Secret Klaviyo features you didn’t know about

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hey if you're using playview to drive your email marketing listen up what if I told you that there were some secret play video features features that few people knew about but that could make a huge impact on your business this is not clickbait I've built an agency around helping e-commerce brands with email and SMS marketing and we only use clavia with our clients so we know it in and out we only work with seven and eight figure Brands these days and have to turn everyone else down but in this video you'll learn some of the features we rely on to make email marketing the top Revenue driver for our clients these features are so powerful that once you start using them you'll wonder how you ever managed without them here's the best part I'm not just going to tell you about these features I'm going to show you how to use them if you're ready hit subscribe under the video to give me and my team a little boost here on YouTube done did you click it now let's roll and uncover the hidden gems of play View smart send time have you ever wondered what's the best time to send your campaigns to get the highest open rates and sales if you Google it there's all sorts of advice most of it outdated and worse tested on very broad or Irrelevant for you audience this brings me to one of my personal favorite clayview features smart send time this feature analyzes the behavior and engagement patterns of your audience to determine when your subscribers tend to open more actively for us at luck and Co this feature has been a game changer no more guessing when to send an email and no more relying on best practices that are three or seven years old so do you want to see how to use it let's open up clavio okay so the first thing you want to do is go to campaigns and set up your campaign I will pretend that we already have one setup I have a little placeholder over here and you want to go all the way to reviewing and scheduling your campaign oh one quick tip for this feature to work well it's important that your send segment is more than 12 000 subscribers the last time I checked so you can't really use this feature if you're if you're sending to fewer than 12 000 people but if you're sending to 12 000 or more all you need to do is set up your campaign as you normally would and then on the last step when you're reviewing the email you click schedule or send let's pick sometime next week and click schedule and then when you choose your time and strategy in the drop down over here you want to select smart send time and if you're doing this for the first time what you're going to see in this little drop down there's going to be only one option and it's going to be called smart send time test and the only option that you'll have in this drop down is exploratory spread over 24 hours so what this means is that clavio takes the segment that you set up for this particular campaign and it divides all of those subscribers all of those recipients into equal 24 chunks and then it sends your campaign over the course of 24 hours on a day that you chose so that means equal batches randomized batches of your subscribers receive the same email on different times of the day then you will need to do this exploratory send what clivia calls it and what we call it at locket go you will need to do this exploratory send a few times in order for cleview to figure out the optimal send time for your particular audience so don't expect magic after the first Cent you will have to do this a few times and it's important that you do it properly so uh rewind this video if you missed the instructions and do exactly as I instructed just a moment ago so all of these settings and then it's a good idea to click this check mark and determine recipients at start of sending and then click schedule I'm not going to schedule this because this is just a placeholder once you've run the explorers and time at least once go back to your campaigns and then in this drop down called options you want to click on view smart send time report and this is is where the magic happens once you've done enough of those exploratory scents cleview is going to show you the super cute chart that I love looking at and what it essentially tells you is at which rate your subscribers are opening your emails depending on the time that they received that campaign so this is really cool and then what's more is clavia also figures out the optimal send time and then optimal send window so we'll go back to setting up a campaign in just a moment but you'll get a lot of details on this page so once you've done this go into detail and review all of this and kind of as a Next Level thing a more advanced thing is you'll be able to do the SMART send time the exploratory scent for each day of the week and that's what we do with the big accounts that we work with that have high enough frequency of sense where we can figure out the optimal send time and the optimal send window for each day of the week and that's really cool because how your subscribers open might differ on a weekday versus a weekend versus a Friday versus a Monday and knowing what's the best send time for the highest open rate on each particular day is really really cool so um going back to a campaign let's click on schedule again so remember how I mentioned that when you just start this the only option you'll have is this exploratory option once you've figured out once cleview has figured out you have Smart send time you'll be able to either choose your focused window and that is a window of four hours when your open rate tends to be the highest or your optimal time here's a bonus tip for you there's really no reason not to use smarts and time ever so whenever you're sending your segments unless you're a b testing something else because technically smart 10 time is an A B test so if you're doing smart 10 time you can do an A B test for subject lines or for click rate or anything like that but if you're not doing any other AV testing you should definitely be using smart send time because it's going to transform your open rates I tell my team to always use it unless you need to really send something at a very particular time of the day like a sale for example but everything else should be using smart send time oh and the cool thing is that the more you use it the more the algorithm will learn about your audience and if it's time to update your smart send time based on the most recent findings clavio will automatically update your smart send time and that's what I really love because you don't get stuck in the best practices that get outdated your audience is dynamic the