How To Use Kittl: Full Masterclass Plus New Features!

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welcome back to another episode of coffee with Kittle today I'm gonna do a full demonstration a full demo full tutorial of how to use Kittle basically from what you see on the home page all the way to tips and tricks on editing things how to set up your own project and we're going to go a little bit into the back end of your user profile and talk about some things there so we're also going to cover new features so this is going to benefit all of you who have been using Kittle you're basically Masters at Kittle now I am sure but it's also going to benefit new users brand new users and if you're just finding this video Welcome my name is Drew I am teaching how to use Kittle on YouTube and we're going over a full demonstration so this is a beautiful video to watch I think on how to use it so let me pull up Kittle right here and I'm going to go over what happens once you sign up which by the way you can sign up for free using the link down in the description uh right here there's a lot to cover by the way so let's let's plug in let's get your your coffee or tea whatever beverage and let's get to it okay so once you log in right here on the home page you're going to see basically all of the templates that are trending that are popular right now so you can see there's some Christmas things going on because it is it we are in the holiday season right now it's December it's cold I've got my my hat and my big hoodie on because it is a cold morning this morning very cold um so anyway here are a lot of the templates that are new and of course if you wanted to use them you would click in you would click use this design to start editing them but we have everything over the sun and the first thing I want to talk about is how to maybe find a template that you're looking for so the first way is to use these hashtags down here so we've got like for example coffee so I'll type I'll click the hashtag coffee and all the template templates that currently are trending on their coffee will come up and this is one way to find something very quickly especially if you're looking for for something topical for example coffee and this is everything right so t-shirt designs a t-shirt design there is a logo design here is a lettering design here all kinds of stuff so that's one way the second way is we have these categories up here at the top and so we have logos labels t-shirts so if I click on logos for example again right now we're in the we're in the trending one we could also go to recent and of course they're going to be both kind of a mix of Y2K and Christmas because we're just in that season right now but you're gonna find everything under the sun in terms of logo I could do the same thing click on t-shirts and here is a ton of t-shirt designs this one was a ton of fun to make by the way just recently published that one that video that tutorial go check that out I'll link that up in the cards for you so those are two ways one is by using those hashtags we also have we also have tags down here for the individual categories so under t-shirts you could click Beach and Surf and you can find templates under the under the design style that you're looking for and then you could of course click in and you can use this design you can also scroll down you can see all the tags here and then you can see designs that are similar or by the same artist now another cool thing that if you're looking for inspiration maybe you've been doing what I'm just showing you looking through a bunch of different templates and you're like I don't want to I don't want to lose this but I don't want to use it right now well you can click these three little dots and you can hit bookmark so I'm going to go ahead and do that I'm going to go ahead and click bookmark it says save to bookmarks and I'm going to show you where to find that here in just a little bit so we've gone over two ways to look for templates now now we have this big search bar in the middle okay so you could also do that so if I type in coffee for example hit enter everything under the sun for coffee is going to come up which is really really cool now you can do that topically so I just put in a topic topic for coffee but you could also do it for style so let me type in vintage for example I'll type in vintage and everything under the sun that has a tag that says vintage or maybe retro or something is going to come up so you can see there's those kind of retro Vibes here's another one kind of old retro 60s style Vibe then we're getting into more vintage like here's all of the like coffee leaves and like vintage script and like here's a vintage Farm Fresh logo so you could you can use the search bar topically and or style wise and you could also search for people's accounts so if I wanted to search for Kittle for example I could go to our profile and there is our published profile if I wanted to search for myself I could search for myself and it'll bring up my profile so the search the search feature is really really powerful and if you're trying to get to something specific that is a really really great way to do it so now let's talk about editing a template how to use a template and then we'll get into some of the features and capability inside the edit editor so let's look for one that we want to use there's so many amazing ones let's just go with this one from the man himself Tobias saw our founder here of course let's give it a let's give it a heart uh you can see how many times the Design's been used 5210 times that is a ton uh let me bookmark it so that I can show you that uh later again I've bookmarked a couple of things to show you so let's hit use this design and now we are inside the editor so this is what the editor looks like again it's working completely in your browser you don't need to download anything like that and just briefly looking around the board you have settings up here which I'll get into in a little bit we have project colors down here which we can easily change to something else by the way command or control Z is your friend that's an easy way to undo if you make a mistake we also have a quick way to get to your projects we also have a quick way to choose new designs and look at that there's your bookmark designs there's some of those that we bookmarked earlier we can add more text we can add elements and illustrations and things like that and I'll get into this panel and in just a little bit or you can you can always fast forward using the chapters down in the description you can always find a section that you're looking for and and fast forward to that part if you don't want to if you don't want to see this now let's talk about a couple of feature easy features editing a template so maybe we want this text to be different maybe we don't want it to say black ink maybe we want to maybe we want to call it something else by the way we did we did a video a little while back kind of giving you tips and tricks on how to edit templates so that it's you know sometimes when you do something it might kind of destroy it so let's use a long let's use a long word um let's just use because I'm in the I'm in a a magical sort of Bible let's use Wizards okay so here's a couple things to know so this kind of blew up right so it's a little bit too big now we had it as multiple words now we just have it as one word and it's a little bit too big now a couple things so we have a variable width so if this was too short we could make it even wider if we want to but I think at this more narrow at this more narrow Vibe it's okay now what I can also do is edit the transformation okay so this has a distort transformation on it in this specific template so I can easily move some of these anchor points up to make sure that they start fitting the template okay and you so you could do this with any with any words and anything that you do now what I think I'm going to do is just I'm just going to make this a little bit smaller and you can use you can use these points here to make them bigger or smaller by the way if you hold the alt or option key click and drag it'll scale from the center okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna size this down a little bit and make sure that it kind of fits then I can go in here with my my transformation and I can make I can make sure that it it fits a little bit correctly right and so you can use these points on the left and right to get that curve exactly where you you want it maybe this one's a little bit too far down okay so this is easy to this is super easy to edit templates okay so this text would work the same way okay so this is on a circle transformation if I if I if I click out of this transformation it it stops it okay so now we're left with basic text so I don't want to do that um so maybe we go in here uh we'll delete this text and we'll do something else cool so Wizards maybe we'll do D in d uh gaming or something that's cool I I play DND so DND is is cool so this one is super nice uh it's working a little bit it looks like we have a little bit of extra space on the left and right what you could do is keep using your letter spacing to space this out and that looks a little bit better that's that's also fine you can also choose another font that is going to be a variable font okay so if we use this