resolve multicam shortcuts, davinci resolve multicam sync, Multicam DaVinci Resolve 18, davinci multicam
Id: b1v8o6Uc0bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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