PAC-MAN | PATGA | S01E18 | Planet Pac | Amazin' Adventures

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so what exactly am I looking for Cersei yeah I'm honestly not cheer pack my sensor picked up a strange signal from space I was hoping your young eyes could discern what my creaking peepers cannot whoa shooting star Cosmic coolness make a wish Pac star okay let's see it's just a tiny Firefly pack harmless oh you got me spark plug ha ha okay back to work I'm not gonna fall for that again fetch the Firefly fuzz bits oh perhaps if I calibrate the framist at three degrees east and it just the localizer is squint and a half that's no Firefly that's not even a shooting star it's a gargantuan ghosteroid and it's on a collision course with our planet I'm afraid we're about to experience an extinction level sliming that was not what I wished for [Music] he's a challenge [Music] oh yes you big beautiful behemoth oh my plan is working perfectly my mega magnetic attractivator is drawings of ghostroids to avoid packbird from the inky dips of space like apply to Honey like I'm off to a flame that's okay okay I get it the big dumb ghost loves the sound of your signal so Crank It Up to 11 and reel in my catch [Music] then the coaster ride strikes password it builds times a planet's surface UNT leaves a netherworld in Duck hunts the backwards giant slime tsunamis and lightning storms are big [Applause] [Music] we can invade upside easily overcoming whatever resistance they encounter from the traumatized I'd love to see the look of my pompous Brothers presidential pulse when he hears the news of his impending bendy Doom impending doom you say free zoo complete and cataclysmic Doom [Music] good idea yeah cause that thing's still like a million miles away so it won't get here for how long Cersei well let me see age of 14 to the power of Pi no more than 21 minutes Doom we are so doomed D to the um doomed I'm too young to be doomed there must be something we can do what if everybody on the planet ate Bean sandwiches at the same time then we all fart in the same direction that would change the planet's orbit and Dodge the ghost Droid right uh no offense spiral but that idea stinks okay what if we beat the entire planet black so we blend into the background of space and the ghost Roy wouldn't be able to see us when it passes your idea has Merit cylindria but there is regrettably not enough pigment on pack world to paint the planet no I could conceivably create a black hole generator that would swallow the ghosteroid but it would also swallow pack world the rest of our solar system and eventually the entire universe that things just a ginormous ghost too bad I'm not big enough swallow it pack my land you are a genius top it off grinder I don't want to be running on empty when I'm half a million miles from home [Music] Greg are you gluttonous gearbox I told you that Rocket Fuel is too rich for your system I've been running DNA tests on certain power berries and this one is exactly what you'll need when the time is right govern it down you'll know what to do my boy Grindr will navigate you through the Perils of space and get you safely to the ghost Droid I hope I wish we could go with you pack as do I but there isn't room in the lemon rocket for you too however I have every confidence I will have the packagini's face worthy and ready to launch in case things go horribly horribly wrong well that makes me feel better you'll save the day Malad you always do ready to lock the locks it down please three two one liftoff him Gene citizens of pack World greetings from your new ruler not quite right be something like hi my name's Patrice and I'll be your dictator today no two chipper maybe something more forceful on your knees you pathetic quivering land maggots kneel before your leader and kiss the scotch soil beneath his skirt oh I rather like that last one Butler where is my celebratory beverage you incompetent bubble brain oh this crewing has given me glow throat ah refreshing slug juice thick chunky and bitter just like you Butler what are you staring at you chicken geek I'm no math with sir but I'm fairly certain that one plus one does not equal three let's see another one equals uh two one plus one equals two [Music] oh revised calculations indicate that if the ghosteroid continues the force of its impact will not only destroy pack mode but the Nether world as well sorry about the arithmetic era I blame our schools we are doomed to [Music] do you're telling me that ghosteroid is going to suffocate us with slime too ah looks that way we have to destroy your miserable Mega magnetic attractivator before the ghosteroid destroys us [Laughter] [Laughter] wrong until you destroyed my machine it would have been a simple matter of reversing the attractivito signal on sending's a ghost right into infinity and beyond now there's nothing to stop the Behemoth from continuing its course and annihilating everything in its path uh nothing except perhaps one bright yellow ghost cobbler you are telling me I have to hope that the fact that succeeds in boiling my plan I thought you might get a little hungry on your journey so I've stopped a rocket with nutritious space food cool use judiciously this should be six months supply of emergency reactions awesome if we want to destroy the Pac-Man in the future we need to help him succeed in the present distasteful as that may be distasteful I'd rather wait on you twin Heidi's and have to swallow this little Glutton has an exceptionally horned survival skill but perhaps it wouldn't hurt to send him some help I'll put my best ghosts on it huh well at least the ones I'll miss the least if something goes wrong oh that is one big blue mountain of ectoplasm barreling down on the Pac-Man's tiny little rocket my poor Brave packums yes and I need you ghosts to make sure that