How To Draw A Giant Rainbow Lollipop

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these these lollipops are so big you can't even fit them in your mouth they're huge yeah don't try i don't want you to choke they're really good though this is the first time i've ever had one of these i know me too what does it taste like just you got a little little lollipop on your cheeks it tastes like cotton candy yeah doesn't it taste like cotton candy kind of smells like cotton candy too hey we want to say we're gonna give a big shout out to all of our art friends that are joining us live yes are you excited to drive live today yeah yeah we go what are we drawing um a lollipop yeah a big giant rainbow lollipop is big it to my face it's huge look at covering our whole face they're so good though um this could be a lot of fun to draw don't you think yeah today's lesson is going to be a little it's going to be kind of easy but it's going to be a lot of fun we're going to have a lot of fun you're doing all the colors don't bite it you'll break your teeth we got our our huge bowl here that we can hold her lollipop sauce you can keep going if you first before we draw before we draw our lollipops what do we always do spotlight yeah we always spotlight art friends on our live videos now today is is especially awesome because we're we're featuring a lot of awesome art friends and what challenge did they do um to draw like a movie theater and yeah yeah they did the popcorn lesson that we drew last time in our live lesson and they the challenge was to draw themself eating the popcorn or draw us eating the popcorn and then watching a movie yeah and they all did awesome i l we loved looking at all of their drawings they all did a great job now this is all of our art friends that completed the challenge but it was as many as we could kind of fit on the page without getting the pictures too small but we loved looking at all of our art friends everybody did such a great job congratulations on being this this uh live lesson spotlight yeah they did such a great job you know some of them i i thought it was really funny because some of them look like they were watching scary movies and a scary movie and the popcorn's flying everywhere it's going it's like exploding look at this one that's right under the spotlight you guys did such a great job and okay now let's get started but before we get started we kind of have a little bit bad news but it's not too bad so today is actually going to be one of the last live lessons we're going to do for a while so we're still going to do live lessons but we're going to take a little break because what's coming up something coming up um school high school yeah school is almost starting yeah and so we're going to try to figure out a different way to do the live lessons we might do them on saturday but it's been it'll be a little bit difficult to do the live lessons during the day because you guys are going to be at school yeah so we're going to try to figure that out but so today is going to be the last live lesson for a little while so what do our friends need for this lesson they don't need a sucker they need they need a marker marker paper paper and something to color with we're going to use a lot of colors to color our colors our lollipops yeah rainbow colored all right now now also i want to also give a big shout out to all of our art friends that are participating in the live chat you guys are awesome and we're going to get to a lot of your comments and questions and shout outs towards the end when we're coloring our our lollipops you ready to get started yeah let's use both our camera look at that oh man that lollipop looks so good well you're gonna have to so we can draw our lollipop okay put it here put it right here in your bowl yeah it is it's stuck we're using markers so you guys don't have to use a marker if you don't want to but uh because we're using markers you want to make sure that you have at least more than one sheet of paper so that your marker doesn't soak through and get onto the table all right you ready to draw we're going to do this awesome spiral in the middle of our paper now look at this this is a real sucker but it the spiral is kind of messy we're going to do a really cool spiral we're going to do a nice neat spiral so we're going to start in the middle you watch me first and then you do yours so i'm going to do it a little bit different we're going to start in the middle but watch this we're going to go all the way around look how thick this spiral is i'm trying not to do it too close see how much space is in between yeah and we're just starting in the middle and then we're getting bigger and then watch i'm gonna do this is the last time around we're gonna go all the way around and then up at the top i'm gonna come around like this and then end it at the top see that okay so and look how much space is in between each of the spirals that's so when we color it we could do a lot of color let's see do it oh yes that's perfect you've got a lot of space keep going around see how it's getting skinny right there make sure you get it thick do big thick yeah even thicker go bigger you're doing oh yeah there's a big thing no keep going oh you did i like it you did a great job hadley you did awesome you know what you look like like a cinnamon roll it kind of does look like the cinnamon roll you know what i'm gonna challenge you why don't you go around a couple more times just so you can draw a really big one like this yeah keep going around do at least one more round yeah one more round there you go now it's even bigger and then you can end it in perfect and you did a great job hallie and it's okay that our suckers or lollipops look different yes because the most important thing is to have fun yes to have fun and to practice practice all right what's our lollipop missing yeah yes the stick down at the bottom now before we draw what shape is our stick can you tell what what shape it is do you know what shape that's called no it's kind of a tricky what shape is this i know i'm giving you a it's a test cylinder that's okay it's kind of a fancy word it's kind of a tricky word is it a cylinder is round or a circle on one side but usually long like this this is a cylinder shape look at this this is the same shape that's on the bottom of our sucker isn't that