How To Draw Pac-Man

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chuckles you ready to drop back man did you get your marker okay we hope you guys are gonna follow along with us and you got a piece of paper in front of you and I'm something to draw with we use markers right yeah and the reason why we use markers a lot of people have asked us you know that why we use sharpies especially is because we like drawing yeah do you like erasing no I don't like erasing either I like I like spending all my time drawing and if you have an eraser then you're tempted a lot of the times to just spend drawing something that racing it because you feel like it's not perfect and then you try to draw it again and I think it's best to use a marker because then you do your whole drawing all the way through and then when you get done you can look at it and say you know what I want to practice that I'm gonna draw it all over again is that cool yeah it's kind of I think that's a great rule to kind of live by mm-hmm draw more erase less yeah you like it yes should we draw pac-man yes all right let's do it okay dude so we got our paper and we got a bowl what are we gonna use a bowl for for what shape does pac-man a circle yeah yeah so we're going to use this bowl as a template so we can draw a perfect circle around his whole body he's got some things that come out of his body like his eyebrows up top and then he's also got an arm and a hand down here at the bottom so we're gonna we're not going to draw all the way around our template okay so we're going to draw just a little piece up here at the top sorry top right and we're going to stop at the halfway mark this way and then we're also going to stop up here and leave a space I can't really see hopefully my hat doesn't get in the way but we're going to come over here and then we're going to draw the rest of him look we'll stir it this way the rest of them all the way down here and then we're going to stop just past halfway over here does that make sense you understand we leave a little gap up here at the top that's for his eyebrows and then we're going to leave we're going to stop here and this is before his arm and his fist is going to be down here with the punch gloves okay okay and we're doing it all almost all the way to the right side of our paper we're using eight and a half by eleven sheet of paper and so you want to leave a little space for his arm when it comes out the elbow but we want to leave most of the space over here because he's going to have this big glove doing a thumbs up on that side so you want to stop here on that side and then leave a gap up the top good job that's perfect man okay now we're going to up here at the top we're going to do an M for his eyebrows but there's going to be a gap in the middle of his eyebrows we're going to come up and then down for one of his eyebrows and then we're going to leave a gap and we're going to come back up and then back down for his other eyebrow kit ears cares yeah it totally looks like cat ears okay now we're going to thicken up this side of this eyebrow and then we're going to thicken up we're going to thicken both sides over here on this one good job awesome I like how you're kind of correcting the line and you can make it a little thicker while you do it huh and then you want the bottom of the V or the upside down V's to be straight across there's a little little spot right there you can straighten up perfect good job okay and then we're going to bring down a little line off of the top of his left eyebrow and then we're going to imagine this line coming through and we're going to go ahead we could put the template back on but we're just going to drop good good it's awesome he looks pretty cool huh yeah well we're not quite done all right so let's get a smile on there so we're going to start almost all the way over here on the far left all the way touching this line and we're going to draw a curved smut you know at the top of his smile like this okay okay good and then we're going to come down here and we're going to draw the bottom of this smile awesome okay now let's do his tongue and we're going to make you inside of his mouth hey good and then we'll do a curved M on top can shut up and we're going to color this in and we're going to use we'll use oil pastels of color in his mouth because it's so big we won't use our markers and then we'll keep going okay so we're going to do is nose neck so right above in the middle of his mouth right above it we're gonna do big shape like that yeah it kind of does look like sponge Hots nose good okay now we're going to use some overlapping for his eye and we're going to draw on backwards see but it's more of an oval than most seas when you draw see usually or right uh see it's usually more like a circle and then we do the little sideways V to connect that gap it looks like when it looks like the regular pac-man just yeah it does it totally looks like the old-school pac-man his eye huh this is a Spanish province pac-man oh yeah Pacman's is he one of your favorites and Smash Brothers you have some pretty powers who's your favor oh cool good ninja or Sonic awesome I like Sonic to Hackman's super smash he's it's awesome is it is it really cool what does he do he it's the old school the old school Oh a game the old school game go sideways and it needs people turn into on like little eyes and then they go off the screen and drop them that's cool alright let's keep doing let's go let's do his other eye kick alright so we're gonna do a check mark for an L we're going to come down and he's winking so we're going to do an L shape and then we want to thicken up this line kind of like how we did the his eyebrows but we're going to do it even thicker than the eyebrows clear that color that in to thick no it's alright good job man I like it okay now let's do is we're gonna do his punchy glove over here hey we're gonna do a big it's a c-shape we're gonna come up like this around back down and then back in that tricky it's kind of like a swirl oh yeah almost like an oval but at right at the end when you're gonna close it go back in yes come down and then go cut back in yes no that's good keep going and then you can bring the other line back up take a smiley face yeah it does keep it kind of totally does look and then we're going to put another little contour line right there and then let's do his thumb up at the top upside down you okay and then we're going to do do his arm I'll do another line that also men we're getting closer almost done ok so let's do as other arm we're going to do this one different or backwards than what we did