2024 How To Build Klaviyo Dynamic Abandoned Cart Emails

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hey y'all peyton here with a updated new clavio builder tutorial on how to build your dynamic abandon cart emails so i have my other video which i will link below in the description you can run through that a lot of the core steps are there just the visuals are a bit different and um i have a new updated way to kind of create a more aesthetically pleasing abandoned cart block that i've been using for a lot of my clients that i think y'all will really like so i'll do it two ways kind of the classic way the side by side text with an image it repeats but then also i have a new way which is basically stacking the two um and it's kind of a little bit of a tricky uh unknown way to do it um so let's follow along um if you uh haven't explored the new builder yet this will also kind of introduce that and a little bit of the editing and kind of steps involved with tweaking that template builder i'm in love with it it has its quirks but i am truly truly in love with it so let's go ahead and jump right in let me shrink my face get it out of the way okay so first things first if you're not currently using the new clavio builder you're going to want to go into email templates so you're going to come into here and create a new template and you're going to create new use new editor so when you go into create this template you're basically just going to go ahead and save and return to templates so you have this new one you can reference you can see i have some other ones down here as well that are using it but this is kind of the easiest way to get swapped over when you do your campaign sends or your flows you can basically just go in here especially if you create a new branded one that follows a certain brand guideline and look you can always refer for from it in here so let's go into our flows and get started so when you're creating your flow you want to come in and create it from scratch this may be different in the future but right now if you go through the abandoned cart reminder default it's not going to be on the new builder um and also i think it's just better to kind of do it from scratch you can really kind of customize it you won't be scared to adjust things you also get used to working with these dynamic variables so it's really helpful when you build your review review request flow your post purchase all that fun stuff that also requires a dynamic look to it so we're going to create from scratch and we're going to call this abandon cart test and create flow first things first we're going to drop in the checkout started metric this will basically be fueling all of the dynamic data into the email drop in your email block and let's go into configure this is where you're going to come in and select that new template you made i'm going to reference a newer designed one that i have but it is using the new builder and sometimes this happens with the builder i don't know why things get moved around so just be careful when you officially launch some things for some reason stuff shifts around okay so let's go and delete that piece so we have um kind of a design template that we want to work from let's start building the repeating block that will basically produce everyone's cart once they get this email so you're going to drop in a table and a little different than the classic builder but you're going to come over and actually let's go over into table settings i'm just going to do a little bit of formatting i'm going to create that and make that aligned and we're gonna make this dynamic so let's go into preview to grab our variables to work from so we have here my cart um so let's go ahead and grab let's go ahead and grab down here it has product let's grab the title so that way we can keep using it as well so pro collection you're basically going to paste in that raw variable you just grabbed and we are going to cut off these handles and we are going to trim away this specific information here this is basically going to be i mean this isn't really that's going to fuel the cart right this is what's going to fuel it so row collection basically means when i'm looking through all of the data that click that shopify sent to klavio each item has this piece attached to it um so when it has this in here it's basically scanning all that code that comes over and says okay this is what is i don't know how to really describe it this is what fuels the table is how i can get it put it all together you're then going to grab this last piece and you're then telling it okay for um each collection that is pulling in this row collection each item which is this piece here which is what is this like last little piece that tells it to repeat we want it to repeat for each item this is basically what this piece is here if this is confusing which i know it can be and it's really hard to take articulate just copy and paste this in so event dot extra dot line underscore items and then trim away the s and just keep item this is all we need to basically start making things dynamic so let's click done just to save that and let's go ahead and paste in that variable whoops i don't have my variable anymore let's go grab our variable again and let's go ahead and paste that in let's make that center but we are now going to edit this so that it works with the settings we just applied so what does that mean we're going to trim away the event extra line and we're going to make this item we're also going to trim away the zero what the zero is saying is basically when in a cart comes over you got item zero in their cart item one two three and it kind of counts from there we want to delete this because we want all products we don't just want the first product in the cart so this basically just makes it evergreen we have all evergreen maybe not the right term but reproducible um so that it repeats for all items in the cart all right let's make that bold let's make that a bit more bigger in size okay let's click done just to save that and let's grab the image source we're back over in our preview data and we're grabbing a source right here let's go into our second tab dynamic image paste that in same deal let's cut away the event extra line cut away the s cut away the zero this piece here is basically saying like you have multiple images for a single product and we're going to produce the second image in shopify i know it's a one it's really weird to go zero and then one so we're gonna produce the second image this is all that piece is saying there okay let's align that center it doesn't reflect for some reason which is just crazy annoying we'll save that let's do a little preview and make sure our stuff is working woohoo it is working yeah so with this we could um hyperlink these so you can grab either kind of like the checkout url down here and plug that in but this is now repeating and ready to go so super simple i mean if you're following my old tutorial same kind of rules apply just looks a bit different but let's go into the alternative look that you can do for this abandoned cart so we have this section here right let's make a new section below it let's duplicate this just so we have all of our main variables in place and let's go over here and we're going to actually grab this link we're going to delete our second column we're basically just going to make this a one column kind of cart summary so things will just be in a linear line instead of side by side we're gonna add in an image we're gonna paste this in let's do 350 for now we can always adjust that let's apply which is super tricky here is that it just doesn't show in this section here but if you click your source code you can see your image source you can adjust the width if you need to let's save that and let's take a look we have our first one and we have our second one my shop now button is above uh i will move that but basically if you wanted to keep this very linear and we could shrink the images as well because they're um you know this makes it quite a longer email but it's definitely more mobile friendly right we like mobile friendly super important so um i always try to lean toward mobile first and to me this is more mobile friendly so you can have them stack like this um you know you can move our shop now button um which technically is below there okay there's quirks with the new builder i will not deny all you have to do is save and come back in and it'll be updated like it's supposed to um but yeah those are kind of the two different types of options you can kind of roll with um as far as building the cart those are the kind of the main differences i wanted to make this video super quick and short um so kind of follow those core things set your table settings grab the content you want plug it in make sure to trim it so it matches the settings that you have here which basically means cut this and turn that one piece from items into item and it'll work uh let me know if you have any questions in the comments uh a super quick one here but um yeah so you have kind of two options here that you can kind of work with all right i will see you in the next video thanks so much
Channel: Peyton Fox | Email Marketing Expert
Views: 4,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: klaviyo, email maketing, marketing tutorial, how to email marketing, klaviyo tutorial, dynamic email, abandoned cart, abandoned cart automation, how to, marketing strategy, best email platform, email marketing agency, marketing freelancer, emails, klaviyo expert, klaviyo walk through
Id: bJb2fEjwPMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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