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so up guys hope you all are doing well i am here with the man jay cutler he's on the wall and here he is in real life how you doing brother good man it's good to see you uh in my house i mean it is it's pretty pretty cool to have have your mural up on the wall huh yeah it's kind of crazy when i uh was coming over here to start training they said we have a big surprise for you and uh this is fit club las vegas you've migrated to vegas to come out to uh to see what it's like to come inside mr olympia's house and uh you know it's pretty cool that they dedicated this and uh it's really cool that we have the four-time world's strongest man in the house with the four-time mr olympia champion which is which is really cool and unique and uh you know we're going to do some little arm training today so you're going to run me through what you did for arm trading or similar for mr very similar and i think uh you know with your training you're gonna notice a little the difference so there's a little techniques and little tweaks that i'll kind of explain as i go through but you know i think we have a lot of similarities on the training the reps are a little different obviously the weights aren't as much as they used to be back when i was 300 pounds and i feel small standing next to you a little bit but uh you know we'll get it done and uh you know the whole goal is to get in the gym get as much blood in there as possible and uh you know have a great workout and get sore i love it well let's get started so we're gonna do uh we're gonna do some rope press down so we're always starting with triceps and uh what we're trying to do is just get the blood in there i always try to get my elbows warm and the reason i do triceps first is i always feel like when i have a good tricep pump as soon as i do the first set of biceps i got a huge pump there and so brian's over here chalking up we're getting ready for some rope press downs you don't chalk up not not so much man because the gyms the gyms don't allow that a lot so i mean that's the one thing about you know starting in your parents home in their basement and then you know moving over to your own gym you said you know you train at your own facilities like you can do whatever you want man you don't you want some no it's good you sure good i'm good it's good chop yeah it's good is this your own chalk it's not my own chalk but it's good okay oh that's nice see i knew i would get you to taco now we're ready to train let's go all right so what i'll normally do is i'm going to do um at least a field set so i i don't call things warm up because i feel like living in vegas like i come in the gym i'm kind of warm anyway but i'll get a feel of what the weight is now the unique thing that i do with the row press down okay our goal with this is you've seen this done and you've probably done these a million times but you know you come down and you kind of spread the rope at the bottom yeah uh but with this i'm gonna kneel on the floor okay because i don't sometimes i feel like i use a lot of body momentum if you're standing up yeah so i'll actually drop and we have a pad on the floor which okay most of the time i don't use a pad to be honest okay i'm just being nice about it with you so oh i feel like i feel like i'm okay with no pad if you're gonna say it like that so i'm gonna do the pad and i'm gonna push it away from it a little bit but i'm gonna focus doing around 12 to 15 reps for the first okay okay sorry nice so are you trying to keep it away from your body i i just you know what it's it's just body position but i don't like to be some people like to be a little closer yeah i mean obviously you think do you not have a wider pad we have an extra one i'll just go with that one because you said it like that earlier he's double the size so he's gonna use two pads that's probably light for you so now did the speed of the wraps reps matter yeah i think you know i like to be a little explosive and everyone always says like you don't control it but to be honest i feel like there's a lot of control um even though it may not look like that okay so i'm gonna do it i usually pyramid the weight up a little bit you know it's pretty standard and hold the same rough pattern it seems wrapped up i'll focus i'll try always try for 12 at least and this is kind of one of those exercises i don't think it's like a power movement yeah but you see at the bottom i really try to explode the muscle and i expect your weight to go up a pretty good amount okay so do this one first and then go up or more i think i think you should go up a little bit okay that would first set what's light for you i think so just jump at what did you jump at one or two i think i went like that you're judging me on my weight a little bit no man i think you should do more weights we're just one set in i know i think you can do it though so i've already had my feel outside yeah it's like a jay cutler peer pressure like the weight should go up you know yeah so you see that of course you good yeah our arms are one of those body parts i think that you could do a few more reps on like where i would do chest or back or whatever i'd focus on 10 12 reps i feel that arms sometimes you can do a little more uh repetition so you stayed a little bit higher is that both for triceps yes yeah i i always felt that way because the thing is is like even at my peak like i would do you know a little more weight than this but i would really try to focus on the on the feel more than