How To Draw Lemonade

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here friends today we're going to draw lemonade yes we're going to draw a really tasty lemonade [Applause] we hope you're going to follow along with us you have a marker and some paper you ready to start yeah now also for this lesson we're going to use a pencil so we're using our sharpie but there's one step that we're going to use our pencil so i'm going to put that off to the side and we can use that a little bit later so we're going to first start by drawing our lemon slice we're going to draw a circle up here in the top left of our paper so we're going to draw a circle don't want it to be too big about that size right here yeah that's a good spot yep okay okay now we're going to draw another circle that goes around that one and we want to draw it right next to it this is going to be the peel for our lemon okay let's go around yeah good job great okay now we're going to switch to our pencil and we can share this pencil we're going to do a circle inside of those two circles we just drew so the reason why we're doing a pencil for this step is because we're going to draw some guidelines first for the little wedges inside of our slice so we're going to draw this circle so go ahead and you draw another circle inside good keep going and we also want to remember to press very lightly so that we can erase these lines at the end yes good okay now we're going to draw two lines right down the middle like this and then we're going to draw two lines going across like that okay you want to do that good now we're going to draw two more lines going diagonal going right through the middle and we're going to draw two lines going diagonal the other direction it's going to look like an x when we're done so an x on top of a plus perfect heads okay we're done with our pencil at least for now we're going to use our markers switch back to them and now we're going to draw on some of these lines but not all of them okay so watch me i'm going to go down and create a v like that and then we'll connect the top of the v so it looks like a little triangle when we're done then we're going to move to the next one go down back up and connect like that and we'll go all the way around do you want to do the same thing go all the way around connect the triangles all right once we're finished going around and creating all of those slices we can switch back to our pencil now we're going to use our eraser and erase all of the extra guidelines okay okay we got all of those extra guidelines all erased and now our lemon slice looks amazing yes that was pretty easy wasn't it it even looks like an orange slice yeah okay now you ready to draw the rest of our our lemonade glass yeah okay we're going to draw the top of our glass next and we're going to draw an oval shape we're going to start right here in the middle of our lemon and we're going to draw an oval that comes around back into our lemon so you're going to draw you're going to start in the middle draw it really big and then come back and we want to stop when we hit the outside of our lemon this is going to make the lemon slice look like it's stuck on the rim of our glass perfect i like it it's okay that they look different right yeah the most important thing is to have food yes have fun okay now we're gonna draw the outside of our rim the outside of our glass so we're going to draw another line that comes around the top and starts curving but we're going to stop so we'll start here curve around and then stop right there that's okay all right now we're going to draw the sides of our glass and we're going to start really wide and then come close down to the bottom so we're going to draw this line up first comes down like this look at that comes all the way down we could start right there draw it down here and drop really tall and then we're going to do the same thing over here coming down and we want it to come down to the same length as the right side okay now down at the bottom we're going to draw a curve to connect the two so we're going to draw a curve it comes down and back up back up yeah all right now we need to draw the lemonade inside of our glass so we're going to draw another oval just like this one and we're going to draw it a little bit lower so we'll start right here we're going to draw an oval it's a little tricky so if you need extra time for a step you can always pause the video okay so we're going to start right here draw an oval that comes over and we don't want to touch the edges of the glasses we want to draw inside so start here yes and then back there's the top of our lemonade let's draw the side of the lemonade inside of the glass so we're going to draw lines that come down and match the outside [Music] and then down at the bottom we're going to draw another oval watch this we're going to match the bottom come around and then back whoa tricky huh three levels three levels so we're gonna come down match the bottom and then circle back and create an oval cool all right what is our lemonade glass missing straw yeah it's missing a straw so let's drop two diagonal lines we're gonna start with the first one like this and we're going to go all the way through because we can see through the lemonade and we can see through the glass i'm going to draw a line that comes all the way down start up here all the way down you can even draw all the way down to the bottom [Music] yes now we're going to draw one right next to it and we want them to be parallel that means going right side by side okay now we're going to draw the bottom of our straw so we'll connect these two lines it's a little curve okay and then at the top we're going to draw a little curve and a straight line because our straw is bent what roll it goes down roller coaster line good now we're going to match that same line with the outside you draw a curve and then draw a parallel line that comes down that another roller coaster line good and then right here at the end we're going to draw another oval to connect them there's the the opening of the straw okay now it's a bendy straw and usually there's little lines so we're going to draw curved lines that go around the bendy part punch all right our lemonade looks a little warm doesn't it yeah how can we make it colder uh ice let's put one ice cube in there we're gonna draw a v right here and we're going to overlap behind the straw it looks like an l it looks like an l yeah it looks more like an l than it does a v doesn't it sideways l come down and then connect to the straw good now we're going to draw the top of the ice cube and we're going to repeat it we'll draw it like this and then connect okay whoops we forgot to go up and down it's okay your ice cube looks a little sharp that's totally fine right no mistakes because what's the most important thing to have food yeah are you having fun yeah with your sharp eyes now our ice cube looks like a piece of paper so let's make it look 3d we're going to draw a diagonal line coming down and we want it to be the same on both corners so let's draw a diagonal line here and then also a diagonal line here a table in lemonade yeah it looks like a table now not mine inside of our a sharp table [Laughter] okay now we're gonna connect these lines watch this we could connect there and then we're also gonna connect it's almost like we're drawing another l oh it looks like it's yeah it's tip top yeah even though you have the corner missing it still looks 3d yeah good job heads you did awesome well we've finished our drawings we're going to leave it just like this except we're missing one last thing right yeah what are we missing the color yeah we need to color it you ready to color yeah let's do it one two three oh of course you colored yours pink strawberry lemonade oh it's strawberry lemonade well that makes a lot more sense mine's just regular old plain lemonade boring lemonade we hope you had a lot of fun drawing and coloring your lemonade with us and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music]
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 4,104,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, how to draw, for kids, tutorial, step by step, art lesson, directed drawing, cartooning, lemonade, summer, lemon
Id: r3DDO8n1NPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2017
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