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let's go here let's try on this let's try the vitamins because we've seen in like some people's animations but it's actually in the game there it is but I want to use the skeleton key someone told me they deleted rooms in super hard mode hey everyone it's your friend to think noodles and welcome back to Roblox doors where today we're gonna be playing some more super hard mode hi now obviously with uh with this bad survival the Jeff the Killer I've already beaten it and I want to talk about that actually because uh according to the official doors Roblox Twitter the super hard mode ends after April 9th but will still be playable in private servers for an extended amount of time to be determined however the achievement will not remain obtainable so if you guys want the badge the survival the GIF the killer badge it is a limited time badge I think it says after April 9th so you can get it all the way through April 9th on April 10th you can't anymore you can still play it in private servers but these will become normal elevators not that normal elevator normal doors elevators and you will no longer be able to get this badge and use it on your uh on your skin you'll never be able to get this ever again go get it I'll try and give you guys tips in this video watch my previous video I had a few tips in that as well uh we're gonna check out we're gonna die a lot in this video we're gonna try and unlock and see all of the Easter eggs in super hard mode with just the different entities a different kill messages different deaths uh and then there's one other thing that is unbelievably rare I don't know if we'll get it in this video uh but we will get it it may take may take weeks actually it's that rare I haven't seen a couple of people get it uh now I put on Jeff's backpack because there are some new lines from El goblino oh yeah yeah and guys if you're new here subscribe to my channel I hope you get to 10 million subscribers uh use a star code noodles not start codes for everybody Robux or premium it helps support my channel Roblox literally let's pay me Roblox every time you buy Robux and also like the video if you want more doors content and um okay this is something right here actually so yeah look out of stock can you read and if you keep pressing it you can't get it it's unavailable buddy that hurts you know please stop pressing me sad face angry face really angry okay and now it's just doing random [Music] all right I ran out of stop now it's still going dude wait I'm not sure what I expected oh this can whatever you have fun I'm going to bed wait wait a minute I've got hold on I so I've got kind of an i is he really asleep because I got an idea yo I've clicked this about a hundred times it actually is changing I wonder I mean I could set up an auto clicker but like how fast can you push this like maybe click it pretty fast oh oh it said something no I missed it thanks for the extra play time there we go so that was that was 1 000 clicks [Music] okay whatever let's play I'm gonna buy everything I don't care let's go I I thought that would time out because of the 30 second timeout I didn't realize that you could actually complete click on it now in the previous video I was too interested in beating it don't touch this key there's my first tip I uh I was just using lock picks because the first time I spawned into the game there was a lock pick uh right over here and there isn't now and there wasn't well basically past that first one but people let me know that if you look around you can find the you hear it stuck on there with velcro look at that how do you actually reach it though okay yeah so the actual key is there you do not need to waste a lock pick let me start our journey uh okay so as I said we're gonna we're gonna die on purpose a number of times just to get all the different entities or variations on the entities to kill us we're gonna actually do something in Jeff's shop that well we didn't think was possible of people always said was possible it is now possible ouch cut out bro oh gosh Jeff yo already seriously now I haven't died to Jeff yet I think I might die to Jeff now okay well that's gonna be a problem there's the first death message from Jeff the Killer killer cool died it's Jeff the Killer and Rush was on his way I don't even know why we went backwards in the dude spawn oh yeah we gotta die to Greed oh yeah that's one I haven't done I don't know how like I don't know how close I got but I mean I could tell that I was getting close when uh when he was getting real real big yeah the lockpick fine all right so I was pretty unlucky to get Jeff that early on when you have no Shields the shields are what make Jeff uh survivable now I wonder if I have shields can I survive uh not that I have enough drawers anyway uh agreed because I don't know how greed works if he's instant kill or if he does like 100 damage or like 80 damage what do we got Rush on six pretty early you don't want to get in too early because hide is really just aggressive oh I wonder are people speed running this yet because I I did see in the comments on uh when lsplash said it wasn't gonna like it was only gonna be available like not indefinitely but for you know a good amount of time um and someone said hey I'm in the speedrunner