what what the weight is you know gotcha so you're really trying to focus on the muscle yeah like contraction i know i don't know what it looks like as i do it because i i know what it feels like but like i really just try to i'm walking for a second at the bottom although it may not look like actually because i don't necessarily lock out like most people yeah but you're here the muscle's actually locking out so i'm gonna try to i just want to do this wait just to see what it feels like i love it easy easy good good nice yeah crazy thing for me man i never had joint pain never never in my career see i've been i've been i feel like really fortunate with that too like i i haven't ever had i mean knock on wood i haven't ever had any like oh my elbows kill me or yeah my knees or anything like that where i feel like a lot of guys have that anyway yeah anyone that trained for a long period of time they always have nagging injuries so i know when i do a lot of movements like on my channel on instagram people are always like man that looks like it hurts the elbows yeah but truthfully i never had like the shoulder pain or the knee pain or yeah you know elbows that's that's awesome do you do you think you did a good job of listening to your body i did with training yes and i think that's important tissue work stretching avoiding exercises that hurt yeah yeah so it's not you're not pushing through i mean if if you were to walk in and for whatever reason this specific exercise didn't feel good you wouldn't just force it you'd say i'm going to modify it somehow every day was different i judged them and i always have this this rule not every workout is a rockstar workout that's a good that's a good rule yeah that's a good rule all right so i'm not trying to make sure you're focusing on the end goal make sure we get the weight on here because he's got the what the whole stack is right here so easy work now it's our last set right now good is that that's a good enough i think so yeah all right so this is the common smoke brush you've done these before man i used to do some crazy weights with this man yeah i would do like 245s aside and that was uh you know some people cringe because they say oh it hurts my elbows but you know this exercise i still do to this day i feel this is the best probably mass exercise to build the density in the triceps okay so what i'm my goal in this is to do you know 10 or 12 repetitions and what i'll try to do is i'm going to try to push my head off the end okay so i i don't keep my head actually on the pad and i'm going to kind of just go back and i'll create kind of like a good stretch to the tricep okay interesting all right i'm gonna do a closer grip pretty standard i mean this exercise is probably in most people's routines so head off again nice nice get it all right so what you'll notice on these is uh you know the reps are pretty steady um i'm you know coming up and kind of contracting a little bit but the closer grip okay some people do wider some people do closer but for me i always did a closer i sometimes i do this with dumbbells too okay as a variation but we don't do a warm-up set with this because we're already warm from from the road yeah so uh you know what i'll do is usually three or four straight sets of this okay so the same pattern same red pattern i would pyramid the weight up normally i mean i'm probably going to stick this it's up to you if you want to go off okay okay so try this i'll hand this to you okay so head head off the uh i like to be off i mean that's just the technique that i like it doesn't mean you have to do it that way okay however you normally do this collect there yeah okay so i did 12. i mean if you can do the 15s if you want it's easy i don't know what that weight feels like for you see a range of motion is really good are you questioning the calories no man i did that was fast but yeah you know you're very explosive i think because of your type of training too but uh what i like to do is so usually the partner goes i go so that's kind of my speed so that's the right that was the difference in my training with compared to a lot of other people is you know i always like to have shorter rest periods so i would literally train with someone that did similar weights to me if i did train or if i was by myself it would be pretty much if i had to adjust the weights and then i'd go right back into the next step okay nice easy easy good good nice shake good good good so now with me being a little bit wider that narrower grip it would bother you a little bit so you go a little wider yeah but i mean do you think it would have the same effect as what you're doing no i think i think you know because you're much broader than me yeah so i think you know yes it's i mean it's just like when we were doing the road i mean you're like this i need more space yeah definitely uh because this bar isn't as long to you as it is to me sure because of the shoulder grip you know how do you go up and wait i think so what do you think she's gonna go there yeah that's a little more is that comfortable for you yeah nice yeah that filter felt a little bit better with a little wider it's interesting these bars i feel like you go to different places and they have different bars and some of them the angle is always a little bit better you have this bar in your gym i've got a couple different ones but one that i like better than the other ones yeah just because for whatever reason it just feels better you know don't tell me you make your own bars now too no no i no not yet