cool now the reason why i'm gonna i'm telling you that is let's first draw two lines straight down from the bottom of our sucker okay so we're going to draw two lines straight down like that now before we connect the bottom no you did great you did great now before we connect the bottom look at this now if i hold our cylinder shape like this what line is right here you can look on the you can cheat on the monitor okay is it straight it looks straight oops sorry like that it's straight yeah but if you tip it to make it look 3d yeah look i'm starting to tip it towards me down here at the bottom that line looks curved so when we're connecting these lines down here at the bottom to make the stick look like it's 3d or round we're going to draw a curved line like this is that cool yes it's a cylinder good job now we're all done i said it was gonna be easy right yeah we're all done we're all done drawing our lollipops so now what what do we still need to do it yeah it doesn't really look that exciting does it yes and we need to taste our lollipops again now we need to color our lollipops we're going to use colored pencils and we have our prismacolor colored pencils we have links below this video where you can head over to amazon and purchase the same colored pencils if you want yes you ready to color yeah okay now while we're coloring we're going to try to answer more of our art friends comments and questions we're going to give some some shout outs too like skyla denton wants a shout out and mobile and did a crime face oh yeah would they say oh i'm late yeah videos with cousin says late i'm late that's okay because you could actually rewind this video even though you're late you can rewind it start it over and still draw with us plus we're gonna we're gonna repost this video later today so you can draw again you ready to color yeah okay let's color and then we'll and then we'll eat more of our lollipops later okay we're first gonna let's first start with our red colored pencil now watch this now look look at our our lollipops it goes uh red orange yellow green blue and what's in between each of the colors white white so let's do that we're going to first draw i'm going to on each layer i'm going to start in the middle i'm going to color this the center part then i'm going to come out here like this and i'm going to do another stripe okay or another section yes and then we can we can also on the next level or the next layer i'm going to draw another section and look i'm offsetting it it's it's slightly off we're not going to just draw a stripe that goes straight out if you want you could but we're trying to make it a little more realistic so i'm going to do i'm going to go ahead and do the next one and i'm going to do the next one look at that isn't that awesome then i'm going to get the next color i'm going to do it right next to it but i'm going to leave a white stripe right next to it what's the next color orange i think yeah okay i want to say awesome i want to say thank you to all of our our art friends that are leaving suggestions you guys always have the best suggestions and one of the other things i wanted to say is i think a lot of our art friends participated in our little poll that we ran yesterday we did a would you rather draw cute and fluffy stuff or explosion stuff and we had a 75 percent said cute and fluffy and 25 said explosion video game stuff so we're going to draw we're going to draw both but i thought we'd do more of these polls to ask you guys and ask your parents uh what you guys want to drop because we we always want to draw what our art friends are interested in drawing right yeah and a lot of them want to draw cute and fluffy stuff yeah does that sound like fun cute fluffy all right let's do the next strap are you ready you got your orange you want to switch colors yeah orange poppy's life said i think you should draw harry potter we have a lot of harry potter stuff so you can head over to you you can actually just search anywhere on youtube so type in harry potter art for kids hub and all of our lessons will pop up all right let's leave a little white stripe next to our red and i'm going to do the same we're going to repeat the same steps with the orange but we're going to draw another stripe right next to our red now i'm also yeah right there yeah just like that i'm i'm doing the same thing i did with the red i'm off setting it so that they look they're staggered they're kind of it's not just a straight stripe kind of looks like bricks on a wall yeah here we go and he did orange now i'm going to switch to my yellow and i'm going to keep going except first i need to yeah that's really good [Laughter] i don't know how we're going to ever eat those i know like it would take like it's gonna take forever i think longer i think it'll take longer to you know what we could probably do is just break it up like break it up into little pieces little candies yeah amy carter says we should draw a realistic santa claus that would be a lot of fun when it gets closer to christmas don't you think yeah we just drew a cartoon summer santa that was a lot of fun i think i said that right says we love your videos we love you too draw more pokemon did i say that wrong pokemon pokemon abbatube hd says draw more pokemon and give me a shout out uh we got a lot of people wanting shout outs can you draw a cartoon celebrity oh that would be really cool you know which cartoon celebrity i want to draw what elvis do you know who you know who elvis is don't you yeah he was a singer famous singer a long time ago you probably don't know all right now i'm done with my yellow i'm gonna switch what's the what's the next color on our on our sucker red orange yellow green you're right green okay we're gonna switch to i'm gonna switch it are you almost done with your yellow oh it's looking really good you're doing awesome is that kind of tricky yeah a little it looks really good though you're doing a great job mark is relentless says drop robot that'd be way cool we got some cool robot lessons draw light fury from the upcoming movie how to train your drawing or change your channel how to train your dragon how to train your drawing [Laughter] we gotta i think we need to draw um night fury again toothless we should draw we drew them a long time ago but i think we should draw them again especially when the