PAC-MAN | PATGA | S01E03 | No Pets Allowed...Especially Monsters! Part 1 | Amazin' Adventures

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so where are you taking us Mr President do a top secret laboratory to meet perhaps the greatest scientist in the history of pack world the same genius that created those weapons you've been using to capture invading ghosts these pscs totally Rock BSC short for plasma sucking cannons as opposed to fsp short for food sucking Pac-Man oh uh nobody wanted anything right yes well I brought This brilliant scientist out of retirement to invent more weapons mean circumference uh sorry Mr President all about circumference his inventions helped win back World War one against Commander Petraeus wow that must make the guy like way old now at least go my that's the new ghost attack detection signal compliments of circumference as well wonder who they're attacking [Music] ah okay looks like it's all about us machine [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Mac let's grab a donut after we slime these losers let's do it [Music] quick little slimed I can't stop don't worry you deserve a break today oh better leave some berries in case you guys need to power up too but not this one it's too delicious and that's the coolest because it gives me ice powers that one's um any time now oh here you go I'd have thought you'd be excited to try all the berries trouble is we're never sure how each One's Gonna affect us like the other day when I tested out a pretty pink one you know maybe lighter than air I was stuck on the ceiling for like an hour foreign those ghouls were seriously sour [Music] delicious [Music] at Spring [Music] wish I'd paid attention which Barry turned me into rubber Pac-Man then again half the Fun's not always known what superpower I'm gonna get next [Music] last one [Music] before when the power is gonna wear off the secret laboratory is built underneath the capital of pack World wow how cool is that that can't be good protect the president but who's gonna protect me from YouTube classes come on come on circumference where are you are you all right there's too much smoke to see anything I've got an idea this is precisely why no one should ever ever smoke foreign [Music] [Music] good morning my lab assistant grinder less personality than a doorknob but it gets lonely down here so bird company's better than no company [Music] I'll teach you to diss me [Music] [Applause] not good to nail the commandant sorry Stratus my boy get a life was betray us behind the explosion as the lab's location been compromised don't be a turtle dove with no one to poop on I was just making some tree got a little hard to handle though I'm solandria and this is spiral and the Pac-Man oh spitting image every pop at your age you knew my dad you your yellow pack shiny dude he and your mom love my chili here to try some thanks [Music] dude best chili ever got any more yes well uh circumference old friend we're here to see how the new weapons are coming we totally love your plasma cannons major awesomeness if you like those old things will you try the new and improved version get come on [Music] [Music] you get the idea why isn't the netherworld's leading mad scientist here yet what kind of useless Butler are you you are supposed to serve a doctor buttocks to me hours a cow I am not my twin brother's keeper cause I am a genius and you are a lonely servant serve this you fall right egomaniac lots of its breath two socks short of a bear you've always been the biggest tiny head you are [Music] my eyes my eyes [Music] had it and not just with you twin twits there must something we can do about that miserable ghost gorging yellow monster you have hits a proverbial nail on the head that's not all I'm going to hit on the head if you don't hurry up and explain sit back man may be able to eat the ghosts but even the last of the yellows cannot possibly adjust my Mutant Monsters the news flash monsters haven't done so hard against him so far oh that was before I Dr a h buttocks the greatest scientist to ever exist invented the mutant monster multiplier observe unsurpassed genius at work [Music] okay I'm impressed [Music] so I picked up a wimpy monster to experiment on [Music] or Pac-Man [Music] oh what are you doing this by invention my I'm going to create an entire mutant monster Army to invade pack world oh I was going to say that [Music] like one betrayus wasn't obnoxious enough [Music] looks like they're sleeping so rap on the glass Brainiac yeah some days being a ghost can be such a drag depends on how you look at life glass half full or half empty what class I don't see no stinking glass [Music] Pinky good girl storm and wake silly ah who needs her is about to need every friend he has and about a thousand [Music] miles get on the ball yo backy what whoa sorry icky hey at least you didn't eat my eyeball half smoke you guys better get your butts in gear the demented Dr buttocks is cloning a mutant monster Army to invade pack world cause he knows you can't eat monsters losers our