yeah not yet this is a heavier stack all right so we're gonna do the normal press down movement so i like to cheat a little bit on this where you know i know people correct the form sometimes they think you know you have to be back up against something and keep your elbows by your side what i'm really going to do bro is i'm going to lean in on this so i actually i have one leg and i kind of lean in i get up in it because i was doing a ton of weight yeah i would do the stack pretty easily and i'm going to still focus on like the 12 reps i'm just really just trying to power through the movement okay sometimes there are a reason it's coming third um because i'm really warm at this point okay so i think that you know i think the mistake that a lot of people do is they they tend to do um too heavy of movements to start out their routine where i like to ease a little bit i've always done that so we talked about the the length of you know going through my career without injuries and like without joint pain i think you really have to get your your a little pre-exhaust into the muscle and that's why we started with the ropes yeah because it's not as much tension on the elbows right so this is more i would say out of all the movements i mean skull crushers because i didn't go so crazy heavy um especially compared to what you did uh i i don't have that that torque in the elbows but this exercise i feel is going to be the heaviest of what i do it's interesting yeah okay so check out the technique and tell me what you notice and and what i do okay this is a little not too heavy but so i'm gonna lean in like this so i'm actually gonna tuck this this cable in on my shoulder and i'm going to just power through same thing so notice my foot position yeah i think my elbows are kind of by my side a little bit yeah they are yep and i'm just kind of walking out this is one of the few exercises that i actually lock out interesting and squeeze the triceps okay huh so your kind of staggered foot stance i'm staggered i'm in it and i'm kind of pushing pushing down okay and people would say this is wrong but this is how i won olympia so yeah well it's hard to argue with that yeah so now for me try to go on the inside listen however if it's a little wider and there's nothing's going to hurt it so just you know get that little stagger step in yeah that's it and just power in i mean this is really light for you i'm sure yeah and just make sure you feel it in that long head of tricep so you're doing 15 so i think you stick to the 15s okay should i lean over more or no that's good as long as you feel it just all triceps you know not really trying to push with the shoulders but good you know as long as you get yeah it's a lockout right there right at the bottom good good yeah it's interesting it's a difference so some people think that you have to stand here yeah and you got to be away from it like this yeah but to me i i that works more of my abs and everything else where yeah i'm in and i can do a lot of heavier weight so you can feel that yeah i mean on the inside there we're going to do standing dumbbell curls for some reason i always start bicep routine with standing dumbbells so what you're going to notice okay and i'm usually right when it comes to training okay you should do this first set and you're going to get more of a pump because your triceps are pumped already so i have this whole thing with doing tries before biceps so usually i mean i've done you know back and biceps chest and biceps or shoulders and triceps i've tried all the split routines but what i always felt accustomed to the most successful my routines were doing arms together so triceps and biceps so i would have a a particular day just for those body parts so what i'm going to do is i'm going to do a little feel set okay i'm going to do one exercise that's the first set's not going to be crazy heavy i'm going to focus on doing at least eight per side okay so i'm going to alternate some people do both at the same time but what i'll do is i'll do you know supinate the wrist here okay and i'm going to do standing dumbbell curls okay perfect pretty easy and you are not going to be super strict oh i'm not going to be super strict so you're going to notice there's going to be a little body movement okay sometimes they do them seated okay um but i'm not gonna do that today i'm gonna i switch it around okay perfect so like i did the ropes sometimes i do it so i'm a little less body momentum but today i'm gonna swing a little bit perfect so i'm going to pick a weight just kind of flow through it so just to contraction the bicep not coming up too high or anything just getting the blood in there to be honest i don't even really count repetitions but good so did the question is did you do 22 oh did i do 22. see i didn't even count i mean i said you were just yeah i did okay so i so i lied so i said at least eight but i may go up so i'm going to start at 40s i'm going to go to 45 you're going to go to like 75. so these are like these baby weights what you said before you started there is a lot of times i don't even count reps i don't so you're going off of a feeling but you know it's funny because experience in the gym you can look at a weight and say i can do this many times you you know how it is 100 so it's a lot of minor muscle connection but sometimes i surprise myself a little more i mean even on the tri-suppressed sounds like i said i'm going to shoot for eight i did 15. totally like sometimes you get that extra you know that extra like power in order