How To Easily Build Your Post Purchase Email In Klaviyo

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hey everybody so today we're going to go through the exact steps i do when i'm looking to build a your order is on the way a post purchase an order confirmation an order update that kind of email where we want it to be dynamic i wanted to reserve them their order details where it's going to tracking urls all that good stuff you want to have in a post purchase type email we're going to cover that today first things first we need to make sure our data is working correctly it's coming over into clavio the way we want it we want to make sure everything is kind of clean and ready to be used in the template so first things first we're going to go over to the activity feed when i'm building a post-purchase type email i actually like to use the order fulfilled metric over the placed order metric and why that is is because i feel when the order is fulfilled you know there's less chance of a refund there's less a chance they're actually in talks with customer service right now it's just a cleaner indicator that the products on the way to them it's also a really good opportunity to send them additional messages kind of warming them up while their order is actually shipped and now on the way to them so i look at order fulfilled you can do placed order but i'm going to stick with order fulfilled for this example and when i'm looking at the activity feed i do see that the metric is coming over it is working and when i look into this profile i want to see the data itself so if you're looking at this line item here we want to look here and we see all the data coming over this is exactly what we want so we are good to go we have the go ahead to start building in this example i'm going to run through starting from scratch you can use a like post purchase type template that clavio has but just in case you're kind of starting from scratch you want to follow along normally when i build i always start from scratch anyways so let's call this one post purchased um test one and create our flow so first things first we're gonna go over to the metric itself and select that as the trigger and we're gonna do fulfilled order let's go ahead and drop in our email in this particular build i am gonna be using clavio's new updated builder if you don't have this yet go back into your clavio front-end go to your email template section and then go on down to create a new template you'll have two options classic builder new builder use the new builder so get things moved over you're gonna need to move it over sooner or later because it's going to be the standard but go ahead select the new builder so you can follow along step by step all right i'm going to select my template i already have kind of a branded template i'm going to stick with for this example all right and in my branded template i have some kind of placeholder text things like that don't need to worry about that we can kind of create a uh you know aesthetic that we're looking for but first let's get our table locked down so first thing we're gonna go over into preview i'm gonna move my giant head and actually shrink it out of the way okay so over in the preview section we're going to come down until we find in my example and in most cases you'll it may be this way for you too i'm looking for this truncated section here which has our line items listed so open that up by clicking and we're going to scroll until we see line items so just as an example fulfillment is right here with line items under it we don't want that we want the actual line item like by itself not inside of another section which is this one right here so we're going to come down and find the product section underneath here and grab the product title so you click that it will auto copy and now let's drag in our table so this table is going to be dynamic it's going to be if there's more than one item i want to show every single item so it's going to be basically what's fueling a very dynamic experience when this email enters someone's inbox so a little hack here in the original template it's usually side by side like this like text and image i'm not really a fan of that aesthetic so what i'm going to do is come over to table settings and delete the second column i'm going to create everything inside of a single column i'm going to show you exactly how i do that when we get to actually putting the pieces in first thing though we need to get the table dynamic so all right i'm gonna paste in our variable and we're gonna trim away this piece and this piece so what i'm left with is what they call a row collection which is another kind of fancy tech term for basically like when i'm looking through all of the data what should i be looking for with the items i want to collect and all of our items are going to start with this event.extra underscore items and then this piece we're going to throw in here but trim away the s why i can't really give you a really firm answer on that i just know that you need to be item because we're going gonna make all of our text also kind of match it without the s i don't know this is why these things work i just do the things um the reason why i can't say but basically we are saying now with this being what we're looking for now repeat it for everything with item which is exactly what we want we want to show every single item so we want this information here to repeat for every single item basically this is what it means right um let's go back oh i didn't delete my second column let's delete my second column let's click done all right let's do some formatting let's center this let's make this a little bit larger for now just so we can see it really clearly okay let's paste in oh no i lost my variable let's go grab our variable again okay so the things we just did before are now going to basically kind of dictate the edits we're going to do to this variable for our product name okay so basically we don't need this piece here because we've already set the row collection it knows what to look for so we don't need to tell it that we also want to