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[Music] hey there and welcome over here to this new extreme grocery budget challenge i've made a few of these videos on my channel previously and i've gotten requests to do another one so that's what we're doing today and this is actually my favorite one yet what we're gonna do is we're going to head over to walmart we're going to spend only 25 dollars we're gonna see how many products we could buy with only 25 25 is not a lot of money but you could actually create a lot of delicious homemade meals with it i am going to be only using oil salt pepper and some seasonings from my own kitchen we are going to be making a lot of meals all of these meals will be delicious though i'm not going to be showing you meals that just aren't tasty because nobody wants to eat yucky food but anyways i hope you enjoy this video and if you are new here i'd love to have you so go ahead and subscribe down below the video but let's go head to walmart while i was shopping at walmart i did want to show you a few of the things that we picked up and then also my daughter brynlee was being really funny so i just wanted to show you a couple clips of her [Music] [Music] do we just got back home from walmart and here's everything that we picked up i'm going to go over everything with you here in a second but i do want to show you something really quickly so while i was at walmart they didn't have any eggs so eggs was on my shopping list it's always on my shopping list and they didn't have any eggs at all like they didn't have any of the organic ones they didn't have any brown eggs they literally had two cracked eggs left in the whole egg area so they were sold out of eggs so needless to say we had to go next door to a kroger type of store and they did have eggs there and they were also on sale for a dollar a dozen so that was actually a wonderful price so i just picked that up and then another thing is walmart didn't have the three pound bag of chicken that i was hoping to get so again at the cargo store i picked this up this is actually a pretty expensive brand of frozen boneless skinless chicken breasts but thankfully it was on sale this week that was good so i picked that up and that up from the kroger store everything else is from walmart the first thing i got is this pork chorizo if you don't know yet i am from new mexico well i guess i wasn't born in new mexico but pretty much raised in new mexico and a lot of people cook with this here in new mexico people cook like mexican food with it and all that type of stuff so i picked this up and it's such a low cost for this this is about nine ounces and it's especially good with breakfast types of foods that's my favorite way of eating this and then over here baby carrots a little bit disappointed in my walmart once again because they didn't have the cheaper version of the large carrots um just like the big carrots they only had these baby carrots which was okay because these were still a pretty good price but the larger bigger carrots are typically cheaper and then again another thing that i was kind of upset about is cheese they didn't have the great value cheese like they were seriously all sold out of cheese at the walmart they only had the more expensive craft cheese but again that's okay i spent i spent quite a bit more on this but we wanted cheese with our food this week and we love cheese so i picked that up and now i have some garlic eyeball i bought a bulb of garlic one roma tomato my daughter actually um picked this up off the shelf and threw it on the ground so that's why i picked that up because i wasn't gonna go put that back on the shelf after my daughter threw it on the ground so i will give that a really good scrub it up dub and we'll use it anyways next i got this chicken stuffing mix this is very inexpensive over here tomato sauce this is another thing that's around i think 30 cents and it adds great flavor to foods and for eight ounces you really can't go wrong with that we got some petite diced tomatoes grits you've seen me cook with grits before but i got another package of these just because it is very inexpensive once again we're trying to you know cook for a low cost i especially like the great value brand of grits because they are lower cost but they only had the quaker anyways i got one sweet potato onion because onion adds great flavor bell pepper these bell peppers were on sale typically i could find green bell peppers cheaper than any other color bell peppers so that's why i picked this one up some bouillon cubes this is a pretty inexpensive container of bouillon cubes this is 25 cubes i'm definitely not going to use all of these bullion cubes for just the recipes that i'm going to be making but i am glad that i have so many bouillon cubes because i use them for different recipes a can of cream of chicken a box of one pound of small shell pasta noodles brown rice we love cooking with brown rice in our home just because low cost very healthy and it's just good a pound of black beans for a soup a pound of pinto beans because pinto beans are my husband's favorite food anyways here's everything now let's get to cooking of course we have to start with breakfast first so that's what we're going to go ahead and start with we're going to be making a chorizo breakfast casserole so to begin in my saucepan i have olive oil in there about a tablespoon of that and then i added a quarter of our onion that we bought from the store and i just stirred this all together now you're going to want to add in your chorizo this is the trees that we got from the store of course and you're going to want to cook lists completely through you know it's cooked when it's about 160 degrees or higher [Music] i wanted this to be a pretty big and good hearty meal so i am using all 12 of the eggs that we got so i just cracked them into this bowl with the block of sharp cheddar cheese that we got i did cube it into four different squares just because i do tend to use a