How To Draw An AT-AT Walker From Star Wars

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hey art friends today we're going to draw something super cool from star wars are you excited yeah what are we drawing an a-t-a-t a-t i'm super excited we hope you're gonna follow along with us you got a marker and some papers papers you ready to start yeah we're to first draw the body to our atat we're going to draw a horizontal line towards the top of our paper and we don't want to draw it too long because we need room for the whole body yes now we're going to draw this center part to our at we're going to draw two lines about this high almost looks like we're drawing a top hat yeah now the center part to our body to the transport's body is a rectangle so we're going to connect the top we've got a cool rectangle shape now we're going to draw another line right next to the rectangle but it's shorter then we're going to draw another vertical line but it's even shorter too and then we'll connect those with a diagonal line now we're going to repeat those same steps over here for the front draw another line right next to it shorter i'm going to draw an even shorter line and then connect those two with a diagonal line all right we got the three main shapes to the body of our at80 we're gonna connect these three shapes with two more lines perfect now we're going to draw the armored part that's in between the legs so we're going to draw this weird line we're going to come down a little diagonal and then down even further it's kind of a zigzag then we're going to draw that same line but back here going the other direction good then we'll connect those two lines with a horizontal line now we're going to draw the legs and we're going to draw a circle underneath the front shape and also the back shape and we want to draw them the same size next we're going to connect those into the body so we're going to draw a half circle right here a smaller one and we're going to draw a half circle back here also okay now let's connect them in we're going to draw a line that connects to that smaller circle and also on the back connect it then up here on the front we're going to draw a diagonal line and on the back we're going to draw a backwards l we're gonna come down and then horizontal into the circle perfect now let's draw a horizontal line that starts here and goes all the way to the back circle it's looking so cool isn't it yeah how we got the main shapes to the body of our atat let's draw the legs first we're going to draw the knees and it's just another circle we're going to come down and we're going to draw a circle about the same size as this one up here now we're going to draw another one for the back leg good now these circles are the same height and they're also the same size let's draw a straight line to connect them up to the top and i'm also going to draw a straight line on the back of the legs and we'll do the same thing with the back legs draw two lines to connect the circles next we're going to draw two more lines going past the knees and we'll do that back here also so we're going to repeat all the same steps for the two legs because they're exact they're identical they look the same and then let's connect those two lines the front to the back then we're going to draw a hexagon shape for the ankles so we'll draw a sideways v on the front and also the back then we'll draw those same lines back here and connect the bottom now we're ready to draw the feet we're going to draw another horizontal line right below the ankle then we're going to draw two more lines coming down if we ever go too fast what can our art friends do pause the video we say it every time don't get frustrated if we go too fast remember you can always pause the video now let's connect those two shapes two lines to make a shape trapezoid yeah it looks like a trapezoid now we're gonna draw two more diagonal lines coming out even further this is for the foot then we're gonna draw lines coming down the front and the back okay when we connect the bottom this time we're going to go past on the front and the back and we'll do that same thing back here for this foot then we're going to create short rectangles on the front and back so we're drawing a short line up then connected into the foot all right we're almost done with the legs we need to connect them to the feet so we're going to draw a curve that comes out of that hexagon shape we're drawing two curves coming out of the hexagon and then we're going to connect the bottom into the foot yeah then we're going to do the same thing on the back going the other direction two curves coming out and then connected into the foot let's repeat that same step for the back leg two curves coming out and then touching the foot all right we did it we finished our first two legs we need to draw two more legs so he looks 3d we're going to keep this super simple we're going to draw a half circle for the knees now this is for the two legs behind our transport and we're only drawing part of the legs so it looks 3d it's overlapping it's behind these first two legs that we drew so now we're gonna connect all the way up to the top and we'll do the same thing back here cool then we're gonna draw a line that follows the rest of our leg so we're going to draw another line that comes down for that first part and then we're going to connect it in just like we have a horizontal line here now we're going to draw that hexagon shape come out and down then we're going to draw that curve that short curve right there and then connect it in then we're going to draw the foot we're going to draw that line this line right here then we're going to connect it in it's for the top part of the foot and we're gonna draw that diagonal line that comes out and then down i know it's a little tricky right yeah then we're gonna draw that that short little rectangle that's sticking out on the front of the foot that looks so cool that way now it looks super 3d we're going to do that same thing over here we're going to draw the bottom part of the leg and then in so it's an l and we're going to draw the hexagon then we're going to draw that curve that comes down for the ankle and connect it in then we're going to draw the top shape for our foot and we gotta connect that one in also so we're gonna draw the bottom part of the foot so we're gonna draw that diagonal line comes out and then down all the way then we'll draw the bottom of the foot and that short little rectangle all right we did it okay what should we draw next the head the head yes let's do that