one Black River for example now we have this variable font and we could get it to where we want to so if I move the width there maybe I put this back to I think it was at 80. yeah okay so it was at 80. so now I use my variable width I could just stretch this so that it works a little bit better on that curve okay so something like that those are just things to think about when you're editing templates it's super easy to do to get it the way you want to of course we could we could delete this one we could go over to elements we could go to illustrations and we could look for maybe we'll type in Magic and everything under the Sun is going to come up I think this one oh no I think maybe this one is cool oops I deleted the letter c this one's pretty epic so we'll drag that in move that here and then what I can do with this is I can go in and change my colors and what's cool about this another part that I want to show you is that we already have the document colors here which is super super cool so I can go through and start making this exactly how I want it so if I want the nails to be this kind of dark uh yeah I want this to be that kind of dark burgundy or something like that then I can easily start going through and changing this so maybe I want the maybe I want the flames in the front to be this uh this gold or maybe the brighter gold no maybe this one or maybe I want it to be the nope that's too dark so you could play around with this and get it exactly how you want it um so that it kind of fits right and so maybe I'll put this in here and you'd want to do a little bit of tweaking here to get stuff the right way so now what we could also do with colors for example is in the project colors if I don't like a certain color I can change it quickly so now if I don't quite want this gold um this gold and dark burgundy Vibe I can go into the gold here and I can start changing it to something else maybe we want a more magical looking color and then for the burgundy maybe I can also go with like a super dark green or something something like that I don't know something whatever whatever you're kind of feeling will work and that looks kind of cool now another thing if you're kind of struggling with colors and I know there's some sites that will help you there are some sites that will give you document colors palettes things like that well we have one too so right here we can open this up and we have project colors right and when you you also have your current palette up here right so we have project color palettes you can use and when you hover over it it'll show you what it's going to look like right so these are super super helpful especially in a pinch if you need if you've got a pretty complex design but you've been dragging elements in there all kinds of colors all over the place you can you can easily find what they're going to look like easily see what it's going to look like with these color palettes okay and then you can go through and you can find one that's going to work like I like this one mango dreams I like that one a lot maybe we do something else more purpley that's kind of cool as well we have that sand purple color so anyway that that's one way that you can easily get colors into your design is with project color so that's that's kind of going over editing a template Okay so we've talked about searching a template we've talked about opening up a template how to use one and then now let's talk about uh quickly before we start a brand new project I want to go into the user profile because I think some people may have some questions about that and by the way we're going to get into how to publish a design what that means also questions we're going to answer about what happens when you make a design what happens when you publish a DOT design how do I share a design with someone without publishing it maybe you're doing client work or something like that and you want to publish a design without you you want to share design without actually publishing it so that everybody else can use it I'll also talk about how to do that as well so over here we have our little Avatar in the top right and you can hover over that and it'll show you a couple different options so let's go into the profile I'm taking you right into the back end so you can see a couple of the projects that we've been working on you you can see some of the ones that I opened up then by the way over here here is how we get to those bookmark designs okay so remember those three little dots on any design that you are looking at on the home page those three little dots you can click the three little dots and bookmark it here is where it's going to show up just like this so there's bookmarks in our my projects this is obviously where we are having all of our you know all of your current projects no one can see these unless you publish them and then once you publish them they will show up on the published page and so here is your profile and this is important I think some people are are maybe missing this in the profile the profile is very important because you want to make sure you have a bio you want to make sure that you put your location if you want to you can even link your Instagram and your website so if you are an artist or a Creator or designer or whatever and you're working on a portfolio this is like literally an easy go-to portfolio that you could link for people to C okay so for example let's just go to mine so let's go Drew and then I'll click on Drew and so now you can see my profile you can see my little um of course I can't edit any of my stuff here while I'm logging into Kittle but you can see a little bio you can see where I am I've linked my Instagram website and then here are all the templates that I have published for people to come and see now if I'm working on stuff see it says right here published obviously you can't see anything that I'm working on so nobody should be afraid that using Kittle just immediately means that people see your work I I think people maybe were getting some confused we had several inquiries with users saying why would I design with this if everybody's just gonna see what I'm doing you have to decide you have to decide to like publish a design like No One's Gonna see it if you just start editing something okay and I'll show you exactly how to publish a design so no worries there okay so back here we are backed with the published with the publish design okay so let's talk about before before we go into these other things and these are all super important so please stay tuned so you know exactly how to use this I'm just giving you a brief overview of the actual profile here your profile and how to edit it by the way in this this name right here you see at Kittle um and then let me let me actually go forward real quick this is actually important so you see this uh you see right here I have at Drew and then up here it says slash Drew now some people were a little confused a little worried because if you sign up and you don't designate a username or if it just uses your email which is like a really crazy string of letters and numbers Don't Panic it's easy to change all you have to do is hover over and go into account settings and then you can see here you can change your name and so if you don't want your actual name to be used you could just use a brand name whatever your brand name is and then you can change your username which is what's going to show up in that in that slug okay so if I go back here you can see up here Dash Drew so a lot of you may have Dash x73y6721 whatever some crazy stuff so uh go change that okay because one that that will help by the way a little SEO tip that'll help Google like find actual names and then when you share it with someone maybe you're sharing it with a potential client maybe you're sharing it with friends or whatever um it'll look professional right so it'll show up it'll say profile slash whatever okay it'll be John or whatever um and you know some of them may be gone like obviously slash Drew is gone because that one's mine uh Don't Panic you know you could do whatever you could you know whatever my friend Juna at detour shirts is you know slash detour shirts or whatever so again great for brand names just as much as personal names so no worries there so let me go back to the Kittle profile let's talk about a new project so let me click new project and when you click new project up there Boom the editor pops back up now you can you can get to this from anywhere from the home page from The Challenge page from the tutorial page from anywhere there's always going to be that button up here in the top right that says new project okay so a couple things let's move from the cogs and then I'll go over here into the panel so in the Cog settings or the Cog which is the settings you can change your artboard size and you have a lot of capability here okay so we already have some preset sizes here that will be pretty standard for what you need so postcards we've got posters 16x20 by the way is a pretty stock kind of apparel style um apparel size format okay and then you can change it down here if you want so if you wanted to go back to pixels you can see what it's like in pixels you can even put in preset ones so let's go a thousand uh by 1500 just because I'll hit confirm and then boom that changes it and I'll talk about what trimview is in