SHAZAM! NinjaZ Movie Remastered

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[Music] Hale man nice kid gonna have it oh I need my cane looks like who's gonna stop us it's not funny you need that kid more than the old guy all right I'll show you how it's done [Music] I like them out of it thank you young man you are very brave your blokes can't catch me woody go how many what that way how'd you get you so fast and you changed clothes Paxton I choose you for my champion camping what you should Paxton I'm the wizard Shazam you have been tested and found worthy to wield my power wait how do you know my name because I'm a wizard wait a second is that you button it's a fake hair ouch what's that for so you just look like someone I know he must be a handsome young fella but I am the wizard Shazam say my name and my power shall flow through you okay well gotta go just summon my power just saying my name and my power will be yours okay [Music] bad time and kid today is not my day [Music] where's the kid go let's go check over there these are bad news I gotta get out of you hallo boy come on play yeah we're not gonna hurt you we just want to play there's no other run kid okay guess it's with the shop I really hope the old man's power isn't going away Bude I'm too young to shake [Music] sweaty man we know that's not it sushi man wait nothing happened guys hope you remember the old was its name oh yeah thanks whoa did you see that who cares get the kid guys I think something happened whoa my voice my clothes do I look different guys aren't even at home I thought you were you guys shouldn't chase kids ain't and break into cars either you guys better get out of here before I tell your mommy you better not tell my mommy hurt [Music] [Music] ashin Payton do you guys know where Paxton is he loved home by himself after school today yeah he probably took the long way home I bet he went to Jack's house well I'm starting to get worried about hate til you run next door and see if he's over there yes your mom wait a minute I keep going looking like this I don't look freaked I thought this is we're off by now maybe Ashton has an idea [Music] not there [Music] hey who said you're tapping on the glass it's me Paxton hey Paxton those woods so worried about you just wait don't come stay back what what nothing I meet something dude you're freaking me out and why does your voice sound so strange okay I'll show you but you have to promise not to tell mom no way faxing I'm not keeping secrets from mom mom wait wait okay I'll show you but just don't freak out okay whatever it is I'm sure it's not that big of a action it's me it's me Paxton let me know the facts they said you want to freak out relax I don't know you are we were not Paxton I took the long way home from school and I saw these Punk's picking on an old man that looked like Brighton and now I got shocked and I will look like this and have these powers wait did you say you took the long way home from school yeah why I knew it so if you really are Paxton then tell me something that only Paxton would know oh I know you got your appendix removed two weeks before you compete on American Ninja Warrior and I know who you have a crush on her name is non-free these guys whisper in my ear how'd you know that wait a sec you really are Paxton I know that's what I've been trying to tell you Paxton powers can you why why I don't even know how to pee in this thing plus I think I'm stuck like this okay we need to do some tests I'll tell them on that you go home see then I'll meet you in the backyard Oh Ashton I'm down here I don't know I don't think so Patsy I was gonna test your powers out here really I'm not even cold how about you try to fly well I guess I'll give it a shot Ashton I never flied before so what am I supposed to do well in all the comics be like charge older energy like this okay and then you look up where they want to go okay and you just focus all their energy and when I say go up in the air and fly got it three two okay that was crazy did I fly fly that was really awesome I think that was just like a really really high jump well you might not be cold but I am so let's go through the rest of the test inside let's do it [Music] [Music] hi hi mom hi I don't believe we met I think you called me mom that's me Paxton teacher Paxson's teacher I met Paxson's teacher mr. Robinson and parrot is your conference and you know it's it's his PE teacher he's here to give packs major credit yeah and Paxson's is waiting upstairs so we gotta go let's go let's go let's go whoa parrots in your room is a mess it's not that bad I bet mines cleaner than yours this is the greatest thing that ever happened to me you've all these amazing powers we probably haven't discovered them all yet but the way I see it the number one best power of them all is you're a grown-up I can't even play with Legos my hands are too big Ashton I like having all my powers and