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hey guys welcome back to my channel in today's video I'm going to show you how I meal plan for my family of four for one week at my favorite store Aldi alright if you're new here my name is Claire and this channel is all about mom stuff lady stuff and like stuff so definitely hit that subscribe button down below if you have not ready and today I'm going to Aldi it's like one of my top 5 favorite places in the world I go there once a week usually on Saturday or Sunday and I shop weekly and so if you are interested in meal planning or saving money or all that stuff my first tip for you would be to shop weekly I waste hardly any food because I know exactly what my family is going to need in one week I'm not buying just random amounts of stuff I have a meal plan for the week and I'm just gonna kind of walk you through what I do on a typical weekend to feed my family for the week the first thing I do when I am meal planning is I get out a piece of paper and I divide it in half of the line then I write out the days of the week starting with today because I don't have any dinner planned for today so today is Saturday so here we have Saturday through Friday and the first thing I'm gonna do is go through my cupboards and try to fill in as many meals as possible with things that I already have I usually will start in my freezer and see what kind of meat I'm working with and I'll work myself sort of around that I know I have some frozen chicken thighs right here and I still have two pounds of ground turkey left I also have some burgers and that seems to be like the meat I'm working with this week and now I'll go back here and I know that with the chicken thighs the best thing I usually make with chicken thighs is shake and bake so we'll probably do shake and bake tomorrow I actually still have one pouch of shake-and-bake left from a couple weeks ago so I don't need to buy anymore shake and bake so that's good I also buy my rice from Aldi in these really huge bags so I don't need to buy those that often so we're gonna do is shake and bake with rice so now I'm just gonna go through my cupboards and try to fill this out the best that I can with things I already have and then I'll kind of let you know where I am after that all right so I have enough things in my fridge and freezer to take care of four nights of meals I also for the Pollock burgers I do have a bag of french fries in there and a bag of salad but I don't have any buns so I'm gonna go ahead and write that on the side which is going to be my shopping list the rest of these things I have everything for for tacos I am going to need to buy taco seasoning and I'm also going to need to buy tortillas I have a instant pot recipe I want to try tonight for macaroni and cheese so I'm just going to fill in these other three days and I'm gonna go ahead and write the ingredients for the things I decide on those days over here on my shopping list [Music] all right now that I have my whole list of dinners the things that I added we're gonna make personal pizzas this week I have this great recipe where you combine Greek yogurt and self-rising flour to make like this dough that can be used for anything so we're gonna make personal pizzas with that I also have actually been making my own Greek yogurt so you will not see Greek yogurt on my list Greek yogurt can be kind of expensive I make it in my instant pot just using milk so um that isn't going to be an issue and also for Friday night I've got Brynner on here which means breakfast for dinner we do this probably once a week and it's because everybody in our house loves breakfast food the boys will probably have oatmeal or grits both of which we already have my husband and I will maybe eat an omelet or something like that we will be buying eggs and cheese so omelets will be an easy one we also have general baking items already in stock to the pantries such as flour and whatever if we decide we want waffles or pancakes so a Friday night is usually kind of left a little bit open but breakfast or dinner is always a huge hit now my husband almost always takes something are left over from the night before in his lunch but things he also likes to take in his lunch are protein bars the boys have a huge thing chicken nuggets still in there I don't need to buy those every single week so we're good on chicken nuggets the boys will also eat the tortillas this week for their lunches I usually need to buy a bag of pretzels every week and also our normal two dozen eggs and then I'm just going to fill out some other random things then I'm gonna go to Aldi get everything and then I will show you my haul [Music] seriously you guys I really impressed myself with this one I don't normally take everything out and put it on the counter after I bought it and all these so like now that I've done that I can't believe what a good deal I got I got all of this food all of it for $59.95 so now I'm going to show you everything I got and hopefully you'll be inspired to head to Aldi and see what they have all right you guys I do want to be totally transparent with you my actual amount I spent all day it was $70 because I bought these non-food items I did not include that in my total because this is a grocery haul but I have to show you these because it's a good deal and I was excited about it these are