just a second so here we go we've had we have some stuff or we have a artboard set up now let's talk about all these things over here on the panel so we have my project so these are the projects that I've currently been working on you can see the current one that's right here you can also quickly get back to any other project that you've been working on or start another one if you want here we have designs which I already briefly mentioned you can go through and you can look through different templates you can expand this if you don't have a side scroller you can use these little arrows to go through you can scroll down you could also expand by hitting show more and that show more and go back is going to be pretty much the same on every single panel okay so here we are in the text panel I'm going to actually close this we can add regular text so if I click add text boom there is our text so let me type in test text you can also quickly add text by hitting the t button okay so I've just hit the t button and as many times as you do that it will add text by the way shortcuts are down here in this keyboard shortcuts panel don't forget about this this is going to save you a ton of time get familiar with these shortcuts I use them all of the time they're amazing okay so now we have some test text we could also add some paragraph text and you can expand compress whatever you need to do you can make it bigger smaller super easy to to do really kind of any kind of design in Kittle we also have these vintage layouts here so if I click one of these it'll give me a preset layout which will adjust depending on the size of your artboard which is super nice saves you a ton of time and these are always going to be grouped okay so if I go into the layers panel you can see that there's this new grouped which we can just do test text group because why not and I'll hit enter so now I've re-labeled that and if I expanded this folder you can see everything that's in it now it to edit it all I have to do is double click in double click and then now I can select oops double click and I can select any component that I need to okay and then if I want to edit this I'll just click in again I'll click command a that's how I like to edit text it selects everything command or control a will select everything and then I'll do test text because that's going to be my theme for this demo and then it applies it still applies the same transformation and we'll get into some more of those in a little bit here okay and then now I've clicked out I can click in and I can still compress or expand or whatever uh all the same way okay so we still we also have paragraph text and there's a ton of this these are great for like articles or ads or something like that um also like if you're doing web web design or something like that this is also a great way to kind of scheme out what you want parts of your websites look like we have decorated text features that are already here so if you want to find if you want to edit text to have a specific feature you can do that so same thing it doesn't look like there's anything applied right now but I'll click out boom there it is so there's all the same effects that are over here in the panel which we will get into in a minute or two so there is the settings already applied to your text we also have amazing badges I love these I use them all the time for my personal stuff because they're already done so I don't have to use all of these little elements together which by the way they're all here they're all grouped together you could you could ungroup this if you hit right click and ungroup then now they're all you know they're all pieces okay and this frame looks like it's all one piece but the text was all grouped together in this one piece okay so these are all what's nice is that all everything that's preset in here was made with pieces already in Kittle so you could find all of these again you could find that ticket you could find the lines you can find whatever and you can recreate it or just take this one apart and use it a different way so all of these little components were already in Kittle you can find them in the elements panel or wherever you can find these fonts over in the text settings super easy to do and then we have titles these are also great for sales these are great for save the dates there's another one somewhere that's for a wedding there's just so much that's going on here in the text panel okay so in the elements panel and I could spend hours on this which I will I will I will spare you listening to me talk to about elements for hours because I I just get lost with when we add new ones the team is adding new ones all the time and it's not uncommon to see like these are brand new from yesterday I was gonna do this video yesterday and I'm doing it today but these are new I just did not see these in here yesterday so this is like a treat every time that you come into Kittle that I I would I would assume 90 of the time you come into kill there's something new okay I'm telling you if it's not a template it's an illustration now we have all of these categories here and by the way let me just click some of these and I'll just show you okay so these uh we have we have two types of illustrations they're either going to be SVG or excessively massive um pngs okay so high high resolution you could scale this all the way up or all the way down you see how massive that is um and it's rare most of the time we have these svgs right so where you can easily change the color uh to whatever you want okay you could easily change the color and in any of these okay so that's going to be most of the time is going to be some sort of SVG right here you can easily change the color color scale up scale down whatever you need to do okay so categories for pretty much everything now we can also just search illustrations all right so if we want a tiger we'll type in a tiger everything under the sun that we have for Tiger is going to come up and Etc okay so you know how to use the search feature there it is okay so we briefly went over illustrations let's go over shapes Okay so we've got everything from let me expand this everything from basic shapes which let me add two of these everything from banners let me add one or two of these we got crazy badges let's add this one we got crazy awesome panels and when I say crazy I'm really I just mean awesome but it's faster to say I guess uh we have ornate badges sir I mean and these are just what's categorized okay so you could still search for stuff up here you don't have to just search for illustrations you could find what you need via the search feature okay we also have ornaments which you may have seen in that previous template that we already edited uh we have an all category you can see we uploaded some Thin Line um flourishing and some decorate decorations for Christmas so these are kind of like Jolly a nice Thin Line ornate um illustrations little frames and stuff we have bold flourishes by the way remember show all does the same thing you click on that you can also click go back we have the Victorian we have the spot elements everything that you would need to create your own piece we also have massive pieces of of ornaments here so like full frames for the bottom full frames for the top and there's like an endless amount of possibilities for connecting these together okay you can edit those the same as well we have corner pieces Rays these are perfect for putting in the background of maybe an illustration or behind a badge we do that a lot in the tutorials you may notice large frames these are amazing let me let me add one of these because I'm going to show you a neat trick so large frames Art Deco beautiful these were recently in the last month or so added there's so many nice ones and you could just these are nice little pieces you can duplicate right because the in The Deco style there's kind of this duplicated pattern look we also already have some that are duplicated for you Sanborn also recently recently added if you didn't watch my video with Toby Toby actually came on camera and we did a demo of making a Sanborn logo with these elements go check that out I'll link that right here in the cards for you to check out these are amazing okay you're gonna have a ton of fun if vintage is your style of course we have the wreaths these are perfect for save the dates or or Christmasy style stuff like the season that we're in right now I mean there's everything okay so I'm not gonna go into more detail because I just talked about it illustrations here and then abstract I love the abstract category because it's just you never know what you're gonna find okay so these are new these also I don't remember seeing so there's new uh illustrations there Y2K massively trending uh a little bit ago I think that said 108 now it says 182. you can find anything under the Y2K Sun that you would need here and we have tons of videos which I'll link a playlist up here oh over in the top right of your screen you can see that playlist for Y2K tutorials and I'm showing you exactly kind of what you'd want to do with fonts and stuff like that let's go back here so we have splatters these are beautiful also Vector so you could change these any way you want abstract shapes these etch clouds are also awesome to put limit like if I bring this to the front and I want