having big muscles but I don't want to be stuck like this forever okay let's retrace your steps think back to the first moment when you got your powers well the old man shocked me and you told me if I said his name out to get his powers and then the car thieves were trying to catch me Quorra thieves you never said anything about that it was awesome they tried to punch me and even hurt and then they ran away okay let's back up you guys said if you said his name you'd get his powers maybe if you say his name again you can reverse it you're a genius Ashton that's it what's his name guys I forgot again what's his name Shazam is that it they're saying Shazam yeah that's it all right I'll give it a shot take a step back there's something we have to show for I did you are not gonna believe this accent has superpowers what just happened did it work told you so this is crazy are you actually Paxton yeah can you do any time you want I think so this is epic so what kind of powers do you have I have super strength invulnerability super speed and I might have made that snowstorm happen outside and we're still working on flight but he can jump super high have you tried turning invisible no but that sounds awesome let me try oh you did it you're invincible where'd you go Ashton he's invisible visible you have do you see this [Applause] [Music] every Power Packs and turn visible again and I've got an idea let's go hey Bob can we borrow your cart tax a gym coach wants to drive us to the arcade hello since he's a PE teacher oh he likes to run everywhere yeah and it's snowing outside it's like a lot so it's know a lot well yeah okay but I don't think I ever caught your name well I'm his name's captain captain sparkle fingers yeah yeah captain sparkle okay did you serve him like a branch of the military like I'm in the league the Justice League yeah okay well thanks mom bye see ya they go honey wait wait where's Paxton oh man the windshields covered in snow wait a second watch out you guys let's see if I have super breath dude did you see that I am super breath yeah thanks a lot so you could have just wiped it off well at least I brought jacket let's go I don't know did you forget we don't need money I got super sad just at the radio turn tragedies the pain and agony eventually became a fantasy let me introduce myself as Billy Batson happily a conduit little did I know the guy be morphing from a victim to a power how imagination for existence [Music] [Music] - sweet thank you do you want it really I would love it thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we idea we can't have fun all day let's go to the park how does that sound let's go to the park because then if we go to the park I can try out my power more powers and see what else we can do and the park is literally right by our house so yeah let's just go there before we get home whoa we're ready so close it's like right here [Music] got a tuba say the name and you turn to heat Shazam [Music] oh sorry Shazam my name is black Adam I'm here for your power how does he know is this guy that gave you her power no I've never seen this guy before what was that you're gonna be sorry for that black Adam or whoever you are ah don't worry guys I got this one whoa this guy's strong I know he's strong but I bet he's not as fast as you are good thinking action fast get him Paxton I've been looking everywhere for you guys Mon said you wanted to the arcade without me sorry pain will take you next time vortex him well it's a long story but he's that big guy over there in the cake [Music] let's see how you do against an invisible opponent oh oh now invisible you can't see me you can't see me I'm invisible I'm invisible oh that's really Paxton what is he doing well we kind of convinced Paxton that he had invisibility powers but it's not so funny anymore so this colony is not invisible hmm [Music] watch this your power will be mine this is pathetic you're no match for me how old are you anyway basically I'm ten years old and if anyone gets my power it's my family are the same sorry's what you can't do this she there's power as mine these odds are looking favorable you haven't seen the last of Black Adam I'll be back lucky he can fly keep working on it Paxton you've almost got it he says he'll be back but we'll be ready for him I want to test out my SuperSpeed race you guys home wait what are you almost van well there's only one adult here that can drive it oh man I don't want to drive sorry Paxton I don't want to drive I want to run hey guys hope you enjoyed this video make sure to LIKE [Music]
Channel: Ninja Kidz TV
Views: 107,115,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ninja Kidz tv, Shazam, Shazam Movie, ninja, superhero, paxton myler, family friendly, captain marvel, bryton myler, payton myler, movie, parody
Id: l6QVX5Z253U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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