How To Draw A Hermit Crab

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when it turns green it means we're live really hey our friends we're we're so excited for another lesson right yes and we finally got jack on a live stream this is the first time yep are you excited yes we hope you guys are excited too and it's friday so we hope you guys are gonna follow along with us you got a marker and some paper check out these things on the bottom of the screen that's cool huh and some what's the last thing they need to have um colored pencils something to color with yeah it could be oil pastels colored pencils or even markers now what are we drawing today uh hermit crab yeah we're gonna draw a cool realistic hermit crab at the end we're gonna color and we're even gonna shade it to try and make it look even more 3d i'm super excited for this one all right so should we get to it yeah i'm going to switch to our camera here and we got our markers ready is your mark right yeah pull up your sleeves let's get to let's get to business all right first step we're going to start by drawing a diagonal line right in the middle of our paper so we're just going to draw like this and not too long there you go yeah now we're going to draw the top of our shell and we're going to spiral we're going to connect down here and continue spiraling into the center of our shell so we're going to draw the top of our shell it's going to come around and then we're going to touch you see how we're touching right here and then we're gonna continue spy spiraling can't say that word and we're gonna come into the center like this and then connect and finish is that cool yes pretty simple right yep now we're gonna draw the rest of the crab sticking out of our shell now we're gonna we're gonna start by drawing his front claw so we're gonna draw a sideways u shape and we gotta say hi to all of our art friends it looks like we're getting a ton of comments check it out what about the corgi we need to draw a corgi and let's see that's from uh who's that from trying to draw anything and what else we got a few more comments make a live video tomorrow oh we should it's saturday tomorrow we'll think about that do a live video yes on the weekends we usually don't post all right let's keep drawing though okay we're going to draw another u shape connected to this one it's going to come down now this is his front legs with the claw yeah okay and now we're going to draw the claw part we're going to come down curve like this oh look how far that's going down and then yeah it's all right it's cool and then we're going to curve back up and let's we could zoom in so our friends can see a little bit better all right cool now this is our first leg we're going to draw two more legs behind this one so we're going to draw another u shape that comes down it's angled a little further down there we go and then we're going to draw another u-shape coming down even further bending this is creating the joints in the leg to our to our hermit crab so now on this one we're going to draw the pointy part we're going to instead of a claw we're going to come down it's going to be sharp and then come back up and i totally forgot we got to draw a line for the claw we're going to draw a curve inside of this one there we go now it looks like a claw then let's draw the second leg back here we're going to draw another u shape it's going to come down further and back up now remember if we go too fast even though this is a live video you can still pause it and even rewind the video if you miss a step or you need more time to finish a step yeah okay now we're going to draw the the rest of the leg we're going to come down and then spike recreate a spike and come back up starting to look like a really cool hermit crab yeah it looks awesome now we got to make them look more 3d so let's draw a couple more legs back here we're going to draw one in between these two so we're going to first draw see this u shape that we created we're going to draw just part of the u shape inside of there in between those two legs i just saw that tyler butler asked what we're drawing and we're drawing a hermit crab so if you're just joining us you can rewind the video started at the beginning but we're drawing a really cool realistic hermit crab now we're going to draw this spiky part of the leg it's going to come down in between and then back up yeah all right now we're going to draw another one in between the claw and the second leg so we're going to draw a u shape up here further closer to the shell then we're going to draw another one see how we drew this one so we're just going to draw a part of the u right here in between and then and then we're going to draw another spike for that leg that comes down and back up and i know it during the lesson it's really hard for us to to monitor and check all the comments and so we're going to answer a lot of your comments towards the end of the video so please be patient don't worry we are going to try and get to a lot of your comments we also got mrs hubs behind the camera and she's checking out the comments too she's going to interrupt too if there's anything important that we need to answer hey guys hey hey hey mrs hubs hi i'm here can you guys hear her all right now we're going to let's keep drawing we're going to draw the head next so we're going to start up here and we're going to just draw part of his head because the rest of it is behind this little pincher the little leg yeah there we go now let's draw he's got the two little eyes like mr krabs spongebob sticking out of his head so we're going to draw we're drawing a lot of u-shapes we're going to draw an upside-down u-shape goes up and then back down i wonder how many of our art friends have hermit crabs actually for pets yeah the reason why we're drawing a hermit crab is one of the schools wrote us an email and said that they just got a hermit crab for as a classroom pet and they thought it would be fun if all of their students drew a hermit crab so i thought it would be fun now we're going to draw the top of the each of the eyes so we drew this upside down you the second one for the other eye and how we're going to draw lines on the top seriously it looks just like mr krabs then we're going