How to EASILY Draw 2D Landscapes in Photoshop ep. 03

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in today's episode you will learn how to become a master painter in photoshop by painting these awesome 2d landscapes easily sorry hey guys it's neymar and welcome to another fun photoshop tutorial because you guys asked me so many times to create more of these 2d landscape tutorials here is another one so sit back relax and enjoy the ride because today you will learn a lot of interesting tips tricks and techniques and you will be able to create some really cool 2d landscape wallpapers for your phones desktop just to impress your friends boyfriend girlfriend whatever you want so without further ado let's jump straight into photoshop and let a fun begin right guys we are here in photoshop and today we will start with this blank piece of paper where we will paint our masterpiece so before we start doing our thing i just want to create a new empty layer and with a brush i just want to sketch what i will do it's much easier for you guys to visualize what will be the final image so i want to make some kind of a forest landscape and here will be our ground some grass right here you can see so creative perfect grass okay then we will have some trees here these are just trunks from the trees and we will have some something like this as you can see and same here just few trees here and there we'll have a big moon right here also some stars because it will be a nice scene and maybe few animals here some deer i don't know how to draw the deer but we will do something like this maybe another one here maybe another one here and that's it and maybe some smiley moon and now because i don't need this anymore i have the final image in my head i will just hide it but for you guys i want to show you what we will do okay so first thing now that i want to do is to make a sky as a background so for that there are so many techniques guys but i want to show you one really cool way that i like to do i will go with a gradient but before i go with the gradient i just want to choose my color so i will choose actually this is already some kind of bluish dark bluish tone and the bright bluish saturated on maybe i don't want so saturated maybe something like this and what i like to do i like to go here gradient and choose from this menu first one so this is pretty cool if you want depends on which version of photoshop you're using this is the newest version of photoshop you can go with blues and choose different gradients or purples different gradients and so on and so forth you have tons of cool gradients right there but i will choose with my colors i will press ok and that's basically this is how my gradient looks but if i want to change it i will go here and hmm i don't like this i like black to be here white to be here and then go here and say reverse this is my sky i can pull it down pull it up this is pretty cool with the gradients gradients so i will see that later maybe i will change it i can also change it like this pull it down a little bit as you can see but let's leave it like this and play with this a bit later okay so next thing what i like to do is to create this field of grass so for that i will go and create a new layer above the sky this is sky and here i will just go with elliptical marquee tool and just select something like like this perfect and create another gradient actually i don't need this empty layer but who cares we'll delete it later i will go with another gradient and this selection will became a gradient mask this is perfect but here i will choose different colors so first i want to choose this two this is perfect but also what i like i like to reverse it because i like to have this brighter part here and also let's change the colors a little bit [Music] let's reverse it like like this because i like to have bright on the right dark on the left so like that and just change some colors this dark color can be that dark color but this color maybe a little bit darker i just want something like like that for now and let's see let's see maybe maybe something like that and also we can move it up and down and play with this but for now let's leave it like this and we'll play with that later okay the next step is to add some trees if you watched my first tutorial about 2d landscapes you already know how we'll add the tree and if you didn't now i will go with that procedure one more time it's awesome way to add 2d trees the cigarette of the trees in photoshop real easily so for that what i like to do i like to use filter render and trees in case you don't have this option see because i cannot do it on this layer i need an empty layer in case you don't have this option what you can do you can go to and just search for some tree silhouette and use that instead of the thing that i will do here okay so here we have a tree dialog box and the beauty of this thing is that we have 32 different trees that we can choose from so as you can see whatever you want you can customize it and so on and so forth we don't need to care about the color or any other options because we will just use the silhouette of it what you can do you can change the number of leaves as you can see right here and actually if you go to pixabay and type redwood like this tree it's redwood you will actually get exactly the same thing that you can see here because someone uploaded this photoshop tree right there so you can take advantage of that and i would go with this tree like that press ok and i will have it here at the screen this is perfect but i want just to use the silhouette of that so to do that i will press ctrl or command u and i will go with lightness all the way down so this is how i like to be and also i will go and hide everything i just want to have black on white to define this as a brush so i will go to edit define brush preset and just name this three brush okay this is perfect and now i have the brush and i can paint with this but let's delete everything and let's bring back our background so this will be trees okay and beauty of this is that i can choose different colors so let's see with this color maybe i will choose a bit darker color for the tree we can always fix that later and now i can choose the brush size regular brush size and this is completely optional however we want to paint the trees i will go like this but also i want to put this layer behind this small hill because i don't want let's name this hill because i want to make impression that this is from the other side okay and now i will make a little bit bigger here maybe here smaller maybe one here just something something like that maybe we can make even one smaller oops not in the air but somewhere here maybe one here this is perfect however you want you can make those threes if you don't like it you can make several combination of it several versions actually well i want one big here