that bro survives wow I can't believe you're making me root for that icky eyeball Belcher I'm sure it makes you a sick to cheer for that lemon louse as it does to me but vices must be made [Music] let's not go overboard here I said root for Pac-Man [Music] this is my worst nightmare made real time to gobble cersei's special power Berry [Music] I am seriously missing gravity right now [Applause] I think they just wrenched a tactical somehow I don't think this is the safest way to travel your safety is not my concern you're just concerned about the Pac-Man's well-being yes I missed that a little louder please yes go help that back rack keep them safe long enough to save us from that coaster ride do it the head liftoff talk about a needle in a haystack or slime stack or whatever [Music] you space slime not bad looks like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed whoa God [Music] are you all right my Brave packing hot I'm okay Pinky thanks for the assist guys no sweat Lemonhead betray using us to help you because of you do not stop this elephantine ghosteroid the Netherworld is toast too you want to help I can handle these creeps easy but I lost a berry I gotta find somewhere in that slime field today I can't tell a fairy from a booger is the day I hang it up you still gobble those goblins pack EMS we'll find your missing power Berry [Music] time to eat eats uh nope that's not it definitely slime and bingo told you I'd find it yo Blinky get this bed buried down cart [Music] oh oh Pac-Man okay this is big make that supersized good news you're nothing more than a snack for me now bad news I'm hungry enough to eat an entire planet cause I am an entire planet time to bite this satellite [Music] grinder is broadcasting on every frequency the entire world is watching you plan it back I'm rooting for my most loathsome enemy I feel very conflicted about this I think I may be losing it perhaps I'm not enough with Mr snuffle bunnykins oh yes come help Daddy cakes not gag watching the pack let's save the world [Music] whoa dude you are one mega mouth full of rampaging planetoid why not because you're squeeze squeaker out of me SPD [Music] exotic alien flavor [Music] messy too [Music] I love that giant Lemon Ball but he has the table matters of Planet Porker [Music] okay that's kind of tough to love [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the lemon Rock it's all right the Baxter saves the day again oh I'm so happy I can kiss with you okay dude I get it but tone it down a notch well done young Pac-Man who has done indeed thanks circumference but I couldn't have done it without these four Brave ghosts we'll have a chance to thank Lord bossy for launching us into space because Lord Patrice was behind Pack 1 million for million percent the render pack girl than my boss we have a big cheer for betrayus there's some sort of punishment what did I ever do to the universe to make it hate me so this is the first day of my afterlife and it's all your fault believe me I will make you pay through eternity give me a minute for this Berry to wear off and I'll hop in the lemon Rock and head home just a minute or two 420 Cersei once is Barry wearing off yo I'm baffled you seem to be stuck at planetary proportions I've got a galactic-sized appetite but there's nothing to eat for my ears all right yeah Plan B Young Pac saved the world now it's time to help him the Packer Genie is ready for space travel this shrink Berry should return your planet-sized pal to his normal proportions sweet it's gonna be starving he hasn't eaten in like seven minutes next stop when it's packed what a ride I'm afraid destroying my inventions and I am preparing them I'd rather cause another ghosteroid to crash into pack world and end my shame than exists but another day being hailed as a Pac-Man fan your brother the president is on line three again he wants to know if you'll be able to make it over for Thanksgiving Day dinner oh stop attractivator this is boring got any eights go first ah hey hi guys thanks for coming I sure could use a little company and a lot of lunch got them both bro let's land on Pat's giant schnozzola aye aye captain wow Pack's big enough to have his own atmosphere man if this mountain is the paxter's nose I hate to even think about what his giant-sized boogers look like oh no I don't want to think about it either oh what was it you were saying about lunch sandwich is coming right up six dozen and a shrink Berry for dessert sounds packalicious oh yes [Music] ready to shrink pack [Music] age atmosphere anymore then we better hold our breath hold here nothing worse than trying to breathe when there isn't any Oxygen [Music] thanks dude but what about you how will you get through pack world's fiery atmosphere chill guys everything's cool [Music] yeah [Music] once again you have saved the world time running out of metals to pin on you pack thanks Mr President but I couldn't have done it without a lot of Help from My Friends yes well excellent work young Heroes I'm proud and packed a bunch of you all but I can't shake the feeling that I've forgotten something [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Amazin' Adventures
Views: 1,881,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazin' adventures, amazing adventures, amazin adventures, pac-man, King Kong, tarzan, cartoons, animation, full episodes, full cartoons, kids cartoons, pac-man and the ghostly adventures, pac is back, pac man, ghostly adventures, retro games, retro cartoons, 80s arcade games, pac man ghosts, pac man gameplay, cartoon episodes, full animated episodes, betrayus, kids shows, nostalgic, nostalgic shows, funny cartoons, best cartoons, best animated shows, exclusive, new episodes
Id: _72QfkxvjwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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