to have some kind of like little shading in the background I can find that color hit it and then it's kind of like gives you a little cool Motif there in the back also good for like a notebook covers other kinds of things be careful if you're doing like an Apparel Design for pod because if you make it too light it might be tough for your your prone demand supplier to get those are just kind of basic print-on-demand principles these I use all the time for my graphics for different companies or or Ministries or something that I use it's very this is also slightly Y2K Street apparel stuff like that we have these beautiful Memphis ones I mean you could just get lost in here I could just go for days talking about all of these and like show you all the different kinds of things that we have in here I mean the capabilities are endless I mean we're constantly we're constantly adding these we have gradient stuff in here okay you could change the the nature of this gradient to be whatever you want okay you could make yeah I mean it's just it's super cool I don't know there's nothing else to say about it except it being super cool now with all of these elements by the way here's a basic shape you can always move around a basic shape with these anchor points there's anchor points on the corners to expand and there's also these anchors or nodes where you can expand and decompress uh different things now another cool thing is if you so here's a basic frame okay so you you notice that this one has anchor points here on the side let me move some of these elements over here on the side so there's the top and bottom elements here let me get rid of this some of this stuff um this one does not have that okay but if you hold the shift button if you hold the shift button click and drag you can you can expand it now be careful with this okay I've mentioned this in other videos be careful with this because you see what's happening if I zoom in we've really kind of destroyed the pattern here so use this sparingly this may work for some components but with with this Frame here's what it's supposed to look like okay so if I zoom in here it's looking really nice everything is is the way it should be and if I start expanding it maybe there's okay but so much further it starts looking wonky okay be very careful with that but that feature does exist for you you can skew and warp and do whatever with the shift key same thing here if I hold the shift and grab one of these anchors I can move it left and right okay so I can skew this any way I want I could also skew it this way so I can turn this into whatever shape and this is also pretty cool for um you know maybe a like a 90s style design you know like layering kind of wonky shapes on top of each other so you can do that okay same thing here if I hold shift and drag I can make this bigger but just be careful because it makes it look super super weird and then you know all with the badges you can of course go in here and change any colors that you want super easy to do um yeah super easy I mean there's just so much variability that you have okay before I get into specific text settings let's go through a couple more things uploads you can see here upload media PNG jpeg or an SVG so you could be working on something in illustrator or Affinity or wherever you like to draw stuff in vectornator or something and then you're like I would love to pop this in Kittle and and put it with the text and the transformation all that stuff I do it all the time so you can upload of course pngp uh jpeg so if you need to upload yourself or or maybe product photography if you want to upload some product photography that you've been taking and you want to put text on top of it here it is you can upload Media or if you did a drawing or if you were working on a vector graphic in illustrator or something you can pop it in like this for example is an SVG okay so there it is and now here's all my colors and I can change all my colors okay so I've also done videos on that before as well so you can check that out here's a PNG we uploaded that's in a circle you can do that super easy to do now we also have this photos integration with unsplash many of you may know what unsplash is already it is an absolutely amazing site I was using it all the time just going there downloading it I used it a lot for web design line it's already integrated in Kittle which is absolutely phenomenal and these are all going to be absolutely massive I mean unsplash has very very high resolution photos so I mean it could go it could go for so long which by the way a quick detour ww is the trim view which you can also access here so I could turn the trim view on when the trim view is on the only thing you can see is your artboard when the trim view is turned off you can see everything and this is going to save you a ton of time this way you don't have to go over here and hide a bunch of stuff which you could totally do if that's your if that's your method that's fine but you could also just hit W and turn the trim view on move some stuff over here out of the way turn trim view on and then you're here chilling with your with your artboard so I just showed you that to show you how massive these photos are I think their starting compositions are are no less than 2000 by 2000 and they're probably more okay and you could also search so if we want Christmas flat lay which we did in a previous video everything that has those tags and it will come up okay and so you could you could start working on a composition here um where maybe you're making a card or something like that uh you want to bring your text to the front of course and then you can start you can start working on some sort of yeah I don't know some sort of card or whatever you want so you could do anything here we type in basketball um of course the training photos are going to show first but your your search page is going to be or your search bar is going to be your your main friend for that okay and so before we talk about textures we need to get a little something going here so let's actually pick let's let's go back to our previous template here I'm going to replace it with this one by the way zooming in and zooming out is plus and minus which you can find here plus and minus in the shortcuts key uh shortcuts panel there so now I've got this design which is really cool so textures the way textures work is we have a ton okay so we have grunge textures and let me actually change my background color because I want you to be able to see a little bit so grunge textures if I click any one of these you can see it populating over here on the right okay so I'll turn a pattern on let's go to grain let's go to Wood let's go to cracked marble brick you can see how oh plastic see this is new guys like there's stuff in here that I've not seen before I don't know when this happened that's pretty wild uh it's like I'm discovering new things while I'm trying to teach you all how to use the platform okay let's go back to grunt let's go back to grunge textures um and let me explain how this works okay so first question how do I make the I mean first first question most important question how do I make this apply to just the design well that would be this little clip content right here okay and then let me zoom in here and you can see it's just applying to the design itself I turned that off and it'll apply to the entire artboard so if you're trying to do something for pod or if you're trying to sell or make your own you print your own apparel or something uh or just whatever maybe it's a business card or something we'll hit click content and then we can just turn this background off or you can go to downloads and hit remove background that will also work which is not available in the free plan but it's it's available in both paid plans you can easily do it this way now similarly let me uh hit command or control Z to go back um let me actually turn uh let me turn this back on so you can see everything let's pick a different one let's pick a paper texture so go here okay so you also have different blending modes you have how intense it is here you can turn up or down how intense it is we also have normal would be just the basically these are really high resolution images of course if there's no there's no blend it won't do anything multiply will give you a more kind of faded uh overlapping uh style look overlay will make it a lot brighter soft light will also lighten the background a lot Alpha masking okay let's focus up for just a second so Alpha masking this may confuse you because what it's doing is kind of similar to clipping content but as opposed to clipping content as a mask all the way around your design what Alpha masking is doing is taking whatever texture is on top and basically cutting it out cutting out the whatever's bottom okay so if I zoom in here you can see that there's these faded looking Checkers coming through that means that the design that that texture that's on top is currently erasing itself from the design below I don't know if I could make that sound any better if you can explain it better feel free to put it in the comments what Alpha masking is but that's essentially what it's doing it's it's a racing it's it's a cool effect okay but notice I have a background color turned on currently okay so if I export this the way that it is right now with