we're first gonna draw the neck though we're gonna draw a rectangle so we're gonna start right here and we're going to draw a line that comes out up and it goes up about halfway to that front shape that's okay there you go and now we're going to connect it in so you can leave that little line there and just connect it into the neck like me good this is gonna be the back of the transport's head now we're gonna draw a line that comes out even further we're going to draw a short line that goes up it's a lot like this shape on the body but smaller then we're going to connect those two lines with a diagonal line good job now we've got all of the main shapes for the transport we're going to add the little details to make it look even cooler let's start with the head we're going to draw a circle we're going to draw it really small and towards the front then we're gonna draw the part where they look out of the transport so there's two little we draw two little diagonal lines and connect the front that's the part they look out of then we're gonna draw a short line down and we're going to draw a diagonal line going forward and then on the front we're going to draw a line straight down we've got all these short lines now we're going to connect them so we're going to connect the two front ones and then back here we're going to draw another horizontal line that connects to the back okay what are we missing on the front of our atms the guns yeah the guns the best part let's draw two lines watch those two lines that come straight forward out of that circle and i know it's really small but we're going to draw a backwards c for the end of the gun then connect the front of that c let's repeat the same step down here for another gun so we're gonna draw two lines that come out even further and then a backwards c and connect the front of the c now let's try the details on the body we're going to draw a rectangle on the front shape so i'm going to draw a backwards l and then an upside down l or that's actually a frontwards l yes then we're going to draw another rectangle back here on the back shape an l and an upside down l or just a rectangle yeah you could just yeah a box we're going to draw a smaller box right here so i like drawing l's and then upside down l's it makes it a little easier then we're gonna draw a big l on the middle part so we're gonna draw a line down and then connect it all the way to the back of that rectangle and then we'll just draw a horizontal line to connect the top then let's draw two lines straight down and let's add some vents we're gonna add three horizontal lines right on top of each other on the back of the transport we're going to draw a diagonal line coming down then we're going to draw coming back in but don't connect it and we're going to draw a diagonal line going back in there we go let's draw a small rectangle on this middle part of the body and let's draw two vents on the front and maybe two vents behind it okay now let's add the details to the circles i'm going to draw two diagonal lines going this direction and we can draw a little circle inside of those two then let's draw two diagonal lines going the other direction on the back leg and add a circle inside in between those two lines let's draw a diagonal lines down here on the knees we're going to draw two going this way i'm drawing them the same direction as the top and then also a circle in the middle let's do the same thing back here i'm going to draw the diagonal lines going this way same as the top and then we can also draw a circle for the middle okay we're gonna add a few more details let's draw a horizontal line on the front and the back legs so i'm also gonna draw on the legs behind too yeah now let's draw some shocks i don't know if there's shocks but let's draw some hydraulics i'm going to draw rectangles coming down out of that horizontal line and then we can draw a line coming down in the middle okay now we draw two rectangles on the back leg and we're also going to connect those down to the knees let's draw rectangles down here also i'm gonna draw a long rectangle coming out of the knee and i'm gonna draw one back here also let's add four rectangles down here on the feet we're gonna draw one on the top of the foot and i'm drawing it so that it's short but it's long and this one's going to be tall down here we're going to draw a tall l and then tall upside down l and let's do repeat those same steps back here i draw another one on the bottom of the foot too let's add a few more panels to the head of our atat we're going to draw a rectangle behind the circle then i'm going to draw a curve that comes from the top of the head down into that rectangle all right dude we did it we finished drawing our at80 now i know there's a lot more details and if you want you guys at home can pause the video and add those in but we're going to leave it just like this and we still need to do one last thing what is it color color it yeah he's mostly gray but we're going to add some shading to make him look 3d this part we're going to fast forward but at the end you guys can also pause it to match the same color we did it jack we finished coloring our transport so they look awesome they look really cool colored in we only use two colors we used a light gray and a dark gray we use the dark gray for the shadows to make it look even more 3d now there are a lot more details on this vehicle but we left them off to try and keep this lesson nice and easy and simple now it's okay that our two transports look different right yeah because the most important thing is to have fun yes have fun and two practice we hope you had a lot of fun drawing your atheist yes we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later our friends goodbye if you had fun following along in this lesson be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel by clicking the circle then you can click the bell to get notified every time we upload new videos i've also picked out these two other lessons i thought you'd really enjoy don't forget to take a photo of your child's finished artwork and share it on facebook instagram and twitter because we want to see how awesome it turned out
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 787,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, how to draw, for kids, tutorial, step by step, art lesson, directed drawing, cartooning, 4 kids, At-At, Walker, Imperial, All Terrain Armored Transport, Star Wars
Id: c84-8Af5hh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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