How to EASILY Draw 2D Landscapes in Photoshop ep. 01

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today I will show you how can really easily create those 2d or more popular flat landscapes in Photoshop so let's start hey guys its name onion welcome to another really fun episode today we will have something completely different on a menu I'm really thrilled about this episode because we will not deal with retouching your photo manipulations we will deal with some drawing in Photoshop some basic drawing that will be really easy and fun to do you will learn how to create those interesting 2d or flat landscapes in Photoshop and basically only limit is your imagination so without further ado let the fun begin right guys we are here in Photoshop and we will start with completely blank document if you are wondering about the size it's 12 11 by 1625 resolution 72 pixels per inch it's completely relevant it's just vertical vertical page vertical blank paper and that's it so now we will start with some interesting drawing but before we start with drawing I want to address one thing the landscape that we will create will have some colors so today we will create landscape in monochromatic colors that means that we will use just one color and shades of that color so different brightness and different situation of the same color but of course you can do that in multiple colors you can you can play with the color theory you can use instead of monochromatic you can use maybe analogous or triads or complementary colors whatever you want and if you're not familiar with the color theory please watch my episode about that you can find it right here and here in Photoshop if you want to choose the colors for monochromatic or triad or whatever you can go to window and then extensions and choose a dog color team and this is a dog color team wheel and some swatches here that you can hire show it's really easy so I just put those two together so that's why are showing together not separately alright so let's put it here and with this you can go right here and choose the rule now it's monochromatic you can choose triad so you will have triad colors so different set of colors as you can see the colors that's really nicely goes together and you can change different shade of those colors you can choose complementary so opposite colors and the real spectrum etc but today we will choose monochromatic and we will deal basically with just one shade of the same on the same color and of course you can go to the explore tab and search online for different teams that are really nicely built together but by other user so we can just search by keywords maybe desert right and you will see some interesting colors that it goes nice with some desert team so you can do that you can click like on these three dots added this team and you will have it right here and you can play with that but today we will not deal with this color wheel because that's a little bit more advanced and requires a little more time so for all you guys who are familiar with the Adobe color team's with that color wheel then you're free to play with it and choose any colors you want but for other guys who are not familiar with that today we will do something much more simple we will just choose one color and play with that color alright so I will close this because we will not need it right now and I will just choose one color so as you can see this color is nice this is just some kind of reddish yellowish orange a type of color and I will choose the first shade so I will choose really dark color like this and press ok and that's it but before we colorize something we need to draw something and for drawing today we will use just the lasso tool maybe some brush if you want you can use a brush too but I will show how you can do that really easily just with the lasso tool so press this to create a new layer and now I will use the lasso tool press L on a keyboard and just draw first part of the landscape but before I do that I just want to show in the front what I want to do so let's use harder brush smaller size like this and guys I want to create something like this right some part of the landscapes right here then some Hills right there and maybe even more here something like this right here etc even more right here and some mountain right here etc some Sun and here it could be like a wolf like this just the silhouette of a wolf and that's basically this is what will create maybe some clouds behind the mountain and that's it so just for your reference to see what I will do I have my picture in my mind so I will just do by that but if you're not sure what you want to create then you can draw some guidelines like I did here and then to draw on a new layer over the top of it so I will not do that I will delete this layer and create start with a new blank layer so press Alen keyboard to choose the lasso tool and then start somewhere here and just freely with hand just create some kind of this shape maybe something here and like this oops and this is good that I made a mistake and purposely because maybe it will happen to you so you need to close your pack like this and whatever you're doing then you need to go all around to the start and then you will close your back now I will fill it with this color there are several ways how you can fill the layer I will press alt and backspace that has the fastest way for me but you can use here a paint bucket tool and just click that so that's another way or go to layer and just feel your layers filled with solid color that's it so several ways to do the same thing in Photoshop so I will do it like this and maybe maybe I want to make this a little bit higher so I will just draw another one just fill it like this and that's it as you can see this is it now I will create a new layer but new layer below the current one why because I want to add another part of landscape but behind this this is our front part of the landscape so to create a new layer below the current one you just need to press ctrl or command key and click on the new layer that's it so now I will create some other shape for the landscape something like this maybe right and just go around like this and then I will choose another color so now when we want to choose a different color but with the same from the same color but different shade of the color sorry then you just need to go here to the brightness from you you have hue saturation brightness and just make it a little bit brighter you can see the difference between the current