How To Get 70%+ Returning Customers | DTC Post Purchase Strategy

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what's up guys still in Dubai hence the attire super hard but anyways let's dive into it so today we're going to be talking about how to construct a great post-purchase experience for your brand reason why this is important is because it allows you to more easily provide number one a good customer experience and service but how it benefits you as the brand and as the business right it's going to help you make more money here's how it's going to shorten the repeat purchasing Cycles right so like the time between people purchasing it's also going to increase the lifetime value and upsell complementary products on the back end right because you know if they shorten the purchasing cycle then lifetime value goes up if they buy more stuff on the front end lifetime value goes up so let's dive into it so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna zoom out a little bit and I'm gonna go over all of the possible channels that you can create a good post purchase experience through and then we're going to dive into each one in terms of how to actually do it in each Channel and what that actually looks like in practice okay if you don't know who I am I'm a retention expert when it comes to Shopify email and SMS Marketing in particular so yeah let's dive into it so basically one of the methods is through their on-site experience so as soon as someone checks out credit card goes through you receive the money what pages are you bringing them to is it just the order confirmation page or do you have what's known as post purchase upsells which kind of looks like a little sales funnel with products that's being pushed to them specifically based on what they've already ordered so for example if someone let's say ordered a t-shirt from your website you might upsell them some shorts right or some pants right there's also like upsells down sales so if they take this upsell then you might want to try to downsell them on something else or maybe upsell them again right generally speaking by having post purchase upsells you're going to increase your average order value by eight percent without harming conversions because guess why they've already placed an order with you right money is already in your bank so it's not like once they post purchase you already have their credit card details so if they just click a button boom add it to their order you charge them again on their card okay so very very cool way of doing things next is via email marketing what this basically is is just like a series of flows right like you have your customer thank you you have your replenishment reminders you have your win backflows that kind of stuff but I'll show you more elaborate way of building all of this out later on or maybe in a separate video because it's quite a lot of strategy and like thinking involved um but basically emails is a super super important Channel not only will you be able to minimize your customer support tickets but also give you you give your customers the updates that they need in order to feel reassured that their packaging is that their package is coming and also build even more trust that the thing is going to work before it actually shows up to that door next Channel SMS very important don't spam your customers who have just bought from you with a bunch of new offers a bunch of new products all of this just give them delivery updates right when it's left the warehouse AK order fulfilled is the trigger okay on the way it's kind of like Amazon you know how Amazon on the app it says like order placed uh shipped on the way running late right you want to have SMS reminders for all of this stage because the biggest thing in Ecom especially if it's a first time buyer as soon as I swipe their credit card they're like holy hopefully I have not bought from a drop shipper right so you want to reassure them every step along the way just so that they feel taken care of and all of this stuff because guess what if you're not like a huge company like Amazon h m or Zara or whatever most likely your 3pl may have some additional delays right so it's up to you as the brand to reassure them and give them extra confidence and start buying from you guys was the right decision next is direct mail and packaging so this is actually heavily neglected right as soon as someone gets the product what is the unboxing experience like right is it just like shitty rap bubble wrap with the product inside and it just it's like what the right like or do you have an unboxing experience like apple or Cartier where it's like you know the Box slides right off everything looks super neat the cling film around the actual box doesn't look like it's just been you know folded and then blown dried to melt a bit of the plastic you know what I mean but an area that people often neglect is packaging inserts so what this is is basically like a little postcard that you print that is customized specifically to what that person ordered the only people I know that can do this are these guys basically what they do is they just like take the order information print out all of the relevant upsells and whatever whatever on like QR codes and customize the card to that individual customer and each of these QR codes are unique and trackable so you can find out what the click-through rates are on these things that kind of stuff so that you can actually track conversions as well so yeah slippy is pretty cool if you want to give them a try that I