How to EASILY beat Andrius Lupus Boreas in Genshin Impact Free to Play Friendly!

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okay how to beat andreas so we're gonna be using geo traveler for the entirety of this fight i'm only gonna be switching to noel for the barrier as you can see he's a little bit on the higher level end but for world level five this is garbage i'm i'm under leveled and i'm under geared okay that was a level 50 ascension 2 weapon okay uh this is my five star artifact that i have on him it rolled all into hp it really does not do very much for me i don't even get the set effect from it okay trust me my gear is really really bad okay andrews is not difficult we're gonna be using the uh constellation two for the intermediate phase right that's all it is uh we don't need this either so you can actually beat him with just geotraveler at a constellation like zero it doesn't matter we're going to be using noel for the double geo bonus which gives us a 15 flat damage bonus while we have a barrier okay her gear is also trash she's also incredibly under leveled for world level five right this is changling she has no artifacts on except for one i have a five star weapon on her i'm not going to be using her because again it's a level 50 ascension too she's literally ascension too as well um amber is ascension one i haven't touched her she is still using the same slingshot and she doesn't have any artifacts anyways let's get into the fight all right so we've got andres here at world level five um all things considered in my opinion i think andrews is one of the easier bosses in this game um he's his ai is really easy to manipulate so all you need to do right here's the strat okay here's the strap just hit the back leg okay you're gonna see that right all you need to do is just dash at him be careful the hitbox is extended really really far in front of him so you'll see that the circle is like really big right um the actual circular area is really big it's not accurate at all when you're in front of him okay as long as you stay between his legs or towards his like back legs right if you dash directly behind him right so like think of his body as a big like like line if you dash along his like line straight behind him you will not get hit by it you need to be completely out of that circle though it is actually accurate when you're behind him so you have to dash out of the circle my tip for that is do a double dash do one dash and then do another deep dash so here right dash dash again look at that so all we're doing here is we're just gonna do dps we're trying to get ulti we're trying to do damage he's gonna do the thing all you need to do is every time that that happens just react to it and dash out of the way he's just going to continuously do left or right swipes it really doesn't matter all you need to do is just dash through it right it's really simple notes do spins occasionally that's the only thing you need to watch about in phase one that's all you need just keep doing damage here no problem um let's talk about the intermediate phase so intermediate phase will happen a couple of times if you take too long fighting him he will enter each intermediate phase if he enters intermediate phase twice he will interface two no matter what percentage of hp if you get him down to 50 hp he'll immediately enter intermediate phase and then enter phase two immediately after that so you can have up to two intermediate phases but you need at least one he's always gonna do at least one so here it is right he's gonna dash around we're gonna put the rock here he's gonna dash the rock and damage himself that's why we have the constellation 2 for geotraveler this is not mandatory it just does a little bit of extra damage right that's all we do just dash out of the way he's going to do three dashes right so that was two so this is going to be his last one here all right one more and then he's immediately going to slam in the center because look at his hp it's at 50 so he's going to slam in the center and then he's going to enter phase two there we go so phase two same exact deal except he gets like three more moves okay that we have to care about so he gets this little like weird fur shaking thing where he'll drop icicles this is the only issue here is that you need to stay mobile to make sure that you're not hit by the icicles if you're hit by the icicles you'll get hit with cryo that'll drain your stamina pretty hard so just try not to get hit by the icicles they don't do too much damage by themselves so don't don't you don't have to worry so same thing we're just going to stay towards his back but now we have to watch out for the tail swipe watch his behind legs whatever leg he's raising is the direction that he's swiping his tail okay all you need to do is just dash through the tail okay right see look at that lifted left leg left right so he's gonna do this slam every now and again as long as you're towards his back you don't have to worry about it lift up the right leg right swipe dash through it right same thing really really simple so he does have an undodgeable okay it's called phase two howell is what i meant to call it he literally just howls and it's in phase two so we call him um i'm gonna show it to you at the end of this video because i don't think i'm gonna get it here yeah i think i'm gonna kill him before he even does mr help all right let's get greedy here wow he swirled me from all the way over there okay be careful about that one that really is not happy anyways i'll talk about phase two how after this anyways easy this is phase two how this thing is completely undodgeable i've tried literally everything i've tried venti i've tried altis you can ulti through some of it to nullify a little bit of the damage you can use noel shield uh also these pillars by the way they explode this so that means you can't go outside on them either otherwise you take cryo damage i've tried everything
Channel: Sun Wei
Views: 333,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andrius, Lupus Boreas, Lupus, Boreas, How to beat Andrius, How to be Boreas, Andrius guide, Boreas guide, Wolf of the North, White wolf of the North, Genshin Impact Guide, Easily beat Andrius, F2P, Venti, Amber, Xiangling, Pyro, Easy, Genshin Impact F2P, Genshin Impact How to, Beginner, Expert, In Depth, Free to Play, Genshin Impact Free to Play, Bennett, Noelle, Geo Traveler, How to beat Lupus Boreas, Andrius Genshin Impact, Boreas Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact Andrius Lupus Boreas
Id: zcRn9Vbmydw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 59sec (359 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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