Adding Printed Graphics to a Product in Blender

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hello everyone and welcome I'm Derek Elliot from and in today's video which is sponsored by my good friends at Squarespace we're going to be learning how to add some nice printed graphic details to a product using a single black and white texture we're also going to do a quick modeling exercise by creating this coffee cup but the methods we cover are the same no matter what object you're adding Graphics to so let's get started all right so I'm in my basic scene here I'm going to press a to select everything and X to delete it so we have a nice clean scene I'm going to press shift a and add in a cylinder and before I click anywhere else down here in the left I don't need 32 vertices because I'm going to be doing a lot of subdivision so I'm just going to set that something like 18 that's also going to give us a nice flat side right here on the xaxis to add our handle so tabbing into edit mode I'm going to make sure this is about the shape I want I don't want it quite so fat so I'm going to press s and shift Z to scale that inwards just a little bit something like that then I need to make a place where I can put that handle so I'm going to press contrl r to add in an edge Loop and I'll actually just add the one right here and then I'll press contrl B to Bevel outwards and this will be sort of the two places where my handle will start and finish something like that then in Edge select mode I'm going to select these two rings and bevel them one more time contrl B and now that I have some nice geometry to work with for my handle I'm going to select these two faces right here and have the handle come out from right there so I'll press e and then just push that out on the x- axxis a little bit something like that and then we just need to Bridge these together so the way I'm going to do that is going into my front view I'm just going to go into x-ray select this one and then press controll and right click and that will allow me to sort of just extrude a handle outwards and then when I get towards the end here I'm just going to select both those two faces press control e and then I can Bridge Edge loops and that will tie those together now it's looking a little funky so you may just want to go in and just shape this out a little bit more to get it to your liking [Music] and I think that's looking pretty good so I'm going to press controll and two to add in a subdivision surface modifier with two levels and we can right click and shade this smooth now I need to make the hole in the top obviously so I'm going to select this top face press I to inset it and then just extrude it down once and then extrude it down one more time now the reason I did two extrudes there was just to create this little Edge Loop right there so we have a little bit more control over this lip now down in the bottom of the cup I'm going to inser this face as well just so that we don't have that pinching effect right here so let's press I to inser that and one more time for good measure so it's nice and flat on the bottom and that's looking pretty good let's do the same thing down here and I'm going to pull this one up just a little bit now I'm just going to do a little bit more shaping up around this rim to get it looking a little bit more Square and to make these handles look a little bit more glued on I'm just going to add in an edge Loop here and then kind of scale that out a little bit and then push this one in right there and scale that out a little bit I'm just looking at a reference coffee cup sitting on my desk right now and that's kind of how it might look like if it was created with Clay separately and then sort of pressed on there and attached with slip and maybe we add in one more Edge Loop down here just to give this a little bit of a sharper bottom and that's looking pretty good we have our coffee cup shape which now we can apply some graphics to so now I just want to build out a very simple little scene so that we can have some lighting here and start to work on that [Music] graphic [Music] all right you custom coffee cup connoisseurs let's talk about websites and what you can do to create one that looks super sick and is super easy to set up to put it simply Squarespace Squarespace is your go-to website builder for creating portfolios online shops event pages and more with their vast array of gorgeous and ready too templates you can get moving in no time I built my first website with Squarespace and I can SA ly say that having a site is what really kickstarted my freelance career gave me a nice place to show my work and also gave clients a place to reach out using the contact form templates get a website to call your own and Don't Wait Another Minute right now you can get 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain by heading over to Durk link is in the description definitely check it out now let's get back to the video so now that we have our simple scene built out I'm going to select the coffee cup and let's start adding some materials to it so I'm going to go into my Shader editor here in this new window that I had created add a new material and I'm going to make that just a red material of course this is all up to your preference at this point but I think a red will look nice and be very dirky and we'll turn the roughness down on this a little bit maybe something like that I think will look pretty good just so we have sort of a nice coated ceramic let's also add in a camera to the scene just while we're putting this all together and I'll set a render Bard so that we're not rendering out side so to now add the graphic to this I'm going to select the principled Shader here and then press contrl T which will add a few nodes here if you weren't able to do that you may not have the node Wrangler add-on enabled which you can enable enable just by searching for it right here and it automatically comes with blender you don't need to download anything so it turns pink because it's missing a texture so what I want to do now is navigate to where I have a texture saved so the texture will automatically be mapped with the UVS that the object already has which you can see are very stretched and messed up because those are all just inherited from the cylinder so you can see where it's on the cylinder it looks okay um but where we added more pieces it's not looking very good so let's open yet another window here and we'll make this a UV image editor and let's select our image now usually when I'm working with a sticker sheet method which is what I like to call this I like to just basically um tab into edit mode press a to select everything and U and do the SMART UV project just so that we have UVS for everything and I'll just scale those down and sort of move it into a white area because that's where I'm going to bring back my red color and we won't have any of