that background color this design will look like this and what's cool is if I export this and put it somewhere all of it will be faded out okay which is super super cool however a lot of you probably don't want that you probably just want it to be from the design to get a good representation of what it's like without that background we need to turn the background off okay and so now we have a much better representation of how this is going to export so then we could go to export we want to definitely hit optimize quality we're going to definitely hit remove background and then maybe we want to adjust maybe we want to adjust our DPI to like 150. okay that's a nice size 2 2 500 by that okay so that is a good representation of what it's going to look like without that background now of course if you want that background turned on you could do it that way okay you could make sure that that background is on but just know that Alpha masking is going to apply to anything that's under it okay and so and multiply is what I would say quite a few people use or so excuse me excuse me color burn is what a lot of people use because it gives it that vibrant baked look which I think is super super nice again if you need it just on the content itself that's how you do it with clip content okay second question how do I move this texture okay you can see here it's at the top in your layers panel but you cannot move it you must hit release texture this does two things one I can move it okay so here it is on top I can move it around okay so you can see it's starting to apply only to things that are behind since it's here on top I can move it now all right it's movable okay I can also since it's on top I can right click and hit send to back so now the texture is just down here above the background that's the first thing it does the second thing it does is remove your ability to clip it okay it removes your ability to clip that texture to the design itself because now it's just a layer okay it's a layer itself you can still do blending modes okay you can't do alpha masking anymore because again it can't it can't apply to anything right now um so you can you can change your blending mode to make it different or whatever you need you could even hit it normal or or something but it it it it it removes your ability to clip but it also opens up the possibility to add multiple textures so now that I've released that texture I can just add another one okay and then maybe I want to release that one and I want to add another one and then I want to release that one I don't know you know you this can go on for days um I don't know why you would maybe need like five textures but maybe if you're if you're integrating with an image or something and you're doing something crazy um I could see the need to to to make more textures okay you can also just delete that texture okay that's all you have to do and done there okay all right so now that we've talked all the way down this uh all the way down this panel what we're going to do now is just talk about text because I know there's a lot of you out here that are just straight up uh font Fanatics or font uh font people so we're gonna hit some T and we're going to do some test time text here and we're going to talk about a couple things so first namely we're going to talk about some fonts okay and we've got the best fonts amazing fonts uh many of you will recognize a lot of these from Heritage type Our Heritage type fonts are in here like Black River sign Master there's just so many if we we also have all these settings we have or excuse me we have all these categories serif Sans serif script and then the other is where more kind of decorative style display style fonts are we also have some pretty crazy monogram style fonts in here we also have these beautiful floral I mean there's just everything I'm telling you you could get lost for hour hours just trying to figure out what font you want to use and that's probably where a lot of people actually sit for a while is is how to let me know in the comments do you and when you're starting a design is it most of the time actually figuring out what font is right because I think that might be I kind of already have a clear idea of illustrations and layout but like I need the the font I need the typeface to like make sense right you need the typeface to make sense with the design okay so again back to our uh back to like the Heritage type fonts that everyone you know may know and love they're all in here as well as continue we're continually adding just tons and tons of fonts like all of the time okay just every every week there's going to be more there's going to be more fonts in here you can click through these and use them in any sort of way okay so as we let's actually pick let's go let's Black River let's go to Black River okay it's a great font okay so there's a couple things I want to make note of over here in the text settings panel of course we could change our color if we want to we can could add a border weight and so you see if you go too far it kind of just makes the whole thing I'll show you a cool trick to make sure that that doesn't happen but we could add a borderway if we want to we can also just take that off we don't need it we have our alignment settings here very very important we can also align our text in different ways if we need to you can also make sure they're in the setting Center we have lots of fonts that I already mentioned are variable fonts okay so we can make this nice and kind of ultra wide or we can make it a little bit more condensed and this just saves you the trouble of having to go in and have super light extra light light thin book bookmark regular bold extra I mean there's just like so many things under the sun now I feel like because you need lots of weights and I understand by the way those are what actual fonts are the font is itself is a weight this technically would be a typeface anyway that's for the Nerds down there what's also cool is you can just pick what what works well and then you can do that also with other fonts that have that variable setting but we also have fonts in here that again have light regular and bold because sometimes you only need three weights and that's totally fine of course you can change move up and down your text size you can increase your letter spacing you can also just click in here and type in a number and then if I wanted okay so if I want this to be on multiple lines so now I have a text box of multiple lines I could increase or decrease my uh my line height here okay so that's also easy for you to to do here in the text settings we can also justify our text that you guys know how these work I'm pretty sure it also makes everything all caps not going to work for this font but it may for others okay we also have ligatures which I'll show you not with this phone I'll show you with a different one but the glyphs panel don't sleep on the glyphs panel open that up explore it see what kind of alternates are available for these different fonts because they're going to help take your design to the next level whether it's just a text layout or if it's a logo or if it's a label the glyphs are going to help kind of set Yours apart so let me type in here and show you what I mean so I want some I want a different T to be here let me open up the glyphs panel I'm going to type in t now I've got other options okay so if I type this one now there's this one okay let's go to a different uh let's go to a different one let's go to Royal uh let's go to Royal signage also another one that has a lot of amazing fonts let's do the same thing and I'm just giving you a couple examples we'll go up here we'll hit T okay so now we have more so now we have more options we have this one with this awesome little flourish here we can move that one back we could hit this one it's like a lowercase with more flourishing on the end or we could go back we could do this one which gives us a nice kind of closing flourish here on the top that's what glyphs are for okay they give you look look how many alternates there are for just so many things and if obviously if you're looking for a specific letter you can just type it in and see what it is and some are going to have more than others a lot of words that may be like an end word will have an ending letter or something may have more than others okay so you can always check out the glyphs that way now before I move on to Transformations let's go to the chero font because I want to show you something here so we have this this button currently checked on which ligatures if you don't don't know what a ligature is the best and most simple way I can explain it is kind of how two characters integrate with each other and they make kind of a cool effect so for example let's type in East now the way that it looks here regularly just looks like East uh I'm I'm talking as if something immaculate's about to happen and it kind of is but if I click out of this now I have the ligature okay so I have the way that these two characters are playing together and so let me size this up I don't know hopefully you can see this I haven't just been doing everything small this whole time so now we have East as it is now if I if I turn this off it goes back to goes back to how it was but this could be a fun little character to turn on but if you're ever