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am i straight am i not straight i don't know i'm feeling this in my bathroom did i tell you how i was putting this in my bathroom anyway hey friends welcome back to my channel thank you guys so much for coming back to my channel thank you for clicking on this video oh and by the way don't mind what's going on with my hair i'm actually in the middle of cleaning and i wanted to make sure that i did an intro for the video so whatever you see going on i'm actually in my bathroom so if there's an echo or anything i had to escape the kids to do the video do the intro so keep that in mind you know we keep you know we keep it real around here so in today's video i will be sharing an extreme grocery budget meal well actually three meals so we're going to be doing a full day of cooking i'll be doing breakfast lunch and dinner and our budget for today for a single one person is 1.25 yes 1.25 so in these videos i like to remind you that if you are struggling if you are having issues with money and you need to put food on the table always reach out to your local food bank your local schools your local churches any type of local resources they are out there to help you there's a number to one one that you can call and they can help to point you in the right direction of maybe another resource that you haven't thought about in order to get that assistance so i'm going to be including screenshots of the items that i purchased i use walmart usually as a guide because i know that most people have walmart everybody has different stores maybe you even have the items on hand and don't have to go purchase them i actually have the items on hand the only thing that i did not have was a full container of the seven point five or seven zero whatever i didn't have the full amount of the pasta i ended up only having about five ounces of the pasta but i still went ahead and did the meals um as you know to show you guys how to make the meals so i mean just keep in mind that you'll probably have more food than i ended up making also i want to know i am not a dietitian i am not a nutritionist none of those things i'm just a mom that likes to share ideas on how you can stretch your money or if you have limited funds how to get food on the table i want you guys to keep in mind that there are families right now that do not have any food or they're not able to fully feed their families so yes these meals may not always meet the daily nutritional values but when you're in an extreme situation it's important just to get something on the table so this is not a way of eating every day i don't suggest that what i do suggest is that you reach out like i said to a local resource that can assist you in getting more food and more nutrition on the table but if you only have a dollar 25 i'm going to show you how to go ahead and stretch that dollar 25 and make some delicious meals and also i'll be putting the nutritional values in the description below and i also try to include screenshots of the nutritional values in the video as well so for today's meals what we're going to be needing is one roma tomato one 7.05 ounce pack of pasta now you can use ramen but i use a pasta because it had more calories in it and walmart does sell a couple different varieties a couple different brands of the smaller packs of pasta for about 25 to 28 cents so keep an eye out for that you'll also be needing one banana and half a dozen eggs so based on my area at the time that i did the screenshot it was 1.25 sometimes it may be less sometimes it'll be more but it would be by cents really um so this will be like a cook with me style video i'll be cooking through then i'll be talking through the video i won't be doing a voice over i don't think i had to do a voiceover so it'll be me cooking at least in as real time as possible so if you like videos like this be sure to like comment and subscribe what i would love for you to tell me down below is are you on a budget are you on a grocery budget if you are what are you doing to stay on that budget what are your plans for budget are you looking to cut your budget have you been able to cut your but all the things anything to do with a grocery budget put it down below if you have tips to share be sure to add that as well so without further ado anyway because i will talk to you guys forever without further ado let's get into the video what's up guys so these are the ingredients that we'll be needing for these recipes and i'm sure i've included a screenshot so i don't quite have 7.5 ounces of the pasta i actually have 5.8 ounces but that's good enough because i'm just going to show you the recipes and i'll be eating them on my own and i don't actually need the amount but i do want to show you the recipe and i don't want to go out and purchase anything so of course here's the pasta and this is what it looks like those pasta um the type of pasta is actually looks like um let's see if i can do this one-handed it looks like broken up spaghetti so that's what it looks like there that looks like broken up spaghetti so that's that pasta then i have the one banana i of course