community and you know we'd love to continue speed running this which uh yeah I mean I guess that means people are I don't know if there's a category for it but there should be because oh wait we want to die we want to die no let me out I want to die what is this what is this it's some and the crowd wants to go home so that's basically rush but what is it going to say died to free robloxian outfit all right the thing that sucks though is that when this entity comes like by the time I realize oh I already died to that version of it this is like this is going to be the El goblino one um maybe the troll face I don't know I mean the troll face one definitely has his own sound but by the time I realize it I won't be dead I think like I mean maybe I can see it like down a long hallway or something but but yeah oh whoa this is like getting a crucifix on door zero baby all right come on now let's go we got a holy grenade wow that is super early well I mean obviously it doesn't get any earlier than that it's not even close to that door so close to the elevator man oh hello I kind of wanna not die now because I wanna this this might be a run well unless there's something we're sure of uh that we don't die on until Jeff's shop maybe we'll make it there because we do have to get there and so we're gonna have to actually try a little bit oh ouch okay that okay I thought we were balanced perfectly over it we were gonna die from a banana which I don't I oh yes I have I have seen you guys show me screenshots that it is possible to die by die by banana which uh yeah we can do on another run as well but not when I have a holy grenade in my hand oh all right uh let's see if there's any minis first though oh okay so we got rush and eyes I don't really like that combination a lot yeah let's do that oh but it's not rush okay let's see if we can see it what is it probably died of this one no we haven't we gotta die for this one I know I had to give up the grenade and I said I wasn't gonna but we we got a unique one we gotta see what this is you died who you call bald Creek wait why do I have one do I have an entity died the dot dot dot dot oh okay whoa okay I launched in the air the banana went flying across the room that was kind of cool I'm not gonna lie uh this room I believe man there's so many Shields dude so I believe I uh there's enough drawers in here that I can get enough money and we can die to Greed um and I'll give you guys okay I think he's got one more warning level before he kills us so he gets like there no one more nah dude I need you to get a little angrier come on make it that's okay I think that's the limit so there's a tip that's the limit don't get any more gold like I'm about to do give me it bro I'm trying to no he just got the same angry bro it's like it's Green's like no you can't have it open the drawer give me the greed give me that [Laughter] um okay it's like who would do that we don't expect the client to try and die to Greed all these and died all vanities okay all right let's see have you seen this one oh no I need an adapt I needed that one so you can watch it as it goes by ah all right uh and still get into a closet so now I know you can do that we wanted that one oh a tip every time you go through a door look down perfect diving uh because there are so many like every I mean it could be two in a row like that that you're gonna have another eyes oh my God or him uh but yeah you you want to look down every time also when you're not sure it's the right door like so this is a fake door here this is a dupe can't hear it but look how close I am right so walk over to this one you don't have to listen anymore this is how I used to look for dupes when uh when I didn't know you could hear do see that one opened uh at the same distance so uh the the opening distance of the Subspace mine is much closer uh even though it's not as close as you might want but go through look down okay so now we know it's well maybe Rush Maybe oh I don't know this one oh there's bulb freak right there why are there so many of those that's actually different try again but yeah that one was definitely oh but the other one said dot dot dot the other one said you died as who you know as all right well we've taken both now I'm still pretty insulted that I'm not in here somehow crying face that's it died degree all right so we're getting a lot of them out of the way and I think I mean unless we get another one of those random like a like El gallino ball Creek A90 whatever they are entities we're heading to 52 now I'm just trying to find all of the content that they added to the game and uh yeah these different death messages from different entities are actual content so we gotta cover it all guys I want I wanna basically 100 the game again well this version of the game oh God see this is why we have that open oh no no Jeff I'm not doing this bro bro bro right now right now wait where are you I'll wait away get away get away get away I'm going when I'm going when I'm going I'm going where is the door where is the door come on why is it not opening there we go oh my goodness double Jeff are you kidding me dude let me in open the door why is this okay first of all why would that not open why am I falling through the floor what just yeah thanks you're lagging out again holy cow okay well