How To Draw A Mermicorn

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hadley what are we going to draw in this lesson a murmur chord yeah what what is a myrmicorn it's a unicorn mixed with a mermaid yeah pretty awesome we hope you're going to follow along with us you need something to draw with we're going to use markers and some paper and stuff dad to color with all right let's start okay let's first draw our myrmicorn's eye we're going to draw a circle about that big and then let's draw a smaller circle inside towards the top this is to make her eyes look shiny and cute and cute we're gonna color in the big circle but leave that little circle white all right now let's add eyelashes one two three you could add more if you want three four good now let's draw our unicorn's head we're gonna start above her eye and we're gonna draw a line that comes down then we're gonna draw her nose or snout we're going to draw i have a u-shape right here and then we're going to draw her cheek we're going to come up like this and then we're going to curve down and then back up up down yeah yeah there's a little extra bump in there but that's okay the most important thing is have fun and two practice it looks perfect okay let's keep going we're gonna draw her ear next we're going to draw an a shape we're going to go up and then back down let's draw another little shape just like that inside but smaller what should we draw next her horn her horn okay unicorn horn horn oh yeah i'm gonna draw another a shape we're gonna come up curve at the top and then back down her unicorn corn yeah unicorn horn corn unicorn home corn and then we're going to draw another shape right here for her other ear next let's draw her neck we're going to start right here behind her ear and we're going to draw a curve it's going to come down curve down like this yes there you go then we're going to draw the front of her neck we're going to start right here on her cheek and we're going to draw a little short line that comes down let's draw that line just a little longer so that she has a long neck longer neck yeah there we go now let's draw her her front legs we're going to draw a line that comes out and then we're going to draw a bent going down and then let's draw the other side of her leg we're going to leave some space and we're going to draw another line that matches the first one but it's shorter and then we're going to draw another bend that comes down then down here at the bottom we'll connect the two with another curve for the bottom of our foot then we're going to draw another line right above that one that matches okay let's draw her other leg yeah okay we're gonna draw another line coming out and then we're gonna draw it bent just like we did on the first one and this time i'm drawing it shorter and then we're gonna draw i'm gonna draw a little longer though and then we're going to connect it into her her other foot now we're only drawing part of this leg because it's behind the first one what's that called overlapping overlapping yeah all right now we're going to draw another line above for the top of her foot or hoof and now we're ready to draw the rest of her body let's imagine this neckline going behind the front leg and coming out the bottom yeah i'm going to extend the back of her neck down further so it matches and have a diagonal line here and then we're gonna connect where it matches diagonally this one's a little still a little higher yeah now let's draw her tail her mermaid tail we're going to draw a bumpy line first the mermaid part of her yeah the mermaid part yeah this kind of looks like she's wearing a tutu or a dress a two table two two then let's draw a little curve right here we're going to start on the back of her tail and we're going to draw a curve that comes up like this and curves up yeah and then let's come over here for the front of her tail and we're going to draw another curve comes down and then look towards the back we're going to come to a point good job now what should we draw her wings her wings okay we'll finish her tail uh after we draw her wings let's start right here and we'll draw a curve that comes down out of her back and i'm gonna extend it just a little further and then we're gonna draw a bumpy line coming back into her body yeah i'm gonna add one more bumpy line okay let's give her two wings i'm gonna draw another curve that comes out see how it's closer right here overlapping yes we're doing more overlapping i love overlapping it makes our drawings look more 3d then we're going to draw one little bump coming back we're only drawing part of it because it's behind you could add two bumps if you wanted yeah you have more distance then i'm gonna draw another bump for that other row of feathers or whatever her wings are made out of scales [Music] i'm not sure why she has wings either but that's okay it makes her cool myrmicorn yeah but she oh she could fly and swim [Music] okay let's finish drawing her you're still your mind is exploding right now you never even thought that that could be possible yeah you thought she was just and you could swim yeah you thought she could just swim i wish i could fly and swim that would be awesome but i can't swim you can't swim can you fly though no i can fly on the trampoline yeah you do look like you're flying all right now let's draw her hair we're going to draw in the wind or water or water yeah either one so we're going to start right here and we're going to draw an s curve coming back so curves one way and then back the other way now we're gonna draw a short line back you could add a background oh yeah should be swimming or fly you could change it now let's draw another curve coming back further and then i'm gonna draw another short line and now we're going to draw another s-curve so i drew a little up and then there we go now let's draw a big curve coming back her hair's going to kind of look like fire and then we're going to draw a short line and then a big curve back we could even add one more little short line and then i'm going to draw an s curve go up and then back down overlapping oh yeah i like how your hair is behind the wings that's cool we still need to finish her tail let's start at the point and we're going to draw another s curve so curve one way back the other way and then we're going to start up here at the end and we're going to curve all the way back down to her tail now i'm going to do another s curve we're going to curve this way and then back and then we're going to use even more overlapping we're going to go behind the wings imagine it going behind the wings coming down and then connecting at the tail again we're still missing a few details let's add a little nostril nose hole nose and also a smile let's draw a little curve so our myrmicorn's happy and then let's also add scales on her tail i'm going to draw little bumps bumpy lines coming across your tail now remember your drawings don't have to look exactly like ours right yeah our two drawings look different the most important thing is to have i was waiting for you to say it [Laughter] go all the way down her tail with little bumpy lines and then i'm even gonna add i'm gonna add some curves right here look at these curves i'm gonna draw really cool lines on the end of her tail going this way oh she looks so cool she looks really pretty hadley we did it we finished drawing our mermaid corns and they look really cute except they're gonna look even cuter once we do what yeah we need to color them yeah this part we're going to fast forward again but at the end you can pause the video if you want to match our same coloring you ready to fast forward yeah [Music] hadley you did it you finished coloring your myrmicorn and your drawing is always my favorite thanks now you guys can pause the video right now to match the same coloring we used markers to color our drawings but you could use whatever you have at home now we also used a white colored pencil what's that for highlights yeah the highlight we went back over our drawing to make our unicorns our marmichorns look tiny shiny yeah we hope you had a lot of fun drawing your mermacore yeah we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later our friends goodbye
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 4,274,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Art For Kids Hub, Art For Kids, How To Draw, Easy, Simple, Cartooning, 4 kids, mermicorn, unicorn, mermaid, cute, cartoon, kawaii, ocean, animal, mythical
Id: lfgaJQ3z3nE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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