How to Visualize and Animate Products in Blender for Money (Aryan)

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I'm going to teach you how to model texture and render this thing in blender like a pro if you can do this right you can probably convince a bunch of companies to pay you to do this for their websites and platforms if you want your model to be technically accurate then go to Google images and search for this product in this case we're going to need a top view reference image so I'm going to open this up right click save image as and I'm going to save this into the new folder which I made just for this project this is where I'm going to save any other textures or references that I'm going to need for this then in blender go to top view shift a image reference and load up this picture into your scene we're going to lower this down reduce the opacity a little bit over here delete the default Cube and we're going to start with a plane I'm going to add a subdivision surface modifier to this plane and with W I'm going to subdivide this so I have more geometry to work with scale this up pull these edges here backwards and we're going to try to align that with reference image here give me another loop gut right here and that way I'm not going to have very long weird faces my faces are going to have more or less the same shape and size now I'm just going to adjust this geometry back here one more time and then we're going to take these two edges in the front bring them up to here somewhere take these two vertices and slide them backwards and I need these Corners here to be sharp so I'm going to select these edges press n and edit mode find the item menu right here set the meanc crease to one now I can scale this down slide it backwards with double G push this forwards add another loop cut right here scale it up and now my Surface aligns with the reference quite well let's start adding some curvature I don't really care whether or not this is going to be perfectly accurate I'm just doing this for the video so I'm just going to try to kind of align this with what I see in my hand right here and to do that I'm just going to lift these middle faces up lift this segment even further up and then dig this Edge Loop in the middle and lift that up even further now I'll place my 3D cursor over here straighten this out a little bit by scaling it down in the Z axis and now we're going to extrude this downwards delete the faces at the bottom correct the normals and we can now start shaping the body of this mouse so first I'll delete this vertx in the front select these edges and get rid of their mink grease we're going to set that back to zero keep the crease on this one because we're going to add a mean crease to this Edge right here set that to one and now we got a nice sharp corner over here we're going to take some of these edges in the back here and lift them up a little bit I'm just trying to improve the shape on the back of the mouse now slide this Edge Loop upwards with double G then take this Edge loop at the bottom extrude it with E and right click push it down and flatten it out now we got to turn this into the base of the mouse so fill ey to inset and make sure to uncheck boundaries so we don't get an edge here in the front where there's no face then just slide this merge by distance and we can also crease this for now it looks like this back part is going to have to be a lot thinner so we're going to select these two faces lower them down same thing with these and I'm happy with the rough shape that I have right here so I'm going to duplicate this in case I something up and now I'm going to apply the subdivision surface modifier so I have some more geometry to work with get rid of all this and now we have to separate the top surface of the mouse from the body of the mouse below so to do that I'm going to select this Edge Loop right here and from side view I'm going to deselect some edges with my brush tool so that I can select these edges and continue this selection right here make sure to do this on both sides we're going to press V to tear that L to select this and lower it down a little bit we're going to undo this a couple of times so that before I tear this I can take this vertx and slide it forwards just a little bit slide this one backwards we're also going to adjust a surrounding geometry like this and that way when I do the same thing one more time this here is going to have a different angle so that's going to look a little bit better now tear lower this and now we have to make a cut here which is going to separate the mouse buttons from the back here so let's separate this to a whole new object so we don't accidentally cut something below here use the knife tool and now we can make a knife cut from right here to somewhere in the middle so to do that right we're going to go to top view and I know that this is not perfectly aligned with my reference but I don't really care give me K for knife tool click on this vertx right here bring it somewhere to the middle like over here click again and then hit enter now we're going to delete the right side duplicate this and Mirror to the other side and then we're going to select these two cuts CR E mark seam that makes it very easy to select this surface and we're going to press I to inser that make sure to check Ed rail make sure to uncheck boundary and that gives us a nice little face segment right here which we can very easily delete and now we got a nice little Gap here next from Top View we're going to select this geometry right here inset with eye until it aligns with this back part right here this is going to have to be a straight line so give me a knife cut right here press X to line with the xaxis and bring it all the way to the front same thing on the other side slide this so that we shape this part a little bit better select this surface I to inset and then press o for outset