How to Eat for $10 a Week | Aldi Budget Meal Plan | Emergency Grocery Haul

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i recently watched this lady's video, that was helpful and informative. though as she says aldi's prices do vary by region, they often will have very inexpensive food prices. i'm thinking of re-creating her challenge on my own and seeing how it would work for me, actually.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/rengreen 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Im so mad we don't have an Aldi's here (Vegas), We use to have a Save-A-Lot but it closed down, Nowhere to find these cheap food.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/AnotherDay_RS 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

I’m impressed. Yum!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/yesitsyourmom 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thats like 50 calories a day my metabolism doesn't allow that she must not move around a lot.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Pittraveler 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends i'm going to be going to the aldi in just a little bit here with the intention of spending only ten dollars on an entire week of groceries i've done another video like this where i shopped at the dollar tree this one is a little bit different because unlike the dollar tree where everything is exactly a dollar aldi has prices that vary regionally as well as weekly sales so i do want to start by acknowledging that the prices i'm buying my groceries for this week may not be the prices you're able to get your groceries for either at aldi or whatever grocery store you do have access to i also want to point hello i also want to point out that everybody has different dietary needs and preferences so if the meals that i make in this video don't work for you i hope they can at least inspire you and finally if you're watching this video because you're struggling to feed yourself or your family please please please reach out for help i've been in that position myself i know it's not easy to ask for help but there really is no reason why anybody should be going hungry while these 10 videos show what's possible i want to see y'all thriving not just surviving you know with that being said i really hope you enjoy the rest of the video i am so excited to show you guys what i got i feel like i did really well here's my receipt real quick you can see that before taxes came into effect i spent 9.92 so i'm pretty happy with how close i was able to get that to ten dollars and here's what i got to start off we got a loaf of sandwich bread not one but two dozen large eggs a giant can of pinto beans aldi doesn't sell the pinto beans in the smaller cans but that's okay because i freaking love pinto beans i got three pounds of sweet potatoes that were on sale i believe sweet potatoes are north carolina state vegetable fun fact i got three pounds of white rice three cans of black beans two cans of diced tomatoes a can of sweet corn a can of tomato paste two pounds of carrots this cute little head of cabbage and an avocado because you know us broke millennials be eating avocados compared to our dollar tree haul i'm really excited about all the different kinds of fresh produce and the variety of different vegetables and fruits that we're able to get in this you'll notice that it is lots of rice and beans but that's kind of just the nature of a 10 food budget i could have gotten pasta and just carved it up for the week but i appreciate that rice and beans give me a complete protein we love our amino acids these are the oils and spices that i'll be using this week to cook with and season my food i won't be pulling any other items from my pantry or freezer or anything like that i'm gonna jump right in and get started on our first dish this is gonna be dinner for tonight and at least several work lunches this is a variation of a spanish rice rice cooker dish that i make a lot to start off i have a cup and a half of rice which i've already rinsed normally i add onion but since i don't have any onion i decided i'd go ahead and try out this carrot instead i only took two carrots out i didn't think it was that much but it ended up being kind of a lot or at least it looked like a lot so these are now snacking carrots that's definitely something that i didn't have and the dollar tree one is snacks so i'll take it i'm gonna add around half maybe maybe a little bit more of tomato paste the rest of this can is going to go into a small dish that is going to be used for tomorrow's dinner i'm going to add these black beans now to see if it seems like there's going to be room in the rice cooker insert a couple tablespoons of oil and then the last ingredient i want to get the liquid from the tomatoes in there and then a little more than half of the can so it's a little it's just below the max line so i think that this is gonna work out i'm gonna add garlic to it some red pepper flakes and some pepper i'll wait until it's cooked to decide whether i want to add any salt or not all right we're going to cross our fingers that we didn't overfill this and we'll see what that looks like in a little while i'm also going to go ahead and get my work breakfast prepared and to do that i have preheated my oven to 350 and i have greased a cupcake pan i think the way i'm gonna do this is to put put some toppings not toppings some fillings into the individual little things and then add the eggs on top it's gonna make ten but i'm actually gonna shoot for 11 because i want to try one now and i have a