that printed graphic effect so then we could go in and add a lot of seams to unwrap this whole cup but I'm really just interested in putting the graphic in a few different areas here so I'm going to select a face here and then control and click just to kind of move around the outside selecting an area where I want this Durk graphic and then what I can do is just press U and un wrap and we'll want to make sure we use this Ed subdivision surface option and that we'll avoid some stretching that sometimes we'll get so we'll just rotate this into the proper area scale it to the size we want something like that I think looks good just going to kind of have that wrap right around and that's looking pretty nice I like that now just for a little fun we could also unwrap maybe this area right here so let's just select these and then press EU and unwrap again making sure our Ed subdivision service is on and we can just move this to right there and we have a nice little detail on the handle right there so now let's get back to this material a little bit for for one thing I want to bring back my colors so I'm just going to disconnect this real quick cuz I like that red I had before so I'm going to press contrl + C copy it and then I'll connect this back up the reason I copied it is because what I'm going to do now is add in a color ramp let's drop that right there and then so right now the black is on this end the white is on this end so I want the white areas to be there red color so let's press contrl + V to paste and then I don't want the text to be black I prefer it be white I'm going to bring the value all this all the way up so that we have a nice white color there so now there's a few more fun things that we can do with this simple black and white texture the first is going to be to add a little bit of a raised up bump to our print I'm going to drag the color input into this normal option here and that's going to go crazy but I need to add in a vector bump we drop that right there and then plug this into the height instead of the normal input now you can already that we have a little bit of a bumped up feature there now this is a little bit grainy just because of the scale of the image I'm using the higher resolution image you use will look better but also we can play with these distance and strength values to have that not be so severe so I'm going to type the distance in to be maybe a 0. one and then we have control over the strength as well you can kind of see what that effect is doing now it's going kind of pressed in a little bit right now but I really have it Go rather have it go out so I can just use this invert option and that will kind of create that effect for for us and you can see that that's happening over here on the handle as well just a very simple little bumped out effect right there so with that looking good we can also use this texture to control the roughness a little bit so let's say you know maybe we want part of the mug to be shiny and another part to be not shiny so what I could do is use this color input and then plug that into the roughness now what that's going to do is make the printed area very shiny because that was a black value which correspon to a value of zero and white is one so that's the rest of the mug which is very rough right now now I kind of like this look but I don't want it so severe so I'm going to add in a converter map range which is going to take the black and white values 0 to one and we can remap them to new values so I don't want anything to be totally shiny so I'm going to bring the minimum up a little bit and that's our white texture right here we could see this a little bit easier if it's black so let's just set that that to Black for a second so you can see that this minimum value is controlling the black values so we have separate control over that so I can put that at something like a 0.15 and then the outside I still want to be a little bit shiny but not quite so shiny as the printed area something like that I think looks pretty good and now we sort of have that nice printed effect on our mug and we can change this back to a white or really whatever other color you want so now if we back look back in our camera camera view we can select this mug and yeah just kind of play with it you can find a nice angle for it rotate a little bit and you've got that nice printed effect right on there that's ready to go for whatever type of mockup you might be creating or something like that maybe we pull this out a little bit maybe we set this to be a square and we could even extend this down to be a little bit more of a tabletop type look now let's say we wanted the inside of our coffee cup to all be white what we could do is just go into the edit mode here and then just press control plus to grow this selection and then I'm just going to take all of these pieces that I'm selecting right now and then move them into a black area so again they already have UVS going to scale it way down and put it into a black area and just like that the inside of the cup is now white we can do the same thing on the bottom and now we just have some nice other little details that we can kind of play with and for extra credit you could even make a little bit of a glass coffee cup you could have the color also affect the transmission value plug that in right there and then we would want the white areas now to be very shiny not rough so let's turn those down to zero and then the printed area would be a little bit darker and we could change the color of the red area to instead be a white so that it's nice and bright and just like that we've got a little bit of a glass coffee cup which then we could make the interior also be the whiter color by moving that out of the black area and now we've got sort of a cool bumped out printed effect on a glass mug and that looks pretty darn cool but anyways I hope you all had fun with this video learning how to add some simple graphics with a little bit of bumped upness and roughness variation um this full file will be available on my patreon if you want to check that out um but anyways like And subscribe thanks for being here and uh I'll see you in the next video which should be coming pretty soon thanks again
Channel: Derek Elliott
Views: 75,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender tutorial, blender, blender 3d, 3d tutorial, derek elliott, derrk, blender animation, b3d, blender materials, blender principled, 3d animation, product visualization, blender for design, industrial design, blender modeling, best blender tutorials, ducky, blenderguru, polyfjord, blender lighting, full tutorial, blender course, blender furniture, blender product, rendering, 3d rendering, nft, 3d nft, getting started, product design, keyshot, rhino, cad, professional, fusion360
Id: tFVWwx7L5nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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