have a tomato aroma tomato and six eggs so that's all we're going to be using for today so let's go ahead and get into it okay so for this recipe the only thing you're going to need to do is to take your banana just break it apart you're just going to smash it and hopefully you have a more ripe banana than i have but that's what i can find in the store so we're going to work with what we got of course the um right for the banana of course the sweeter the banana and because this is a budget meal we're not going to add any um extra vanilla or anything or any nuts but if you do happen to have that on hand i would suggest you go in and see what you have and go ahead and add it here but we're going to do a simple basic very budget friendly version of these banana pancakes if you have oatmeal you can add it if you have vanilla you can add it if you have nuts you can add it whatever you have is grated in here and i'm going to go ahead and crack my eggs one two and you're just going to go ahead and feed the eggs right in here and also if you have baking powder you can add it and it'll help the pancakes to fluff up a little bit more and you can make this as chunky or as smooth as you like it i'm just going to do a basic quick recipe and that shouldn't take you more than about two or three minutes to put together so there's our mixture i'm actually going to let it sit for about five minutes in the refrigerator and that just allows me to clean up my area and to let this sit and kind of thicken up just a little bit so we'll come back okay okay so i've taken my mixture out of the refrigerator and it's thickened up just a little so you could have easily just added one egg to your bananas and then use that other egg to make scrambled eggs because i am going to scramble one egg along with these pancakes so you could have done one banana one egg to make a thicker consistency but i'm just going to go ahead and show you the basic recipe for the banana pancakes and i'm just adding oil to my pan just a little a cool tip is if you go to mcdonald's every so often even to just order a cheeseburger you can always ask them for like butter or syrup or even honey so i have these honey packets and i will be adding it on top because we don't have the um pancake syrup because that's not a part of our budget but you could have easily like i said just went ahead and asked them for some honey or even pancake syrup they will give it to you for free they give you a hard time maybe you don't need to frequent that mcdonald's so i'm going to use a measuring cup to put my pancake mixture on the stove and i have it on a medium high heat if you hear chicken croin in the background i'm sorry one of my neighbors has a chicken or rooster or whatever it is that curls i don't know so of course these aren't perfect but good enough so this can make about five pancakes and a pretty good size i'm just gonna wait for it to kind of bubble and then i'm gonna flip it so yeah like i said if you go to mcdonald's for any reason load up on those condiments load up on some honey load up on some butter load up on some um pancake syrup and that way you don't have to actually purchase it and you can add it to your budget meals so we're just going to let this cook and i'll be back so you do want to go in and check it every so often just make sure nothing's burning maybe you need to turn down your heat i'm going to turn mine down just a little i'm just testing them to see if maybe they're done once they're done you can tell because they get kind of firm so this one isn't quite done yet this is ready to be flipped so you can see one side of my stone heats up faster than the other side and i'm a typical mom so that's why i use my hands a lot you'll hear water in the background a lot because i do tend to wash my hands a lot i'm just going to push those down just to make sure that they are cooking and these don't take any more than about five minutes to cook depending on how your stove is so then once the other side starts to look like that you can go ahead and take it off i'm just going to move these over i'm not going to add any more oil i'm just going to go ahead and add the mixture here because this is a non-stick so it doesn't really taste like oil so these should be ready and while that's cooking i'm going to go ahead and beat my egg so like i said these make five pancakes so you can make less pancakes by um just using less egg so if i would have used one egg i probably would have gotten three pancakes and two scrambled eggs okay because this is our lone pancake this may burn this is how it is when i have one pancake meat and one pancake don't get along so often see if i smooth it out let me see if i smooth it out a little bit if that'll help okay so usually the first pancake is the worst pancake but in this case last one's gonna be the headache okay so this is gonna be my tasting pancake i'm just gonna rinse this out and i'll be back okay so i'm just gonna add a little bit of oil that might be too much but that's okay because remember the oil actually is gonna add to your so it's okay to have a little more i just want to make sure i get all of our egg out