little bit of extra corn that i'm actually gonna save for later i'm thinking i should have done this in a bowl first hopefully 10 eggs fit in here i feel like i should know this because i just made that easter brunch dish with 10 eggs i realize there's no way that 10 and actually it's 11 eggs that i want to do because i'm making an extra that there's no way that all of those were gonna fit in so i'm not even gonna try can y'all hear my cat in the background it's because my mom's in the bathroom and she's not allowed to go to the bathroom by herself anyone else got a cat like that who's a little a little needy all right i'm gonna make myself a jolly old mess here because i realized i wanted to add some water to this so this wasn't going to work out anyway we'll add our last few eggs all right we're leaving one lonely one lonely little egg in the carton all right now i'm going to fill these things looks like i might have to make a 12th one there i make a 12th one it'll just be egg we're gonna see what happens with this i'm actually gonna put a sheet pan underneath it in the oven just to be safe these are gonna go in the oven for 15 20 maybe 25 minutes i'm not sure at all whenever a toothpick or a fork or whatever goes in clean then we're going to see what happens i'm going to speed up this portion of the video if you want a more detailed clip of how i make refried beans with limited ingredients i make them very similarly in my how to eat for 10 dollar tree video basically i'm heating some oil heating and mashing my pinto beans in the pan and then seasoning really well then i'm just letting them cook on low until they reach the consistency that i'm after you can see i've got four good sized lunches prepared for work and then i made myself a rather large bowl for dinner tonight i'm gonna put some hot sauce on everything now you might be like lisa you realize that you made two different bean dishes for one meal i know i really like beans i don't know what to tell you especially refried beans i saw an excuse to make refried beans and i took it um that is really good maybe two bean dishes but they go together really well the little egg muffins came out looking really good obviously this one over here looks a little funky he's the one that we added no filling to and we overfilled by the way they did puff up in the oven so having a sheet pan underneath was a winning move there you go i pulled out the the one who puffed up and went a little crazy and then one of the regular ones he's stuck a little bit more than the others this one popped out just fine that corn and with the egg is really good it's nice sweetness with the savoriness of the egg and the spiciness i'm gonna let these cool completely and the ones that i'm going to eat the next couple days i'm going to put in the fridge and then the ones for my work breakfast at the start of next week i'm going to put in the freezer i know it seems like we did a lot of cooking and work tonight but we've prepared 10 10 meals and a couple snacks so i call this a success and a good use of our time so tonight i am preparing the foundation for six of our meals this week we are going to be making some black bean burgers and one of the things that we don't quite have yet that we're going to need for these burgers is some bread crumbs so to start we're going to make ourselves some bread crumbs so this is the perfect slice of bread for it mostly because it's a piece that i'm not really crazy about i call it the butt i know some people call it the heel what do y'all call it and then let's see we want another i don't know maybe five let's see how much that is once i chop it up a little bit and i have my oven preheating at 400 degrees but this is enough it's about two big handfuls let's just cut one more up for good measure and we'll call it you know worst case scenario oh no i have too many bread crumbs all right i'm adding some oil to this and i think i'm gonna add some garlic and some pepper and then i'm just gonna toss this whole thing and get these breadcrumbs nice and coated and then i'm going to spread all of those bread crumbs out onto a pan and these are gonna go in the oven for 10 minutes while the breadcrumbs are in the oven i'm gonna finely dice up a couple carrots i may throw a third one in i've got probably a cup or so of diced up carrots here and i think that that's probably plenty and i've got a pan with oil heating up and i'm just going to cook these until they soften so here are my bread crumbs out of the oven i just tasted one and they taste really delicious i could eat this whole pan here uh but i'm not going to do it instead i'm just going to go ahead and put them in the bowl here to finish cooling down so while the carrots finish softening in the pan i've lowered the oven heat to 325 i've opened my two cans of black beans and drained them and rinse them and then i'm going to spread them out on the sheet pan and then i'm going to pop them in the oven for about 10 or 15 minutes just so they can dry out a little bit so that we're less likely to have a mushy black bean burger or a black bean burger that falls apart i just wanted to share with y'all this new dilemma that i've never had before i got this new pan and i was like oh cool this lid from you know my previous set fits i don't know if you can tell what's happening but i can't get it off it like suctioned down on it and so we're just gonna we're gonna take this off the heat for a few minutes and we're just gonna see what happens stay tuned my friends i just pulled my black beans out of the oven i'm about to deal with them in a second uh but while