vapor wall plugs and both my boys woke up this morning with horribly runny noses and cops and it's been a really warm winter here in Michigan so I thought we might escape it but we didn't they both have cold so when I saw these I thought they were perfect I got one for each of their room it's a nightlight and a vapor releaser so they were $4.99 apiece so I did spend $10 on non-food items normally that's not something I would just buy a random thing I didn't need it all these obviously I'm gonna spend whatever it takes to help my baby feel better so I just wanted to point those out to you and yeah let's get into all the groceries I got a half gallon of almond milk I love all these almond milk it's only a dollar sixty-nine and I use it in smoothies with my children every day so we go through about a half a gallon a week next I picked up some funds we're gonna have burgers this week for dinner these funds for only 85 cents I also picked up a bag of pretzels if you're not new here you might know this little tidbit pretzels are my favorite food any type of pretzels I love pretzels both my boys love pretzels and pretzels at Aldi are only 59 cents for the fat so of course we go through body bag we next are the eggs I got two dozen I eat extra breakfast almost every day my boys also like extra breakfast and my husband takes hard-boiled eggs with him to work in his lunch these are only 48 cents a dozen super cheap way to add something healthy and high in protein in your diet next I got a bag of spinach I like to put this in our smoothies in the morning it's only a dollar nineteen a bag and a tip for you guys if you're using spinach and your smoothies you can totally put it in the freezer and it will blend into your smoothie just fine so if you find a really good deal on spinach get it throw it in the freezer and pull it out as you need it in your smoothies next I got a pack of mushroom actually my husband doesn't like mushrooms but I love them and I eat them with my lunch all the time like as a meat substitute so I might do like a sandwich or like a taco style thing in a tortilla these are the baby Bella's and they're so good and they're only a dollar 39 for the whole carton next I got a pack of these peanut butter crackers um they aren't like super healthy for you so I don't give them to my kids every day but it's a nice thing for me or my husband to take to work with us this is easy exactly super portable and they're only 89 cents so we do probably go through a pack of these Bob every week next I picked up a loaf of bread the breads we always buy it Aldi is the 12th grain of the whole grain bread it's got 13 grams of whole grains per serving and it's just like a hearty good bread it's not like super soft and like super sugary so I think it's great for everything we need red for sandwiches french toast and stuff so some bread and it cost a dollar and 79 cents a little next I got two packs of fruit cups so in total 8 fruit cups these are a dollar 59 apiece and they are so easy to give my kids lunch especially if I don't have a lot of time or route about if you pack these really easily with us next I got a couple of cans of soup these ones were only 49 cents each this one is a vegetable soup this one is French onion this time of year I have soup for lunch all the time because it's just so comforting and like just cold-weather foods so I love eating soup for lunch so I got those from me I also got one of the pricier soups this one is the grilled chicken and sausage gumbo and we got one of these because I think I've two more still like a dumpling one that maybe a chowder in the pantry already and this bigger one was a dollar 35 next I picked up a pack of 99-cent flour tortillas we are doing tacos this week turkey tacos so we'll use them then but there are ten of them in here so my husband will be able to make like a burrito for lunch the next day after taco night also my kids love eating these with a little peanut butter in between them as sort of like a peanut butter quesadilla so we always buy her here every single week and we always eat all of them next I got a pack of salami I only paid $2 and 59 cents for it my husband loves to take sandwiches in his lunch for work so that's what I got it for next I picked up some cheese the blocks of cheese at Aldi are so inexpensive compared to everywhere else these blocks are dollar 69 and peace and I bought them specifically for a recipe that I'm doing tonight in my instant pop the macaroni and cheese so I got one mild cheddar and one sharp cheddar dollar 69 you cannot beat that also for that recipe I picked up shredded Parmesan for only a dollar 99 for this whole tub I actually bought a lot more cheese today than I would in a normal week because I'm making a specific recipe so I think that's why my bill was more than $50 this time I tried to spend about $50 a week so it's a little more but I think it was because of that specific recipe that I didn't have anything for I had it pretty much buy everything for it today including this Parmesan but this at any other store would be like at least five dollars so a dollar ninety-nine for the parm Radio I also got some shredded mozzarella this is there like big pack there's four cups in here and it was $2.49 that's a little bit pricey for the cheese but I'm actually using it for two separate recipes this week we're doing personal pizzas