oh that hurt a lot that's kind of okay well is it though I might get killed during the um wait did he spot I might die during this cut scene here yeah that's not fair jazz Jeff bro that's really unfair and now like I've never seen him driving around dude come on look at it let's see him drive he's okay he's honking there he goes ah what do I do nah it's not worth it to revive here because I lose all my stuff could be one that we want though no oh it might be it might be who is it who is it can you see oh wait it's a weird Rush it's like 8-bit rush or something what is this yeah you hey Guiding Light with the Sass again whoa died [Music] that rush I think what is that oh let's get that one that's my that's my smile like my old smile and the crowd it goes exchanges weird glances shiny teeth yeah that was the face that I had on my like on my Roblox character before maybe that's me yeah no I have a cat head now so it doesn't really matter but still I I'm gonna call that a wind that's me in the game because the alternative the alternative is really depressing I am running out of knobs here man like I am gonna have to oh yeah give me that let's start off with that um yeah I'm gonna have to do like some knobs runs here before I get too low oh that's kind of bad I don't help help I need out I need out I'm tripping on this I didn't even think I was in there dude where have I is this is this the right way is this the way this is the way I didn't I didn't know that like I mean I knew the banana peel was there but like I didn't know you could like trip over it while you were in the closet like flipping around in circles yeah the other thing I'm noticing is like let the door open and like watch for Jeff don't like go running through the door because Jeff crowds the door better off to like open the door and then wait okay no Jeff we're good oh crucifix in a drawer I've never seen that that might be unique to Hard Mode I've never seen it in a small drawer big drawer no I've only ever seen it out I don't think I've ever seen it inside uh chest I've seen it in chests oh this is a minefield okay we're good 49 rooms and now I have to deal with figure I don't even know dude I need to deal with figure without one I don't even know this pasta I mean I'm sure it's obviously possible but I've never tried it I don't even know how the dude works anymore I just know there's a bazillion books that you know be great if I could find one I got a holy hand grenade and like a a drawer or something I'm doing it all right well let's say I'm doing an all right job of avoiding the dude but but I think you found me yep you found me okay go I think I can still outrun him here but I don't know once he's got all the books food is fast wow he can outrun you even with vitamins okay so my advice don't even bother going to the library if you don't have a holy hand grenade oh all right so what do we need let's let's see if we can like say it out loud and if the Doris Gods can uh sort of manifest it for us because we asked what we need is Three Holy grenades before door 50. and no Jeff well what no Jeff the Killer let's be specific about this Jeff door 52 totally fine and in fact one of the reasons I want three of them get my drift but we want yeah so yeah so yeah well okay it's round you're getting there but yeah let's get some grenades let's get some holy grenades and avoid Jeff the Killer at all costs hey there's our first one let's go okay already better than like one of my runs that I got all the way to Door 50 without seeing a single one uh world or ten okay two more no Jeff okay let's go oh get past him all right we're gonna we're gonna run we're just gonna run from Jeff let's see if we can oh get up get up get up get up oh dude dude all right let's see come on come on come on come on oh okay oh okay he's he's still coming bruh I don't want to have to use it I wanted to save it doesn't look like it's gonna happen though ah peekaboo oh I never been jump scared but jump scuffed by jair jump scared about Jeff yeah this game does suck man oh I [Music] five yeah let's go door five even better than the last one seven see and right there that's something I suggest you do also just a little advice uh if if something like Rush spawns you know it's gonna come through try and get and get that next door open it could spawn in eyes and then Russell rushed through and uh and kill the Eyes by opening the next door sometimes it backfires and there was nothing in that room but then he opens the next room which had an eyes in it but that eyes was gonna appear either way so at least you get a chance of him killing one and also screwed up the Duke oh okay I just heard Jeff in there I know he's there because I heard someone fall on a banana peel so I don't know the best course of action here because I know he's gonna come through that door you'll be rushed through the door and just go past him I only have one vitamin and I need it for seek all right all right is it coming right totally heard you slip so don't don't lie wait did a banana I knew it I knew it he bouncing on the sofa um do I murder him I don't know no I'm gonna go past him because he might actually be stuck on the sofa because the banana peel launched him up there so let's I don't know if he can get down you got down let's go yeah I'm going I'm going I'm