i was waiting for them i got a bowl and i added two eggs the other half of that can of tomato paste salt pepper garlic and cayenne and some soy sauce for that nice salty umami flavor i took my bread crumbs and i crushed them i used a wine bottle to to crush them by the way so if you're ever looking for an excuse to buy a bottle of wine it is a multi-purpose kitchen tool i went ahead and mixed everything that was in the bowl here i mashed up my beans a little bit with my handy dandy food masher and i'm going to add them and it's still to be determined whether uh i'm actually adding carrots or not we will find out in a few minutes the conundrum of the stuck pan lid is done finally that definitely was the right amount of carrot anything more would have absolutely been too much all right here come the breadcrumbs i bumped my oven temperature up to 375. i hold a sheet pan and i'm going to finish stirring this up with my hands because honestly i think sometimes that's just the best way to go even if it is a little messy and then i'm going to form this into six patties sorry if it does not look particularly appetizing on camera so here's what my prepared and formed patties look like i'm gonna put them in the oven for 10 minutes flip them over and then put them in for another 10 minutes i forgot to hit film on a clip there but basically i just cut up a little over a pound of my sweet potatoes toss them in this bowl with oil and spices and then i'm going to cook them in the oven on a sheet pan sweet potato fries are in the oven black bean burgers are out and i'm like these look good i'm excited to eat them i haven't had a whole lot of black bean burgers the last restaurant one i tried kind of put me off from trying any others because i didn't really like it and here is my finished dinner plate with a third of my sweet potato fries and then here is my sandwich i don't know which condiment would be best on it yeah i'm about to try it for the first time so andrew makes a spicy like almost like a big mac sauce that i think would be perfect on this but i think like a a spicy brown mustard would also be good and i think the ketchup would even just be really good too this is a good it's a good sandwich i can say that this is the first time i've ever like really enjoyed a black bean burger like this so i guess that's just that's just the trick because i need to make them myself at home because this is good so i'm gonna make myself three dishes right now of a black bean burger and the sweet potato fries and then the other black bean burgers i'm going to be making other sides with or doing other things with and i will show you that later in the week good morning y'all it is a beautiful saturday morning the sun is shining and i'm gonna have some avocado toast for breakfast y'all today i woke up feeling so well rested and ready to go some of y'all leave me such kind encouraging comments on my videos and i just woke up ready to film today so let's do this so i've got two eggs here scrambled up they really take no time at all to do just a couple minutes super easy i'm using half this avocado today so all i'm doing for my avocado is cutting them in half i'm going to leave the pit in that side for now and then this side all i need to do is scoop him right out of there and then he just gets mashed up with my fork and then i like to season my avocado with a bit of pepper a little bit of salt and a little bit of cayenne piece of toast a little more egg than i really needed but that's okay i know exactly where to put the rest of it and then just like that we've got a absolutely delicious incredibly cheap avocado toast as far as saving the other half of this avocado basically you just want this area that's exposed to air to preferably not be and i'm just gonna make sure that all the surface area here is just fully covered and then this will go in the fridge and i'm probably going to use the rest of it tomorrow but we'll see 10 out of 10 breakfast i've already got a cup of rice going and i'm actually making my lunch for today and tomorrow to start out i've got some sweet potatoes here that i've washed and i'm going to go ahead and cube all right turn the heat down go ahead and add some salt now all right so to my sweet potatoes here i'm going to add a can of tomatoes got that mixed up i'm gonna pop a lid on it and let that cook for a couple minutes this is just about done the final step is i've got two eggs here and i'm gonna crack them right over top so this is kind of a eggs and purgatory style dish maybe a shakshouka inspired dish we're gonna cover these bad boys up and in just a couple minutes once the whites are set they will be perfect i put them in the back side of the pan i figure this half of the pan is going to be lunch today and then this half of the pan will be lunch tomorrow i'll either heat it back up in the pan and crack a couple eggs in it again maybe i'll hard boil a couple eggs and just slice them and put them over it or scramble some eggs i don't know i got options all right these eggs look done the whites are set they're actually a little more cooked than i probably normally would cook them but that's okay because they're gonna be good here is half my rice topped with some soy sauce it's one and a half cups of cooked rice around there we go and there's no going hungry for me in my future like this is a substantial plate honestly this is more than i would normally eat for lunch let's see just how bad i overcook these yolks oh that's not too bad how do y'all like your yolks because this is just this is beautiful to me maybe a little runnier but but i do