How To Draw Captain Underpants

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hey i'm rob and this is and we draw monday through friday don't we dude yeah yeah what are we drawing today captain uh captain underpants [Music] all right dude you got your marker yeah we hope you guys are going to follow along with us you got a marker or something to draw with and then we're also going to use regular printer paper aren't we in half by 11. and we got two sheets because we're using a marker we don't want it to go through to our table you ready yes let's draw them okay okay we're going to start with the paper horizontal right you got the cap off yeah you ready to get busy yeah let's do it okay he's kind of got an egg shaped head doesn't he yeah and so it's a a rainbow line that goes up and then down and i came down a little more a little further on this side than on this side because we're going to put an arrow over here like how tall it's going to be and i did close to the middle of the paper because his arms are going to be out this way he's going to be flying he's going to have his underpants over here and his cape okay you got it yeah all right let's get a little ear on this side okay now we're gonna do a small line small detail inside his ear all right okay now halfway down his so right in the middle of his head down here we're going to draw a line that comes up and this is going to be for his arm and it's extending out we're going to just go a little past his head so start right here about in the middle and then diagonally up yes and then don't go too far out there because his hands are going to be right there all right so let's do another line for the other side of his arm like that good all right now let's start his does he have a cape it's like a blanket isn't it a blanket or um a curtain curtain something okay we're gonna do we're gonna start start it it's gonna be a curved line that connects his arm to his ear and then we're gonna come back and we'll finish his cape a little bit later so let's get his face up okay we're gonna do two ovals and they're really small like that and we could get one eyebrow over here good job bro hey and then his nose kinda looks like a pig nose huh so we draw a curly line that curls back around on both sides nice and then we're going to draw his smile and we're going to have him with an open mouth and it's gonna come all the way almost touching both sides okay and then we're gonna draw a line that comes down this is for the bottom part of his mouth and then another line over here finish this side does that look like him yeah yeah you like you like these books don't you [Music] i'll hear you laughing every once in a while and look over and you're reading captain underpants okay and you're gonna do his teeth good job you know what we're gonna do you know him pretty well don't you mm-hmm how many books do you have oh i think i have one but i do but you check a bunch out don't you yeah i think um i have the last one cool they're still making more are they yeah okay let's fill in the bottom part of his mouth good job kate we got his head all finished let's let's move over to his hand so we're gonna do a thumb almost a p shape like you're gonna make a the letter p then we're gonna come out we're gonna do another bump out for his knuckle and then we're going to do two more knuckles and then the the last one would come around and back into his back into his hand good job that is one big hand i like it all right we're going to draw his other hand a little later we're going to finish it we're going to work on his body some more actually let's drop down here and we're going to finish up a little piece of his cape and so we're going to come down and then up and then curl around kind of an s line yeah good job okay now we can finish no not finished but we can start his body we're gonna draw a big line and that's gonna be his where his underwear is his butt [Laughter] i said it all right okay now we're gonna draw his belly and it's gonna come around and we're gonna almost connect over here but not quite okay so we're gonna come down here we'll we can put a little dot right here we'll leave a space and it's diagonal see that so it's not straight down it's a little over so it's diagonal and that's where we're gonna end this line so we're gonna imagine his head coming through his arm and then that's where we're gonna start the line okay okay so do you have your dot down here where'd you put it oh you connected it already that's good um yeah no that's great so that's where you're gonna connect that line okay so i i left it i just left the gap there that's all right i'll show you what i'm gonna do when i connect it so we're gonna come down here and do a big big line comes down and then connects to that dot and you keep going to your line yes good job so you just drew a straight line diagonal and that's okay i'm going to curve my line because that's where his legs coming out of his underpants yeah no it's fine i would leave it okay let's go back up here and finish his other arm okay so we're going to do a little oval right here this is for his thumb on his other hand and we're overlapping so the oval doesn't connect because he's got a knuckle in front of it okay now we're gonna do is an oval over here and this is for his first finger then we're gonna do a second finger then we're going to do is last finger and this is going to be a curl curly line that comes around that good you did it now we're going to imagine i'll go ahead and connect mine too we're going to imagine this line coming through this is for his arm on the back side so his his arm that's behind the other arm good you did it okay we finished his arms let's go back over here and let's work let's finish his cape should we do that we're gonna we're gonna imagine this line right here going through his ear coming back out and we're gonna do curl up so it runs parallel to this curved line that we did good then we're gonna keep coming down and then we're gonna curl back out that good now curl curl that line right at the end a little more a little further down there you go and then um we're going to bring that back in by doing a bunch of u shapes upside down u shapes yeah good job man we did his cape all right let's do a little dots because he's got kind of a texture there's a texture on his cape and we'll probably have to put these back in after we color it all right let's get the the knot up here under his neck we're gonna do a circle now we're going to do a leaf shape or a teardrop shape upside down teardrop good and then we'll do another one right next to it awesome okay let's put some more dots on that one too good he's looking a little naked dude [Laughter] we should put some underpants on him okay right up here where his body comes into the cape we're gonna start there and then we're gonna come down all the way down to this so we can put a little point right there it's a little let's see we could it's right under the handkerchief here so we're gonna curl down and actually i think i'm gonna go a little higher right there he's got a wedgie [Laughter] all right let's do another line right next to that one that is parallel to that one good job kate and then let's put a texture so a dashed line for the elastic in his underpants all right i'm going to come back over here we're going to do another line parallel to this one his legs gonna come out and then we're gonna connect up here two lines parallel to each other and then let's put two dots for his chest all right okay let's do let's do his leg we're almost done we're gonna do a j that comes out good well that's a good j okay and then we're going to bring another line right here come over here you don't want to get too close because he's got an ankle oh i like how bent his leg is that's good then we're going to do an upside down u a rainbow line then we're going to make his toes so we'll just go over put some bumps in there for his toes good job good okay let's do another rainbow line right here for his other foot this is his heel on the other foot that's behind this one you got it yep okay and then we'll do another curved line right here for his leg the second leg and we can do some more bumps right here for his other toes we did it man look at that are we missing anything i think we got it all you ready to color yeah okay okay dude we got our colors all picked out and we're going to be using oil pastels right yeah and we're using the pentel brand and we'll leave a link in the description of this video where our art friends can purchase them at on amazon we got what colors do we got we got a light blue that's for shading his underpants and then we got white we got a pale orange red and yes that light blue we're gonna fast forward most of our coloring because there's not a lot of shading cool okay well let's do it right now okay so we did a little trick on our when we were coloring the skin right we left a little white edge around the top of his head and also down here on his chest and then on the top of his hands and it looks like a highlight right yeah kind of makes his body look a little more shiny that cool yeah okay while you're working on your cape i got my cape finished and i'm gonna use the white to go over the top and put a little highlight on the top edge of his cape just like that and then we'll put another one right here that's coming into his neck and then also down here at the bottom okay and then the last step we use the light blue and we just put a small edge right here on the on the top and then also on the bottom and then we did another layer of white on top right to fade it out so it's not as bright dude good job you did awesome on your captain underpants did you have fun yeah promise yeah yeah looks like he's ready to go fight some crime or do something weird we hope you guys had a lot of fun drawing captain underpants with us and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 1,911,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, how to draw, Captain Underpants (Literary Series), Scholastic Press (Publisher)
Id: NN8FQTn8rJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2015
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