going oh we hit another banana peel let's go let's go 27. so I wanted to save it 28. all right dude dude this might be a bad idea 29 that was a bad idea I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I didn't die but I like I wasted what I didn't want to waste it was just too many entities man like frustrating like I I I ah dude dude now okay I gotta oh we could we could get yeah let's get some grenades in here dude come on come on hook me up with some grenades let's Salvage this ah well that didn't go well dude I need at least two grenades to even try what I want to do oh geez wait I just got in the closet wait who's hey oh that's my that's my whiskers let me out bro I okay all right I'm out I'm out I'm out okay uh oh I forgot to pop vitamins hold on one second uh yeah okay jeez like I've never done that before that was super weird I I if I make it through this I'm very lucky considering what that all was that was dumb that was dumb that was dumb okay we're still okay though uh maybe not let's do that yeah what a mess that was how far ahead was it oh gosh I don't you know what I don't care all right I might have been able to make it without the second vitamin and also because this one is ruined anyway we got zero we've got zero again zero grenades so and no crucifix so no defense against the figure oh we could get it here come on whoa listen this is the dupe door so loud it's so weird that it's actually giving me a sound because a lot of times it doesn't [Music] we got one all right cool let's get another come on yeah let's go and the music is so perfect for this like so technically we asked for three and we got three I mean I I didn't get three at the same time because you know different stuff but ultimately that you idiot that little clutch move there uh is what with that uh with that grenade is what saved our butts and got us this far okay we're already five anything up there no a lot of times it's there oh man really all right I'm not gonna waste uh the um the the grenade on him that was close yo 5 000 coins uh at door 47. I mean I've never gotten five well I guess maybe if you count runes but we got to um we might be able to buy one from Jeff and you know I've I've actually found oh my goodness I found two in here before so it's possible we find a third one right now but it doesn't look good but it was all right okay so I want to try something I saw someone uh show me on Discord right as you open the door you can actually kill figure in the cut scene I also might die but I'm gonna try it anyway bye we got him so guys that's easy mode right there there he is that's easy mode you can blow them up before you even enter the library just Chuck it as the door is opening just throw it can we wait oh no still teeth down as usual you can see in there all right let's do what we gotta do here let's find uh oh yeah right you gotta hold on to this I forgot uh also someone told me and I don't know if this is the case actually we can check it here [Music] so um you guys might be like what you're hiding in a closet no no those of you guys are paying attention who know your doors you know what I'm laughing about right now there's no hide and not only is there no hide in uh in the library I believe that once you kill figure with the grenade there is no hide in any closet in the rest of the game now I didn't notice this the last time I played but someone pointed it out to me as well that if you kill him and it doesn't have to be like in the cutscene like I just did just as long as you kill him in the library uh from then on no more hide he's tied to him somehow so that makes Ambush a lot easier uh especially with the number of times it comes around I mean it just it makes things easier and in super hard mode any advantage you can get I I urge you to take it all right I think this is almost all of them maybe I I'm not oh there's one more I should be all of them there all right what do we got let's look at our paper and get this thing open all right I think this is it three one eight three eight three eight three nine zero yeah we got it we made it we have one maybe Jeff will sell us a second one and he did not but he's selling us two skeleton keys ah okay so uh right well we'll buy those I mean I don't even care how much any of this costs because I can oh well I Can Only Hold one at a time that's right uh and that's actually a waste because if you have a skeleton key don't buy that you can open up well you know um okay so there's a few things I want to try here and the first of which is chucking the grenade at Jeff I think okay well we're gonna find out all right so you guys just chill for a second actually no wait wait while we're here let's get some Bob told me he saw one of those sparkly thingies but it wasn't blue no man just dude nobody uh he's got some new voice lines so we're gonna check those out because I took off the shoulder pad and I have Jeff's backpack on now so he should stay any oh I don't know if I've seen that you should say other things find any Goods out there I plan to take a look myself wait you leaving bro like for real is he really gonna leave that means see you later yo whoa oh you won't talk no more hey I barely heard any of your new voice lines dude seriously okay well that's all we got okay let's go here let's try this let's does it can we