How To Draw An Alicorn (Unicorn & Pegasus)

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hey our friends we're going to draw an alicorn yeah we hope you're going to follow along with us you need your drawing supplies we're going to use markers but you could also use a pencil you need some paper and something to go with yeah what what is an alicorn it's a unicorn with wings yeah it's going to be a lot of fun yeah all right you ready to start yes let's first start by drawing the alicorn's eye let's start on the left side so that we have room for the body on the on the right side let's draw an oval shape or a circle and then we can draw a little highlight in the top left so a smaller oval and then color in the big oval but leave that little one white so that it looks shiny next let's draw the ear we'll draw an upside down v and then we can draw the inside of the ear we'll draw a little curve from the top down to the bottom then we can draw the hair in front of our alicorn's forehead let's draw an s curve we'll curve down out and then down again and then we can curve back up and connect to the ear now let's draw the alicorn's horn we're going to start here we'll draw a diagonal line that comes out and then right at the top we'll just draw a little curve or even a point and then watch this at the bottom we're going to get a little thicker so it's pointy at the top and thicker down at the bottom then we can draw the other ear and we're only drawing part of it because it's behind the horn and also the other ear next let's draw our alicorn's forehead and also the muzzle so we'll start here underneath the hair or the mane and we're going to come in and down so just in just a little bit and then down and then right at the bottom we're going to curve around for the nose and we'll come back up but let's stop short and then we can draw the cheek we're going to draw a little curve right here and then back in now let's draw the main and also the neck we'll start here at the back of the ear and we're going to curve oh i'm going to start a little higher maybe we'll curve around and then we're going to curve towards the front and then back the other way that really looks like an s-curve and then let's yeah it looks awesome let's draw the rest of the hair we're going to curve up higher or we can even add a little zigzag if we want i'm going to curve even around more maybe even another zigzag down and then right at the end curve the other direction oh that looks really cool hadley good job that looks awesome now let's draw the front of the neck we'll start here on the chin or the cheek and we're going to draw a curve that comes forward and then we're going to curve just slightly under the hair for the chest let's draw our first leg right here let's draw a curve well it's a straight line but kind of towards the bottom i'm getting further away or further towards the front so it's kind of angled a little bit this direction then let's come back up here and we're going to draw the back side of the front leg so i'm going to draw another line that comes down but look towards the bottom it's slightly getting thicker it's a little closer at the top and then thicker down at the bottom and i also made it a little shorter just like you and then let's curve around and connect to the back let's also draw the other front leg but this time we're only drawing part of it so we'll match the first line and i'm starting a little shorter or stopping a little shorter and then right at the bottom we'll connect it in now we're going to draw the rest of the body we'll imagine the neck and the chest coming underneath or behind the front leg we're going to curve around like this and angle up and then we can also just draw a slight curve coming down just barely coming down yeah now let's draw the back legs we're going to draw another curve we'll start inside of the body and we're going to curve back further i'm even going to extend that down just a little further and then we can draw the rest of the leg coming forward and i'm going to stop in the same spot that i did on the front leg we're going to come back and finish the rest of this leg later let's draw the other back leg we'll start here and we'll kind of do the same thing that we did on the front leg we're only drawing part of this this leg because it's behind the other leg so i'm matching the first line that we drew we'll stop a little short and then we'll connect in all right now let's jump up here and we're going to draw the wings next we're going to draw really cool wings we'll start here at the main we're going to draw a little curve up and then we're going to come this way and we'll come up even further have to draw big wings i think bigger the better then let's come back down for the first feather like this ginormous feathers yes big feathers then let's draw the smaller feathers inside we'll draw a sideways u maybe we could even draw a longer u maybe the next next one is longer i'm going to add two more and i'm going to keep going all the way in and connect down here to the bottom so just add a bunch of views and it curves into the main right about here they also get smaller and smaller as we connect it into the main now that part we sped up so remember if you need extra time you can always pause the video yeah all right now let's draw the longer feathers i'm going to start up here we'll draw another line that comes out yeah you can come out straight from there and then we're going to curve down and then n let's do that again let's add a lot more feathers really long feathers i can keep going and i'm also turning so this feather at the top is angled this way but as we come down we're going to do the same thing we did with the smaller feathers we'll turn them like a fan so they'll angle this way so watch me i'll add more i'll come down this way and as we come down further i'm going to turn turn the feathers so they're kind of pointing down huh and also look they're getting smaller and smaller too really small okay now it's your turn to add those feathers i bet you can do it and it's okay if it doesn't look exactly like mine i kind of went fast that's because the most important thing is you have fun and two practice practice i'm sure your drawings are turning out awesome too okay this part will fast forward so remember to pause the video take extra time to draw your feathers hadley you did it that looks awesome that's ginormous it is i think it's super cool that our wings are really big okay now let's draw the rest of the back leg we'll start here we'll draw the back and i'm going to curve down almost like i'm going to connect to the little bump right here on the first line then we're going to curve out and down and look i did the same thing that i did on this front leg we got a little thicker towards the bottom and i also stopped short perfect then we're going to connect the front to the back what should we draw next the other wing yeah it only has one wing let's make it fly with one wing no it can't let's make it look more 3d i'm going to match that same line that we first drew so a little curve and then up then we can come let's first come back down here and we'll add a small little feather like this feather right here but we're only drawing part of it then we can add the first flight feather or the longer feather and we'll connect into that small one then let's repeat all of those same steps we'll draw a short line out down for the rest of the feather and maybe you can only see one more now what are we missing the tail yes the tail i'm gonna draw a really pretty tail we're gonna curve out of the wing and then maybe right at the end i'm gonna curve back up it's a roller coaster going up going up going i remember you doing that a long time ago like when i was very young yeah and that was on our unicorn lesson huh yes okay now let's draw the rest of the tail let's start here maybe this one oh maybe it goes between or or behind the first leg this back leg and then it's gonna come out down here i'm gonna add a little zigzag maybe another one and then connect in we did it hadley we finished drawing our alicorn it looks really cool except we still need to color it yes my favorite part we are going to fast forward so remember you can pause the video to match the same color you ready to fast forward yeah huddly give me five we did it we finished drawing and coloring our alicorn i love that we left it white but then colored the hair we also added yellow for the uh corn unicorn yes the corn and gray for the hose down at the bottom i also added light blue for shading but you could leave that off to keep the lesson a little easier you could also change the colors oh that would be really cool maybe rainbow colors or even black and purple oh that would be really cool instead of white maybe it's black with purple hair we hope you had a lot of fun drawing your alicorn we do and we hope you have fun changing your drawings and we'll see you later our friends goodbye
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 685,271
Rating: 4.5167632 out of 5
Keywords: Art For Kids Hub, Art For Kids, How To Draw, Easy, Simple, Cartooning, 4 kids, art lesson, 2021, alicorn, pegicorn, unicorn, pegasus, mythical animal, horse
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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