I Tried the Grimace Shake (i died)

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I didn't get a Grimace there it is oh wait what what I must be having a dream this this isn't real oh I knew it oh oh it's McDonald's okay let's answer hello hi this is your McDonald's delivery driver your order will arrive soon uh yeah okay that's totally what I sound like I'm so glad that the Grimace Shake is here because it's sold out literally everywhere I went to like five different McDonald's today and none of them had it I'm really sad but thankfully oh the delivery guy's here finally um hello oh yes he also brought me my chicken nuggets okay so let's grab the Nuggets I got the the Grimace Shake because it's it's called the birthday Grimace meal so you get the shake and like a hamburger and stuff like that okay come on I'm so hungry I can't wait uh yeah let's pop on some television here uh we're not watching anything oh the screaming Shake tastes so good I finally got it hey Doge Doge I finally got the Grimace Shake no he can't have any Doge wait what hello is that the McDonald's delivery driver are you back let's just head on out we might I lock my own door oops wait uh is in here oh Grimace hey Grimace I know it's your birthday and everything I didn't expect you to come out here hey man how's it going yeah dude you're shake so good okay I'll go I'll go the front door and let you in yeah just hold on one second I can't believe brimes is here it's like his birthday and everything he's coming to visit me hey Grimace yeah come on in man this is my pet oh hey hey dude welcome welcome to my uh my how yeah that's a cool knife you got there um what oh I think that hurt oh is this part of the Grimace birthday uh birthday meal oh hello grimace Grimes is this an Obby where am I oh Grandma set your butt with the mole on it oh that's silly all right anyway um I guess I'm uh been transported to some sort of world is this some shake free Shake yay that equals Death all right so uh where do I go do I just kind of jump onto this thing and this thing everybody knows I'm a master of hobby so this shouldn't be difficult for me to complete this game into what is his um I have no idea where I am right now am I traveling through his purple colon have I been digested okay I don't know what this is but it's really disgusting get me out of here it's all sticky and gooey and smells so bad smells like Grimace ah oh what's this right here this looks fun let me just grab this oh yeah um hello I don't think I'm shooting anything I need to reload what is this a stupid scam weapon where do I go why are there Lego blocks down here am I playing Roblox such a stupid cringe game platform whatever anyway let's head on into this tube here find something wait what happened oh I lost my gun hello oh you need to free every soul from grimace's jail to destroy his heart and Escape while grimace's murderous babies hunt you can you succeed well I just lost my weapon so I don't know if I'm gonna succeed also thanks for the weapons back okay quick tip you can perform a Rocket Jump by shooting ground beneath is this rocket launcher we do why does the gun work here give me some okay I don't know what that is oh oh I shot him okay so there's a weapon guys stupid Grimace babies I can shoot off the ground uh yeah I'm an FPS Pro so this will be really easy for me let's just jump across and how do I free you hold e to open the cage let's make sure yeah get these stupid Grimace babies out of here oh wait he hit me even though I killed him such a scam broken game get out there Grimace babies let me grab some health here there we go what the heck am I playing here you die let's open this up we gotta let these Grimace babies out or Souls right through the souls that that Grimace stole little children that drank the Grimace shake they got trapped inside of him their souls are gone it's very demonic which is bad we don't like anything demonic on this channel all right uh three out of six cages left offering Souls these stupid Grimace babies need to die die please die thank you and let's just shoot off that and I can move while in uh mid-air which I kind of like actually reminds me of the Quake days you gotta hear your stupid ugly baby wait why can't I actually see the bullets hello die thank you and let's open up free some more children that were trapped from drinking the Grimace Shake let me make sure there's no more Grimace babies coming for me dude stop spawning over there thank you let's release the children all right you're now free kids oh wait I still have one more cage left right here oh okay uh uh yeah that was kind of weird but I got out of it and I'm Not Dead die please oh no wait I'm actually dying what's happening stupid heart oh wow please hello I had a Grimace Shake explosion you were initially considered the main suspect of Investigation into the death of Grimace when you informed the police that Grimace I attempt to kill you and you barely managed to survive did not believe you did your significant brain damage as a result you're sent to mental health facility for assessment and treatment okay well that was like the shortest game I've ever played and I paid five dollars for it next up is grimace's basement oh where am I I'm outside of a car it's McDonald's sweet so I can finally get a Grimace Shake let's hope I don't get stabbed this time and then transport it into your Mrs intestines that's really disgusting oh hello so this guy's ordering and I guess I'm supposed to go here wait look Grimace birthday meal hello welcome to McDonald's what will you be having today well I want this Grimace birthday meal this is why I tried to buy today and all the McDonald's were sold out it's no longer sold and really sad hey what's up man hmm I'll try the Grimace birthday meal are you sure all right that'll be 15 that's expensive thank you uh yeah wait what is that me that's what I look like am I Giga Chad wait wait what oh oh no okay just press space to continue hours later and objective collect all five components of the Grimace