How to EASILY Setup Elgato HD60S to PS4/PS5/XBOX | Setup Streamlabs OBS | FIX GAME/CHAT Audio Issues

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welcome back to the channel guys and in today's  video i'll be showing you guys how to properly   set up your elgato hd 60s for your ps4 ps5 or  even possibly your xbox now if you guys have   any questions whatsoever when it comes to this  process or there's a specific issue that you   guys are having make sure to leave your comments  below but stick with me till the very end of this   video because there may be questions that you  have that i may answer within this video so to   begin with we're going to set up the elgato hd60s  to my ps4 and then i'll show you guys what to do   once you connect it to your computer and what you  should do in terms of obs and the settings that   you should implement and some other things that  you may need in order to have the audio for game   and audio for chat go through your stream without  any issues so let's get right into it and let's   set up our elgato hd 60s to begin with so to begin  with what you want to go ahead and do is take your   elgato hd 60s and for the out option you want to  go ahead and whatever hdmi cable is connected to   your tv or monitor you want to go ahead and plug  that connection into the out option of your elgato   then for the in option you want to go ahead and  take this hdmi cable and plug that into your ps4   ps5 or xbox also for this process to ensure  that you guys get game audio and chat audio   going through your stream as well you're going  to need this cable right here on the end this   cable right here is the chat link cable brought  to you by elgato um if you guys don't have the the   capture card or the elgato chat link cable those  links will be in the description below so you guys   can go ahead and purchase those items and you will  need this item you will need the chat link cable   so that everything works smoothly and you  guys can have game audio and chat audio   within your stream and you can get the chat link  cable for about fifteen dollars in the link below   and this last cable here is the power cable and  this is a usb type 3 connection so pretty much   what you want to do is if on your computer you  have a usb type 3 connection with this blue as you   see my camera isn't focusing right now but if you  guys have this on your computer you guys would go   ahead and plug that into that connection to have  faster transfer of data so after you've done all   these things and you want to make sure before you  connect the power go ahead and make sure all the   hdmi connections are plugged in first and also  that the chat link cable is connected to your   controller and for the chat link cable you want  to make sure that the short end of the chat link   cable is what you're putting into your controller  because that third band that you see there on the   end on the mail adapter is for the microphone that  you would be transmitting your voice through your   playstation so people can hear you in game so you  want to make sure that you guys put this inside   of your controller so that's what's special about  this chat link cable that it has that third band   and normally on most things you would only have  two bands and for that reason if you try to use   a connection with only two bands this process will  not work and people in game won't be able to hear   you so this is something that you would have to  add to make sure that your stream has everything   that it needs to be able to project game audio  and chat audio so once you put that inside of   your controller as i'm doing now then all you want  to do after that is go ahead on the short end the   female adapter you want to go ahead and plug in  your microphone now the microphone that i'm using   for my playstation is a single ear headphone so if  you guys are also using a single ear headphone and   you guys want to use um a dual ear headphone so  that you guys can hear game audio better what you   guys can do is go ahead and take other headphones  and plug it into your computer so you guys can be   able to hear all the things that you want to  hear when it comes to game audio chat audio   and also anything that you need to listen to  when it comes to alerts or stuff like that in obs   so once you have connected all these things make  sure that all these are connected all the hdmis in   the chat link cable going into your controller  and your headphones are connected as well   before you plug in the power connection so for the  elgato this is the power connection and before you   plug this in make sure everything else is plugged  in because an issue that i've had is that if i do   not connect all the hdmi ports first and then the  power connection last you'll get a red light that   will appear in the middle right here and that  pretty much means the connection is not good   and typically when you do this you want to  make sure to connect everything first all   the hdmi connections and then after that the last  connection that you'll plug into your pc will be   the power connection and then typically you should  see a white light and if you see a white light   that means you did everything right so let's  go ahead and plug in the usb type 3 connection   into your computer so like i said a moment ago  this is a usb type 3 connection and if on your   computer you have a usb type 3 connection as well  you want to make sure to plug that connection into   that port because that's what will make sure  that you have the best and fastest connection   going from your game play to your pc so you want  to go ahead and do that and when you do that you   will then see a white light up here as you can  see there you'll see a white light up here on   the capture card so once that happens that  means you are good to go and the connection   is done well so your pc is also something that's  very important for your streams and if it's laggy   it could be a pc issue so you