How to Design Labels for Product Visualization in Blender (Aryan Tutorial)

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I'm going to teach you how to design custom labels for any products that you're ever trying to visualize you don't need to have any experience with graphic design to be able to do this you don't need to pay for any software to do this it's totally free and you can make money for doing this type of so even if you're a complete idiot even if you're flat broke I'm going to give you something totally free that you can use to make some money I'm also going to update my blender ebook with some of the skills you're going to see me teach in this video so check that out the link is [Music] below we're going to do something very simple in this video just so I can teach you how this works I've got this hand lotion bottle right here in front of me this is about as simple as it gets I have a very simple hand lotion bottle radiant blender I'm not going to show you how I model that in this video I got plenty videos about this type of on my channel so go check those out go to Google and type in paint net don't type in just paint space net this is a free image editing program it's very easy to use it's got a bunch of features but unfortunately it's not going to work on Mac OS if you're using Mac OS another free program that you can use is but it's not as simple if you guys are really interested we can do another tutorial about but today we're just going to use paint net cuz that's my favorite click on the download button click on this button right here you can download the program right here I don't have to show you how to install it because it's the same as anything else once you open up paint net this is what you're looking at so I'm going to show you how I would make this label for this thing right here and then if you have any questions then let me know in the comments or send me a message or go to Discord or something and I can explain something a little bit further we're going to create a new canvas with crln the width is going to be 1024 and the height is going to be 2048 this is because the bottle is much taller than it is wide pick the bucket tool from this little tool menu if you don't see this menu over here you can toggle all of the menus with these four buttons up here you got your tools you got your history you got your layers and you got your colors we're going to pick our red color down here and just click on the canvas to turn everything red you can also control the color over here to make it darker to make it more orange to mix other colors and whatever I'm going to make mine a little bit more purple if you want to be extra you can take your gradient tool and then as your secondary color you can pick a different color such as maybe a red and add a little bit of orange to that secondary color and now you can click and drag to add a gradient the point where you clicked is going to have the primary color and the area to which you draged your mouse after you clicked is going to have the secondary color so up here we have this purplish red and down here we have orange you can still control the colors at this point but not for long now we're going to take our text tool add a new layer set the color to white and you can pick any font from your massive font Library you can control the font size over here by just picking any number you can test your font by just typing something random this font is kind of shitty so I'm going to pick another one usually Ariel is the most basic font that's universally applicable for almost anything you ever doing you can't go wrong with Ariel but it looks kind of boring so if you're trying to do a company logo you might want to use something else keep in mind that you can download almost any font on Earth to do that you can just search font on Google you're going to find a bunch of websites where you can download fonts for example do font is a massive library with all kinds of fonts you just have to click this download button here open up the zip file and you can double click on this tff file and click this install button right here this is going to install the fonts to your computer and not to any specific program so you can use this in paint net you can probably do this in Photoshop I can also use it in Premiere Pro if I'm editing videos it's that simple so you can just acquire any font that you can ever imagine if you want to use a downloaded font you got to restart your program I don't want to use the company's real name so I'm going to type something different you can also toggle whether this is going to be bald or metallic or underlined or whatever I think it looks pretty cool if we make it bold and we set the phont size to 84 if you're trying to make the logo of a specific company you can just Google that company's logo in Google Images but it might be tricky to find a logo with a transparent background usually adding PNG after searching for this is going to filter the images to only give you images with transparent background you can't always tell by just browsing so sometimes you just have to open the image in a new tab right click copy image in paint net create a new canvas with crln and the dimensions of the canvas are going to be the same as what you have copied to your clipboard so in this case we can just paste this on new canvas and as you can see this is a transparent background so if we add a new layer to our project over here we can just paste this keep canvas size resize this a little bit and now it's going to be on top of whatever we have before I don't want to use this company logo but I like the leaf idea so I'm going to search for leaf texture I'll take this image right here open image a new tab copy image paste it into paint net and then I'm going to use my circle select tool hold down shift click and drag to select a circular area crl + C to copy that add a layer between the red background and the white text and we're going to paste that there now you can rotate this whatever way you like you can scale it down place it anywhere you want I want to add a little bit of blur to this little leaf thing so I'm going to go to effects blurs gaui and blur set the radius to whatever you like and now it looks a little bit cuter let's switch back to the text layer by clicking on it over here we're going to reduce the font size to something like 28 and we're going to add an extra little bit of text below the title so we're going to write body and just place that somewhere around here it looks kind of cool if we make this metallic but not bold so we're going to do that then below the title there's something else down here it's a white box with some more text in it so we're going to add another new layer give me my shape tool make sure that's set to rectangle and then click over here to toggle The Fill mode you can toggle between just drawing an outline having a full shape with the primary color or having an outline in the primary color and the filling in the secondary color I'm going to set my primary color to light gray and my secondary color to white then I'm going to use a third option in my fill mode you can increase the brush size over here and I'm going to click and drag to create a little box like this you can change the placement and then we need to add some text so go back to the text tool now we lost the color that we had before for the background so we're going to click on the background layer click on the Color Picker tool and just click on whatever color you want to select then go back to the text tool and go back to the top layer set the text alignment to Center click right here I want this text to be bold but not italic we're going to write intensive care increase the font size to something like 72 and below this is another little text which is not Bold and the font size is smaller and that says repairing then we have some more white text below so we're going to go back to our text tool white color give me left text alignment we're going to click over here and now we have to write repairing hand cream we're going to adjust the size so it fits perfectly with the length of this box up here so something like 54 or 55 is going to work then give me a smaller font size and down here we're going to write with alen toen I don't know what that is but I guess it's some kind of chemical inside this hand