getting frustrated calm down for a second go into the text settings and see if the ligatures are turned on because you may select a font and you're going why does that look like that and then you're tempted to choose another font because you think it's been designed that way totally I understand I did that same thing go check if the ligatures are turned on because if I turn that off easy peasy okay what's also cool is in the glyphs panel go back to the list panel please open it up um you can go and you can see if there are oh look here this one actually comes with a catch word um you can go down and see what are available in terms of your ligatures so this one is showing you all of the variability in the shurofont c-a-c-h-e-a-k-a whatever and so you can kind of know if you're if you're always like I'm not sure what's happening like what what it is just type out a word and see if it works if it doesn't there's not a ligature for that but this is just a cool thing to explore okay it's a super cool uh thing to leave checked on but if you're getting a little bit annoyed with it I totally understand you can just turn it off by the way you can also upload your own fonts um I don't have any to upload at this current moment I already did a video a full step-by-step video on that um I'll link it over in the top right for you just to to see by the way in that video I do upload them all one at a time but when you go to upload you can select multiple ttf or OTF files at the same time so my advice would always be have a folder with all of the all of the weights or all of the fonts in that family that you want hover over all of them or select all of them and hit upload and upload all of them for you okay you don't have to do it one by one I was doing it one by one because I wanted to make sure I was selecting the right ones from one massive folder I should have set it up differently but anyway you can check out that video and just know that you can select multiple at one time okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go in here I'm going to put this all lower case this is an upper kind of lower cap font Black River and then let's talk about some Transformations the custom transformation gives you the ability to move all of these little anchor points in any sort of way that you want which is perfect for trying to get them on specific banners okay so we have some specific banners that sometimes a uh one of our Transformations might not always get so if we want let me move this to the front um oh sorry let me move this text to the front then I can go to edit transformation and I can start putting this where it needs to go okay so I can move this structure and this is probably not the best word so let's type in Wizard again because I'm kind of in that wizard I mean that magic Vibe I guess and then we can move this around to where it needs to be right so we we have complete control with all of these little nodes where they need to be and maybe this one needs to be like that maybe we make it a little bit smaller and then because it's a variable font I can move it up and it scales super super cool it's so so nice to be able to do that and you can just keep adjusting it any way that you want to to make sure that it fits in this uh framing so that's perfect for a lot of the panels that we have over here in the elements panel in the shape specifically banners badges panels let me just give you another example here so here's this one let me go to the angle transformation and we need to make sure that this is let's do this one and we'll bring this to the front so I can easily move this to where it needs to be like this and I can always I can always make this smaller or bigger you can also try out other fonts to see how intense theirs are going to be but that's an example of how this would fit so maybe I want the words here and I want a cool illustration here or something like that easy way to do that okay so those are some obvious obvious use cases for the Transformations now we have ones that are super cool like distort which are going to allow you to do some really really cool stuff just be careful with it because you can destroy it like this but it's also pretty cool if you're trying to fit a silhouette which we did another video on that on how to basically kind of warp and distort text into Silhouettes maybe you're trying to fill out a head or an animal that's a big thing I see like text that fills out the shape of a bear or something super easy to do with the distort transformation Circle obviously puts it on a circle this is pretty common it the farther inward you go the more intense the circle and the farther outward you go the more kind of wider that circle is a lot of times you might need to adjust your letter spacing here to be a little bit wider and you can also turn where it needs to go by using this little tool here the angle I already mentioned uh you can you have this little thing here that you can move or you can just grab the node and move it up and down like that Arch makes it uh arched and you can increase or decrease the intensity of the arch of course you could easily just change this to anything you want with the with the anchor points the rise is a very common kind of vintagey style uh rise effect and you can change the the intensity and the angle in which this happens wave and flag both kind of do again the same thing but in a different in a different uh the way that the anchor points are a little bit different okay so you may need to you may need to play with this in the way that it is going to affect your layout okay so you may need to you may need to pick the right one and that's that's okay let's briefly talk about some text effects so we've got everything from drop shadow and we can intensify that blur we can change the color of that blur we could have no blur we can have the offset be extremely intense we can change the angle all this is done with just some sliders which is really really cool we have Line Shadow again we can intensify that again we're changing our offset we can go into the block Shadow again adding your Angle now by the way remember I I mentioned that a kind of easier way to not over intensify your text if that border weight is adding is going too much in the inset you can add an outline width okay and so by the way watch what happens when I take off the offset okay so now I'm left with a cool outline width right super super nice very different from the border weight watch The Border weight going Inward and I could change that so I could get a pretty cool effect that way but if you're wanting to just add that kind of sticker style outline with this is a cool way to do it okay also pretty cool for Y2K design with a lot of Y2K style fonts okay so again if I'm adding that that offset width we can change our angle very easily okay again with the 3D 3D Shadow detail 3D Shadow you can do the same thing and now you have editability with your colors okay so we could change our colors to be whatever they want to and of course we could go back to our our main text here and we can change we can knock that out or we can make it something brighter or whatever okay so super super cool we also have decoration okay so we can add these lines and then you can intensify them with the weight okay you can make them fatter or thinner you can also change the distance in which they are from each other uh really really cool especially for getting a kind of vintage style design color cut is also really really cool you can make some pretty cool designs especially if you start uh if you start tweaking what's turned on and what's turned off because you can you can basically turn off a fill you can get you can be left with some cool kind of like cut horizontally cut text and it makes some pretty cool effect you can also kind of make Shadow that way we have the same kind of lines but oblique right so these this is also a pretty cool way to get a vintagey style effect and then the decorative The Fading color cut will kind of make it look like it has a gradient okay so if you work with this the same way you can kind of get like a cool kind of gradient looking effect inside of your text which is really really cool super convenient to have these features really really fast okay so I just gave you kind of a crash course and how text works uh so let's talk about again colors like project colors down here we can always change anything really fast so anything that we have in here that we add is going to be added to our project colors okay so for example maybe we want these two things to be close to the same color we want this one to be a specific green we want this one to be a specific gold we can start making everything the same from here in the project colors okay and then down here if we want to change any one of these things we can do it from the project color so there's multiple ways that you can change colors and get it to be where you want it all right so that's a couple that's like a really brief crash course and how colors work the layers panel I already specifically kind of went through again when you start adding more things to the layers panel you can see them down here always a good idea to label them a lot of the illustrations will just come in as illustration so make sure you're labeling so you don't miss anything to group things I can do it one of two ways I can