i don't want to waste any of it i'm just letting the heat from the stove cook this at this point turned off the stove and there we have it and i'll be back to plate this all up okay so here's my eggs i got my pancakes i only put four because i already ate the fifth one listen this is real life now if you save some salt and pepper packets because they are readily available you can go ahead and season your um eggs and all i'm going to do is i'm going to drizzle some of that honey and all you need is one packet of honey just to sweeten that up you could have easily added the honey inside of the pancake mixture but we don't really want it to burn so that's why i didn't want to add any more sugar component and there we have it breakfast for pancakes one scrambled egg or you could have done three well actually would have been five pancakes one scrambled egg or you could have done three pancakes and two scrambled eggs so that is breakfast okay so now we're going to tackle lunch so here i just have about a cup of water and i'll probably add a little more and i'm going to go ahead and saute it i just added some of the salt from the packet from breakfast i kept some of this up because you don't waste food what i'm going to do is i'm going to add half of my um pasta mixture half of my pasta let's see yeah i need more water and i'm going to let this cook according to package instructions but i'm going to give it an extra few minutes because i want this to thicken up i actually do want to overcook the pasta in this case and while that's cooking i'm going to go ahead and start dicing up some tomatoes and um beating some egg and we'll be back okay so i'm just cutting up my tomato and the pasta is boiling i could have boiled the whole entire thing of pasta but because i'm doing this in between a couple things i don't want to overcook anything so that's why i did only half the pasta but to save time i would suggest that you go ahead and try to cook all the pasta and then take out some and then finish up with the overcooking of the pasta so i'm just dicing my tomato and i'm going to dice the whole tomato just to save time because i'm going to need it in another recipe and there we have it the tomatoes all diced up but of course i'm not going to leave this out because we need that too and this can actually go inside my broth bag so there we have it okay so i'm gonna go ahead and beat one egg if you have any shelves in your eggs when you're breaking them you can easily use the other half of the um the um eggshell and pull that out but i don't so i don't need to but i want to go ahead and share that tip with you guys i'm just gonna go ahead and feed this and leave it off to the side while the pasta is um cooking all right so those are just gonna sit there and hang out so there's the tomatoes and i'm gonna take half the tomatoes and put it in a ziploc actually i'm gonna take more than half because i actually don't need that many and you know you could have used these tomatoes this morning in the um breakfast and added it to your egg that's probably enough so that's a good tip as well so that's what i'm going to need for this recipe here and i'll probably dice these a little bit more okay so my pasta's done i let this cook for about 10 minutes and see there's alexa alexa dismissed okay so yeah this cooks for about 10 minutes and as you can see most of the water is gone out of here so i'm just going to let this cool for about 10 to 20 minutes just until it is room temperature because i'm going to be using egg and i don't want the curdle and i'm going to need the liquid that's in here so i can put this in the refrigerator and that's probably what i'm gonna do after it cools down a little bit more so i'm gonna come back once this is cooled and then we're gonna continue on with the process all right okay guys so my pasta was in the refrigerator so it's hardened up a little bit well what happens is this pasta water kind of thickens up and the longer you keep it in there the more it'll thicken up and actually the longer it sits the better so if you can let this sit for a couple hours so maybe it'd be best to go ahead and boil the pasta early in the morning but that's fine because we are on a time crunch so here i'm just going to go ahead and dump the pasta out and i think i'm going to go ahead and put it back in the refrigerator for a little bit longer because even though we're under time crunch i want to make sure i show you guys how to do this right so i'm going to go ahead and transfer it and go ahead and put it back in the refrigerator it set for about 20 minutes i'm going to let it sit for another 20 minutes and half an hour and i'll be back so while the pasta is cooling down a little bit more i'm going to go ahead and show you what i'm going to be using so i'm going to be using complete seasoning and it's by padilla and i know people a lot of people have been asking me where to get this this is everywhere i found this in dollar tree i found it in walmart if you don't have it in your local stores i'm sure you can get on amazon so the brand is vadiya and it's called complete seasoning and it has almost everything in