lot of cheese on things and i didn't want to use too much cheese because i did want to save the cheese for four different recipes so that is why i cubed it up anyways the only seasonings i added to this casserole with salt and pepper of course you could add some onion powder garlic powder cumin chili powder anything like that would be delicious then i added a block of our sharp cheddar cheese that i shredded up i also added a half a cup of water adding water into eggs is a great substitute if you don't have any milk on hand next i added our cooked through chorizo gave this a stir and it is ready for the oven this is just going to go into a greased 9x13 baking dish and this is going to bake in the oven on 350 degrees for about 20 minutes or until the center is no longer jiggly and here it is out of the oven making breakfast casseroles like this is a really great idea if you're trying to have a big filling breakfast and save a ton of money so just keep that in mind if you are on a low budget or anything of that nature big breakfast casseroles are great and hearty now we're making a stuffing bake i have made a recipe similar to this on my channel before but this is a really really flavorful recipe so i really suggest it anyways to my 9x13 baking dish i laid out three of our chicken breasts i salted and peppered them on each side of course use more or less chicken depending on your size of family and now i'm just adding a can of cream of chicken soup on top you could add any type of cream of soup you prefer i know a lot of people don't care for cream of soups so you can make your own cream of soup or anything like that and then right on top of this you're going to be adding some of your sharp cheddar cheese this cheese is going to give it some great cheesiness and great flavor this is such a budget friendly dinner idea now you're going to be adding your box of stuffing mix and if you don't want your stuffing so dry you could add a half a cup of some chicken broth on top of this this is going to bake in the oven on 350 degrees covered with aluminum foil for 20 minutes then take the foil off and bake it for an additional 20 minutes here's what it looks like out of the oven this really did come out great if you do have a larger family this recipe is exceptionally great for big families because you could just throw a bunch of chicken in there and you are good to go now we're making this black bean soup don't knock it until you try it it's really good and i love making soups like this with black beans because they are so nutritious and healthy beans are just one of those things that are very inexpensive but they will leave you full and they're really great anyways so i have my black beans that i drained and rinsed picked out all the bad beans and then i let them sit overnight in this bowl of water and here we are the next day i'm just chopping up half of our bag of carrots we got from the store along with half of our bell pepper and then some more of our onion over to my dutch oven i have about a tablespoon of some olive oil in there i just added our veggies in and i'm going to cook these veggies until they begin to brown and soften up for about 10 minutes to make our broth i'm going to be adding four of these cubes to eight cups of water just a little side note always buy bouillon cubes or better than bowling something like that because buying your own chicken broth in the store is pretty expensive so i always just either buy bouillon cubes or better than bowling now that our veggies are soft i did add in a little bit of minced garlic and i'm going to stir this around for 20 seconds and now here are our black beans i did drain them and rinse them one last time i just added them to our dutch oven along with our 8 to 9 cups of chicken broth the only seasonings i did use for this was just some salt and pepper of course you could add more seasonings you could add a bay leaf that would make it extra delicious but i did want to stay true to you guys and you know just stick with what i was trying to do make very budget friendly meals so i brought this up to a boil and then i did let this simmer on my stove with the lid on for about two to three and a half hours that does seem like a long time but you want these beans to completely cook through and you want all those flavors to merge together but here is what it looks like all cooked up you could use an emergent blender and blend everything so it's very smooth and creamy together i didn't want to do that i just kept it like this but this is a great inexpensive soup that will feed a ton of people now we're making a chicken noodle soup believe it or not chicken noodle soup is very inexpensive to make and it's very hearty so i boiled up two of our chicken breasts just on the stove you could also use a pressure cooker anything like that just boil up your chicken and then i'm slicing it into cubes we wanted our chicken into cubes but you could easily shred it if you prefer it shredded and then i diced up some more of our onion and the remainder of our carrots that we had left over to my dutch oven i just added our veggies in there and you could also add some celery in but i didn't want to spend more money on celery just because carrots are a little bit more nutritious and like i said i didn't want to spend more money on celery i just didn't think it was necessary and then once our carrots were getting soft i added our chicken in and now you're going to add your seasonings i just added cracked pepper and salt if you want to make this extra flavorful go ahead and add in a teaspoon of thyme and one bay leaf you could also add in a half of a lemon that would make it really really good but like i said before we are making very budget-friendly meals so i didn't add that in and then i added in our six cups of chicken broth i gave this a stir and now i'm adding in my two cups of small shell pasta noodles once i brought this up to a boil and you're going to cook this until the pasta noodles are completely cooked