Unlocking the BEST FATALITIES in Bowmasters

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So today we're playing bowmasters I have to kill this uh idiot and this is me here we go so I gotta match up my shot with the angle there we go and bam straight through his yeah oh he's not dead no worries we'll just match this up again and fire through his throat please no that's his heart let's go a little bit higher I want to get it through his eyeball oh no I should have listened to the dots I still get an epic win I'm fighting this scientific idiot like to throw cards at them I guess so here we go let's aim it up let's do a 15 degree angle see what happens and that's a scam oh no he gets to fight me he's shooting a vaccine at me ah you lose let's try a 19 degree angle and oh that's not it I'm clearly not very good at this game but I don't think the doctor is either that's just yeah that one right over my head a 17 degree angle and fire yeah I got him right in the wiener nobody's back up so it did not do a lot of damage he's shooting his little little shot at me and oh my goodness he just put that needle right through my kneecap let's try a 19 degree angle I'm just gonna let it fly all the way there we go right into his gut oh that took off all his health wait how are you still fighting you're dead oh we got come back I see luckily he sucks and totally missed me it's all right 20 degree angle through his neck oh yeah right in his stomach okay here we go we're gonna do a little bit higher angle here 21 degrees trust folks Trust trust oh oh let him on fire nice yeah burn baby burn he's just ash goodbye Mike versus Shark oh I throw a fire football so here we go and 18 degrees into his head headshot oh how is he alive well it is just a football I actually took off his face oh he throws a trident that's not good enough bro let's do it again right into his head bam and he has no flesh left on his head it's just a skull and like muscle tissue he went back a little bit so we got to go up a little bit higher let's try 19 degrees well I I did less power I'm so stupid hit him yeah blew him up oh that's awesome so let's go with this a Batman here the man cat sorry not Batman it's man cat oh I get to throw a boomerang all right let's try a 20 degree angle to start and oh okay well that messed up he shoots a stick with a burning some more oh no he's good I know what I'm gonna do so I gotta throw up past him and then click no I miss again please don't hit me in the head again okay good he really sucked at that one let's do a 22 degree angle be on him and then now oh yeah now explode oh yeah wait that took off hardly any health even though his guts are showing he has no Flesh on his arm here we go a bigger angle and bam yeah oh I think I killed him oh my gosh she's still flying where is he um okay well here he is he's back he's actually behind me now dude what is going on I think the game bro there we go okay so let's go like this oh I think the game is bugged folks but hold on I'm gonna figure it out I promise I'll figure it out ready and fire just kidding yeah I think I broke the game none of us are able to like fire at each other so let's try Mario he has a turtle shell we're fighting Jim so this is uh we're stuck at this guy all right let's try the 22 degree angle and okay that's a fail please miss please miss oh no that was a good shot right into my heart all right here we go 19. this should be a headshot bam yeah right off his stupid head oh my gosh look at his head he's able to aim even though he has no eyeball actually I take that back he cannot Aim so I knocked him back pretty far we gotta try a higher angle here like 21 degrees let's see if that's good oh my gosh that went right through his head oh you lucky loser here he goes hopefully he's still not able to aim and that was so close to my head it basically hit my hat we gotta go with an 18 degree angle for the headshot and well that hit him in the gut 18 degrees once again and a foot die finish him time to finish him off I'm gonna go with a 19 degree angle should hit him in the head just kidding I hit him in the in the foot I knocked off his leg so he's shooting blood out from his thighs oh yeah he is dead I love how gory it is next we're gonna try Trump his weapon is a wall oh he's got a harpoon oh no oh that was so close to my head all right let's do this brick let's go with a 20 degree angle please hit him in the head well that was really bad here he goes this guy's a little spear or whatever it is what a terrible throw all right we got to go with the 18 degree angle dude how 16 degrees this better hit him in the head dude okay I was gonna say I thought I was gonna miss but I took off his eyeball oh no he still has his eye the spear is up it's coming down and right in my head wait how am I alive that was an amazing shot but it's time for you to die yeah another headshot time to fish off he has no flush or hair left on his head let's go with a 17 degree angle should be a finisher just kidding 15 degrees please fish them off thank you wait that's the fatality oh yeah yeah build a wall on him oh oh yeah he's happy there's a Minecraft guy his weapon is a diamond pickaxe so he has a special looks like it it speeds up the pickaxe let's try it and go yeah bam shot right in the head all right let's do what I did last time we had like a 15 degree and then I clicked and I hit him right in the head easy okay here we go we're already at the finisher and click boom right in the head it's stuck inside yes TNT blow him up yeah oh get annihilated that was actually awesome look how happy he is what is Thor gonna do he's fighting Crazy Sam so if I throw it above his head and then click it'll drop down Okay so let's do a 20 degree angle and oh oh yeah I clicked right on time you throw like a flag yeah so it's a spear with an American flag on it wow you threw that way short we gotta do a bigger angle here and click electrocute them right in the balls again will he have more success this time and that's right through me oh my goodness all right Uncle Sam time to finish you off and okay well it balance and still hit him that's what I like to see but this is gonna be a hard finisher because that was way short that time we have to go with like a 24 degree and oh no oh it barely got to him and it made him explode you can see his torso shooting out blood it's really cool so we're fighting Penny she has her stupid cell phone now we're gonna blow her up with the raccoon so here we go and no I missed oh she throws a dog oh the poor dog is pooping oh he just farted very similar to my weapon actually because I click and then he accelerates and then when she clicks her little Chihuahua farts but she didn't have to use it there here we go 15 degrees I'm not gonna click bam right in the head is she dead how's she alive she has no hell let's try 15 one more time and it's time to finish her off what's my raccoon doing hello okay so my raccoon's still alive I'm gonna do 15 degrees again for the finisher and and oh yeah take her up bam that's amazing oh my gosh I love this game all these different fatalities let's do one more Chang woo King the weapon is a unicorn I'm fighting Arnold the Unstoppable oh start with a 20 degrees see where it ends up okay that's way over his head we gotta do a much lower angle oh he's got a giant ax uh oh no okay good we're gonna try 16 degrees and still way too far please miss please miss here it goes it's up it's up it's flying both way too short here 14. and headshot so 14 degrees is the answer for our side oh that's a giant ax oh my goodness go you flying in the corn oh I clicked and it farted here we go 15 degrees that is the answer do not miss not miss and bam oh my gosh it blew up his whole entire everything that was amazing all right folks well that was bowmasters if you want to see more glorious fatalities then like the video leave a comment and we'll play this again
Channel: Vitamin Delicious
Views: 287,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bowmasters all brutalities
Id: EbfCJ_SH-Dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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