want to make sure  that the pc that you have has a good amount of   ram has a good graphics card and all that so if  you guys want to also get your hands on this pc   that i'm using for my streams there will be a link  in the description for that as well so now let's   go ahead and jump into the computer settings and  obs and all that good stuff so i can explain to   you guys what will need to be done within the  computer to be able to have everything set up   so that the capture card does everything that  it's supposed to and it's projecting game and chat   audio accordingly so let's go into the computer  settings so once you go on your computer then what   you want to go ahead and do is open up streamlabs  obs now i will recommend that you open streamlabs   obs as administrator all you have to do to be able  to do that is right click on the application on   your desktop and then there'll be a drop down menu  that gives you the option to run as administrator   and the reason why you want to do that is so that  your computer prioritizes obs so that when you're   streaming that's the main priority so that your  stream looks even better while you're streaming   and after connecting your elgato hd60s to your  computer if you do not see it coming up on your   streamlabs obs all you simply have to do is go to  video capture device under sources where you would   normally have the gameplay being seen and then  you just click on it and then where you see right   under game capture hd60s you would go to activate  and if you don't see it for whatever reason first   you would have to deactivate and then reactivate  and then it should appear also something that's   very important so that you guys can make sure  that you see the gameplay within your stream   is that and the gameplay is right behind this so  if i were to close the window capture you would   see the gameplay right there so something that's  also very important that you guys need to do   is in order to see the game play on your computer  you have to go to your settings and i'll show you   exactly where i'm going go to your settings and  then go all the way down to system and then from   system you want to go to enable hdcp and you want  to go ahead and uncheck that and by unchecking   that then that will allow your game play to be  projected onto your pc so that's something very   important as well if you guys aren't seeing the  gameplay on your pc and you're trying to figure   out why you have to uncheck enable hdcp and  then when you're done streaming and you set   your playstation or xbox back up the way that  it was before then you would just go ahead and   recheck that because as long as this is unchecked  if you try to go into netflix or anything else   it won't allow you to because it would say this  has to be turned back on so that's also something   that's very important for this process so once you  have done all that then you want to go ahead and   press your playstation button and go to sounds and  devices and make sure that all audio is selected   for output to headphones and this is why the chat  link cable is important because if you have all   audio selected but you just have your headset  plugged into your controller when you're in obs   this mic this bar right here where it says video  capture device will not be moving at all and no   audio would be projected because all of the  audio would be going through your hdmi cable   and because of that it would then transfer  over to whatever is plugged into your headset   and that's why you guys may have the issue  of not seeing game audio being projected   and that may be an issue that you guys are having  where you're not seeing your audio being projected   into obs and you're wondering why that's why  it's important to get the chat link cable   so that you guys can go ahead and split off the  headset that you're using for your controller and   the audio that's from the game so that it goes to  your stream without any issues so once all that is   ready to go then you want to go ahead and proceed  to the next step of this process so the next step   in this process and even though the elgato hd60s  seems like a plug and play and you're ready to go   you will need some software for it and you may not  have known that you needed it for it to be able   to make sure that you have the best settings and  that you are able to project game and chat audio   within your stream so what you want to do is go  to this elgato website that i have on screen right   now and then once you're on here and i'll have  this linked in the description below so you guys   can go ahead and go to this website and download  the application that you'll need for the elgato   hd60s and whether you're on mac or pc the options  are both there so once you're on here what you   want to do is go to game capture and you want to  go to the one that says compatible with hd60 hd60s   and hd60 pro whichever one that you guys have  you're gonna go ahead and download that onto your   computer once you have downloaded that onto your  computer then you can proceed to the next step   and once you download the application there will  be two things that will be added to your computer   and it'll be game capture hd and sound capture  sound capture you don't have to worry about as   much but what you want to do that's most important  is open up game capture hd and then from there   you'll see some things that you may not have known  so typically when you plug in your elgato hd 60s   something that is already a preset even though  it says 60 as in 60 fps normally this is set to   30 so you would see 30 here instead of 60. so if  you want to make sure to optimize your settings   and stream at 60fps you're going to go to this  little toggle right here where it would go into   settings so once you go into settings you will  then see your input device and also when i first   started using my elgato hd60s it said it was set  to xbox so if you go here you'll be able to set   it