love a jelly yolk that is good just to give you all some perspective on how big this dish is good sunday morning i'm just gonna make a quick breakfast so i'm just gonna make a real quick eggs in a basket and the way that i do that is i've got my pan heating up with just a little bit of oil i've got this little cup here that is smaller than the slice of bread use the cup to cut a hole out of my bread and these two little disks i'll put aside where it goes in the pan and the egg just gets cracked right in there hopefully my pan's hot enough and you just need to cook it until the whites are set enough that when we flip it here it's not gonna fall apart easy peasy then you just cook it until the whites on the other side are set i like a really runny yolk so i will take it off sooner rather than later i'm just seasoning this with some salt and pepper and i toasted the little bread rounds as well in the pan usually what i'll do is i'll put like jam or you know goat cheese or something like that on them if i've got it as it is i'll probably just dip these into the yolk well i don't know what it is about eggs and bread that they're just such a good combination but it just never gets old all right i'm preparing three of my dinners for the next few days and i'm just using a vegetable peeler to kind of make a grated carrot type pile of veggies here and then i'm going to cut the entirety of that cabbage i got up i've got oil heating in my pan and then i've got a ton of veggies here that i'm adding good thing i chose the really big pan and i want to salt everything really well i've just been letting this cook down and you can see that it's now a much more easily managed amount in this pan i'm not knocking it out of the pan every time i touch it now and i'm going to go ahead and add some pepper at this point and some cayenne a little more salt and garlic you know i got my four core my core four spices that i use and they pretty much go on everything i do cook with other spices though don't don't let the limited spices i use in these videos for you and then for some really good flavor we're gonna add some soy sauce to it i'm giving myself a third of my pan of cabbage and carrots which is probably a good cup cup and a half of veggies and then i crumbled my black bean burger into kind of bite-sized pieces that i'm just gonna spread around over top all right and that's it for this dinner i'm looking forward to eating this whole bowl here right now and then having two more servings of it for the rest of this week y'all i'm kicking myself i ate over half my plate before remembering my avocado which you can see it did pretty well in there with the plastic covering it if i take a spoon i can just scrape off this little tiny bit of browning on top and it's pretty much you know good as as if i just cut it this just looks good without the avocado with the avocado seriously takes it to a whole new level we've made it up to the very last meal that i need to cook this week this is just going to be a short and sweet clip of that it's really just me throwing some odds and ends that i have left together i let my potatoes cook until they're fully soft and nice and toasty on the outside i have some steamed carrots that i'm adding at the remainder of my corn as well as my beans and the corn and the beans have just been hanging out in my freezer that's a huge pan of food i don't know what i'm gonna do with this i mean i'm gonna eat it but i guess i'm just gonna sit and eat it all evening and then here is just a little bit of rice now i'm laughing because i was originally thinking about adding a couple scrambled eggs to this and there is no world in which that needs to happen this is plenty plenty plenty enough so i let everything get hot stirred it around good let my pinto beans get a little bit mashed up i seasoned it well with garlic and pepper and cayenne and salt and i was i was i took out my soy sauce from the fridge thinking i was gonna use soy sauce but i actually ended up going with hot sauce after tasting it so this may not be uh the visually the nicest meal that i made this week but honestly it tastes just as good as anything else i've made this week i mean it's just like rice beans and veggies it's pretty good and it's the perfect you know nothing going to waste meal i finished the last of my 10 budget meals today i'm getting ready to make my normal budget dinner i wanted to give y'all a final snapshot of all the meals that i ate for the week i did some math and estimated that including my cooking oil i was eating around 600 calories a day which is actually perfect for my height age and activity level and then here are the foods that i had left if i did need more calories i could have added up to 300 calories a day and that's not including any cooking oil definitely different than the dollar tree video which really didn't leave that kind of flexibility all right well if you made it all the way to the end i appreciate you so much i really hope that you all enjoyed watching this video i really enjoy making these videos and i'm looking forward to making more like this
Channel: That Lisa Dawn
Views: 420,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 dollar challenge, 10 dollar grocery budget, 10 dollar grocery challenge, 10 dollar grocery haul, low budget, budget groceries, cheap meals, how to eat for cheap, how to eat when youre broke, 10 grocery budget, emergency budget, emergency grocery budget, aldi grocery haul, how to eat for 10, cheap food
Id: 7T7v60ZmxPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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