right click and hit group grouping and ungrouping are the same thing I could also hit command or Control G so if I select all of these things and I hit command or Control G over here in this panel the layers panel they're now grouped and so I can open up that and I can see where it is and I can of course hide or I can lock things so I've like locked that layer and now I can't now I can't move it okay now if I do this and move it I can do everything because that's in the group but I could also lock the group so now I can't do anything now I can't select anything because that whole layer system has been locked that whole layer file of the folder basically has been uh has been locked now if I want to ungroup it I can just right click and hit ungroup and now Boom the the folder is gone okay so super easy and convenient way way to use layers and keep everything nice and tidy and organized okay how downloading works this is relatively self-explanatory very similar to many other design programs you can do PNG and jpeg of course in the Pro and expert plans you have availability to use PDF and SVG which is really gonna pretty much get you anywhere you need to be with that removing the background knocks out the background if you're ever concerned you can always select the background and take off the fill that's this little circle with the dash through it that means no that means no no fill okay so but I you know if I I promise if you hit no bet you know if you hit remove background it's going to take it off okay you also have a p DPI control so if you need 300 it'll of course increase your pixel size um you know some to understand how that works you might want to go and kind of explore exactly how DPI Works um if you're if you're at something that's 2000 by 2000 and you hit three 300 DPI it's essentially just increasing you know your your pixel ratio in this format here is what we're doing now we could leave it at 300 DPI and go change it back down okay so we could make this back to three and then now we're exporting and it's telling you that it's 10 inches by 10 inches okay so always kind of pay attention to how you're exporting things and if you're doing it for a pod a print on demand of course 300 is preferable uh checkout but just check out the dimension size okay pods if you need uh Amazon for example if you need 4500 by 5400 then just put that in okay so 4500 by 5400 oops 5400 then we just hit confirm and now it's that size you can see it's massive that's a massive file Okay so so but if you need that that's what it is and then when you go to export it that's what it is okay if that's what Amazon wants that's what Amazon wants you don't really need to increase the DPI from there okay and it's telling you that's 62 inches by 75 inches that's massive okay that's that's pretty big for what you would need of course you can hit remove background and optimize quality optimize quality is going to give you a smoother rounded effect for your digital downloads it just takes it lets the browser take a little bit more time to refine the curved edges I'm not saying that if you download the PNG jpeg without hitting optimize quality that you're not going to get a high resolution file however it's being downloaded for digital use says right there digital use above it so hitting optimize quality is preferred if you're going to send it in an email if you're going to send it in in your text message if you're going to airdrop it to something you know every time you kind of send it in the ethernet in The Ether world you know sometimes pixel resolution can be downgraded when you start sending in different places just hit optimize quality it's going to give you it's going to take you're going to notice it's going to take the browser second or two longer to download that file but it'll give you a much more smoother ratio okay and you can look up if you want a technical definition you could look up what that means to optimize quality illustrator has a very similar functionality to this to duplicate an object you can hold alt or option key and drag or you can hit command C and command V okay and what that did was it pasted it on top but look I move it there it is okay so command command or control Z it it takes those away it's basically undo we also have undo and redo over here okay so those are also easy ways to do that you can again I went over command or Control G and you can also do a couple different things like for example if you need to select multiple things I can click hold shift click hold shift click hold shift okay so if you hold shift that basically allows you to uh that allows you to select multiple objects pretty easy if we want to show or hide the grid we can go up into the grid hit show grid like that okay and then it's going to show us a grid of course but we could also hit command or control apostrophe and it will take it away okay I know that's a specific one but it will help you if you need to quickly turn on the grid of course add text is T trim use W if we need to turn W on or off sometimes I just design with it off because I want to see my stuff over here to the side but if you ever need it you just hit W and then it's there on it's just on your artboard itself okay let's say that we've got something that we want to publish okay so let's talk about what publishing means and let's talk about how to do it let's add us a little wizard here let's type in a wizard I know this kind of looks silly um it looks kind of silly the way it is let's add this little wizard here and we'll put him like right here I don't know let's do like this let's actually take this and let's do an arch and we'll do like this let's talk about what it means to publish a design okay so if we need to publish a design what we need to do is go up into the share feature so in the share feature here we can do a couple different things we could just share this image as it is to any of our social medias Facebook Pinterest Twitter you know you could link it you could email it to somebody you could send it to Whatsapp whatever you need to do and what's that what that's going to do is generate a a linked version of your image to anyone they could open it up and they'll just basically see a preview of your they'll just see a preview of your design so let me show you what that means so I hit link and then here it is okay so now I can share this link I could go up here it's also copied to the clipboard the image that you would want okay and so another thing that you could do is share a copy of your project so um if we need to send this for example to a client maybe I or maybe I have a DND group and I'm like hey guys here's like a little title uh here's like a little title card that we want to use for the wizard Saga or something like that I know I'm getting a little too carried away here I could copy that link or put in some email names email addresses and send it to them and only the people with the link will get this project okay this does not immediately publish it anywhere all it does is send a copy of your project so there's also no fear that you're going to send this they're going to do stuff and then you're going to open it back up and you're gonna be like oh my gosh I've lost my work this is just a copy it says copy link and it says people with the link will get an editable copy of your project now can they edit it if they don't have Kittle no they have to have Kittle okay but you can copy that link and if they have Kittle or if they need to sign up to use it they can sign up and start editing it they'll be able to do everything change the text change the color whatever okay so you could do it by copying the link or you can do it by inserting the username very very nice for if you're working on a team maybe you're at a company and multiple of you use Kittle you can easily send over the project you've been working on how do you like this give me some notes give me some tweaks and send the project back back you could do it that way publishing to the community means that everyone on Kittle can find and use that design publish a copy of your design to the community to be usable and modifiable customizable by others to be usable and modifiable meaning somebody finds your design and they want to export it the way it is and put it on a print on demand they can if your publishing templates a recommendation would be to spell words wrong insert stock text so that users have to change text in order to be use a template for print on demand or something like that but they can use it that's what the template is there for and that's what the community feature is there for if you want designs that are only solely specific to you that you do not want on Kittle to be used by others you just want it for yourself to be used on pods or something then don't publish it or create a copy of it change it and then publish it and that's the way that you won't get any you won't get any like specific same competition of you having your design on a pod and then seven other people finding it and then using it right because naturally if a template is extremely popular like for example the one we used by Tobias that was used 5200 times it's like likely that those people are using it editing it but some people may just be using it as it is for I don't know a tote bag or something okay so the more popular a design template is the more it's going to be