movie comes out how to junior how to train how to train your drawing sorry can you please draw loki from infinity try yourself iz lego show says draw yourself we actually did we drew the whole family didn't we had yes that was a lot of fun i got a little shavings here on the side i'm gonna erase okay what's the next color blue blue i'm gonna switch to blue i'm gonna draw another stripe over here you know what else you could draw on your lollipop you could draw a funny face and are you thinking of the challenge try and think of something for the challenge well i gave you some ideas on what what i thought you could you could say but i was i forgot what i told you oh it's okay i can remind you of some of the ideas you were i know i yeah when you saw i surprised you with the lollipops right and we came in and you saw him and then i think everything you were thinking about just disappeared yeah all you could think about was eating your lollipop yeah these things are huge i seriously i have no idea how long this is this is going to check it tastes like tastes like um cotton candy totally tastes like cotton candy we love to squish i requested that we draw a realistic unicorn that would be really cool realistic unicorn you know what else we had a request to draw um what's the next color after blue oh red um you gotta do your next one yeah it then it repeats oh yeah i'm like no hey you gotta do your blue draw do your blue necks um we had a request to draw a pug but as a unicorn unicorn a pug corn plug a corn you stick the two words together and you get puggy corn would that be fun yes we got to do that we draw a cartoon pug a corn pig no a pug not pig oh a flying pig that would be fine okay i'm gonna keep going i'm gonna try and see if i can finish my lollipop all the way around oh goosebumps super mario gaming asked us if we could draw goosebump monsters that'd be way cool draw animal oh someone said wolfie slasher says draw an animal jam red panda red pant wait oh red panda i did do you have that one no you don't have it did you miss that one i didn't get it because i did you missed it i didn't get animal jam yet did that come out before yeah they need to release one again do another red panda came out but i know you're trying to save your money my money i'm trying to get it yeah it's only gonna come you're probably gonna miss it right yeah oh i know i feel so bad but that but you're learning a good lesson to save your money right yes yes [Laughter] i know you want you you've been you love animal jam it's like i know begging and crying and and we're really working on this this important lesson to save your money for important things that you want in your life so but you're excited because um they always come out with new ones right yes and the next one that they come out with will be just probably just as cute you came out with a baby pet um elephant so i thought they're gonna have an elephant oh yeah yeah a baby elephant no there's always a baby they got a baby elf but that might come out with an actual elephant that you can be oh that would be cool yeah yeah i need a bird because it's gonna be so good what i need okay i just burped because you don't need a you don't need a purple it's so delicious [Laughter] are you almost done with your lollipop yeah i'm almost done too so keep going all the way around let's see if we can answer a few more questions i we get so many requests for different things to draw it's so cool like minecraft and the greatest showman hippo you guys are awesome thank you so much for the request i'm going to go back through the comments and and read uh all of the requests like yeah if you need to you can rotate your paper that makes it a lot easier i'm doing that so you guys at home can do the same thing what's after green blue blue blue blue please please draw a cute and fluffy peach that would be fun darth vader we've actually drawn darth vader and edna oh you guys are awesome now i want to ask our art friends in the comments that are participating in the live chat i want to ask you guys what's your favorite hard candy like this is it well i guess there's not very much hard candy but what maybe what's your favorite candy um like it's a kitkat kit kat is that your favorite candy yeah is your lollipop stuck oh there you go nice it's kick-ass kitkat's your favorite candy bar what's your favorite uh thing that's not chocolate um keep going you're almost done let me sweep your paper what's what's your favorite candy that's not chocolate um though do you know that blow pop they're like blow pop suckers yeah i have gum inside yeah is that it i like the watermelon the watermelon ones okay let's see what our friends said kit kat they love kit kats too oh a lot of people say kitkat reese's peppermint oh look somebody put the the um emoji that looks like the lollipop that we're trying that's from rosario mine is yeah the lollipop that's awesome i didn't even know that there was an emoji like a lollipop yeah kit kat reese's dum dums dum dums sour patch kids ooh chocolate anything that's chocolate twix lollipops m m's kit kat snickers jolly oh jolly ranchers i love jolly ranchers too joey rancher kitty cat kitty cat says i like cake better than candy i don't oh someone said skittles skittles are my favorite too you know which ones i like the purple ones the purple package the sour ones the sour ones but they're not sour but jack thinks they're sour oh oh they they're they're a little sour but not like yeah but not like sour patch kids okay i'm almost done i'm gonna finish up let's see if you can finish yours too okay i'm gonna do just a couple more stripes right here and what's the next one yellow i think this one's so much fun so even though it was like it's pretty easy to draw the actual sucker filling it in and doing all these stripes takes a little while to add them all in yeah okay what's what's the next color i'm gonna do red over here green orange yellow oh my colors didn't really repeat the way they were supposed to i'm just going to put blue right that's weird if i do green then i would run out of space right now i know i it's the same with mine each one kind of gets mixed up a little bit that's okay see look i even ended blue here but i should have done uh green but that's okay now i'm gonna use uh this tan color to color the um like peach color to color the stick on my