Photoshop Tutorial | Photo Manipulation | Water Splash in Bulb

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in this video I will show you how we can create this Waterworld manipulation using Photoshop so let's get started hey what's up guys through here and as you can see this is the final output now for this effect I will use four stock images the bulb water splash and fish and they are all from Devon calm and the download link is in video description so feel free to use it now to start this effect first of all we go to file menu and open the image so you will have this bulb image so go and select it and open it now I will go and double click on my background layer and unlock it after that I need to make a copy of it just for the backup so I'm going to press ctrl J to make a copy and then I will go and double click on this name and rename it as backup in case we screw up something so you have this layer 0 copy right so select it now first thing we will do is we will remove this inner part so we can have plain simple bulb to do that you go here and you select your lasso tool directly here and lasso after that make a selection of just this little part ok don't select the entire one just to this little part then you go to edit and fill now in the field you have option for content over go that and hit OK so as you can see that is gone now we'll go to select and go to deselect now we will make selection of this part as you can see here like this again go to edit fill and content over hit OK now that is gone select and deselect now for the rest of the part you can select your clone tool from here as you can see right click clone stamp tool now first you have to sample it from somewhere so you hold your alter key click somewhere and now you can remove it again you hold your Alt key or you click here and now you can remove it just like that so do it carefully after that I will remove little bit from here so it doesn't look very repetitive and that's it so take your time and do it carefully now the bulb is ready and we can add some shadows so to do that you go and click on the second-last icon and create a new blank layer select right click here and select your elliptical marquee tool and then you go and make a selection a little bit like that so that is good select your paint bucket tool and make sure color is black and fill it now go to select deselect so selection is gone after then go to filter blur and go to Gaussian blur so in the Gaussian blur make sure it's not too much at an 11 pixel looks really good and hit OK and now reduce the opacity to somewhere around let's see it 30 40 % that is nice and your shadow is ready now we can add in the water to do that you go to your file menu and then you select the place and you have this water image here so you go and select it and you place it I'm going to zoom out a little bit so we can see properly so put it here now go and change its blending mode to multiply so we can say it properly and after that go and confirm it now I'm going to go and select my move tool from here and I will adjust it until it looks proper to me so halfway is a proper keep it in the middle that looks great now we have to remove the unnecessary area but I'm not going to use eraser instead we will use the layer mask so click on this third option here so as you can see we have layer mask here now you go and select your brush tool and in the brush tool go here and make sure your hardness is 0% opacity is 100 and color is black now you can go and it is it just like that and I'm going to make my brush bigger using bracket keys so I'm going to go and remove it like that keep making it smaller and bigger and for that you use your bracket keys they are really helpful and sales time so I'm going to go and remove it carefully so that looks nice now when you are really near to the bulb go and make your brush really smaller I think this small and then you go and remove it carefully take your time don't rush this thing okay and the biggest advantage of brush tool is that let's say you remove something like this all you have to do is change your color to white and then you can change it back again see that's awesome so now I'm going to go and remove the unnecessary area you so as you can see now it's looking good but it's not very colorful so to do that you go to your adjustment layer and you select hue and saturation and the hue saturation first thing you do is you turn on your clipping mask so now it will only affect your water layer after that you change your here to somewhere around 12 to 13 and increase the saturation to around 4045 percent so it's a little bit colorful and then I will also increase my lightness a little bit so it's a bit brighter and looks really nice so now if we turn it on and up as you can see it looks much better now and I'm going to go and close it now we can add in the fish so to do that you can go to file menu again go to place and here you have fish file so select your fish and place it now it is really small so I'm going to hold my shift key and I will make it bigger like that big enough so that we can have two big fish in the bulb so I think this looks nice then I'm going to go and confirm it now as you can see the background is already cut out so you don't have to do that word and my two favorite fish is wrong and hairy other one I don't like them so I'm going to go and select to my lasso tool here as you can see and I will make the selection of them two just like that after that I will right click and I select layer via copy so now if I turn this my original fish layer off as you can see we have those two on different layer so this is now unnecessary and I'm going to go and delete it now I will activate my layer to the fish layer and then I will press ctrl T so this way I can make them smaller or bigger and always hold Shift key when you make them smaller or bigger so I'm going to make it smaller and then I will rotate it a little bit because I want this one to be outside slightly and edge straight so that looks really nice and I'm going to go and confirm it now you go and change the opacity of your fish layer to some 75 to 80% that looks really nice now the fish and water looks really good and we can add in the splash so for that I'm again going go to my file menu go to place and we have this water splash here I'm going to go and place it and just like last time hold your Shift key and make it bigger I want it to be big enough so it covers the bulb so I think that looks really nice and also I'm going to go and rotate it a little bit here maybe make a little bit bigger okay so that looks really nice and a touch more here so as you can see I made sure that it also covers the bottom of the bulb so this looks really nice and I'm going to go and confirm it now I'm going to go and change the blending mode of this layer to overlay and then I will change its opacity to somewhere around 80 to 90 percent not too much so that looks really nice now just like the last time we have to remove the unnecessary area so what do we do we go and click on the layer mask select our brush tool make sure it's 100% and really soft brush black color and then we go and remove it and whenever you do this make sure you are painting on layer brush not on image okay here on layer mask so I'm going to go and paint it and remove it from the unnecessary area now this is looking good but if you look closely we have little bit of leftover area that is from our water layer as you can see but we don't need that so what do we do we activate the layer mask of the water layer same brush black color and I will remove that portion from here a little bit and here little from here if you screw up something we can always paint something back so a little bit here won't hurt and now if we zoom out it looks really good but the fish are a little bit offset so I will add the spam now the final effect is looking really good but I want to make it more colorful so to do that I will go and create a new adjustment layer and select vibrance and in the vibrance I will go and make you two somewhere around like 50 60 % so if we turn it on and up as you can see it looks much more colorful and I'm going to go and close its let's zoom out so as you can see the final effect in bulb is ready and we can add some reflection so it looks even better so to create them you go and create a new blank layer from the second-last icon then you press ctrl alter shift and E so as you can see now we have a copy of image then you press ctrl T right click and select flip vertical then you go and put it here if you can't see properly you turn down the opacity so we can see it proper now I'm going to go and move it here just like that and you can rotate it a touch on just like that and then I'm going to go and confirm it now go and make the opacity to somewhere around 20 percent yeah 20 percent seems fine then we can remove the rest of the area here you can feel free to use eraser because we have no big trouble so I'm going to go and make my it is a bigger and remove it from the unnecessary area just like that and that is it this is the final output so I really hope that you guys like it and I really hope that you guys learn something if you did hit that like button and if you have any kind of questions or suggestion feel free to ask me in comment section below so till then goodbye take care and have some fun with Photoshop
Channel: Photoshop Tutorials | Photo effects
Views: 3,668,280
Rating: 4.9159184 out of 5
Keywords: photoshop tutorial, photoshop manipulation, tutorial photoshop, photoshop, photoshop tutorial cs6, photo manipulation, photoshop manipulation tutorial, photo effects, photoshop effects, photoshop tutorials photo effects, water bulb manipulation, tutorials junctioni, tuorialsjunction
Id: XnzGFtUevts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2016
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