over here we did we drew as glove first and then his arm second we're going to do is arm first and then as glove second so we're going to put right on the end we're going to do a contour line that comes in so it's connected to that to where we stopped his body then we're going to have a little oh that good and I'm going to go off my page we didn't leave enough room there but that's ok and we'll come back we're gonna so I'm pretending it's going off the page and then down you kind of want this side maybe mine doesn't look it should be a little thinner like that because you want this arm to be the same as this arm all right ok now we're going to put little C shape the end of his arm so nectarines yeah kind of those and then we're going to finish his glove so we're going to come back this way connect those two lines or the one light went the end of the line to the other end and then we're going to come down here and we're going to finish this glove hey let's do that first so we'll do a curve like a big L curved L and we're going to come down this side okay then mo finishes fingers up and in and then let's put a little Y at the end okay and then we'll do this thumb sticking out just a little bit right there good job okay now we're going to come back up here and put another contour line around his arm awesome okay we need to do his legs in his feet huh yeah so we'll put another contour line right here okay bless you always every single time you sneeze in our videos yeah okay you ready to choose let's do his legs where you do two lines coming out at the bottom of his bottom of his body good and I will put a contour line this way and then we're going to put a ring around his leg that's for the top of the shoe okay and then we're going to come down with two lines and that the right side of the line is going to be a little thicker or a little longer sorry two months then we're going to do the front of his boot okay you're gonna come up the big upside down you then you were um pac-man yes like it's way 3d is it yeah more 3d than what we're done just wait weird oh yeah yeah the old ones not 3ds yeah it's complete laughs yeah it is okay and then I did the bottom of his foot if you're running out of room so this would go but curved curved up and now let's do his other leg we're gonna do two lines coming out of his body more all right and we're going to do contour line at the bottom and we're going to do another oval ring around and those are foreshortened circles huh that's why they look squished so if you were to look straight down on those shoes there would be a circle hey now we're going to do other line this way and I'm I'm matching the same direction that his foot is going over here and then we're going to come out and his this foot is going to be facing the other direction that then we're going to curve that in that big feet that was by a little too far big foot pac-man what all right did we got them all finished he looks pretty cool I think we could draw pac-man a couple times huh practice him get them even looking better but let's color this guy first okay yeah all right all right checkers we got our colors already don't we yeah we got yellow why do we need yellow because its whole body is yellow yes that's why we need yellow and then we got orange and we got brown and we got red and we have black and we're gonna do the whole thing solid and then we'll fast forward through the whole thing we're going to do yellow here black red orange and red for his boots okay yeah and we're going to fast forward all the way we're going to color it solid and then after we'd color the whole thing solid we're going to show our art friends how to shade them and make them look real 3d cool yes let's do it right now you you got of dude that was a ton of coloring huh we did the whole thing and we colored it in solid right so now we're going to do the shading so I have a yellow orange and if our art friends don't have a yellow orange you can use a regular orange but just press lighter than then how much we're pressing okay and so we're going to make our pac-man look like he's a globe what's a globe is a ball right a ball shape and so we're going to start right here next to his glove and we're going to put a layer of this yellow orange on top of the yellow that we just did but we're going to do it watch this you see what direction I'm going I'm kind of going and creating a moon shape on the right side of his of his head body whatever this thing is cold and then as I get closer to his mouth and closer to the center of pac-man we're going to get lighter and lighter okay yes like that and then you want to bring that shape all the way down over to this side yes and then this goes all the way up to his eyebrow up there yeah you're doing good man keep going and then right next to so the farthest away from the edge outer edge over here on the right it should be pretty dark you should be pressing fairly hard yes that's awesome okay now we're going to go back on top of that later with the light yellow that we had and we're going to smooth it out smooth that that shading that we just put on there so that there's no texture it just looks soft hey and if you think that it needs to get a little bit darker you can get your yellow orange or your orange again and do another layer on top of that and just keep building it up until you feel that you have the right that it looks 3d that it looks like a globe or a ball good now we're going to get the orange again that yellow orange and we're going to come up here and color the right side of this left eyebrow because the light shining this way so that part of his eyebrow would be dark and then you want to connect it straight so I have a straight line yes just like how you did it okay now we're going to do his nose and his nose is a cylinder shape coming out of the globe so I'm going to do contour lines this direction all the way down until it looks like it would intersect into his body you see that then we can smooth that out again right on the end so it's soft just like that then we can take our edge the edge of your oil pastel and put a little highlight on the top and also on the bottom just right against the black the black line good and then let's get the white our white pastel you want to make sure that the white is clean so I have a scratch piece of paper right here you make sure that you don't have any red or dark colors on there and we're going to do a little circle right on top so it looks like his nose as shaggy like cool it's pretty cool yeah now let's shade his tongue and we're going to get the brown is tawny we're gonna get our brown and just