How To Create A Winning Email Design In Canva | Beginner Tutorial 2024

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remember that email campaign you've been pushing off forever no worries because in this video I'll walk you through on how you can design your email template from start to finish and we'll be using free online softwares with zero graphic design experience ready let's go here is what we'll cover what makes a winning email template the essential Design Elements such as the reverse triangular concept the above default concept how to use canva to design your email templates and how to Implement your designs in clavio let's break it down it starts incredibly straightforward there are three main components hero image body text and your call to action which is your button knowing this can help you create a super engaging design for any one of your email templates whether it's flow or campaign now let's dive a bit deeper into the different Design Concepts the reverse triangular concept this design concept brings your reader's eye to the button or CTA call to action which is exactly what we want them to click on the key is to keep your message Crystal Clear it's all about ensuring your customers can quickly understand your message and ultimately click that call to action the above default concept you'll notice that some brands use more complex designs but they all build upon that foundational structure keeping the most important information above the cut off or as I call it the fold making the above theault section the most important real estate of your email no matter the length of your email these should be the first elements your customer see quick note adding more details often leads to a lower click through rate other design principles some other key Design Concepts can also make your design Stand Out get more clicks and make more Revenue like contrast balance hierarchy Etc I'm going to leave you with an awesome resource to learn more about different Design Concepts link to check it out is already waiting for you down below now let's jump in and see some real examples from Big Brands and how they design their emails using these Design Concepts as you can see all of these examples are using the exact design concept we covered so far from the reverse triangle to the above thefold concept but also contrast to highlight any important parts of the email such as the qu to action the CTA or balance to display the product images for example making these emails look super professional and on brand you can use it for many other use cases as well here is hims sending a new newsletter honey announcing a collaboration and Nova means sending their FAQ Friday email now let's quickly recap the reverse triangular concept the above theault concept and others like contrast balance Etc and these are the main design elements that we'll be using as well excited to start designing your email template let's dive in all right guys I'm going to move over to my computer screen so I can show you how you can design your next email template using canva which is a free online software to design doesn't require any previous graphic design experience we'll follow a few of the principles right the best principles for design that I Shar with you earlier in this video and we'll create something for your brand using your brand colors your brand fonts and we'll make sure it looks amazing on mobile and desktop and Beyond okay so if you want to follow along all you need is just grab yourself a free canva account okay I'm on the free version as you can see here and grab yourself your email copy which is the text you want to include inside of your template if you need help crafting your email copy using AI in minutes I have a video on how to do that and here's sha gbt with the uh result that I got if you want to do the exactly the same and grab your copy for your next campaign go ahead and check out that video next okay so going back to canva to get started we'll basically click this top right button create a design okay and over here you can't really see this cuz I'm blocking it but you have a custom size it's right under Start creating your media here we want to choose a size of 12200 width by 1,000 height the height is depending on your design I want to create somewhat of a rectangular design at the top okay now for the width you might ask yourself like a lot of people ask me all the time why we go with 1200 width and not 600 simply because 1200 width gets you a better quality image on mobile and if you use 600 withth you'll see that your image sometime looks blurry on mobile right so as I said we want to make sure our designs are optimized for mobile and desktop so 1 1200 width should do the job there okay so we'll create new design now over here what you want to do is go to search templates okay and what's awesome with canva is that you can pretty much search for a certain theme okay just like you see here there's some paid versions that you see with the little crown that says Pro and other ones are free so let's pick a free one that looks good this one looks pretty good to meet okay um and as you can see here this is pretty neutral um it does look good for our Black Friday campaign we can pretty much play around with this and make it perfect now for our needs so first thing that I want to do is as I said I want to design a Black Friday campaign for Nike okay I need to understand what fonts they use and what colors and all that good stuff right what's their like branding right in order to do that in order to understand your branding you want to go to this handy Chrome extension that's called what font okay and I'll do that again and basically hover over the fonts on the website you see how easy it is to find out the funds that you use on your site okay so Nike uses a fund that's called niky fura Nike fura for the big text and helvetica new for the smaller text so I'm going to hover click on that hover and click and then you see the size the weight style so on and so forth now what we want to do is go to the big text and find that fura Nike fura font not all the time you will find the exact font but if you kind of find a close one that should be good for your needs as well so this looks somewhat similar to the fura Nike that we saw on Nike's website now for this font for the small text they had a font that's called helvetica new okay so we'll find helvetica new there's a lot of paid helvetica but for the sake of this example you can just choose this one which is Free altica World the awesome thing with canva Pro is that you can upload a custom font okay to make it really perfect for you now I want to create a hero image that includes the logo so I want to basically move and align all this text towards the bottom of the the the inner pink Square okay just like this and now I want to place here at the top the logo so I'm going to Google a white logo okay I'm going to copy it and I'm going to take it inside of my design and just drop it in here okay so here it is okay it's a little bit too big so I'll just first I'll resize the overall logo just like that and then I'll change the size as well and place it in the middle at the top section of the inner Square okay just like I did with the text at the bottom okay this This way everything is nice and in the middle okay of that square so now what we want to do is save this design basically you can download it you can change the text by the way if you need change it to anything else that you want uh let's see 48 Hours only something like that again you can save it after you're done okay so this will be Black Friday hero and now what we want to do is go to clavio okay so here I am already I played around with this design but we'll create it from scratch so you can see how easy it is to created for your next campaign so you want to go to templates template Library here you want to sech just like we did with canva Black Friday so clavio has some pre-built templates that you can use and just switch things around to make it perfect for your needs and your next campaign so we have already our logo so we don't need that top header bar and we also don't need this text instead what we're going to do is grab this hero image that we created and save and drag it inside here okay where did it go just like that now this now looks pretty good okay you have a nice logo at the top you have the header text you have the subheader text you have the um body of the email as you can see this is the format as I explained earlier header subheader uh you can do body here as well and then top C action uh so header subheader body and then top CT action so this is what we have here you can change this copy to fit to whatever you need uh now now I want to adjust it a bit okay I want to make it perfect for our needs so as you can see here their buttons are rounded okay so let's make this button rounded so to do that we need to go to Corner radius and we got to find a rounder shape for the button so here we go 30 uh Corner radius was a good pick okay and you can also use a full withy even though Nike uses uh fit to text maybe you want to use like a bolder text which looks nice as well in my opinion um again this text B the copy here that you can adjust you can basically get yourself an on brand copy to fit inside of your campaign but also you can add more section to this email as you see fit maybe a review section maybe you can add a product block okay and this is a demo store so I just added one product this is not a Nike product but you can add these sections and the same thing you can adjust the button you can adjust the color and there we go guys it literally minutes you can create yourself a pretty goodlooking email campaign for your next event and this is this probably has never been as easy to basically get yourself without knowing any graphic design um an email template that looks good in clayo and save it so it's ready for your next campaign that's it for today guys be sure to check out our video on writing email copy using AI in minutes and get your next email campaign ready in no time and if your e-commerce store needs some professional graphic design help for your email funnel click the link below to apply for free clay audits if this video was helpful for you guys please leave it a thumbs up if you have any questions feel free to drop it in the comments below I'll try to answer as many as I can can thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video bye for now
Channel: Nate Ben David
Views: 3,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DIw47vBppQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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