lotion now down here at the bottom we have this little hand inside of a white circle so let me show you a cool trick that you can use if you have to design a custom label which you have to place onto this canvas I'm not saying this is the best way to do it but you can do this in blender I don't feel like making an account on canb or something else I just like to do this in blender I'm crazy if you know a better way you can do that this is just how I do it in blender go to top view add a plane with shift a then press X collapse edges and faces and now you're going to extrude this vertx and use it to shape out whatever icon you're trying to create you can add some sub division surface of this and this is very useful for doing stuff like icons and cars and all this other for example you can Model A little seat like this then you can take some geometry up here to model out a little head you can take a couple of vertices like this and then extrude them into like a zigzag pattern if you want to do like seat heating or something you can do whatever you want and then once you have your icon ready go to object convert curve go to the curve properties over on the side in the geometry menu you'll find the bevel section increase the depth reduce the resolution and now you can go to object convert and back to mesh scale everything to zero on the z-axis then press M merge by distance and shift n to correct the normals now if you want to you can subdivide this to make the corners a little bit smoother go to material preview add a new material which has no specularity and it has to be completely white in this case in top view we're going to add a camera control alt zero to align the camera with our view in the camera properties we're going to set the type to orthographic projection we can render that at 1080 x 1080 and now adjust the orthographic scale until you can fit this in into your camera now in the render properties you can use Eevee go down to film and check transparent now you're going to render with a transparent background you're probably going to need some kind of light so just add a simple sunlight crank it up a little bit and place it anywhere in the scene now if you hit F12 you're going to get your beautiful icon right here now go to image save as pick a folder where you want to save this make sure the file format is PNG and set the color to rgba now this is an image with a transparent background just like the logo we found on Google so we're going to be able to place this onto new layer paint net and we can do that by pressing crl o in paint net locate the image that you just saved select everything with crl a press contrl C to copy create a new layer and paste that onto that new layer keep canvas size you can scale this you can place it anywhere you can rotate it you can do whatever you want with this and this case I don't need a seat warmer icon I'm going to go to Google and type in hand icon I need this to be a PNG image then I'll take this icon right here copy image add that to a new canvas and paint in this case they lied to me so this doesn't actually have a transparent background I'm just going to use my magic one tool shift and click on the black surface control I to invert the selection and just delete everything else now we got a black hand so we can just go to adjustments invert colors and this becomes white if the edge is a little bit Jagged you can just go to effects blurs gaui and blur make this a little bit blurry and it will look a little bit better now select everything with crl a press crl C to copy paste this onto a new layer somewhere like this we're going to reduce the size and place it somewhere around here I want my shape tool make sure that you use your rectangle select tool and just click anywhere on the canvas this is going to deselect everything that you have and this is important because otherwise if you have something selected and you want to draw a new shape that shape is only going to be visible in the selected area so with my brush select tool I want no fill I want just the outline give me a circle I like the brush size seven white color and I'll hold down shift to create a new circle around this little hand this looks pretty cute so we're going to leave it there we need some more text so give me my text tool we're going to write repairs and nourishes you can always make the hand a little bit smaller by using your selection tool select the icon like this crl X and then press crl +v now you have this scaling again so you can hold down shift to scale this down a little bit we're going to do the same with the text CR xrl V and move that a little bit closer like this then I'm going to take my shape tool again I want my rounded rectangle and I need a little bar down here like this it has to be filled with a solid color and I'm going to increase the corner size instead of spamming this plus button a million times to increase this by a lot you can hold down control and click on this to increase it by five units with every click now we got a nice little bar with rounded Corners I'm going to use my Color Picker tool on the background to pick this color again come back here give me the text tool and we're going to write damaged hands make that bold place it in the middle like this and then there's some white text down here which is not bold it's very thin and this says dermatologically tested it's hard to pronounce words like this as you're typing but now we're going to add a new layer shape tool Square no filling reduce the brush size to something like four we're going to create a rectangle around this little text down here and then I'm going to take my box select tool and I'll select a space in the middle of this then I'm going to delete these lines and that gives me these little brackets around this text don't ask me what it is I'm just doing what I see on the bottle now we got our beautiful simple label right here and in total this took me around 30 minutes to produce so now if I want to take this in the blender I have to press control shift F to flatten everything into one layer then press crl s to save we're going to save this as hand lotion label hit enter click okay and now in blender we're going to apply some materials first add a new material for everything going to make that red just temporarily then we're going to select a cap and add a new material to that assign new that has to be white and it has to be quite shiny in the red material we're going to go to the shading tab we're going to name that label with shift a add an image texture node open find the hand lotion label plug that into base color you can reduce the roughness if you want to I'm going to Mark some seams which are going to allow me to unwrap this front surface so CR E mark seam in face select mode I'll press L to select this surface U unwrap we just have to go to the UV editing and adjust the UV map and that's going to make this look a little bit nicer I don't want to turn this into UV editing tutorial but with individual Origins I'm going to scale all the vertical Edge Loops to zero on the x-axis and all the horizontal Edge Loops to zero on the Y AIS but if you around long enough you're going to make this look decent on the UV map now we got our texture on our shitty little bottle this is a stupid model which I just made for the example cuz I just wanted to teach you guys the graphic design side of this but this is the technique that I used to make all of my textures and all this other that I do is there a better way to do this probably do I care not really again I'm not saying this is the best way to do it I'm just saying this is my way to do it so now you got a very easy way to make most of these simple labels like this if you're trying to start from scratch usually if you're working with a client they're going to send you the labels as files so you don't have to do this but if you're trying to make your own design then this is how I would approach it hit the damn like button subscribe to the channel let me know what you want to see next and I'll see you in the next [Music] one [Music] he
Channel: Aryan
Views: 8,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, product, visualization, design, render, rendering, 3d, modeling, aryan, arijan, money
Id: I5Pn3HuKZv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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