to kind of color the color the top part off and there we go all right now let's draw the other pincher behind his head and behind this other leg so we're only drawing part of this picture we're going to draw another shape that comes down and matches this shape but we're only drawing part of it because it's behind there you go yeah now let's draw this other picture we're going to draw a big curve that comes down so you're going to match you want to match this the same thing on the front of that the first pincher and then we're going to draw the other curve coming back up and we're imagining it imagining that line going behind the first pincher okay now we need to draw that other line so it matches cool all right it looks awesome except they they have these really long i think they're antennas but they i think they use these things to fill so we're going to draw a wavy line that comes out of the front and we can also come back to the front and draw another line coming into the head doesn't that look good cool yeah all right now we're going to draw another one that comes down and it's wavy just like the first one and then we can go back into the head there we go good job dude you did awesome was that fun this is pretty easy now we still need to do one last thing what is it yeah we're gonna color him we already we're gonna use colored pencils and we we like using prismacolor colored pencils we're using this uh ginger root color it's a light brown we also have this darker brown it's called light umber black and we also have orange and red so let's first color the shell we're going to color the whole thing just a solid color the shell is a light brown and then we're going to color the body of our hermit crab red but we're also going to add shading towards the end so let's go ahead and do that and i also thought mrs hubbs has a few facts about hermit crabs that i thought were interesting she was going to read some of those hey guys so one of the interesting facts was a hermit craft is an omnivore what does that mean what does the omnivore mean i think it means it eats both everything plants yeah and meat and both everything so it's that it says its diet is based on fish and sea and invertebrates and fruit vegetables meat where's the fine fruit under this in the ocean sea cucumbers [Laughter] bark bark off of a tree leaves and bark are often consumed in the captivity oh okay i know there are sea hermit crabs and i think there's also land hermit crabs too so that makes sense okay what else that that is interesting they need everything hermit crabs often exchange and occasionally fight with other hermit crabs to conquer better shells oh they'd now is this right i heard that they they don't make these shells they get them right they get they they find these shells from snails and when they need a larger uh shell they they go and find it when they grow out of it is that right i think that's right yeah i think you think that's right jack yeah and then someone did just ask how long they live and that was the next one that i was going to answer it says hermit crabs have an average lifespan of 15 to 20 years what in that 15 years so some land hermit crabs um can survive from 12 to 70 years 70 years yeah that's nuts i wonder if anyone has ever kept a hermit crab even that like 70 years five even five years i wonder if they it's hard to keep things alive yeah hermit crabs you gotta keep feeding them bark and fruit secret you see cucumbers are there any other cool facts that you that you found mrs uh all right now let's let's color oh let me sweep your drawing let's color uh the body we're going to color it red but watch this i'm going to draw so just like my subs uh mrs hubs we're going to color watch this we're going to start really dark towards the front of a segment and then as we get towards the back we're going to get lighter and lighter and then we're going to blend that with our orange colored pencil so i'm going to do the same thing here too that's just dark at the bottom and get lighter towards the top all right yeah all right okay what's another cool fact okay so someone did just ask how big they can get oh yeah so they're half an inch to 16 inches long depending on the species wait 16 inches long hermit crab i would run i i think it's swim i think you'd swim away unless they're atlanta i guess so unless yeah that's true good point that's gross that's gross 16 inches i can't imagine seeing i've never seen they're usually small like you just see them in there in like a tank fish tank that i've never seen one that big have you seen one that big i've only seen them like this big really yeah i've seen one that's perfect where have you seen them that big my friend your friend has one yeah he does that big yeah okay i'm gonna have to see this i don't believe it all right the last one that i'm gonna say has to do exactly what you're doing now is the color oh yeah okay it says hermit crabs are usually reddish orange or brown colored with or without purple spots on the body they have some of them have purple spots huh so they're that's what i saw when i did a search for images on google most of them were red but i did see some that looked a little pale but another i think another thing that i see um that i've seen people do is they paint the shells but i've also heard that when you paint the shells it's not healthy for the hermit crab but i don't know if that's true or not so i've seen shells with all different colors which and the reason why i'm saying that is when you're doing your drawing you could add all kinds of designs to your shell you could you could color your shelf green or pink or purple and then you could also color and add texture to your to the body of your your uh hermit crab oh your drawing's looking so cool so i'm going to go ahead and go to the next step which is i'm switching to my orange and i'm going to blend over the top i'm going to layer on top of the red and color in on the light on the light part so the part where we fade it out to red i'm gonna fill that in blend it make it look smooth get rid of all that texture and it looks really cool hopefully that shows up i think it kind of shows up on the camera it looks a little better in person but um yeah so right here maybe you'll see it