actually like okay I'll Jesus back up here we go what happens if you absolutely nothing happens I thought that we something was gonna happen there I I really thought that some one of these idiots was gonna jump scare me okay so supposedly if you talk to Bob with a skeleton key he jump scares you I know he has a jump scare now okay so nothing happens let's try the vitamins because we've seen this in the in like some people's animation but it's actually in the game so but it may have nothing to do with what you're holding and it may be just simply uh doing it over and over again and there's like I don't know a 10 chance five percent chance one percent chance one in a thousand that he will jump scare you so yes I'm about to sacrifice my life [Music] [Applause] oh cause nothing happens but something definitely did April fools did I get you no we expected that Bob look at this yes kind of skeleton Bob I am so pleased okay okay so uh so we threw oh look at my dude he took my head off bro look look I'm headless like where where is my head oh wait I'm gonna revive yeah yeah revive revive hurry up hurry up oh okay Bob that was mean um yeah okay this is one you want to revive because I can still get all my stuff um and we can actually like continue will he talk to me now you still won't talk huh bro okay so here's what we're gonna do then uh do I want to buy this I mean I got so much cash yeah let's buy that okay so we got full shields uh we've got no grenades left but I want to use the skeleton key or something we haven't tried yet because someone told me they deleted rooms hey go away in super hard mode as an April fools so we gotta check that out see if that's true oh Timothy Timothy Jimmy man that that was not that was not expected all right we're almost there I would really like Ah that's what I wanted right there okay I also heard some wait I need to place the hide I think because like um there's nowhere to hide here and okay okay there we go there we go there we go we can hide here I just thought I heard flickering get away get away okay okay we're good we're good okay oh I don't need to do anything wait yes I do I need to go release the gate right [Music] I remember uh when we first played this update we went and checked the door and it looked the same so maybe what happens in the April Fool's part is like you go through the door you like unlock everything and you go over there and uh and go back and then there's no door to open unlock or anything or or it makes you waste everything and then you know it says cannot enter the portal or something haha so funny April Fool's jokey all right let's see I hear it oh it's still here you guys all right let's see if we can bring it so I'm gonna I'm thinking that a holy grenade is not gonna work in rooms because like just like the crucifix and the candle they're like you know magical or holy items that don't transfer to rooms nice all right let's see I wonder if we can make it through rooms and hard what survive Area 51 this is not rooms well there's Jeff this is Jeff the Killer wait what what I don't know classic Mode survive and kill the killers with other players normal sure is this well this is are you kidding me this is real so I think that is the end of our progress indoors wait how do I kill people bro can you give me something like sir speak to me speak to me hey talk to me bro I'm clicking your thing wait what okay the truck's plate how do you even get weapons how do you kill people this looks dangerous oh okay I'm just gonna close all the doors but everybody's got like shotguns and stuff and I got no weapons okay okay I'll stop geez oh there's Jeff the Killer you just killed him I get it that's I'm sure that's what it is wow that sounds familiar too there he is come on Jeff kill me Jeff kill me please tell me I can kill by Jeff the Killer no well somebody just killed him now we saw a ton of deaths we've tried a bunch of different things most importantly we got to see Bob's jump scare for real that's been imagined and and then click baited for months now ever since he came out and now thanks to oh geez the cacti bird thanks to the April Fool's super hard mode update it is actually real now uh there is one more well there's some more El goblino dialogue and of course the rarest room door whatever you want to call it indoors that I haven't been able to encounter yet and I will show that I will continue playing the update until I can find this room experience it for myself and show it to all of you if you guys are looking forward to that you enjoyed this video click the like button and subscribe and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 3,088,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, thinknoodles roblox, roblox, roblox doors, doors new update, roblox doors new update, doors roblox, doors new cutscenes, roblox doors update, roblox horror game, doors update thinknoodles, doors new update gameplay, thinknoodles doors update, doors challenge, thinknoodles roblox doors, thinknoodles new doors update, doors super hard mode, roblox doors super hard mode, doors hard mode, doors super hard mode update, bob jumpscare
Id: tZZCeI7LlYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 35sec (2075 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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