shade kind of the top the top of his tongue and I don't know this Browns not quite working so we might we didn't need to figure out something else now I'm going to try a little black I'm just going to put a layer on top a light layer on top of this tongue just so it looks like it's going into his mouth and then get the red again and smooth it out yeah that works a lot better the brown didn't work very well yeah I was coloring the time and then they got some black on my red haha and it started shading nothing sir sure is she yeah that's cool okay and then we can get the white again and we're going to put a small little highlight just on the end of his tongue yeah oh whoa broke so making things lip 3d on paper you really need you need a solid color and then you need a dark colored to make it look like a shadow and then you need a lighter color to make the highlight okay dude you want to put that little white on there all right Katie now we're going to use Brown and we're going to do this on you know what let's actually finish his arms first and then we'll switch to its gloves we're going to get our orange and then right here on the bottom of this left arm we'll put small L and then on this side we'll how to do the same thing but it's on the other side this side and then we can also smooth that out with the light yellow where my light yellow go there listen I couldn't find it it was on my scratch paper okay I can smooth that out blend it in so it doesn't look like there's a sharp edge in between the yellow and the yellow orange okay I did now let's switch to his glove so we get a brown and we're going to go around the outside of his glove on the right side and put a layer on there you can press pretty hard and then we're going to also do the right side of this little donut shape that's around his wrist okay now let's get our orange again and it will smooth that out good job in and then a little bit up out here on the doughnut and around this rest good and then I'm get I've got my white and we're going to put a small highlight right here on the edge of his glove good and Kay now let's go over to the other side and do the same thing and so we get our brown and this time so the lights shining this way right so remember it's going that way so our shadows are going to be on the right side because the lights coming from the left put a layer down brown and then on this thumb we'll also put this layer down on the right side and then we'll get our orange and do the same thing just blend it out make it look smooth so it's not a harsh transition from the orange to the brown hey you having fun yeah you can tell you're concentrating you guys always get really quiet when you concentrate good yeah you got it yeah cool just finish your mind Brown's not blending as much as well as I want to okay now get your white again and we're going to put a highlight right here on the edge of his gloves see how the shadow makes that it look like it's going around and then the highlight really pops and makes it look like it's coming forward yeah towards us okay now let's put a little highlight on his thumb and we'll be done with his gloves yeah awesome okay now we got his boots and we tried doing brown on the top of the red and it didn't work very well so let's do it black we're going to put a black a thin really light layer of black in between the two book that the two boots and that's going to help make them or make them look separate like they're not the same boot and then we'll go back over with the red and blend that black be really careful with the black because too much black will go it'll make your drawing look muddy and kind of dirty so you just want to use it as lightly as you can okay now we get the black again and we can put really really just don't press very hard on the edge of this boot on this side all right there's a light shining this way and then we get the red again and you can smooth it out good job dude okay now we're going to do a shadow right here at the top of his on top of his boots we forgot we got to do the legs too huh yeah we're going to put a shadow and this is kind of a cast shadow from his legs right here on top of his boots okay and then let's do let's do his legs oh okay before we do his legs get the white again and we're going to put a highlight on his end of his boots right here and then also put a little crease on right here coming through the where's boot is folding and going up his leg and we can also put a small little highlight on the top of his boot right on the edge good job and it's looking really good okay let's do the same thing on this side we'll put a little highlight all right where his toes are and then we can do a little another little highlight right you're going up his leg and let's do it let's do the same on this side over here just a light highlight and then I can blend it blend it with the red again good job k last step we got to do his legs they look really flat huh everything looks 3d except for his legs so we get the yellow orange again and we're going to do a layer on the right side of those legs right and then we'll do it on this leg also and then we're going to go back over it and blend it out so it's not that hard edge right there and we'll be done that let make his legs look more 3d yeah yes he looks super awesome man I can't believe it that was a lot of three that was a good exercise to draw 3d stuff huh yeah he looks super cool because he's got all that shading on it and we could compare it to when we were first done we didn't have any shading and it looks super flat right you'd look like it was stuck on the paper and this looks like it's popping out of the paper he's cool huh yeah you have fun yes always yes you promise yes we love drawing with you guys we hope you guys had a ton of fun drawing pac-man and shading him making them look really 3d be sure to take a picture of them incentive to us right what's our email address um my are at are forget chuckles yes my are at art for kids hub comm and if they want to send a real picture to us what's our mailing address view box 97 Pleasant Grove Utah eight four zero six two yes a four zero six two and don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel also we'll leave a button right here that they can click well that's a scary face dude you look like pac-man we'll see you later our friends goodbye Oh
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 1,606,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, how to draw, video game, pac-man
Id: klso11V6NTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 04 2015
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