and the new color and maybe I will dis such rate a little bit so just like that and press ok and now just fill it with another color press ctrl command D to deselect and that's it I'm done with this so now let's create another new layer ctrl + click on the layer to create it below the current one and just continue with this so just draw whatever you want here like this you can always change this later and then I will go and narrow a little bit brighter I want the saturated this time like this that's cool and maybe I want this to be something more more like this okay that's nice okay and then new layer again ctrl + click and create a new layer just somewhere here so something like this maybe here and then choose again brighter color than the previous one like this and that's it as you can see we have some layers of landscape background so this is our this is our back and looking looking really nice we can layer tweak those colors a little bit if you're not satisfied I will show how you can do that with the curves or hue and saturation adjustment layer whatever you want and now I want to create another layer control click to create a mountain so to create the mountain I will I will create something like this and this is it this is my mountain and I will fill it with again a little bit brighter color like this and I can move my mountain if I'm not satisfied with position I can press control command T to make it bigger smaller etc I can maybe move this a little bit here maybe like that and then I can press control command T to move this right and that's it now we can tweak this a little bit more maybe I want to select the mountain and just make it wider a little bit and to change the shape this is just something that it's optional if you're not satisfied with the original look you can do something like this but this is this is this is cool for now so if you're not satisfied with some colors right here we can go to any of these parts and for example this one I maybe want to make this one a little bit brighter so this is it I would just sorry I will just press ctrl or command M and just make it brighter see with a little else really easily but I just want to make it brighter a little bit just like this and maybe the mountain maybe I want the mountain to be a little bit more saturated so i'll press control/command you and I can add saturation if I want that I don't want that in this case but just for you to see a lot of options how you can change and tweak those colors right now the next step the next step is to add a background because I don't want to have a white background so again ctrl and click on new layer and use a brush press B on keyboard to use the brush tool then press alt or option key to sample the brightest color that we used and then make this discolor while you're on be here and brightness even brighter like this and then fill it fill the background with this so now we have completely monochromatic look of this scene we are not done yet there are a lot of things here to be done not too much but there easy like this was really easy too so now let's create a Sun to create a Sun it's really easy I will just go at the top here create a new layer and just go to marquee tool choose the elliptical marquee tool press and hold shift that's it now I will choose even brighter color all the way up like this and maybe I will desaturate it so like this and just fill it so this is my son not like my son and daughter but son like you got it okay now let's do some shading here so this will be really easy and fun too let's start with the mountain so let's go all the way down and let's create a new layer above the mountain and clip it to affect only the mountain to clip the layer to the current layer you want to clip it just press alt or option key and click in between those two layers and that's it you're done now again lasso tool and because the Sun is coming from this direction I will make some brighter parts of this part of the mountain so just go right here and just draw something like like this doesn't matter if you go outside because it will affect only the mountain because we clipped and then choose brighter color than this color is so to choose this color B for brush tool out to sample the color and click and then just choose brighter color then this I will choose a lot brighter color maybe this one let's try and this is cool maybe a little bit desaturated so I will go right here situation and this is red a little bit and then fill it and as you can see we have part of the mantra right here maybe I want to add a little bit more here and just feel it just play with this you can always see Ray's hide do whatever you want here so I will add some more parts here like this maybe I will add a little bit small one here just like to have impression that there is some other parts of the mountain that the Sun is hitting on those Peaks up so this is it for now now let's go to another one right here I will not deal with this one maybe I will deal just with just with this one here so let's go to our cliff here as you can see and create new layer clip it to affect only the current layer use the lasso tool and because the Sun will hit this side I will just create something maybe maybe something like this just here and then I will again choose this color and make it a little bit brighter so I want the bright version of this color like this and this is nice I like it maybe a little bit more here fill it and that's it guys just need to play filled fill this with other color etc if you want to make this brighter you can always go here press control/command and tool allows actually curves and you can make this brighter or darker but I'm satisfied with this so I will do the same on the other side so maybe maybe somewhere here like this and fill it then maybe somewhere here just play with this it's completely up to you now I will fast forward because I will do some other things here the same exactly the same technique but for other parts of the background and I don't want to waste your time it's completely the same just choose the color make it brighter to the lasso tool the erting and fill it with the color so see you in a couple of seconds you alright guys now I want to try to add something more here just a little bit here okay and make it even brighter than this color is so it's even brighter and more d saturated just add that peak just have that variation maybe I'll just make a little bit darker and it is a little bit like this and yes I really like just have a different variation