How To Draw Cartoon Joker

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hey art friends today we're gonna draw the Joker cartoon Joker alright dude you got your marker long alright we hope you're gonna follow along with us you have something to draw within some paper in front of you we love using sharpies but you don't have to if you don't want to use whatever you feel comfortable drawing with you ready to start yeah let's do it we're also going to use these colors to color Joker at the end we're gonna use red purple grey and green we're also gonna use black to color in parts of him like his gloves and his shoes but we're just gonna use our marker to do that let's put our pug pencils off to the side then we're drawing him just like we drew Batman and Robin so if you haven't seen those videos be sure to check them out we're trying to keep it simple so this could be a cartoon version yeah we're gonna draw the sides of the Joker's head first we're gonna draw two lines straight down so we draw one right here and then one over here and we're gonna draw a pet wide so that he has a big head we're gonna draw a small body good yeah and we want those to be the same length now we're going to connect the bottom and this is first chin so we're gonna connect it with a curve that goes around and then back up good now we're gonna draw his ears will draw a c-shape and a backwards C shape on this side now let's draw his hair and we're gonna draw a curved M it's gonna come down to a point and then back up next let's draw eyes we're going to draw two circles one right here and one on the other side and then inside the circles we're going to draw smaller circles one up in the top right and then even smaller one in the bottom left and then we'll do the same thing on the other side and this is going to be the light reflecting in his eyes to make his eyes look shiny and then we're going to color in the big circle and leave the smaller ones white now let's draw his nose and would just draw a small little u in between his eyes now we're gonna draw his smile and this is what is going to make him look like the Joker okay good jollies big smile it goes all the way over from one side over to the other and then we're gonna draw the bottom of his smile coming all the way down and then back up it's a big smile huh good now inside of this smile we're gonna draw the same thing but we're going to draw smaller so we want to go right along the same lines that we just drew this is for his lips and then we'll draw the bottom part coming down also all the way over to the other side next let's draw its teeth we'll draw one line right down the middle and then we're gonna draw two more lines on the other side or let's even draw three lines and we'll draw three on the other set too now it looks like the Joker doesn't it yeah let's draw his eyebrows we draw one eyebrow over each eye that and then I'm even gonna make them thicker so that we can color them green now if we go too fast what can our friend see pause the video yes if you need extra time we're going to fast you can always pause the video next let's draw his hair we're gonna draw a line coming out of the top of his ear on this side and then also on the other side then we're gonna draw a curve that goes over the top and then I'm gonna make it messy so let's do a couple zigzag lines messy zigzag lines and draw another curve coming back over to the other side and then I'm gonna draw another zigzag messy zigzag line and then connect it cool that looks awesome I really like your hair now we're gonna draw his body so start right here on his chin we're gonna draw a line that curves down next we're gonna draw a curve on the other side the same length perfect no we'll connect him at the bottom now we're going to draw the details on his body he's gonna have a jacket and also a tie so let's first draw the jacket we're gonna draw a line it goes all the way down just like we did on the outside and then a line on the other side also good now he has a collar on his jacket so we draw a diagonal line on both sides now let's draw his vest we're gonna draw a V right here underneath his chin and then we'll draw the collar on his vest next we're gonna draw the bottom of his vest so we draw an ace shape and then let's connect it looks upside down wide and then we'll connect the sides up on each side there's his vest now let's draw his pants we're gonna draw a box up over and down okay what's he missing he's shy yeah let's draw it tied we've draw the knot on his tie first it's a low V and then we'll connect the bottom of the V to his vest on each side perfect that was pretty easy yeah now let's draw his shoes where's boots we draw a little box right here on the bottom and we'll draw another box over here on this side what's he missing now his arms yeah let's draw his arms we're good job just like we drew Batman and Robin's we're gonna come down and then curve into his waist and we'll do the same thing on the other side now let's draw his gloves and his sleeves we'll draw a line on his wrist and we did it we finished him he looks pretty cool doesn't it yeah now we need to color them right yes so let's put our markers off to the side we'll get our colored pencils and this part we're gonna fast forward but you guys at the end can pause it so that you can match the coloring that we did you ready to fast for it yeah let's do right now checkers good job on coloring your Joker now and his hair we left a little texture didn't we yeah we did strokes up and down really long strokes to make it look like his hair is slicked back and then on his coat and his jacket and pants with coloured it's solid so the texture looks smooth now you guys at home composite videos so you can match the coloring that we did you can also add extra details maybe you could draw a card right here in his hand that would be cool a joker card we hope you had a lot of fun drawing and coloring Joker with us be sure to check out our Batman and Robin lesson - really cool - maybe you could even draw them together fighting gee that would be awesome we'll see you later our friends goodbye so serious [Music]
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 801,749
Rating: 4.5915041 out of 5
Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, how to draw, for kids, Joker, Robin, Batman, DC, comic book, chibi
Id: 8vttOzq9hdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2016
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