plasma suckers are useless against them too pack contact circumference he better have some anti-monster weapons or worms excuse me since giving orders Missy idea silly [Music] this is circumference Pac-Man yo there you are I forgot I invented these confounded things we need weapons to combat a mutant stir invasion sorry I I don't have a thing in stock but I'll get right on it come on grinder you old bag of boats we have work to do [Music] for you [Music] excellent the more mutants to match those pack welders the better my sentiments exactly you are really starting to get on my nerves I said them it's exactly that's it floppy oh what a cute three-headed doggy seek that imposter amazing how anyone's so handsome can be so cool [Music] ah send that weakling back down here only the fittest and the fiercestors get to be in this ghost Army Let The Invasion begin troops oh [Music] nothing can stop me now don't you mean me uh I meant nothing can stop us now you still got yours right so let's send them thank you don't just stand there attack destroy them all especially the yellow one surrounds the Pac-Man and closing I always move I was a born leader but in that case I better shut you up [Music] this time we may be in over our heads I've got the Air Force you take care of the Infantry Roger that pack leader let's do it [Music] all right I'm a martial arts monster kicking master [Music] oh no not again workout I can start a new show dancing in the stars he's moving sure pack a lot of Firepower so I better chill thank you perfect timing whoa check it out yum [Music] you pack Nana power I need to take a reading to know what exactly we're up against [Music] most impressive what happened to the monsters just as I thought mutant clones with limited energy capacity but still extremely dangerous tell me this baby come to quit with some serious Monster zapping Power nope however it is completely eco-friendly think green energy I always say but what about the anti extra weapons we need working on it whoever created these monsters is a true genius this despicably evil and psychotic but brilliant oh obviously not brilliant enough that lemon freaking splitting again duh because you are such a loser handsome but a total loser dude I got to rip your fake head off oh [Music] that's right run you're big all right that wasn't so bad [Music] we're out of berries so pack me be out of luck hang on we'll try I'll drive I just hope that monster doesn't oh I've decided to kick me off the ledge [Music] thanks whoa you're a lot stronger than you look [Music] yo Baxter you're okay thanks to this guy [Music] we did it they've turned tail for the Netherworld everyone except for him sort of cute and a hairy monster kind of way would have been here sooner but had to wait for the eye in the sky to split so that Petraeus wouldn't see what close friends were becoming right [Music] nice to see you finally made it out [Music] Clyde speaks monster actually I speak nine languages but I picked up Monster shooting Hoops with the SAS pack Squatch so maybe you know why the little guy saved me not all monsters are well you know monsters some are really good-hearted like fuzz bits here but they hate living in the Netherworld since Petraeus took over so what happens to fuzz bits now the traces spy cam caught him saving pack so he can't go home but won't he misses family fuzz bits is an orphan like you foreign that settles it we have to take him back to the door to live with us cool by me except for one little problem aside from him being attached to silly no pets allowed in the dorms then we'll just have to hide him you'll be as quiet as a mouse right [Applause] a monster mouse I just remember why we're here aside from always loving to see you when Dr butt breath came out of the Regeneration chamber he was Mega mad however nothing compared to betrayus's rage [Music] ah forget it you can't even fathoms the meaning of furious until you've had your eyeballs spat out either I win this and every argument oh I banish you to the fiery bog for eternity this is it my ego maniacal twin is about to push betrayals too far whatever you say my also Supreme Master Lord betray us that's what I figured you say the one thing we do agree on is that cool gobbler must be destroyed I am already working on a new plan guaranteed to crash Pac-Man like a bug [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Amazin' Adventures
Views: 716,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazin' adventures, amazing adventures, amazin adventures, pac-man, King Kong, tarzan, cartoons, animation, full episodes, full cartoons, kids cartoons, pac-man and the ghostly adventures, pac is back, pac man, ghostly adventures, retro games, retro cartoons, 80s arcade games, pac man ghosts, pac man gameplay, cartoon episodes, full animated episodes, betrayus, kids shows, nostalgic, nostalgic shows, funny cartoons, best cartoons, best animated shows, exclusive, new episodes
Id: xCLz9A8Mdmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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