to get the exercise done with this i mean let's see how it feels you know get in there you know if you do 15 each arm see how it feels good get a little blood in there and we'll see how it feels i mean i feel like you're what you're doing is you're throwing out these numbers as first we're eight and then we're now you did 11 and then you're like oh well just go ahead and do 15. well remember i'm not used to training with anyone yeah particularly uh the best uh the best power lifter in the world right it's all good it's all good so just keep adding the rest relatives you know i'm not gonna lie you brought a little bit of a competitive side to me man you know i'm talking about it the old man ain't done yet waiting so little right how's that feel good can you feel it yeah it's it's interesting with the tricep having some blood in there first i actually really like the way that feels how many times i don't know talking to you i lost count but i'm not stopping before your number gonna make sure make sure to feed the nut we'll maybe we'll have to put a rep counter 35 36. that's three four cool all right i'm going up i know what he's going to do he's going to go to 55 or 65. all right so we're rolling with it now nicely good nice work good there you go good all right so we talked about bicep injuries i mentioned i tore my upper so i had this repaired yep you can actually see this is where it tore you can see the split right there she actually tore from that area and then once i came back i had the surgery yeah crazy thing is first day back in the gym announced i'm gonna do the 2013 olympia so i sat out 2012. yep phil was a champ i came in for 13. the day i started and made the announcement i went in to do chess grabbed a pair of 120s off the rack and i popped and and partially tore this bicep i'm not crazy huh and i said you know what i'm not gonna go through another surgery yes i went and talked to my doctor he's like you know what are you gonna do i said i can't postpone this i have 16 weeks before the contest i'm gonna go do it so i have a partial tear you can see so that's what that's what it ended up being was yeah it's a partial so he said you know what if it comes off totally yeah have the surgery but just ride it out you're gonna come crazy and i so you did 13 that way i did 2013 with this partially torn that's correct so you can see a little you know it's a little it's a little smaller it's shorter yep but it it did it did affect how i trained i thought you had to compensate a lot well i was scared because now you have a partial torn biceps when you're rowing and doing the heavy stuff and what limited me in that 13 olympia was my back and the back training because of that it had to be heavy to be able to compete at that level totally and i couldn't pull the weight you remember we filmed a lot of that that's crazy that's just 50 jokes i'm gonna just use a five pound 55s here jade's very good at like a subtle it's just like kind of like like i said okay the 50s are over there we do have 55s so just so you guys caught that it's just like a kind of you know under his breath though it's 55 you know so it's kind of like it's up to you to make the right choice kind of thing like i get it fair enough contraction easy work cool leave those it's a little thicker grip on this one it is nice i say good good good nice good there you go nice work get it not as pretty as is brian's but all right so preacher curl so i'm gonna do a set i'm gonna get right into it 12 repetitions uh easy enough this is probably not too too heavy of a weight okay but we'll get the feel for it yeah this is a little lighter good get it so one thing that people always ask me and i don't know what what they comment about your videos on how you train but some people think that you need to come all the way up okay and the truth is is that taking tension off the biceps right so a lot of our rep ranges are fairly short so you notice that i do stuff it doesn't look like i'm contracting yeah but i'm actually i feel a peak contraction even like in this position yeah so i don't come all the way up and take the tension off the biceps yeah a little tight squeeze but so stop like here that's you feel that contract like where's your contraction right right there yeah okay but some people come way up which yeah so like up here well i mean that thing's gonna hit my arms anyway right so damn hammer strike needs to make a bigger machine for brian shaw we need a brian shark girl now squeeze it in here hey have you ever seen anyone too big for the hammer or string machine before all right so i'm gonna go up a little bit okay i'm not gonna go crazy nice good good good so really for arms i like that that explodes explosive yeah so you can drop this that's crazy it's i can definitely feel what you're saying though with it i feel like training the triceps first the biceps are more yeah like for whatever reason just got more blood in there so all right so this exercise um is going to replicate the frontal bicep okay since we're getting brian on a bodybuilding stage we're gonna get him to practice his uh frontal bicep which is the first pose we got the mirror the mirror right in front we got the mirror and uh yes i mean and so what we're gonna do with this bro is i'm actually going to stand pretty pretty neutral in the middle okay and it's just all biceps so it's just this is the basic movement okay yep now i'm just wondering because of the length of your how big you are oh it's gonna affect if you're gonna be able to do that but actually i'm gonna