used all right let's briefly as we come to a close here let's go back to our profile here into my projects and I want to talk about just a couple of things how to delete a project okay two ways I could select it and I could also select multiple and I could hit the trash can button right here that's one way I could do it or I can go into the settings Cog and hit delete are you sure yes now deleted projects go to the trash I could go to the trash and I could hit restore if I want to I don't want to right now but that is a way that you could do it another thing that you can do that's really really cool is you can make a folder so let me click these three and I could uh by the way I could duplicate these projects if I need to or I could create a folder so I'll move it to a folder I don't have any yet let me create a folder and I will type test folder okay okay so now I've labeled my test folder I want to move three projects to the folder hit move to the folder and then here it is there's my test folder I can click into it and now you can see everything that's in the folder and I can add a project inside the folder as well so this is a great way to keep your designs neat and tidy so how would you upgrade and downgrade your subscription well if you hover over your avatar and go to subscription right now you will see what you plan you're currently on the differences between the plan and then down here you could you can view your billing information and change your plan okay so this is an easy way for you to go in and figure out what you need do you need to go up do you do you need to go down do you need to stay on Pro you can manage your subscription obviously through the subscription uh page the news feed you can follow other designers and on your news feed similar to Facebook or Instagram or wherever you can see what designs are being published by what designers that you follow so you can easily follow them through the news feed or by finding them up here in the search bar and then you can always go and see who's designing what what did they come out with you'll also be able to see it in your notifications panel right here Yvonne added four new designs and you can see that you're always going to get a notification you also get notified when someone comments on your photo or if someone comments on your design so for example this person uh well this is insane shout out to Julian over in support in the Discord join the Discord by the way it's absolutely amazing love the video where you show how to design this reply I can go reply let's just do it live here thanks so much for watching because I really do appreciate it when you watch these videos so that's one thing from the notifications panel okay so another thing you can do is invite friends now a lot of you might be inviting people to kiddo by just saying go to also absolutely fine we appreciate you doing that but what's even better and and cooler for you is if you go and you share your invite link okay and right now we're thinking about exclusive extras and benefits and things like that most most and foremost you can extend your plan by getting multiple invites right so if 10 20 30 40 people you get to sign up and actually use Kittle there's potential for you to have kiddo for free right the the paid plans for free you can also insert an email address here or you could just copy your link boom copy to the whatever and then I'm not going to scroll down here because I can see a bunch of emails down here that I'm going to keep obviously Anonymous but you'll you'll be able to see when someone has either started pending or actually completed um they're signing up to Kittle so it'll say sent uh and then it and then it'll just say pending or it'll say complete and then you'll know uh hey John it looks like it's still pending did you did you actually actually sign up for Kittle go check your email or go check the link I gave you again or something like that and that's a really cool way to do it you can also get help here we also have we have creating different types of designs we also have resources like tutorials here on how to do different things and these will link to our YouTube videos of course you can find out more about our licensing and all the things like that the very last thing I will talk about is how to submit a feature request so here we have a board of feature requests and if you missed that it's down here down here it says feature request which will open up this window and you can see the current trending the current trending requests and then you'll be able to upvote if you hover over the up arrow and click up it will give you the upvote for that specific request you can insert a title you can insert a description of what you're talking about and you can upload an image obviously when we're working on something we'll say it's planned or we'll say that it's in progress or a green check will come up and it'll say complete which if I scroll down far enough oh or I could go here and go to what's completed and it'll show me all of the ones that are currently completed it'll also go here and I can see all of the ones that are in progress okay so before you insert a feature please go through and see if it's already there because if it is just upload that feature because the more upvotes it is the higher rank it goes right it's kind of just how up voting works so uh we would like to not have like six features all be the same exact feature just try to find one and upvote it don't try to duplicate features okay of course you want to join the Discord because the Discord is obviously people that are serious about using Kittle and getting better at Kittle we also have a whole Channel dedicated to print on demand where people are sharing their print on demand Journeys using Kittle uh any struggles that they're having there's a support Channel there you can get quick support there if you need it you can also see how other people are tackling different things different techniques they're using to get different effects while of course we work on new features and things things like that it's just a great way to join the community of course we have the Facebook group as well you can find all of these things linked down in the description of course subscribe to this channel so that you don't miss any upcoming tutorials this was kind of a full crash course on how to use Kittle from start to finish basically how it works the insides the outsides and we barely scratched the surface okay I could probably talk for hours on how to do specific things in Kittle but I was just trying to give you a quick preview on how it actually works and there's tons of different little hacks and tips and tricks that you'll have to go check out our other tutorials to work on okay and there's a lot of really new cool features that are coming out inside the editor not just in the back end like making folders those things are coming too but actual tools cool features that you'll be able to use inside Kittle obviously make sure you're always checking the illustrations panel the elements panel the fonts panel because we're uploading weekly okay we're growing this Library it's absolutely massive and the capabilities are endless okay so thank you so much for watching if this was helpful please comment down below I wanted to take this coffee with Kittle episode to slow it down a little bit show you the ins and outs of Kittle because I know some people may struggle with how fast our tutorials are sometimes we do time lapse things because you know they would be 30 40 50 minutes and we want to give you kind of the bite size here's how you make this design here's the technique here's the font we use that kind of thing but this is a more larger kind of longer format video where if you're trying to find a specific thing definitely check the chapters down below find what you need go back re-watch a section if you need it and if I wasn't clear on something go ahead and comment down below so that I can be clear on it I'll respond to you there I promise or join the Discord and say hey I wasn't exactly aware of what you were doing when you were duplicating can you can you explain that again or how does text effects works if I have have this thing on top of it or how does masking work or whatever if you go there both Julian and Sam are very very fast to respond in customer support and I'll chime in if I need to of course I'm there a lot giving you tips tricks things but please subscribe to the channel so you don't miss anything I won't take up any more of your time go back and kiddle go start designing have a good time and I will catch you in the next video
Channel: Kittl
Views: 26,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kittl, kittl design, kittl tutorial, kittl print on demand, kittl app, what is kittl, how to use kittl, kittl full tutorial, kittl masterclass, full kittl tutorial, full demo of kittl, new kittl features, how to design in kittl, kittl features, how to edit text in kittl, kittl for beginners, kittl vs canva, kittl review, kitty t shirt design, is kittl free, how to get kittl subcription free, how to get kittl pro free, kittl tutorials beginners, kittl fonts, heritage type
Id: YOJMh4AfccI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 34sec (4294 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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