meal wait what the heck is this thing is that an electric chair okay celebrate Grimsby through this uh music's really loud and lags when I look this way for some reason but not that way yeah this is weird Okay anyway okay how do I get out can I crouch or I can Crouch with control okay all right so we gotta find the Grimace Shake that's a skull can I pick it up no okay honestly this is really like oh what's this collect menu item okay so we got one out of five okay I just need five what wait what hello what stop stupid Grimace that's bull crap stupid scamming Grimace I have to collect them all you have to collect them all again okay so we got one all right come on come on where's the other one I don't want to die early this time well give me all this game I didn't pay money for this one all right we got two we got the stupid hamburger and then that's another skull can I hide in here from Grimace or no that's what I'm not sure about um there's another one french fries that's three good we have not ran into Grimace yet and that's a safe how do I get in here I want to get in here and steal whatever's inside because that's what I do there's another piece over here [Music] and still no sign of the purple douchebag so let's grab that I'm lagging really bad why am I lagging so bad does that mean Grimace is close it could be oh there he is don't can you actually come in here uh no so he can't come in these like gaps Okay so am I out playing him I think I'm out playing him let's run this way just can't get no no no no uh I had all four uh okay let's collect the one here and uh maybe there's one in here because this is where I died the first time I had no idea what I was doing and I actually still have no idea what I'm doing ah go away go away go away yeah stupid fat purple idiot stay there he can't get me wait is he going around I think it's going around oh yep there is nope nope you suck go around idiot what are you gonna do you can't do anything you're purple okay now I got my chance let's run let's run this run he's gonna come quick he's gonna come he's gonna come there he is no go away Grimace you suck okay which place are gonna go to try to get me um he's going that way okay so let's run okay there he is what are you doing he's stuck okay well I'm gonna go hopefully he doesn't come let's just go I'll actually go faster if I press the uh left and right at the same time oh this is the menu we never found that one before all right so I just gotta go left right like this and go really fast see it didn't take that long to figure out the hacks that's just kind of how I roll all right so we got three out of five so press four left oh there he is nope yeah go around okay I don't know where he went is he close see close I don't know I just want the the last piece where's the last menu item dude I don't know where he went but that was really annoying all right come on let's get this last one I think it's in here there he is okay nope stop where you going dude stop trying to go around you're not gonna trick me bro there it is okay quick I'm lagging so bad the game freaking hacked this stupid hacking trash that's why I didn't pay money for this one yeah there he is he's just gonna sit here like a loser you stay over there I'm going this way I don't care as long as I sidestep I outrun him because I'm a better gamer so it's got a side step go fast and then bam into the hole dude there's no getting away from this fat loser look at him he used to lose weight dude why am I not picking that up thank you finally okay there's another item over here okay so this is the Hard One to get it makes you lag okay lagging lagging hello stop lagging I have four out of five items so I just need one more and then I can hopefully get a stupid game but there he is bro what are you doing okay well that way is not it okay come on where's this last item I would really like to play another game there it is okay I've got the five and now I can go in here okay good Let Me In oh okay next up we have grimace's birthday I'm so excited for this oh is that do I grab it drink wait where's it drink okay am I in the bathtub grimace's birthday ending one out two bathtub wait what another Grimace birthday let's play what is this game gonna give us am I at a McDonald's Club oh my gosh this guy's just having a great old time here look at those moves oh yeah man show us how it's done oh yeah this girl seems drunk over here oh hello are you grinding on me sir excuse me Come Dance With Me No I bet you can't keep up I can't that's actually true nice wedgie by the way oh look Grimace is upstairs okay well let's go figure out what's going on with this girl are you okay did that shake do something to you excuse me hi dancing really takes it out on the body I don't know how that guy is still going this shake is helping me recover though well that's good it's grimace's birthday I'm glad you're enjoying yourself um can I steal his Shake by the way he won't notice hello he's just looking the other way okay anyway what about you what's up man you're just chilling over here the food is taking forever what's a party without any food to eat that's a good question actually the only thing we got so far are these weird shakes dude they're not weird it's grimace's birthday you jerk oh freaking idiot all right let's go uh interrupt this family over here or uh yeah it's not a family hey bro nice shirt thanks be careful with these drinks though the purple will badly stain that am I wearing them am I wearing a white T-shirt I can't see what about you what do you have to say seems kind of empty in here I thought there were a lot more people invited um it's all adults for some reason there's literally no kids here even though the Grimace Shake is for children what about what the heck this guy kind of looks like backstricks anyway what's up man whoa hmm you say something oh never mind okay this guy's definitely drunk all right let's go upstairs we gotta talk to Grimace I know he's up here hey man how's it going yeah it's uh you're looking huge I've got