How To Draw Pusheen Mermaid *Giveaway*

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oddly what are we gonna drive today yes we got to draw this cute little pushing mermaid and we want to thank guns for sending us these cute little plush toys they're super cute aren't they this one has the seashell a green seashell and that one has a pink seashell this one has a pink tail no one has a purple towel it's pretty cool yeah we'd love the Pussycat as she's super cute to draw and we've drawn her before so be sure to check out our other lessons now what are we gonna do at the end of this video yes we're gonna give these two toys away so be sure to stay till the very end all right you ready to draw her yeah we're gonna first start by drawing her face and her eyes we're gonna draw them towards the left of our paper now we could draw two little dots we want a drama kind of small because we're gonna draw her whole body really big so you can draw them right right about there yeah then another one yeah that's a good spot and then right in the middle in between our eyes we're gonna drop the AJ the letter J yeah look and then we can draw it backwards J right next to it for the other side of her mouth yeah I know it looks like a mouth oh and you got eyelashes good job I don't think she has eyelashes that's okay you can add them now we're gonna draw the top of her head we're gonna drop right up here above her eyes we're gonna draw just a straight line right across the top of her head there you go right about there draw a straight line then we're gonna draw the letter A we're gonna draw a big letter a goes up and then back down then let's repeat that step over here for a second ear up and we want to we want to go up to the same height so that her ears look the same and then back down now we're gonna draw a star over here like she's got one tucked behind her ear so we're gonna draw another smaller little a shape yes just three ears okay and then right here we're gonna draw a sideways a shape on both sides yeah catch up and then down here let's draw a W so quick down back up down back up and there's our star shape I love your little start you're not perfect now right here on the side of her head we're gonna draw some pearls so let's try three circles one two three and they could get a little smaller as they go down two and three nice all right now let's draw her body we're gonna draw a curve that comes down and curves right at the bottom I love this version of the pushing cat she's super cute I like it now we can draw her feet down here at the bottom so good to draw sideways you there we go that's a really small foot and that's okay that her drawings are different right yeah the most important thing is yes to have fun and to practice all right I promise the second time we draw a pushing cat it will turn out better than the first time okay let's keep going next we're gonna draw the bottom of her body we're gonna draw a straight line that comes across and and ends pretty much right under her eye there we go now we're gonna draw another foot another sideways you and you can yes so they match okay next we're gonna draw another straight line and it should be in line with the the first one we drew see how they look like they go together so we'll draw another straight line that comes over here and we can go past her ear so it's just to the right of her ear okay good now up here we're gonna draw the top of her back I'm gonna draw a curve comes out and these should line up about the same same distance to the right okay now we can draw a line that's gonna connect these two and I'm gonna curve it so her body looks around she's got a short body but we're gonna draw our tail next this is gonna be the start of our mermaid tail she does look like this now let's try the decorations on her tail we're gonna draw a little sideways use we're gonna draw four of them one two three and a fourth one down here the line so you can draw those all the way down now connect the top to the bottom one and that's okay if you add a couple extra or have one less good you did it alright now let's draw a tell so right down here at the bottom we're gonna draw a straight line that comes out and then right at the end it's gonna curve just a small amount just a little bit okay so we'll start there come all the way over here and just curve right at the end good now we're gonna draw the top of her tail start up here now we're gonna curve down and then connect it to the bottom looks like a fish yeah she does looks like a mermaid Oh fish okay let's draw her fish tail her mermaid tail her jaw and an oval for one of the little fins okay we could draw another one and we want this one to be the same size as the first one we drew so you could try yours small also I love your little feet and your little now she has scales on her tail so let's draw three more little use that match over here so we're gonna draw one two three then we're gonna draw another row of - oh good okay what is she missing yes she's missing whiskers let's try two whiskers one two and we're gonna draw two whiskers sticking out behind her star no it's good and then one two over here yes okay now the last thing we're gonna do is add two more seashells down here at the bottom so let's draw the first one right here we're gonna draw three years connected one two three and then we're gonna draw a rainbow line for the top of the seashell and then we're going to add two more lines inside if you have room okay now let's draw one more seashell over here we're gonna drop we're gonna draw a circle then we can draw a curve that comes around looks like a C and connects to the bottom and then repeat that shape a little bit bigger right next to it okay now that's two really fun ways to draw different seashells and it's really simple we tried to keep it nice and easy for a young artist now we still need to do one last thing right what is it color curry yeah she's gonna look so much better with color now you can use whatever you want to color your drums you can use color pencils yeah you could also paint or even use markers we use the computer didn't we and we even colored artists differently which i think is really fun on when you're pushing curving yes we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we want to thank guned again for sending us these really cute plush toys but we want to give them to you so ask your parents to leave a comment below this video and tell us what pushing Pat we should draw next and then tomorrow morning we'll announce the winner in the comments below and we'll see you later our friends goodbye if you have fun following along with us be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking the circle also click the bell icon to get notified every time we upload a new video which is Monday through Friday every week I've also picked out two other art lessons I thought you two enjoy and don't forget to share a photo of your child's amazing artwork and we'll see you later our friends good bye
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 3,060,113
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Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, how to draw, for kids, tutorial, step by step, art lesson, directed drawing, cartooning, Pusheen, mermaid, cute, plush
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2017
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