a little a little better on this leg there we go you can kind of see it but uh it looks really cool you so this adds a little a little variety to your okay i'm gonna interrupt you oh yeah heather vereen asks what color pencils are you're using they look really smooth oh they are these are my favorite colored pencils and i i only color with these they're called prismacolor colored pencils i don't know if you can see let me see if i there we go so they're called prismacolor colored pencils and the reason why i like them is because when you color with them it's not as waxy it's more of an oil oil-based i don't know if that makes sense but it feels a lot more like using oil pastels these are oil pastels here they're not like a chalk they go down more like oil paint where you can blend and you can shade and they just look really smooth so i love using them that's a great question if you ever have any questions like that we're always happy to answer them so that's awesome and the type of paper we're using is just regular printer paper you guys don't have to use anything special if you wanted to you could use oil not oil watercolor paper and that's sometimes really fun if you want to keep it or you want to frame your drawing sometimes using a better quality paper is is nice for that or if you have a sketchbook that works out perfect too because then you can just keep it in a sketchbook all right dude you're almost done yes it looks really cool i like it now we're going to add some shading so now we're going to switch to our gray sorry black colored pencil and we're going to start at the bottom so we're imagining the light shining down on the top of our hermit crab usually the sun is on the top of our paper right shining down and so the shadow is going to be underneath our shell and i'm also going to create lines that go with the shell so i'm not shading this way i'm shading with the shape of the shell so i'm going to start really dark on the bottom of our shell i wish i could zoom in even more so you can see but as i get towards the top i'm going to get lighter so let's keep going and then you'll be able to tell what we're doing the more the further along we get so i'm going to start really dark towards the bottom oh yours is looking awesome and then as we get up to the top we're going to get lighter like that maybe i'll just do this one section right here and then we can finish the shell so just do this a little bit right down here press really hard so it looks dark shadow is underneath her shell and then as we get towards the top it's lighter and that already looks a lot more 3d so i'm going to keep going and towards the top so as we get around to the top i'm going to create this crescent shape we don't want to shade on the top because that's where the light's hitting from the sun so we're just going to taper it and get really light towards the top while you guys are doing your shading i've just been watching um a lot of people are requesting things and we have done a lot of the ones that people have requested they're requesting so i i just wrote down a few that people have requested that we have on our channel and if you go on our channel and search for these particular things that i've written down it'll pull them up yeah you'll be able to find them on our channel yeah and you can click on it it'll take you right to the video so what are some of those that we've already done so somebody asked for boss baby we've dropped oh yeah baby yeah that was a fun one someone wanted something from fortnite oh we drew that fortnight llama we need to draw a few more things from fortnite yeah that's jack's favorite game right now what what do you think we should draw from for fortnite a scar a scar i don't know i don't think we're gonna be drawing any guns but uh we could draw like pickaxes or yeah that would be cool so someone um asked for a unicorn we've done unicorn yeah we've drawn a couple unicorns we've drawn a really cute one we've drawn uh the emoji unicorn that one's really cool if you do a search for unicorn emoji that'll pop up and that fortnite unicorn oh yeah the llama yeah the unicorn llama a course there's a few different horses if you just search them on our channel yeah yeah we've got a lot we've got a cartoon one we've also got a realistic one and a pegasus ask for a fox and someone asks for a dragon we should draw a realistic fox though oh and we have a really cool realistic dragon if you if you're interested in dragons check that one out because that's one of my favorite uh lessons that we've done okay now i've i think this is enough shading this looks really cool and if you want here's a secret go you can use your same light brown and go back over your colored pencil and it will smooth out the texture look at that it's already smoothing it out and if you want you can go across your shading look how i'm going the opposite direction this will even create make it look even smoother who gets rid of all of those pencil marks makes it look soft this is another reason why i love prismacolors because this technique works a little better with prism colors than say like crayola colored pencils oh all right let's add some shading to our our hermit crab dude so let's switch to our black and the first thing we're going to do is darken in the legs that are behind all of the other legs so let's start back here and i'm going to start really dark we're going to color in between the front legs so that these back legs look like they're further behind and it looks like there's a shadow on on the leg so i'm starting really dark coloring this one in and as i get towards the bottom i'm getting lighter uh towards the bottom so up here towards the top it's really dark and then i'm going to repeat that same step over here for this this one in between these two legs is that cool yeah also i want to know from our friends too what are some of the other sea creatures we gotta draw so this is a pretty much a sea creature what are some other things that we need to i know we need to draw a realistic dolphin we've had that request before what are some other creatures you guys want to learn how to draw from the ocean okay and then let's add some shading also on the head so we're going to start dark right here next to the