and I'm done we're we're almost done that's it now we need to populate this scene with some trees and there are two ways how you can actually more into it but two ways that I will tell you today how to do it one way is you have if you have a newer Photoshop CC 2018 from 17 or 18 I'm not sure then you can go to filter render and render some trees and use that tree to create a brush out of the tree and then just brush brush on the landscape it's really easy fun and fast and not a ways to go online search for some trees make a silhouette out of that or just search for a tree silhouette and again make the brush that I will show how to do it and then just brush that landscape and you're done so let me show that I will go and create go to filter and then go to render and you can see I have tree but before that I just want to create a new document for that so I will create maybe 2500 by 2500 blank document right here and then go to filter render and tree and now I need to choose which kind of tree I want to have there are a lot of 32 different trees here guys you have even a palm tree bamboo they have different things so I will choose this redwood so why not doesn't matter all those options doesn't matter because we will make a silhouette out of this we can just play with the branch neck thickness if you want but I will leave it like this you can just modify the tree but we'll leave it something like like this and I will press ok and then as you can see I have it on a background I one that so I will undo create new empty layer and press ctrl or command F to repeat procedure and that's it now let's make select out of this there are again several ways how to create suet may be easy one is to just press ctrl or command U and just move the lightness slider all the way down and that's it you have a silhouette now what you need to do is to go to edit and define brush preset and just name this tree brush ok and then you have it you have a three brush you can change the color etc so it's it's really easy let's change some color let's make it darker so we'll make some trees there if you're using an older version of Photoshop and you don't have that render tree option in filters then you can just go online find like silhouette of a tree put it right here and then again you have a black Tree on white background go to edit define brush preset etc make sure that for all the versions of Photoshop you don't have your document larger than to have 2500 pixels on a larger site so newer version of Photoshop will allow it allow you to have a brush like five thousand pixels on longer side so make sure to remember that right let's go back to our document right here this is not our document but we will we will use this wolf later so right let's go back here and let's change some settings on the brush so I want to press f5 on the keyboard and go to brush tip shape and make spacing a little bit higher so actually wider and then I want to go to shape dynamics and if you're using the tablet with a pen with a pressure sensitivity then you can control the brush size with a pen pressure so that's cool I'll show really quickly let's start here create a new layer above this one okay and then just choose this color and you can see if I am pressing softly I'll have small trees that I'm pressing harder I have bigger trees so if not you set this to off and just move the size jitter a little bit up so you will have different version of trees each time so depends of herbicides Ritter but this is how it is all right nice so I will use this to control my pen pressure trees with a pen pressure that's it I don't want size jitter like that and that's it now let's populate the scene with some trees let's let's go here maybe maybe add some smaller trees like right here you can see it's really fun you just need to draw some some trees here and there and and that's it maybe you can go and add some scattering if you want just have offset on the x-axis here so you can do that too just an option and now when you're finished with trees right here let me see maybe one here and maybe smaller one not so small but like this and maybe like this right here and just a second maybe maybe one here or run run here something like something like this and then we're done with this part if you're satisfied how this looks then you're done if not you can just erase and then because it's a separate layer then go and add some trees and different layers so let's go down below and create a new empty layer for a tree use the choose a brush tool and alt to sample the color of that layer of the background make the brush smaller and just populate here like this that's it I don't want to go too much up so I'm satisfied how this looks then I will go right here create a new layer for the next and then I will again sample this color and just draw some tree make Russians more I don't need actually because I can make really small trees with lighter pressure on a tablet or really big so let's just add some some trees right here maybe some variation like like this not just too much like like this ok maybe at somewhere here and now guys let's create another layer about this one so this one right here so let me just check we did that sorry so we need just here and here I will just create another layer sample this color right here and just create even smaller one smaller trees here and there like this just brush some trees in and this is all that you need to do let me see now this is looking really really good so we are basically done now what we need to do to add at Wolf's and to add some clouds and some shading you will see a little bit dodging and burning but just simple one so let's go and find the wolf it's here I will just copy it and paste it right here and make it smaller like this I will put it right here but I will make it a lot smaller like this and rotate to fit to the ground so I will leave it like this and I will make some new ground right here so let me see this is this is good enough and now let's go here sample this color and choose a brush whatever brush you want I will choose my my square brush this is the brush that I just made square you can see this is Rho square fill it with black and just define brush preset it's really really easy so I'll just add ground right here this is cool so this is nice this is our wolf but wolf don't need to be black so I will just select the wolf let me see here is the wolf yeah okay I will put it all the way up and I will press ctrl and click on the wolf layer to select it then I will use a brush and