lollipop and i'm also gonna add some shading to make it look a little more 3d on the stick so here we go let me sweep your sweeper drawing and then i'm going to use brown and i'm going to add a little shadow underneath oops here we go i'm going to start dark right next to the sucker and then as you get down or come down lower on the on the stick i'm going to get lighter is that cool yes it looks like uh it looks more 3d i'm going to go back over it with the peach or the tan color to smooth it out there we go we did it and then i'm gonna go one more time around the whole thing with a thicker line just to make it look even cooler i'm gonna move my lollipop there we go was this a fun lesson did you like coloring your luggage and go crazy i know they are freaking out right now because they're drawing live with us too and they're like ah i bet they're i like a sucker they're just gonna come running down here and just say i want a little lick of it but but guess what i didn't buy them lollipops so if you don't want to share you don't have to okay since austin didn't share his gumball with me i'm just kidding that's not nice we should share shouldn't we i know we could break two left and then he's like oh because chuck was crying now he gave me problem i don't think it was actually crying now we'll we'll split we'll split this the lollipops up with with everyone and because that's the nice the right thing to do right thing to do [Music] all right i finished mine now you you keep coloring yours see if you can get it all finished up and i'm gonna answer a few more questions on with our friends that are in the live chat okay um can you draw horton the elephant from horton here's a who i thought we had here's a who have we done that yeah jack did i think yeah i think we have you can actually search our channel and oh somebody says charlie nelson says i remember when you had the gray desk ooh it was actually a black desk and we had even before the black desk we had a white desk but it probably looked like it was so small and they said i love prismacolors we love prisma colors too keep going you're almost done [Laughter] can you draw a fancy zebra fancy giselle and have a shout out please that's from art art dudes can draw rampage oh that would be awesome to draw a really cool gorilla and uh what lizzy the lizard and the gorilla i can't remember the gorilla's name george i think it was george george j.j shaw says please can i have a shout out draw marvel characters they want us to draw loki oh that would be way cool draw more fortnite and guru girl says i have a full binder of your drawings that is awesome oh you're not done oh you got to use this peach color or the tan color that is way cool that you're keeping all of your drawings i think that's awesome now anybody can do that with all of your drawings be sure to keep them you can hang them up on your wall you could buy a binder you could put them in a binder but you could also remember we don't say this very often but you should sign your drawings and you should write the date when you drew that way you can remember when you did it you know a year from now and you're like oh that was such a long time ago passed by you could say that if you want when you're when you're remembering when you did your drawings okay go back over it and smooth out your shading so you can make it look really soft ah hadley you did such a great job on your drawing i love it give me five you did awesome did you have fun yeah okay do you remember the challenge or did you still forget because you're getting a sugar overload well what time is it though john's time it's challenge time it's not time to eat your lollipop yet yesterday now every live lesson that we do we always like to end it with a challenge time because in the next live lesson we're going to spotlight some of our art friends that completed the challenge now this time the next live lesson might be a little while ago but we'll still spotlight somebody that did the lollipop challenge okay now i think the challenge should be a lot like the popcorn one what do you think do you remember what the popcorn won oh yes i remember you just remind me you go yeah you could draw yourself eating your lollipop yeah so now that you have a really cool lollipop draw yourself behind the lollipop with your mouth open like this eating taking a big bite out of it yeah but don't break your teeth i don't want to take you to the dentist and then when you're all done be sure to ask your parents to take a photo of your drawing and post it to instagram and we'll be checking this before our next live lesson yes to spotlight a bunch of you that completed the challenge so use two tags at art for kids hub that notifies us and lets us know that you posted something and then hashtag afk did i say that right at art for kids hub yeah and then hashtag afk h challenge yes and then the hashtag keeps them all together so that we can find all of the lollipop drawings in in one area i think i know what you're going to be doing for the rest of today we hope you had a lot of fun drawing along with us live and we can't wait to draw live with you again we'll be sure to let you know and if you haven't already be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel so that you get notified every time we upload new videos are you copying me you also get you also get notified when we go live so that way you don't miss our next live lesson we also want to give one last shout out to all of our awesome art friends that participated in the live chat it's so awesome reading your comments and getting all of your suggestions you guys always have awesome suggestions oh one last thing too we're gonna be doing a lot more would you rather draw in our community so be sure to check those out too and click on the click on which one you'd rather draw that will give us good ideas on what we should draw next look at my tongue oh it's turning colors and we'll see you later our friends goodbye one last
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 4,834,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, how to draw, for kids, tutorial, step by step, art lesson, directed drawing, cartooning, 4 kids, draw along, sucker, lollipop, carnival, circus, giant, rainbow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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