through [Music] here is my chicken noodle soup this came out amazing it's crazy to me how you could buy such cheap ingredients but still make delicious meals now we're making a tomato pinto bean casserole this one is also amazing so we're gonna just start out by cooking up our pound of pinto beans i just followed the right directions on the back of the bag or you could use an instant pot pressure cooker i just made sure i rinsed my pinto beans really well because pinto beans tend to have some dirt on them and i also picked out the bad beans but anyways now we're going to cook up a cup of our brown rice i also followed the directions on the back of the bag and then i also added in a couple of these bouillon cubes to give this some extra flavor i do want to mention to you all of these meals are going to make you feel pretty good after you eat them just remember we're only spending about 20 on all of this food you could easily buy like a burger somewhere for twenty dollars so keep that in mind very low cost and these meals are pretty good so over to my saucepan i added the other half of our bell pepper along with some more of our onion and i sauteed these up together once they were nice and brown how i wanted them to be my kitchen was also smelling really good at that point i love the way bell pepper smells i added in our brown rice that we cooked along with our can of tomatoes and a can of tomato sauce then i added in our pinto beans that we cooked up i made sure to salt and pepper this casserole then i brought it over to my 9x13 baking dish and then i covered it with some more of our cheese that we got from the store i just shredded it up myself i do want to let you know you could add more cheese to this you could also bulk up this casserole if you want to you can make it however you want to adding some cumin to this recipe would make it extra flavorful but i just put it in my oven on 350 degrees for about 25 to 35 minutes or until it looked the way i wanted it to be i just wanted that cheese nice and bubbly and crisp on top but this came out really good it will feed a ton of people and pinto beans are just absolutely so healthy for your body at this point i had some things left over so i thought oh shucks what should i do with them but i came up with the sweet potato macaroni and cheese and it came out good so with my sweet potato i'm just piercing it with a knife just putting some holes in it and then i'm going to stick it in the microwave to soften it for a few minutes like i said before i was kind of just using up whatever i had left on hand so i just used the rest of our pasta shells it was about eight ounces left i just boiled that up on the stove and then i had two chicken breasts left so i just put those on a frying pan on the stove and cooked them in some oil salt and pepper and i let that reach the internal temperature of 165 degrees now that our sweet potato was completely steamed in the microwave i'm just mashing it up with a potato masher so it is smooth i also removed the skin off of the sweet potato now i'm adding in a little bit of some milk you could also add in butter salt pepper garlic powder onion powder any type of seasonings you want and then i added in our cheese i shred it up this was just whatever was left over with the cheese i do also want to mention you could do this in an immersion blender or a regular blender to make it completely smooth i just didn't have time for that so i just didn't do it i just continued to add more milk in and kept mashing it up until it was the consistency that i wanted i drained our pasta shells and then brought them back over to the same pot and now i'm adding in our sweet potato mixture to this and you're just going to stir it all to combine with the chicken that we cooked up on the stove i just diced it into cubes and then i added it in once again you're just going to stir all this together [Music] i just popped this into a 9x13 baking dish and i baked this in the oven on 350 degrees for about 10 minutes i just wanted that cheese to melt down and so everything got nice and creamy here it is out of the oven this came out really good of course i'm going to be completely honest with you i think it needed some more flavor so go ahead and add some diced up onion garlic some more seasonings to this but for being on the fly and being such a cheat meal i think it was really good for our large container of grits this gives you 18 servings which is a huge amount of food you're probably wondering what i was going to do with it i was going to make a huge casserole out of it delicious i've made it before but i actually ran out of ingredients unfortunately so i just ate this plain my whole family ate it plain we all thought it was good i just put some water in it and cooked it in the microwave for a couple minutes we like our grits a little bit more dry in our home but you know you could eat your grits however you want to they're super good with some butter on top and that is a wrap of this extreme grocery budget challenge i hope you enjoyed this video and like i said i've done a lot of other videos like this on my channel so i will leave a link to all those videos in my description box below if you want to check them out and as always we would love to have you so go ahead and subscribe down below the video and i will see you in the next one bye for now
Channel: Julia Pacheco
Views: 267,440
Rating: 4.8894615 out of 5
Keywords: Julia Pacheco, Whats For Dinner, Food Network, Cooking Channel, extreme budget, extreme grocery budget challenge 2020, emergency extreme grocery budget challenge, walmart grocery haul on a budget, eating on a budget, save money tips 2020, frugal living, save money tips, food haul on a budget, cook with me, cheap meals, cheap food, extreme cheapskates, saving money tips, budgeting tips, budgeting for beginners, save money fast, save money motivation, save money hacks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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