shell and get lighter towards the front of our crabs head like that that's a lot more three it already looks more 3d the body and we can do that actually on each leg i'm going to do it a little lighter though i'm not going to press as hard so it just has this really light shadow on the legs so it looks like the shot the shell is on top of the legs what's your favorite sea creature jack sea cucumber i think that you just said that and now you can't get it out of your head do you even know what a sea cucumber is yeah they're like really they look like cucumbers but they're like they turn themselves inside out to get like okay yeah well let's do some more research on sea cucumbers maybe we'll draw that that sounds like fun i'm adding some more shadows in between each of the joints on our little crap on the crab legs here and then i'm also going to add i'm going to add a little i saw on some of the crabs the ends of their legs are dark maybe even you could add that on the little pinchers too is that cool yeah that was uh mrs hubb's chair if you heard that sounded a little odd all right oh you know what i forgot to color his eyes check this out we got a color right here there we go your crab looks so 3d i love it let me sweep all the shavings off so we don't smear it and you know one one other thing that i thought we could do we're pretty much done but i thought we could also add a texture to the shell so this is a brown uh just a light brown and i'm just going to add little spots and details to the shell so a little texture so it looks more realistic because it's just a solid uh color solid light light brown so you can add some darker texture to the shell and make it look more realistic hey mrs hubs are there any other comments we need to uh we need to answer while we're coloring we're almost done so uh well people have just been requesting the sea life oh yeah what are some of the ones that we need to draw oh we should draw a blue whale seahorse seahorse we have a seahorse we haven't colored it and that would be really fun to to redo a seahorse i think that would be a lot of fun actually truly says draw a can of beans checkers yes yes yes can i beans also oh i just broke my pencil um also uh jack thinks that we should draw a potato yes i don't know why we should draw a potato but you've been dying to draw potato that'll be fine we'll do that sometime a potato and a can of beans yeah who could draw those together together yeah okay potato with chili uh lydia brecken says a starfish oh that would be cool starfish and let's see uh people are saying potato potato uh killer pony says a puffer fish oh we have a puffer fish but that's an old lesson too we did that a long time ago that was funny yeah you couldn't stop i remember that you couldn't stop laughing in that way i started crying because i was laughing too hard you were laughing so hard tears were coming out i don't get why i was laughing that was really funny i think you were just laughing at your drawing yeah you thought your drawing looked funny uh roblox genius does a jellyfish oh jellyfish that'd be really cool a realistic jellyfish would be awesome that'd be a lot fun to color yeah and let's see uh let's see diy cece's crafts has said a sea turtle you've done a season yeah i do yeah we have we've done a really cool sea turtle i wonder if that's i'm pretty sure that's on our channel we do have a website if you go to we have a website and there's also a membership there and we have done a few lessons that are just for our members so check that i that might be a member lesson i'm not sure oh i like the texture on your shell dude this is it's looking really cool yeah it is super realistic you know another thing you can do see right here i'm going to add a shadow on this part you don't have to if you don't want to but i'm going to add just a small little shadow on the i don't know what this part of the show is called but i'm just gonna add it to make it look even more 3d there we go yeah that looks really cool you know oh go ahead max campbell says a narwhal you've done a normal we've done a cartoon narwhal we could do a realistic one that was one of my favorites i like the narwhals are awesome oh man oh the brush fell i lost my brush all right dude it looks so cool let's zoom in one last time check that out oh it looks uh i'm dude i don't let me get the brush hold on you've got shavings how do you get rid of those shavings there we go sorry it's getting all over you all right dude good job man you did awesome did you have fun yes it looks really cool and we say this all the time it's okay that our drawings look different it's okay that your hermit crabs have you ever seen two hermit crabs in nature that look exactly the same nope no i haven't so it's okay if our drawings look different too right yeah because the most important thing is to have fun yeah have fun and to practice practice now you guys can when we rep we're going to repost this lesson tomorrow you guys can re-watch this and get even more practice you can you can draw your hermit crab a second time promise it'll always turn out better the second time sorry our friends can't see us looking at each other we hope you guys had a lot of fun following along with us and we and remember that you guys can add other things to your drawings too you can add a background you can even draw more uh more hermit crabs you can everywhere yeah everywhere you could draw a bunch of them you could draw little ones and even big ones and um so there's one thing that i wanted to ask you guys also since we're new to streaming i'm interested in how you guys like the live streams versus our old lessons are you enjoying these live streams let us know in the comments and also give us any suggestions on ways that you think we could do maybe something different or we could add something to these to make them even more fun for you guys we'll see you later our friends goodbye
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 220,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hermit crab, crab, ocean, sea, realistic, shell, art for kids hub, artforkidshub, art hub for kids
Id: g5GyJ5k4TAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Sat May 19 2018
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