step forward a little maybe that's a little forward so okay uh this movement just like this just a basic curl good so 12 12 reps okay good perfect you get it good feel it's mostly biceps right i mean all biceps you need a little uh wider a little bit all right so because um shaw doesn't fit in this uh life fitness cable crossover machine we have to uh kind of make our own little uh makeshift here with the with these uh curls so what we're gonna do is so for you taller people i'm sure you get a lot of people that have the same issue on there uh we're actually going to get down on the knees and that was pointed out by one of our camera guys okay yeah so we'll get down so that way it's going to allow him not to be stuck in the in the rack nice dude good let's see how that feels it's the same same weight same i think yeah it's more this is such a isolation okay on the bicep yeah that i think that the weights really does don't matter as much the problem is getting up you know it's always the shelter yeah yeah so you notice the contraction so we're going to focus on 12 like i said not a crazy amount of weight here the weight really doesn't matter it's all about getting the feel and that isolation of movement i mean jay the the real question right now is i mean are you liking what you're seeing he's i was just hitting that yeah man it's i think i think you got yeah see i think we uh i think we got something man okay okay even if you're if you know if you're just saying that like i'm gonna is he is he okay i'll take it then so i think that i think that's pretty much my arm training man right there i think we got it it's interesting uh like i love the um the mentality with the warming up into the training and then you kind of do like the bigger heavier thing after you've already got a good amount of blood in the muscle yeah so for example like if we did shoulders yeah i would do side laterals first that's interesting instead of going right into a shoulder press because listen the shoulder is the most critical joint of the body you lose your shoulder you're restricted to do everything right biceps back you know everything big time so i like to pre-exhaust a little bit with side laterals get the blood in there and then i start doing my heavy presses that's how i've always trained that way that's interesting i feel like by and large i feel like it's put out there to do the bigger multi-joint movements you know why and then because people want to be stronger people so you're pre-exhausted going into this yeah so i didn't give a about the weight yeah the weight did never matter to me yeah and that's what i think a lot of people go in the gym and like i gotta get on the bench press first so like why don't you get on like a cable crossover or get a pec deck and warm the packs up stretch it out instead of going right in there like i always do like a hammer machine to warm up i never go into free weights i mean we train yeah like it's always like a machine to warm up and then i'll start pushing the free weights yeah that's interesting but the longevity i mean right i'm still doing it man yeah and that's that's i mean that speaks volumes yeah because i mean from you know what age did you start lifting 18 i started 18. so it's like 18 until now haven't stopped at all never stopped and to be honest if i could not train i'd go out of my mind totally i mean it's part of my day every day it's like my whole day i'm a working guy now but i my whole day is we're still revolving around when am i gonna go to the gym and totally release that that stress and that energy you know if i have a bad day and nothing like a gym session that makes it right 100 yeah it's all i always said uh to myself when i was having a bad day and this is you know when i was grinding early in my career i was like you know i can have a bad day but i can walk in the gym and the bar still weighs 45 pounds yeah yeah and the weights are still 45 and they don't care if i had a good day bad day whatever i could just go in there and i leave all of that at the door and walk in and put the work in and you feel better yeah you know so i love it man well i appreciate you running me through that it was awesome this is something i have literally always wanted to do is train with jay cutler now it's checked off the list and now we might have to do more of it because i feel like i've got a lot to learn you know muscle tension getting the pump and all that i'd like to i'd like to see your element at some point too yeah we should do that come out to colorado we can tour around the gym and have some fun i might i might have to start training a little harder now man i'm a little more motivated right you can see that you can see that competitive nature coming out from me man that's awesome well you guys make sure to check jay cutler out yeah yeah on the tv and yeah he's got uh got your youtube channel the cutler cast podcast they're getting rolling which i was on if you haven't checked out that episode make sure to do so um give my man some love hope you all are doing amazing for now gotta be great we'll check you guys later you
Views: 1,369,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brian Shaw, worlds strongest man, strongman, hafthor bjornsson deadlift, Larry wheels, history, mattdoesfitness, strength, strong, Arnold Schwarzenegger, martins licis, Logan Paul, fitness
Id: 0sN4JihJQvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 49sec (2209 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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