more subscribers join your list the more the behavior changes so it's important to keep using this feature and maybe every once in a while even after your smart send time and focused window are determined to do that exploratory scent again just to refresh the metrics and Analytics hey if you're still here this video must be helpful please be a champ and hit that like button and also drop me a comment below and say hey Casey this goes a long way and is super important for me thank you so much next feature product feeds this feature is less secret I feel like many clayview users know about it but most people don't realize how it works and it's true power a lot of people in the comments ask me how to personalize emails in clavio this feature product feeds is one of the most powerful ways to personalize it can make your emails convert two times higher or more here's how product feeds work when you drop a product feed into your email it will display unique products to each recipient based on that recipient's past browsing behavior and purchasing history in other words this block will automatically show the most relevant products to each email recipient for you here are some of the most common use cases for product feed you might also like section in an abandoned cart email a two by two grid of products in a sale email the KC edit collection in a winback email we went over this example in the video that's going to pop in the corner right now and you're ready to see how to set it up let's jump into clayview okay so I'm already in an email where I have a product feed but I'm going to kind of pretend that I'm starting from scratch and drop a new product feed into my email so in the content blogs you want to search for product here it is and drop it directly into your email and then what you want to do is you want to select your product feed or create a new one so for now let's just select uh one of the options right here newest for example and let's uh keep all of the defaults click click done and then just preview this email so you see what this product feed does so when you're in the email editor it kind of looks janky but if you click on preview and you'll see that we're previewing as case log so you're actually able to search for another profile and preview what this email would look like and what the products video would look like for another subscriber on your email list but we're previewing for Casey and if we scroll down all the way to where the product fit is in the email this is what it would look like so Casey luck when she receives this email will see these products in these two product feeds I just want you to see that the coding that you saw on the back end actually shows up as real products so all of them are obviously hyperlinked you can click on the buttons you can click on the images you can even link the product titles so let's go back to the email and see how it's set up the first thing that you'll want to do is create a product feed that you need and this is where like really all the magic happens so let's click this button and create a product feed let's call this Casey test um and then what products should the customer view first and this is very important you can read clavio documentation to learn more about this I will try to go through this briefly even though there's really no brief way to go through it but basically the product feed will always personalize products that it's showing up based on the person's browsing history and purchasing history what this means is if a person purchased a particular product already it will never show up in the product feed so that's a very good thing to know if they've browsed meaning if they viewed this product or added it to cart it will like there's a high chance that it will show up in the product feed because that's what clavia wants to do it wants to show relevant product for that person and then beyond that there's an algorithm that clavio uses to determine which recipients are going to be interested in what kinds of products and like that's the whole point of the product feed so what this question is asking us right now is when there are a lot of different products which products should show up first in a product feed best selling product most viewed product both best selling in most viewed products newest product products or random products so you just make a selection based on what's best for your use case in most cases it's going to be best-selling product but clivia also added a few other options recently here are the three options products that a customer has recently viewed products a customer may also like and products a customer has added to cart and for the products that a customer has added to card clavia uses both metrics added to cart and start a checkout so if you're not familiar with those metrics watch my other video or read clayview documentation but generally this should make sense so let's click uh best-selling products and then you just want to select a time frame over 90 days versus over three days this is where this is relevant if you just released a new collection or you dropped a product and it's super popular and over the last three days that's the most bought product although over the last 90 days your traditional bestseller is the best-selling product like that's what the difference is and in most cases you'll probably want your real bestseller versus your seasonal bestseller but for some reason you need the seasonal one it's like three days I'm gonna select 90 days in most cases you don't actually want to show all of the products from all of your collections and you want to narrow this down so that uh people only see Pro like best-selling products that are personalized based on their browsing and purchasing Behavior within a certain category of your products for example if I have an email about like for a supplements brand if I'm talking about weight lifting and strength and stuff like that and then they want to drop a product feed because I have let's say 6 or 12 or more different products that are focused on strength I only want to showcase three or four in my email I create a product feed I do all of the settings that I just showed you and then I select only the strength collection for the product feed to pull from so that's what this is for so here I want to do category includes or you can also filter this based on price or stock level and then all categories or the collections that you want and then you can even add more filters and personalize it even more so maybe you want like a exclude certain collections or do whatever you want so you see that product feeds actually have a lot of variables and a lot of different ways to customize