one night and then for the macaroni tonight so I do try to find things like that that I can use more than once throughout the week that way I don't waste anything next I got some grapes these were pretty pricy today there's about two pounds here so I ended up paying four dollars and thirty-five cents for these I also bought this pack of mandarin oranges both my kids love these and they were expensive two three dollars and sixty nine ten bananas however are always a good deal they were forty four cents a pound today so I got all these bananas for a dollar in nine cents I also picked up two cucumbers at forty nine cents apiece we might throw these in a salad or I just like to eat them by themselves and so does my youngest next I picked up two bags of these frozen broccoli florets there are a dollar 19 of these you can see them right in the bag in your microwave we eat these all the time I also got some cream cheese for 79 cents I don't like cream cheese but my husband does so I got it just for him I also picked up some chicken broth at a dollar 19 this is also for that macaroni and cheese recipe tonight it kind of turned into an expensive pot of macaroni he also got a bag of these kale chips they were a dollar 89 this isn't something that I would normally buy but they are Buffalo blue cheese chips I personally am NOT a huge fan but my husband tried them last time at Aldi and you love them so when I saw them there they're like a seasonal item you can only get them for a limited I grabbed a bag just for him so he can take some in his lunch this week next for two dollars a nineteen cents I picked up a pack of turkey pepperoni and also for the personal pizzas are making this week I just got this little jar of marinara sauce it's only 85 cents I also got some 29 cent taco seasoning and for 229 I picked up some turkey kielbasa we really like this it goes well with a lot of things and I think I might serve it tonight with the macaroni kind of like an adult version of like hot dogs and Kraft macaroni so we'll see if we're gonna do that tonight next for a dollar 89 I picked up a pack of these breakfast biscuits my children are obsessed with these because they think their cookies like they think they are just straight-up junk food cookies they actually have 19 grams of whole grains in them and they're pretty low on sugar compared to like other things of this type so I actually do use these as like a treat I figure you do deserve a cookie every now and then and if we can sneak a breakfast biscuit in there instead even better I also picked up a pack of these protein bars they are only a dollar 79 and my husband takes these to work all the time I also got a pack of elbow macaroni again for dinner tonight and it was a dollar and nine cents I'm actually only going to need to use half of this box for the recipe so we'll probably use the other half of it sometime later this week and easy lunch for the kids or whatever I also picked up three gallons of milk two gallons of whole milk and one gallon of skim I prefer to drink skim milk that's how I grew up I know it's weird but I prefer to drink skim and also my oldest box he also drinks skim along with me the whole milk is for the little one Desmond by nineteen months old and also the reason I got two of the whole milk is because I've been making my own Greek yogurt in the instant pot and so eating them back but for a dollar 25 I mean you cannot find milk cheaper than that anywhere I love all deeper milk and the very last thing I got is just pizza it's one of their bacon baked pizzas kind of like a Sam's Club or Costco kind of thing this one is like a little bit damaged a little bit wonky therefore it was half-price so I got this pizza for three dollars and my husband I are actually gonna eat it for lunch today like in an hour or so so that's something I probably wouldn't normally buy but the Half Price got me three dollars for lunch isn't bad all right you guys that was my entire haul from Aldi as I said I only spent $59.95 on my groceries this will feed my family easily for a week and we'll probably have some things here and there leftover for next week I hope you found this video helpful I hope that you are amazing with your meal planning this week really it trying to look at what you already have and build on top of that because wasting food is the biggest waste of money of course hit that subscribe button and come back for more mom stuff lady stuff and life stuff I post new videos every Wednesday Friday and Sunday I would love to have you also hit that little tiny bill I can if you want to be notified anytime I make a new post and I'll see you guys my next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Claire Risper
Views: 65,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meal planning at aldi, meal plan with me 2019, meal plan with me aldi, aldi haul 2019, aldi haul for family of 4, what my family of 4 eats in a week, family of 4 eats in a week, feeding a family of 4 on a budget, budget meals from aldi, budget meals for a family of 4, feeding my family for a week with $60, $50 weekly grocery budget, how to meal plan on a budget, meal planning for begginers 2019, weekly aldi haul 2019, huge aldi haul 2019, big aldi haul 2019, aldi meal plan
Id: LEQHawMjkKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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