How To Draw Cartoon Batman

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hi friends you're going to get Batman yeah we're gonna draw a cartoon Batman [Music] all right little man you get your marker yeah all right we hope you're gonna follow along with us you have something to draw with and some paper in front of you you even got your shirt on don't you all right you ready to start let's do it we're also gonna use colored pencils at the end to color Batman and we need yellow gray and those peach colors and we remove those off to the side we also need black but we're just gonna use our marker we're first gonna drop Batman's head we're gonna draw two lines these are gonna be this this is gonna be the side of his head we're gonna draw one line over here and one line over here and I'm gonna draw just a little longer there we go that could be the side of his head so let's start right in the middle of the paper it'll draw a big long line good and then we're going to draw another line that's over here and we want it to be the same as that one good keep going you did it good job now we're gonna draw the bottom of his head or his chin we're gonna draw a curve that comes over from one side over to the other side next we're gonna draw his ears we'll try a diagonal line that comes down on one side and then another diagonal line on the other side to match perfect now we're going to connect one here over to the other ear with a rainbow line next we're gonna draw his nose let's put a little point right here in the middle of his head perfect now we're gonna draw a diagonal line that goes up and almost touches the side we're gonna do that on both sides I'll give you another point right here and another point over there good one on the other side then we're gonna draw a line straight down on each side straight down Batman what's he missing yeah let's draw his eyes next we're gonna draw two lines and they're gonna look angry this is the top of his eyes so we draw right there over and draw one on the other side to try another one right over here right there perfect and we're gonna draw a curve on the bottom you do that it's like a smile are you shape good count seconds eyebrows yeah it does he's angry Batman is usually angry hella strong his mouth we're gonna draw a line straight across for his mouth perfect now what is he missing his body yeah he's missing his body let's draw a line that comes down on one side so we could draw right here this is gonna start from his neck down that's one side of his body good and then we're gonna draw a line on the other side right here down to here good and then let's connect the bottom that's his body next let's draw his belt we're gonna draw two lines that go across right here one and then one right below it - that's for his belt yes perfect good and then one below it perfect and then let's draw his belt buckle or the details on his belt two lines down and we could do another line let's do another line over here and another line over here good now should we draw his legs yeah okay we're gonna draw a little box right here up over and down up over and down perfect now we're gonna draw his pants well we're gonna connect right to there to the top of the box to his belt all right today good and then we'll do the same thing on the other side yeah now let's draw a line for his boots we're gonna draw a little line right here at the bottom yep crossed and then we're gonna draw another line on the other side that cross so you draw another line over there perfect now we're gonna draw his arms we draw a line it comes out from his head and curves down to his waist right here come out and then curve in now we're gonna draw his arm on the other side we're gonna do the same thing out and then curve it start right here good now let's draw his gloves we're gonna draw one line right here and another line on the other side no line over here on this side good you know what let's draw his gloves a little higher and we're gonna claw him in so I'm gonna draw another line up here higher on his arm and that way we could draw the spikes on his gloves so let's draw a line higher and we're gonna color that in so this line will disappear then we're gonna draw another line right here on this side next we really draw the spikes on his gloves we're gonna draw a little curve that comes out and then back in yes and then back in good and then we're gonna draw another one same thing right above it yeah and then one more perfect now let's do three more on this side one two three one two three perfect now let's draw us keep we're gonna draw a line that curves out to the side sorry right here curve out - they're good and then we're gonna draw a lot of rainbow lines connected watch this and drop bump another bump another bump and one last one in does that look cool yeah right there bump bump bump good now let's do the same thing on the other side we're gonna draw another curve that comes out dot out there and we're gonna draw the bumps again bump bump oh is that cool that looks really awesome bump bump and another bump and then into his body what are we missing now yeah the bat on his chest the symbol we're gonna draw a little V right in the middle and this is gonna be for the body of her bat okay now I'm gonna draw a smaller V and then I want you to draw a bigger V because you drew a small V let's draw a bigger one so let's come down and we'll connect yes and then back up perfect then we can color that in now we're gonna draw his wings mmm we're yeah a jaw curved coming out just like its cape out for the wing so start there come over here good then we're going to draw another curve on this side for his that wing on the other side good and then we're gonna draw two bumps underneath so one two into his body yeah a little bump in between and it's kind of small makes it hard to draw doesn't it then we can connect it to his body good and then on this side we're gonna do the same thing two bumps just like his cape down the back up and into his body and then we're gonna color his wings in good job Austin you drew Batman all by yourself you did awesome did you have fun good now we're gonna color Batman and we're gonna fast forward this part but you guys at home composite video to match the color in that we did you ready to fast forward let's do it right now [Music] I listen you did a great job on drawing and coloring your bemmon did you have fun what it's okay that our drawings look different right it is because what's the most important thing yeah to have fun now I like how your Batman is skinny and tall he could be a basketball player too yeah we hope you had a lot of fun drawing and coloring your Batman's with us and it's okay if your dries don't look just like ours because the most important thing is to have fun and to yes practice we hope you guys will practice and we'll see you later our friends good bye [Music]
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 1,622,766
Rating: 4.4515395 out of 5
Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, how to draw, for kids, batman, cartoon, chibi, dc
Id: 3yFMaOx_-as
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2016
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