it so this is really good if you don't have a lot of seasonings or you don't have a lot of space for a lot of seasoning it has garlic powder in it it has onion powder salt and it does have msg so if you're weird about the msg you may not want to use it but look my family's been using msg forever we're still here and of course the tomatoes and i've eaten one egg just for garnish i have um some green onion that i'm gonna be using this is not required this is just for presentation and if you have some that you need to get rid of be sure to go ahead and grab it but no need because i'm not even gonna put it in there i'm just going to put it on top and i'm going to add some italian seasoning italian seasoning is amazing because it has all the dried herbs you need it has oregano it has thyme rosemary basil and sage and marjoram so it has all the good stuff so i'm going to be using that i'm going to be using a little black pepper like i said if you go to the store or you go to one of those restaurants you can always grab extra black pepper and i have tons of these from domino's and i'm gonna be adding them in there and these are just the grated parmesan so i'll be adding this into the um pancake and that is gonna be like the thing for today apparently pancakes so when the pasta is done i'll be right back okay okay so i'm back so this has set in the i actually put in the freezer for about 15 more minutes and all i'm doing is just kind of mashing it and if you can let this sit for a couple of hours in the refrigerator that would be perfect but i only have limited time and i want to make sure i get this to you guys as good as it gets so i'm just mashing this a little bit just to kind of get different textures in here see it's just breaking these apart a little bit now if you want to you can put some of this in a food processor or a blender or whatever you have that can kind of mush it a little bit more or you could use your mixer but then that's going to be a pain in the butt to clean so not doing that we're just gonna go ahead and do this we're gonna mash it out as much as we can i wonder if a potato masher can do it let's see okay let's see if this will help maybe this will help me this will make this faster maybe i don't know okay now see the more you cook this the easier it is to mash but i don't want this to be mushy so i didn't want to overcook it too much so this is fine so some of these are broken apart some are smaller and all i'm going to do is go ahead and add my egg i'm going to go ahead and add about let's see about two teaspoons of italian seasoning you add as much as you want and i'm gonna add about about half a teaspoon of the complete seasoning there's no need to add salt because we already salted our water and remember we didn't remove any of it so my black pepper go ahead and put the parmesan cheese in and that'll also help to thicken it up now if you have like nutritional yeast or anything of that sort you can add that as well a little bit of flour whatever but we're not going to do that because it's the budget meal two packages of that and now our tomato i'm just gonna mix that together and i'm actually going to let this sit in the refrigerator that's why i wanted to get to it because this does need to sit it doesn't have to but it's best for it to sit in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes [Music] if you can let it sit longer that's perfect but i do want this to sit so that's why i wanted to get to it but i did not want my eggs to curdle and i did want to try to break up some of this without breaking up the tomatoes so we're gonna put this in the refrigerator and we'll be back okay so i took my pasta mixture out of the refrigerator and i'm gonna go ahead and put some oil on the skillet and let it heat up okay so once my pan's heated up i'm going to go ahead and start placing these and i think i'm just going to place one in the middle maybe we'll see what works best just place one or two so we'll see and if you hear noise in the background my neighbors kids are outside having a glass so yeah so you just want to flatten that out as much as you can [Music] and i have my stove on about medium high i'm just going to fry these until they kind of start sticking together and they're kind of brown and you'll kind of tell as you start playing with it a little bit so let's just let that cook and i'll do that so you can make these as spin as you want to um the thicker they are the longer it's going to take for them to cook and to form so i was just checking that one that was not done yet and you can kind of tell because see it goes under half of it but it doesn't go through the whole pancake i'm gonna try to flatten it out a little bit and then i'll come back so i just reduced my heat to medium because i want this to cook through because it has egg in it and i want it to firm up but i don't want it to burn i'm continually checking it see this side is starting to cook the middle so it hasn't you can kind of tell because the edges will start to get brown all right so let's go ahead and try to flip this one and it may break apart let's break the part just put it back together