another smaller here maybe one bigger right there maybe one smaller here even smaller there and also one here like that this is another version so if you want this or you want this you can choose however you want but i will go with this this is trees number two perfect okay so the next step is just to add grass to this field right here so this is really simple and easy process and i really love to do that because it's for me at least it's so fun so for that we will use another custom brush it's a grass brush in photoshop and for that you i will show really cool trick how to do it really easy and simple first i will create a new layer just to show you that how somebody will probably do it it's not a good way but let's go with a brush right click and if you don't see a tree brush actually sorry grass brush in photoshop you need to find a search in legacy brushes if you're using a newest version of photoshop maybe you will not see legacy brushes you need to go right here and say a click here on a legacy brushes and then you will get these brushes right here then go inside and you will have a lot of brushes but go with the default brushes and then scroll down until you see this grass and dune grass we will go with the first one okay and now you will see it's crazy different colors we don't want different colors we just want one color and we need to go to brush properties right here sorry right here or press f5 and just uncheck color dynamics and transfer and now we have what we want to have okay so maybe someone will go now and sample this color and then create this but it's not good and also if we change the gradient of this field then we need to change the color of the grass which is a little bit boring and time consuming process so i have a better solution i will delete this and i will go to a hill layer mask and actually i will paint with the white on the hill layer mask and let me show really quickly we will have something like this this is perfect it will become a part of the heel and now if we change anything in gradient it will automatically have changes in the rest this so i will right click rotate the brush a little bit and just to have different direction of this grass and this is really cool i really enjoy making this i did something that i shouldn't but it's okay so as you can see we made really cool we can make the brush a little bit smaller and then add even more details here but we made really cool nice grass feel here okay this is because this is 2d landscape this is basically everything like almost silhouettes and we don't need to populate this field for with these um these grass strokes we what we did here is perfectly enough okay this is cool the next step what i like to do is to create a moon so i will go with the moon behind the trees behind the hill behind everything but in front of the skies i'll create a new layer here i will create name it moon and then i will go with again elliptical marquee tool press shift and just make moon so the size you can change later but i like a little bit bigger moon for this scene like that and i will fill it with some really bright yellow color alt and backspace in this case and here we have a moon we can position it wherever we want however we want maybe like it's rising up we'll see that later and also the next thing what i like to do here in front of the trees actually are deers so i want to add animal in case you want to add any other animal it's perfectly okay whatever you want you can put some maybe animals at a tree trunk maybe some squirrels or like i'm putting deers or maybe some rabbits with everyone just go online pizza base perfect place to go just search for some animal silhouette and place it here i already went to pixabay i downloaded these three silhouettes and i will copy this one and go paste it right here okay control or command t to make it smaller let's see i want to make it even smaller like this probably like that right then go with another one let's go with this one and paste it here again make it smaller and this time i want to rotate actually no i will leave it like this let's just see the size like this one it's a little bit behind this one so it's smaller perfect and then let's go to another one this one and paste it here and again make it smaller ctrl or command t and let's see and i will rotate this one to another side so right click flip horizontal like this is one that is running here something like something like this perfect and both of these layers are looking and this one right here so i will group this ctrl or command g here's perfect and i will select both of this one and maybe move it right here so let's see this is cool and this one maybe a little bit right there and i pretty much like it okay the next step is to go right here create hue and saturation adjustment layer clip it to the group so like that and now i want to colorize it to make them a little bit more bluish and brighter so bluish brighter as you can see more saturated but of course this is too bright so something like this looks cool and let's leave it like that and also we can play with the trees so now maybe we want the trees to be a little bit more spread from each other then we can go right here and choose these trees or just make another trees or just go to this layer use lasso tool and just select one portion of it press shift ctrl alt uh sorry shift ctrl j or shift command j on the mac and just split them into two layers so we can move this a little bit to the left we can move to the right we can move this one more to the left and now we can see the moon right there so just let me move it a little bit we can see the moon we can go with the moon a little bit more down a little bit more up however we want but basically this is cool like the moon is rising and let's see maybe [Music] i like to have it somewhere here okay now let's make that glow around the moon there is one really simple and easy way how to do it just go with the moon duplicate it control or command j and go in the layer below and just go with the filter blur gaussian blur and here it is you just need to go however you want so maybe like this or maybe more or more so i will go maybe something like that and we have really nice glow this is before this is after we can make the glow darker if we want the moon brighter and so on and so forth but for now i will leave it like that i pretty much like it and what i want to do more i want to add some stars so i will go in the front of everything it will make stars there is one really cool and simple way how to add stars i will go with just the regular hard round brush as you can see and i will just play some stars but this is too big i will make the brush really small i will press f5 or go here to brush properties go to brush tip shape and go with the spacing all the way to 1000 percent go to the shape dynamics and change the size jitter a little bit also what i like