your little surprise for you that drink there is yours try it let me know if you like it okay well I'm gonna try it oh yeah oh it's really good Grimace how'd you make this whoa Grimace I feel funny Grimace grimace oh wait hello where hello find the find the victims what where am I oh the arrows is saying to go into the sky okay actually I think it needs to go this way wait how did that get here I was in McDonald's having a good old time with uh all these weird dancing adults and suddenly I'm in a forest following a floating red arrow or it's kind of orange rather oh I can Sprint and oh everyone's fast look at this so uh what am I gonna find out here and why is this so dark what kind of mysteries are about all right well let's just Sprint oh I think I see something hello what's this is a llama what what hello bro what happened catch off my flashlight it's really bright can I take the shake okay well that guy you know he has a goatee okay I'm sorry I'm not sure what happened to you but I'm Gonna Leave You there because you look like you do not want to be disturbed running through the forest there's still nothing crazy has happened yet other than um a guy who's overdosing on Grimace Shake but we're gonna leave him alone we're gonna go this way because the orange arrow says so what will I find out here it's actually really big this force is massive hello why is this Force so big I can Sprint Forever by the way no stamina bar that's awesome oh here we go another victim hello what can I do for you can I crouch I can't Crouch I'm trying to crouch can I take her uh Grimace cup I cannot okay well this is a woman so the first one was a guy with a goatee this looks like a woman overdosing on the ground all right I'm Gonna Leave You heading to a victim number three what what the heck was that okay well that thing just blew up that was weird um yeah let's just keep sprinting and here we go victim of number three hello this guy's definitely not having a good time all right I'm Gonna Leave You wait it just got really dark what the heck okay now it's light again all right I'm out of here I'm running I'm kind of scared actually no no oh what okay the heck was that it's sending chills down my body place whatever that is if that's you Grimace leave me alone I have a flashlight I know how to use it victim number four let's take a closer look at this one she appears to be an Asian white uh female she has struck like what nope oh what what huh the heck is the okay I'm running there's two of them that time so if I look at them they explode I like that game mechanic Let's uh Sprint and get the heck out of here and hopefully I don't lag wait is this okay victim number five are you okay man oh stop stop stop explode okay okay so that's Grimace all right we got run oh my gosh okay I'm actually kind of scared run run run through the forest don't turn around don't turn around just run please please no no there's two go away go away okay if you charge them they blow up big stupid purple grapes all right come on we gotta get to I'm stuck I'm stuck no no stop go away okay they both pull up stop getting stuck in the trees I Can't Jump the spacebar doesn't do anything hello that sucks to be you man dude stop no how'd he gets close to me I was so no uh oh my gosh okay so there's six victims and basically the more you find the the more of these Grim assists are charging you so let's speed run this game also can uh this meme die already the shake is now sold out so let's stop making uh Grimace games okay so victim number one I'm just never gonna stop sprinting ever I'm just gonna hold it down the whole time and here's evict number two sucks to suck still no sign of grimace and oh he's coming die and okay so that's our first Grimace we have found three victims it gets harder and harder each victim I find no go away stop idiot he explodes and all his purple fat goes everywhere Dude where's this number four I've been running this way for so long oh there it is finally why are you way out here okay number four okay now it's starting to get serious okay here he comes here comes don't die die no no no no no no no there's two there's two there's two there's two there's two there's two just die okay good so as long as you're looking at Grimace he will explode before he gets to you there's a giant Hill my way can I climb up the hill I cannot Oh look The Moon's out that's nice dude go away oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my God stop stop stop stop he got stuck on the mountain like I did why is this victim so far by the way I don't remember it being this far away oh look if I go left and right in this game I also go faster okay so there's number five look how fast I'm going when I hold down forward and uh right stop you die last time when we found this one I feel like five grimaces spawned at once so I need to be prepared for here we go all right wait stop stop all right now let's grab him okay here we go we must find the exit yes I know I can't see anything get off my screen thank you there he is there is they're coming three of them coming out once okay oh my gosh I see the exit please don't spawn anymore go away don't spawn go away go away go away go away I see I see it seriously please please no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no please look at all this God forsaken world please oh my gosh okay we made it we found the exit oh okay what's next so was that Grimace hello am I am I waking up what do you think um your shake sucks wait is that it hello get out now okay um I'm leaving I can't Sprint in here so just be patient with me just gonna slowly leave you stay there everyone else is gone so everyone in here those were the dead victims uh in whatever world we were at okay get me out here okay bye Grimace happy birthday welcome to Free dizzy
Channel: VitaminDelicious
Views: 96,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grimace shake 3am, grimace shake lankybox
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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