so this one wasn't fully formed yet you can tell because it's not even fully brown so i stay on about medium heat for about three to five minutes depending on how thick that's what you want a nice crust and this side of my stuff just takes a little bit longer sometimes this side is sometimes it's this side just depending okay so this still needs a little bit of time because it's still breaking apart and now the longer like i said the longer you let the pasta sit in the refrigerator the um more will come together because i'm working on limited time this is as much as it's gonna come together i'm gonna go ahead and remove this one because this one should be done and it may fall apart again which it didn't it actually didn't but the longer you let it sit in the refrigerator longer it can set up i'm to move this over [Music] this is the hotter part of my own pan let me go ahead and flip it and that one's still breaking apart but that's okay [Music] because we don't strive for perfection we strive for good enough as long as you try your hardest you're good go ahead and take this one off all right so they're still all in the pan so i'm not going to add any more and you can add more if you need to but i'm going to turn my heat up just a little bit i guess i'm just going to stick to putting two in here so they have final room to cook while that's over there cooking i'm going to go ahead and try this one that's broken apart already oh that's good you don't need a sauce or anything because this isn't fried but if you want a quick sauce or something to put with it you can do that i would say this would be good with um a quick ketchup and mustard sauce i'm sorry quick ketchup and mayo sauce mix that together or ketchup and sriracha mix that together that would be so good we're just waiting for that i'm not finished it because they're just having brown i'm just going to finish up the rest of them and i'll get back all together this should make about six pancakes at this size so i'll be back okay guys here's what the pancakes look like yes some of them fell apart because like i said i didn't keep it in the refrigerator long enough so that's what happens but i found a little mayo it's about as much as a packet of mayo and i have a packet of ketchup and i'm just gonna add a little bit didn't find any sriracha in my shell i usually have it but looks like i need to purchase some more and i'm not gonna put a lot of um ketchup in here if you have vinegar or lemon juice you could add it here and maybe some chili powder just make up for the lack of um sriracha that's all you need to do so you would do equal parts of sriracha and mayo but like i said i don't have any so you could easily substitute it with something else so that's basically what the sauce looks like you can either drizzle it over or you can dip your pancake in so this is what the pancakes look like i'm going to place them on a different plate just for presentation purposes okay guys so that's what that looks like play it up and it did make about six pancakes i'm sorry i'm over here eating them because they are good i'm just putting the green onions on top you could always put the green onions in okay so there we have it guys quick and easy so this is like a spaghetti pasta um pancake thingy there's a name for maybe a spaghetti pancake or something um super simple and easy to make that crust on there makes a huge difference and changes the texture so you don't feel like you're eating pasta you feel like you're eating something different really really good so even if you're not on this daily budget i think this would be cool to try out look at all that texture so good so i'll be back okay guys we're going to go ahead and start doing dinner so just put a little bit of oil a little and i'm going to add the rest of my tomatoes i'm also going to add some ketchup packets this is one that opened earlier i'll stop two more so we're gonna start with three ketchup packets i'm going to add some complete seasoning use whatever you have and some italian seasoning if you don't have complete seasoning i always say that you can use chicken bouillon and it just gives a really good flavor whatever you're cooking i'm just going to serve this around and try to keep this through if you had onions or whatever or any vegetables you could add it here but working on a limited budget so that's all we have so my pasta was cooking and i took the pasta water i'm just gonna add it i'm gonna add actually some more water so that's about a cup of pasta water and about half a cup of tomatoes chopped i'm going to add another cup of water i'm just going to let that cook down for about i say about 20 minutes and i'm going to come back okie doke okay so this has been cooking for about five minutes i'm just adding more ketchup here i'm gonna let it continue to cook down and it's on high heat i'm going to let it continue to cook for about two or three more minutes i'm just tasting for salt i'm not going to put any salt but i am going to put a little bit more of this complete seasoning and i'm going to continue to let it cook for like i said maybe two to five minutes if it needs more um water