them and I think that's what most people don't really realize the extent to which I've seen product feeds being used in emails is people just drop a standard product feed with best sellers over 90 days don't do any customization and that's it and the most interesting use cases and the biggest power of this feature really comes from this type of customization so make sure you go into your settings and do this right now with me so now let's go back into that email and I will show you a few very very quick tips on how to customize the look of your product feed in an email so you saw that this product feed that I just dropped in this video looks very different from this product feed that looks much nicer in my opinion and all of the difference really comes from all of these different options that clavio gives you in the Styles section for each block so for this blog my biggest thing as a strategist is that in most cases I don't want a row of three products in an email that's kind of already too much most people's screens are smaller so things will be too small for them to like really look at and be able to digest comfortably so I always only do two products per row and then I don't like to do more rows than two so most of the product feeds I like is two by two sometimes we do two by three so two products per row and then three rows but I wouldn't do three and this is where you customize it you go down so items per Row Two and A number of rows let's say we want to do five and that's going to be really great yeah so let's do two and then maximum image height is really important and this is something that you just need to preview and then see how big or small the products end up being I will go for the biggest you can make them without like messing up your email template and what's another important thing you want to make sure that you stack them on mobile I do like to do that because if even if you do a two by two on uh on a phone then it's too it's too small so I like to do stacking on mobile and then the rest of it is just you select which colors you're going to use for buttons what style of buttons you're going to use um oh and then one important thing is I like to change the CTA for the button text because by default clivia always does by now at the minimum I like to do shop now which is I think it performs a little bit better and then of course you can customize it any way you want and the last thing that I will say about product feeds is that by default the following items will never appear in a clavio product feed products without Associated images products that have already been purchased by the recipient as I've already mentioned anything that's out of stock and products in the flow trigger event for a given email as you can see these rules make product feeds perfect for flows so make sure that you use them to boost performance of your automated sequences setting your conversion metric what if I told you that there was a tiny change that you could make to your clavio account that would completely transform how much value you're getting out of the platform it's true that tiny change is simply switching your conversion metric let's jump into play view so I can show you right away so we're in the home uh dashboard for an account and the first thing you will see in this updated dashboard which clivia did recently is this metric and by default I'm not sure why and this might change over time but by default what clavio chooses here is active on-site and most accounts that I audit they keep it they keep the default active on site and in my opinion it doesn't really tell you much about your account what we want to do like actually let's keep active on site for a moment as your conversion metric and then what clivia shows us is total conversions uh over the last what is it last 30 days so we're looking at total conversions we're looking at attributed conversions and then if we're going down and looking at the flow performance we're basically seeing how many people each of these flows brought to the site which is kind of interesting but also kind of pointless so let's see what happens when we change this to place order now we see total revenue of your shop over the last 30 days and then we see how much of that was attributed to clavio so in other words how much revenue email is driving for you and then if we scroll down here we see how much money each of our flows made in the last 30 days and then same for campaigns so changing this to place order is going to change how you view your analytics let's go into a welcome flow and then let's look at the analytics for the welcome flow so over here you want to click show Analytics and all of these numbers now show us how much revenue we're making for each email like you see this number in the corner over here that's what is being shown if we had active on-site we would be seeing how many people each of the emails were bringing to the site which again you know doesn't tell us much as an email marketer I want to see how much money I'm driving for the business and that's going to determine the decisions that I make maybe I switch off an email because it's not performing or maybe I add an A B test or maybe I add an email because the last email in my flow is doing so great which kind of shows that there's room for more emails in that flow so lots of interesting decisions can be made based on how much revenue each of the emails in the flow are driving for you okay I have a list of five more Hidden Gem features for the next videos which ones do you want to learn about drop me a comment below to vote for one or more of the following five options how to use first name personalization rate hide and show blogs using Playboy benchmarks looking up a campaign performance for each segment and best way to use clavio and Google analytics together and if you're on clavio I know that one of the main goals for you is growing your email list check out my recent video about fun ways to collect email subscribers that are not simply offering a discount the video should pop in the corner right now and thanks for watching until the end I really appreciate you you're awesome and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Kasey Luck
Views: 2,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kasey Luck, luck and co, Klaviyo, email marketing, hidden features, Klaviyo secrets, smart send time, product feeds, ecommerce, email personalization, email campaigns, conversion optimization, Klaviyo hacks, email marketing tips, Klaviyo tutorial, Klaviyo features, email strategy, Klaviyo tricks, SMS marketing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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