think that in the U.S and UK right now don't quote me on that though but yeah you can insert those and it's again going to increase your average order value or shorten the repeat purchasing cycle by quite a bit not nothing drastic not like a 10x increase I'm talking like you know 10 20 type of increases you know which is still huge right like if you're doing a million a year 10 increases an extra 100K extra 10K a month right so yeah last thing and this is like the thing that blows my mind I have no idea why brands are not doing this which is basically adding the last 180 day purchases as an ad set in their retargeting campaign and making dedicated ads to those audiences what do I mean by this well you know you wouldn't necessarily send them the same retargeting ads as someone who has initiated checkout viewed product that kind of stuff right but you would serve them unique ads so let's say you sell I don't know like recently I bought a desk treadmill right so I can walk while I'm standing and working if you if they bought one of those those are heavy expensive and overall pain in the ass to ship so it might take a slightly longer time period for people to actually receive it run ads targeting the existing customers because they obviously have money right upselling I don't know yoga balls right because when you sell on a yoga ball you're forced to kind of like you know swivel your hip a little bit and it's great for mobility and all of this stuff it's much healthier or sell them stools chairs compliment inventory products and just like completely throw it that way right or even give instructions on how to use their existing products so if they bought like a desk treadmill you might want to upsell like an accessories kit right like a little ramp so you can turn it into a little actual treadmill as opposed to a desk uh treadmill that type of stuff right you can even upsell like resistance bands so that you can add a bit of workout during you know what I mean like upselling people those is going to be really useful and the ad format goes like this right you start the video saying Hey first of all thank you so much for purchasing whatever product that they bought so this obviously works a lot better if you're a single product store but if you're a multi-product store just say hey thank you for buying from wind and wool right I hope you're enjoying the thing that you're bored have you ever considered insert offer or if you're a brand that requires a bit of instructions or maybe if you're selling consumables you can talk about a bit about like recipes and stuff so it's like hey did you know that you can drink your athletic greens with XYZ combo like you can put it in your smoothies you can put it in your protein shakes and it's gonna add a lot of flavor right and then at the end you come in with a little complimentary product like oh yeah like you know buy our shaker cup buy our blend jet or you know what I mean and that has an excellent conversion rate just because it's literally like if you were to send them an email and or get them on post purchase upsells the conversion rate is much higher because they've already expressed active interest with your brand so yeah if you have all of these five components your post-purchase a journey is just gonna be a lot lot better than if you don't have any of these things if you want to learn specifically about email and SMS follow along drop a comment in the video and I'll make sure to make a really long form video because it's like quite a lot of emails and it's quite extensive because it covers three different flows at the same time so also if you're a subscription business or just a brand that's looking to build some sort of monthly recurring Revenue into your business you should check out the previous video I did about subscription d2c calculator where I show you exactly how to work out your Breakeven your lifetime value on all of your existing subscribers your churn rates so that you know exactly what you need to do and the kpis that you need to hit in order to scale if this looks all really straightforward to you and just want to access the calculator check out the school group Link in the description where I basically just upload all of my d2c Ecom resources that I can't either publish on YouTube because it's like a PDF or like a Google sheet template for example or if it's just super Niche that I wouldn't get enough views so yeah it's a one-time unlock fee and you get all of the future updates plus all of the past updates as well as me being in the community actively responding to questions and that kind of thing so yeah you should really join it it's it's a really small unlock fee and if you're in the market for email marketing or SMS marketing we're the best in the game so booking a call on my calendar and we can speak one-on-one about your brand and how we can help you see you in the next one
Channel: Boyuan Zhao
Views: 2,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: post purchase, post purchase survey, post purchase flow, brand strategy, post purchase process, branding strategy, post purchase experience, marketing strategy, ecommerce growth strategy, content marketing strategy course, retargeting strategy, advertising strategy, shopify post purchase survey, d2c marketing strategy, shopify marketing strategy, content marketing strategy, creating a content strategy, direct to consumer strategy, how to create content strategy
Id: toist7_LJPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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