trim away the s because we told them that the alias the row alias will be item so repeating for every single item so we want that to match we're also going to delete the zero this zero represents um the number the item is so if you have five items technically you would have item zero one two 3 and 4. so put leaving that 0 in there is basically saying don't repeat because there's only one item zero so we want to delete that because we want to work for every single item in the person's uh order summary beautiful we have a product name so now let's grab the image so really similar to the abandoned cart sequence uh tutorial i built um you're gonna go down kind of the same thing we're gonna go back into line items and we're going to go back down into product and you're going to find right here a src or a source which basically is the the image url we're going to grab that and then right above the product title we're gonna kind of go up we're gonna click here and add image we're gonna paste in our dynamic variable same thing we're gonna cut away the first bit change item z to delete the zero we're gonna leave this zero so it's kind of confusing but you could have several images for a product and we're just saying serve the very first image that we have in shopify we're going to change the width to let's do 400 and see what that looks like and apply so super confusing you're not going to be able to see it you're not going to see a block or anything but it is there here in the code okay let's click done and let's do a preview and see what it looks like awesome so with um this one we just have the single product let's see if we can find a multiple product example just so we can confirm everything is working smoothly with that as well and it is so we have our fanny pack and we have our hydration pack lovely so one thing maybe we want to have is a button for them to go track their order so let's change this to track my order and we're going to grab that also inside the data because this information doesn't change product to product it actually will be a copy and paste exactly as you find it inside of their product summary here so let's scroll until we find url tracking which is also inside of our kind of truncated section all right here we are so depending on your who you ship with all these things these can kind of change but you'll have a url here called tracking underscore url uh there also is another one if you use shopify that's just uh order status and you can use that one as well but we're going to use the track url to make it a very smooth consumer you know user experience we'll paste that in no need to trim anything we just want to paste it just as is you know what let's copy this let's do a little bit of formatting here right so let's center our kind of placeholder text right now and um you know or maybe we say get ready to party this is kind of a party-like brand you know use the copy that fits your brand for this one in particular it is in the kind of like party space going to concerts uh you know edm all that vibe so we're kind of capturing that here not exactly that something like that some real quick kind of quick quick copywriting let's delete this little block here um adding a little bit of a space here okay so let's do another preview let's check it out so with this button as well i just want to make sure obviously i can't really show this information but clicking here just want to make sure it's working for this user and it is that looks great don't forget to double check your mobile view we want to make sure that that looks really good which honestly i think this type of design stacking it is more fitting for mobile in most cases you want to design with mobile first in mind all right let's say that we want to add in some more information though right so maybe you know we want to add in a bit more content before we get to the summary so for example let's delete this right and let's do this piece and say um you know uh order total maybe we'll have a variable there shipping to ah it's kind of a placeholder right let's go and start grabbing some of that information and plugging it in so when grabbing data let's go grab there should be a mount right here again this is static so meaning it does not change or need to repeat or anything so you just paste in the variable just like that let's grab some shipping information as well so with this one i went in put an order total shipping two and did some shipping information here let's take a look at an example contact yeah so and then we have the total here for some reason this happens with the template you might have to refresh it but put my block down here but you could see that you could re-serve in a lot of these really specific details for someone just to kind of have as an extra element to the template as it's going out to them all right i hope this quick tutorial was really helpful on how to grab these variables and plug them into what could be a your order is on the way template a post purchase template whatever you want to call it where you want to reserve exactly what they ordered into an email this is exactly the steps that i follow if you have any questions or any comments or any requests on what videos you want to see next put it in the comments below and if you didn't know i do consulting and audits of email marketing accounts so i'll leave a link for that below as well where you can request for me to jump into your account do an audit and provide for you a strategy roadmap on optimizations you can make in your clavio account alright until next time y'all i will talk to you later bye
Channel: Peyton Fox | Email Marketing Expert
Views: 3,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: email marketing, klaviyo tutorial, post purchase email, order summary tutorial, how to, digital marketing, email marketing tutorial, klaviyo post purchase, post purchase flow, order summary email, order flow, dynamic email klaviyo, dynamic email how to, marketing agency, html, activecampaign, klaviyo
Id: trGt6n3ggyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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