to go to scattering go to both axis and just scatter it a lot and maybe transfer just a little bit of the opacity and that's it so as you can see we have really nice stars now we'll make the brush a little bit smaller and even smaller and let's see just go and draw a few stars really small ones like this then i will make brush a bit bigger just make few bigger stars a little uh bigger something like constellations here and this is okay let's see yeah i pretty much like this and what else we can do here we can play with a tree color so let's go right here group trees control command g trees and again i will go with the hue and saturation adjustment layer colorize go to the blue go to a little bit brighter tone and maybe something like this or maybe less i don't want to be so saturated it's crazy but just a bit see i have so huge octa box here and i don't see colors pretty good in this situation but i think it's okay all right so we are done guys this is one really cool version of this photo of course we can improve this even more we can have more fun we can add even more elements and so on and so forth also we can play with the moon if we want it here if you want it there if we want the moon let's let's actually let's actually group the moon and because this is the moon and the glow so here this is a moon and this is moon glow okay and what we can do here is just make moon a little bit bigger if you want this is also cool like really huge moon this is one version too so let's see before after yeah i can leave it like this i really like it maybe a little bit up like that and also then we can go right right here we can change the sky double click on this and just move this up and down however you want just to change this or you can move this a little bit more down and this wow it's a day scene also this is really cool that i did here because you can turn this into a day scene by changing the colors here this can be a sun this can be really nice bright sky but i'll go here with uh dark sky so something like this but you can have a lot of fun with that so for example you can just go here go with the human saturation clip into effect only that gradient and you can colorize it make everything brighter desaturate whatever play with different colors different tones do the same for the grass experiment have fun choose different tonality for different color palette for for image it will it can be really really cool also you can add maybe some birds maybe some flying comets whatever you want maybe some clouds let's let's add let's go right here and i will use my custom-made cloud dust smoke brush that i really love and use it a lot it's here there are five of them you can just go to my website and purchase them for just one dollar if you want the link is down in the description or you can make it on your own by following my tutorial on that on the link right there okay so here i can just make some kind of mist something like like this as you can see this is perfect but i will change the color to to bluish tone something like this and also i can blur this i'll go to filter gaussian blur and blur this a bit like that and let me see move this little bit more up so this is of course optional thing if you want to do it you can lower the intensity before and after or just play with this however you want maybe you can put it behind the trees you can go maybe right here in front of the moon and choose another one maybe this one and just make some clouds but let's let's let's go with a little bit brighter tone like there are some clouds there now guys this is completely optional and you can be really creative with this and here we hide okay before i finish i just want to do one really cool thing that i really really like it and that's to use oneeric plugin and this is plugin that my friend mario made it and i really really love it because it will add realistic glow as you can see right here so we have this really cool glow we can play with intensity we can play with the color of it we can really go crazy with this as you can see this is awesome but i will go this time with regular white tone and maybe lower the intensity a little bit also we'll have the link down there in description to go and purchase this on eric realistic law generator if you're up to it so i have also full episode explaining this and lyric you can watch it on the link right there and now that this is done what i can do i can go also i can lower the intensity or whatever but i can merge everything together shift ctrl alt shift command option in a mac go to filter camera filter and just do some crazy things there i can just change some color so i can add some really cool bluish tone to the background as you can see to the dark tones and i can add some really cool tones to the brighter tones so this is really cool combination if you want you can go really crazy with this choose amount of blue or or this red tone so this is really really cool let's see yeah we can go and also add vignetting to make darker corners fatter a little bit we can go and add a little bit of clarity we can add a little bit of haze or decays like introduce a little bit haze there a little bit contrast and also we can play here with adding this crazy effect or just go with the blues however you want i will stop here press ok and here we have it this is one version this is another version you can make as many versions as you want as i really said you can make day daylight scene this type of night scene everything is matter of brightness and colors and that's basically it read guys so that's it for today i really hope that you like this episode and did you learn something new cool fun and interesting out of this one and that you will use that knowledge to make your images even more interesting and awesome in case you have any kind of questions regarding to this episode please leave them down there in the comment section below i would be glad to answer it also guys if you appreciate this content if you like this episode just press the like button down below share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe in case you're not already and also hit that bell icon to get notified about all the future episodes have fun experiment and make something really cool and awesome on your own see you next time you
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 59,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flat landscapes, photoshop, photoshop tutorial, 2d drawing, 2d landscapes, how to, how to draw flat landscapes in photoshop, how to draw 2d in photoshop, nemanja sekulic, tutorial, silhouette, nature, flat design, flat landscape tutorial, easily, easy, fun, digital art, digital art for beginners, tips, concept art, digital art tutorial, 2d, 2d landscape, flat landscape, Oniric, Glow
Id: HdL8Yd6NBUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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