How to EASILY beat Oceanid Rhodeia of Loch in Genshin Impact - Free to Play Friendly

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okay how to beat and deal with every single ocean you need summon and how to beat the ocean fight so as you can see here i'm gonna be using lisa so lisa doesn't really have a lot of good gear she is pretty much ideal for this fight if you don't have official lisa is free okay so basically we're just gonna be using lisa for the majority of the fight here okay i only have official i'm not gonna be anticipating using her too much it's not a big deal we only use her for the double electro bonus that means we get extra damage on electric charge it's very important for this fight we're gonna be bringing double pyro because we want the double pyro bonus which means we have 25 percent flat damage bonus right shingling and amber give us a double pyro we need the dps because this boss fight does have a hard dps check okay the enemies will constantly heal meaning you need to be able to do more damage in the heel okay and you there is a little known time limit i will show you that later okay the time limit means that you have a certain amount of time to beat the enemy if you don't the oceanid will one shot the unit that's out on the field right now so it's very important that you have enough dps to deal with not only the healing but also the time limit too i'm going to showcase the time limit don't worry i'm also going to leave timestamps in the description below so you can go ahead and see which os units that you have trouble with okay i also have a full fight at the end there so anyways let's get into the enemies so we're going to go ahead and start off with the cranes here you can just go into the middle as lisa and hold down your elemental skill just to kill them all at once otherwise uh they only have one move uh it's just the water blast that they do it's really long range they do have a back dash though so be careful of that it doesn't do any damage just makes them annoying hit anyways there is a time limit on this fight so i'm just going to go ahead and speed up the footage right now and just show you that it does have a time limit [Music] okay so at about now you're gonna get a missile on top of the screen look at that so it's gonna one-shot you right you have around five minutes to beat each weight okay otherwise you're screwed all right so here we have the boars the boards are really easy they only have one move they move slowly towards you the only thing okay look at that so they just dashing right the only thing is that they have a lot of health so you really have to be careful because the healing is going to be very very potent on them be careful too because the dash they can actually curve as you can see there so you do need to like wide-dash it all right aside from that they just slowly walk towards you they're not too big of a deal right you can just dash out of the way right and just do a little bit of damage that's all [Music] okay so here we have the crabs these are the main reason why i think it's impossible to do this fight hitless so as you can see here they'll just constantly chase you and shoot bubbles at you pretty easy to dodge all together but you really have to expend a lot of stamina all right they don't do too much damage you don't have to worry that much about them you can take it really they don't have too much hp either they just move fast and they shoot a lot but you know it's very difficult to like fully dodge and have stand at the same time it's good if you get them early on right because you can just deal with like this but if you start getting them later you know the dps really does add up so you want to get rid of these as fast as possible all right so arguably the most important one of this entire fight is the frog so the frog only has two moves it has this linear wave thing which does a lot of damage but it's very easy to dodge and it's got the stop which has way bigger range in the actual animation watch look at that i was clear out of there and i still got hit most important part about the frog though is that once you kill it it'll create this bomb it'll charge up and do it a massive massive explosion you cannot dash through it and you cannot jump it you must be clear of the explosion or you will get hit it does a lot of damage so here i'll show you i'll jump too look at that i still got hit and i was very clearly out of range okay so the chicken or sparrow is pretty much of the same vein as the frog it's also very important instead of having a linear wave it'll just do a different stop that's it right it still has the frog stop here like that see still does the same amount of damage same thing right same really inaccurate range also most importantly it'll explode like the frog too so don't be too surprised when it happens look at that just got clipped anyways same thing as the frog all right so here we've got the squirrels these are also pretty easy but they're quite annoying if you get them later on so basically they only have two moves they have the tail swipe as you can see there and they have the tail stomp that's it you can dash through both them they're pretty easy to deal with just be careful they do quite a bit of damage that's all you need to really worry about so i'm gonna go ahead and show you here's the double phase so after a certain amount of time or certain amount of progress in the fight you're gonna go through a double phase of enemies basically here we have the hawks okay they only they're pretty easy they're low hp you can kill them all by holding lisa's elemental skill they only have one move it's the dive here we have the ducks the ducks only have no moves it's actually just walking towards you that's the whole thing yep they're pretty cute they just waddle towards you they deal aoe hydro damage meaning it's really not wise to attack them music which is why we use this in this fight [Applause] [Music] all right so we've got oceanid here in my opinion this is probably one of the least enjoyable bosses in the game it's really easy it's just not fun beautiful all we're gonna do is we're just going to hold lisa's skill here just to do some dps [Music] the whole point of this fight is just to kill all the summons i got crabs dude come on man um whole point of the fight is just to kill all the summons right as you can see every time that i kill a whole wave summons it takes damage that's the only way that you can do damage to it the enemies will constantly heal right and the and also you have a like a hard time limit too uh so you can't take too long on each wave otherwise the boss will instantly kill the member on your team that is out currently so anyways after every two waves it'll go ahead and pull down some uh some more platforms so it makes the heart fight harder for you i personally think that this fight is impossible to do hit list because it's well impossible to do hit lists legitimately um that is without cheesing it with like venti or something like that because of frogs right so you need a lot of space to be able to dodge the frog and uh a lot of the times the game really does not like to give you no frogs it just gives you a lot of frogs or kids to a lot of chickens both of them explode on death like this watch i'll go out of the range just kidding i lied look at that i'm mad not a fun fight very easy though it's very very beautiful all you need to do is just kill it all right so we got a chicken here it's the same problem here um i'm just gonna just run around i take more care to like dodge things but really i'm just here to beat boss [Music] melee is not good for this fight by the way i'm only bringing changling for the bonus i'm also supremely under geared let me heal oh no [Music] i'm currently i i just entered world um level three and these aren't really units that i use a lot so i'm like very very supremely under geared for this it's it's not particularly uh the best possible thing that could have happened i might need to switch to official just to be able to take some damage i would have gone into this more prepared but i kind of i kind of pulled units that i really wanted to invest in so i didn't spend any time investing in these units but as you can see it's so easy to the point where even though i'm you know supremely under leveled and under geared world level three this boss is still beatable it's very very beatable you know i wouldn't even consider the boss will need to fight this boss multiple times if you do decide to invest in like shincho or barbara thank you all right easy
Channel: Sun Wei
Views: 192,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oceanid, Oceanid Genshin Impact, Oceanid Rhodeia of Loch, Rhodeia of Loch, Oceanid guide, Oceanid boss, Oceanid Boss guide, Oceanid Summons, Oceanid Duck, Oceanid Frog, Oceanid Crab, Oceanid Hawk, Oceanid Bird, Oceanid Crane, F2P, Venti, Xiangling, Pyro, Easily, Genshin Impact Guide, Genshin Impact F2P, Genshin Impact How to, Beginner, Expert, In Depth, Free to Play, Genshin Impact Free to Play, How to Beat Oceanid, how to beat oceanid genshin impact, how to beat oceanid genshin
Id: 1EGfUT6iBmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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