to whatever you have whether it's the ps4 ps5  uh xbox xbox one xbox series x anything that you   guys have you would select your input device also  video input would be selected to hdmi so this is   the important part right here to make sure if you  guys are having issues with game audio or chat   audio and wondering why it's not being projected  to your stream what you want to make sure and   what is already preset typically when you plug in  your elgato hd60s is that it would have hdmi audio   selected so what you want to do is and this is  why you need the chat link cable is you want to go   ahead and select analog audio game capture hd60s  so by doing that it will then go ahead and capture   the audio from the analog connection which is the  chat link cable and then you guys will be able to   talk to the people in the game and they'll be able  to hear your voice from your headset that you have   connected to the chat link cable and then you will  be able to also hear them within your stream as   well and if you have external headphones that  are also connected to your computer so that you   guys are able to hear everything that is being  said by the people that you're playing with in   game so if you guys do have a single earpiece  headset like i showed you earlier in the video   then you'll also be able to have the headphones  that go over both ears so that you're able to hear   the gameplay better and the people in  the game better and you won't have to use   the headset that i first plugged into my  controller so that is so that you guys can be able   to hear the game audio and chat audio within the  headset that is also connected to your computer   then you can also change your profile and change  the settings whether you want it to be in 1080p   720p standard or mobile and also typically this  would be unselected from allow 60fps and like   i said earlier in the video your computer is  something that's very important to be able to   determine what settings you want to put whether  you want to stream in 1080p 60fps or 30 fps it   is very important that your computer is able to  handle these settings and also all the stuff that   your stream will be doing within obs when it comes  to alerts or other graphics that you may have on   stream so that it doesn't take up a lot of cpu and  gpu so that's very important as well so that you   guys have the best stream possible and the best  quality possible and also your internet connection   is also going to be something that determines your  quality as well so that's something very important   and you guys will need a good internet connection  to also determine the quality of the stream that   you guys will be having then once you guys have  done all that you want to make sure that this   is set to 71 for game audio and then for live  commentary you want to make sure that's put to 50   and then you could have that turned off so you  don't need to select this where it says enable   monitoring to hear live commentary preview and  that's pretty much what you have to do within   these settings so this is something that you guys  have to make sure to download onto your pc so that   you guys can customize your elgato hd 60s for the  best settings possible and now once you've done   all that you want to go back into obs and then  when you see video capture device as you see here   and you do anything in game you'll see that  the bars will start moving when you do anything   and i'll show you that game audio is being  projected onto your stream and if you guys   want to be able to hear the game audio and chat  audio being projected through your headphones that   are connected to your computer so that you don't  have to use a single ear headset like i showed you   earlier then all you simply want to do is go to  this option right here and then from this option   you are then going to go to video capture device  down here and you're going to go ahead and select   monitor and output so that you guys can hear the  game audio and chat audio within your headphones   that is connected to your pc and also something  that i would recommend so that you guys have the   best audio settings when it comes to alerts and  all that stuff so it's not too loud within stream   is set desktop audio to negative 28.5 decibels  and set video capture device so that you have just   the right amount of sound of game audio and chat  audio going through your stream to negative 12.1   decibels and then game audio and chat audio would  sound just perfect and also the desktop audio when   it comes to alerts and stuff like that will be  just right so that's pretty much the process to   set up your elgato hd60s for your ps4 ps5 or even  your xbox if there is any questions that you guys   have that i did not answer within this video make  sure to leave your comments below and i'll try to   help you the best way that i can but if you guys  are new here i do welcome you it would be awesome   if you subscribe and if you did enjoy this video  and this video did help you out make sure to hit   that like button but that's gonna be it for me  guys and i'll see you guys in the next one peace   like i'm so athletic making hits like tennis  i've been on fire i just need my credit wanna go   far i need to change my settings reaching  for the stars so my feet touch heaven
Channel: DruManjiDrew
Views: 57,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to setup elgato hd60, how to setup elgato hd60s to ps4, how to setup elgato hd60s to ps5, how to setup elgato hd60s to xbox, how to setup elgato hd60s to ps4 and pc, how to setup elgato hd60s to ps4 with audio, hd60s, elgato hd60s, elgato hd60s setup ps4, elgato hd60s setup ps4 streamlabs obs, elgato hd60s setup ps5, how to setup elgato to ps4, elgato audio setup ps4, streamlabs ps5, elgato hd60s setup ps4 audio, elgato ps4 setup, streamlabs elgato setup, ps5 elgato setup
Id: Ds9NZChyBl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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