select by alt this color and then fill the wolf with that color and also I will create a new layer clip it to affect only the wolf and use the lasso tool and then do the same same thing for the wolf as you can see that I did layer that I did earlier so sample this color fill the wolf just add that shading just a little bit maybe this won't be visible maybe just right here actually this is probably won't be so visible because it's really small and tiny yeah but why not that's that so if this is a larger file then this definitely be more visible but like this it's okay just a height I know that is there but actually right here it cannot not see it at all maybe this wolf is a little bit smaller let's make it tiny bigger like this and that's cool so we have a wolf light right there and now let's add some clouds so I want to add some clouds below behind behind this mountain and I will go all the way down where the mountain is so it's here create a new layer below that by holding ctrl and click on that and then I will use my cloud brush guys to create a cloud brush it's really easy to create a cloud brush if you're not familiar how to do it you can go and watch my tutorial about the crop brush right here or you can go to my website and just purchase one for $1 my set of those clouds brush that I'm using right here so you can choose what everyone I will go and choose my cloud brush let me see let's use this one this one is cool so let's make it bigger yeah now let's choose the color lets you choose really bright like this one and just make this smaller I will use maybe 40 percent opacity or so and maybe even brighter but we can you can brighten that that right now by or in the situation how like brighter feel so this is cool and i like it now i will do the same thing with this cloud brush actually i will choose and that or maybe i'll choose this one because it's more like a dust and i will brush in between those mountains so i will go like first let's between the first and second one this is first and this is second one so just in between those two i will just brush it a little bit maybe 10% to pass it's just small variation of shading here dan i will go between the second one and the third one and just brush it slowly here like some kind of mist down there and then i will go here and just brush it here just a little bit okay and that's it so maybe then i can go right here where the Sun is and Sun is here the top let's name it Sun okay and I can add some clouds actually like more like variation of the color for the background so like the Sun is in some kind of haze you can see maybe to just change some colors and paint here and there I can change the brush I can use this one because I really like this brush but 10% opacity just just low amount of capacity and then maybe even darker color and we can play with this we can even erase some color here and then add it again maybe 5% and that's it so I can lower the opacity of this if I don't like it but then I can go to Sun and maybe make the Sun darker a little bit just tiny director and maybe I can I'm now pressing control/command a more controlled mind you to get different situation just change the color maybe towards the yellow a little bit more and just touch and adding a situation and that's it guys so we're done we can just position the Sun wherever we want maybe somewhere here or even if we put it all the way down like here then we can play with and play with this and just go sunrise sunset do what everyone but I will go with the Sun all the way up because of those clouds that I made and that's basically it we are done with this now you can rearrange some layers group it etc and you can just go out just group layers I'll go with the mountains and all the way down to the last one right here press control/command G and name this landscape so this is dwarf clouds and everything is cool and now what you can do you can add new hue/saturation adjustment layer at the top and you can really easily change colors this is cool guys you can you can have like this is a moon you can make it more saturated less saturated you can even go to that Sun add a layer mask and then with elliptical marquee to just just add mask somewhere here fill it with the black then you have a moon and that's it guys you're basically done for today as you can see this is really fun and easy to do and you can create any kind of landscape that you can imagine and you can even create some buildings some maybe like ruined city or whatever you want the beautiful of this is that we are dealing just with silhouettes so you don't need to be really good in drawing you just need to draw some kind of suits and that's it or you can just go online and just download some silhouettes and draw over over them just trace those silhouettes make it a little bit different and then create your own hour so you can change whatever you want you can change the colors you can add multiple colors as I explained at the beginning etc so a lot of fun creating this type of art works in Photoshop you can do exactly the same in Illustrator if you're more familiar with that so it's completely the same procedure because we are dealing just with the series right guys that's it for today if you have any questions regarding to this episode please leave them down there in the comment section below I will be more than glad to answer them and if you like this episode if you appreciate this content press that like button down below share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe if you're not already and ring that bell to get notified about all the future fun episodes and guys if you want to help me to make this channel even bigger and better you can do that by supporting me we have my patreon page the link is down there in the description and you will get some things in return have fun experiment and see you in my next one episode bye bye
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 1,051,085
Rating: 4.964694 out of 5
Keywords: Flat landscapes, Photoshop, Photoshop tutorial, 2D drawing, 2D landscapes, How to, How to draw flat landscapes in Photoshop, How to draw 2D in photoshop, Nemanja Sekulic, Tutorial, silhouette, Nature, Flat design, Flat landscape tutorial, Easily, Easy, Fun, Digital art, digital art for beginners, Tips, Concept art, Digital art tutorial, 2D, 2D landscape, Flat landscape
Id: LBczOO5hOKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 24sec (1944 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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