i will put that but i'm just going to go ahead and let it try to reduce all the way down and i'll come back okay so two minutes has passed i see it with this down quite a bit this reduced down quite a bit so i'm gonna go ahead and add my pasta and the pasta is already cooked so we're not cooking it here we're just heating it through and i just turned off the stove and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to add an egg here you can add two well actually i'm going to go ahead and add both because there's only one more left so my stove is off but the heat is going to go ahead and cook both eggs and we'll just let it stay on the stove because this is a really good pan it's going to go ahead and keep the heat so we're just going to let it go ahead and cook until it gets to a color that i want the eggs to we're going for like a soft egg so we'll do that all right so i'm going to go ahead and add the cover to let the steam finish cooking the egg because my house is kind of cold we're in florida i don't know why it's cold that'll help that to go ahead and cook even though um the stove is still off okay i'm just gonna check it okay so it's still cooking it's been about i say about two minutes and i'm gonna come back and check it again okay so it's been about two minutes and if you want this to cook further i'm gonna go ahead and put it in the bowl and i'll put it in the microwave just because i'm running short on time there's a noodle in my eye there's a noodle in my eye so i'm gonna go ahead and stick this in the microwave for a quick 30 seconds and i'll be back okay and this is just crushed red pepper we like a lot you don't have to add as much but that's what i like it comes with a lot so you can use this packet for a couple different meals but there we have it and i'm gonna add some parmesan and then we have it and if you have parsley you can just put it there and i'll probably put some for just presentation but there we have it dinner and it's still hot so it'll continue to cook and i don't want it to overcook so i need to take a couple pictures but it'll set up before i get a chance to eat it because i already got my fork ready so give me a minute i'm just gonna add a little parsley flakes different color of course and this is great if you're in a climate where it's cold because this is nice and warm and spicy so i'm just giving you a good close-up so now if you want your egg cooked more um a cheap way to do it of course like i told you guys is just to stick it inside the microwave if the heat isn't enough to cool isn't enough to cook it i'm sorry um and you cook it to the dentist that you like but i like the creamy texture that this egg is gonna give by the time it finishes cooking through because it's still hot and it's still cooking through i don't know if you can see the steam so it's still cooking through and yeah so that's meal number three for today let me give it a try number eight so let's see get a little bit of the egg see like i said you know the egg is gonna continue to cook so as you can see it already started to cook even more and it's pretty hot so it's cooked so you don't have to keep it on for too long so the egg is perfectly cooked for me and i'm going to try it that's good i get another bite sorry that's so good oh yeah i put some more parmesan because i have another packet here but yeah guys those are my three meals this is good i can't even talk so these were my three meals for a dollar super good super delicious and um as far as the calories go i'm gonna try to do the breakdown of the calories for you guys i believe this came in at just under 2 000 calories for the day but like i always say you want to go ahead to your um your um food pantries or any local resource in your area and yeah so i will see you guys in the next video bye okay guys there you have it those were our three meals for a full day of eating so even if you're not on the budget i think you guys should give those meals a try even if you're not on a budget i think that you should always think outside of the box and one way of staying within your budget and eating good on a budget is to just think outside the box and seasons are always important you know i always go back to seasonings so again friends thank you so much for coming back to my channel i hope you like my videos just enough to subscribe share like comment and all the good things until the next video guys bye
Channel: K James
Views: 129,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: extreme grocery budget meals, extreme grocery budget challenge, grocery budget challenge, extreme grocery budget, budget meals, grocery challenge, thrifty living, frugal lifestyle, meal plan, meal prep, whats for dinner, how to save money, grocery budget, grocery haul, large family meals, struggle meals, large family, pantry challenge, frugal fit mom, jen chapin, college student, food stamps, SNAP, cook with me, cheap meal, eat for, a week, 1 dollar, food budget
Id: ZcwGZQh19uE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 30sec (2250 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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