and that's going to create a little segment around this selection now we can extrude this right click lower it down a little bit delete the faces at the bottom delete the fa is over here add some extra Loop guts like this and lift those up so it's like we have a bevel right here now when we add a subdivision surface modifier this is going to look pretty good also subdivide the base down here we're going to have to add some mean creases because I don't want these Corners here to be round like this so we're going to select all of these edges also on the other side and set the mean crease to one we're going to have to do the same thing on the UND side here this one here doesn't want to listen so we're going to have to fill these two vertices and that way this corner turns sharp we're going to get rid of this Edge in the middle afterwards we're going to add another loop cut right here and then we're going to inser this this little surface and also another surface in the front right here slide these two forwards a little bit and this is where we're going to have some buttons I guess this is the that you click and then you go page back page forward or whatever now we're going to have to make some holes here but if I just cut this out these shapes are going to be way too round I need some more geometry around here but if I add more Loop Cuts this could potentially mess up my shading over here so instead we're going to duplicate this again in case we something up grid fill this and grid fill this get rid of these inset parts and apply one level of subdivision surface now we're going to select an area like this and an area over here in the front inset separate this with P we're going to select all these Edge Loops Loop tools space also on the vertical ones Loop tools space now we can slide these inwards slide these backwards again select the vertical Edge Loops Loop tools G stretch and now it looks like we're about to get a good shape for these buttons to get the right shape we can get rid of these surfaces which we just duplicated for some reason face grid fill inset slightly select these Edge Loops extrude them inwards you can delete the faces in the back and now we're going to inser these surfaces check Edge Rail and with alt e we're going to push them outwards this is the right shape for these buttons now we can go back to some more subdivision surface if you want to make this nicer and rounder just make sure that you select these edges so that you can bevel them when you add a subdivision surface modifier otherwise everything is going to cave inwards and it's going to look stupid next let's add some details to this part over here first of all select the edge loops around this hole here P to separate them to new object connect these also connect this and give me a loop gut in the front now we can go face grid fill span should be to adjust the offset and now we got some clean geometry here I want a straight cut right here and right here this way I can delete this surface and this is where I'm going to place my mouse wheel this part back here has some kind of little button I think this is for the cursor sensitivity let me check as always I was right inser these six faces again give me a straight cut over here and over here get rid of this now Loop to space on these horizontal Edge Loops right here slide these vertices forwards and slide these down and now we got a perfect little shape for this button so we can just extrude this down duplicate this fill inset delete the outer edge Loop so we have a little Gap here also extrude this down and delete the face at the bottom inser this delete the face on the inside face grid fill and now we got our button ready to go here you know these other YouTubers can say whatever they want but their topology game ain't compared to mine they should also go watch Thomas Cole in 3D now extrude this down Loop gut right here bevel this another loop gut over here we're going to inser this surface and now we just got to add a little box right here before we can add the mouse wheel we're going to extrude this down but we're going to have to do some more work here because we have to make a hole for the the cable we're going to have to fill in this surface in the front so we'll get back to that for now let's just crease this so we get a sharp Cube and then I'll place my 3D cursor into this Gap right here shift a give me a circle how many vertices should we do let's say 128 for now scale this down flip it sideways when I look at my mouse from side view the mouse wheel sticks out approximately this much so extrude this right then extrude it left bevel this take this and take this select check or deselect we're going to have to do one at a time now extrude right click alt s these are way too big so we're going to have to use more geometry here take these two circles W subdivide Loop tools circle now let's separate this into two parts select check or deselect alt e extrude face along normals and let's make these little bumps here it works better if we inser them first so the faces get thinner and now we can extrude these we got one side so let's copy this over to the other side make sure that this is connected and this thing is way too thick we're going to have to make it a bit thinner now let's figure out a way to fill in the front first we're going to lift these up a little now we're going to take this surface over here extrude right click alt s to give it some thickness like this even offset and then we just got to extrude this Edge loop from the front try to align it with the front of this side over here and we got to add a loop cut over here to make some kind of a gap so bevel that delete faces extrude these edges backwards bevel this and I can live with how this part looks I'm going to correct the rest of this stuff over here off camera I don't feel like talking about it in this video and we just got to copy this over to the other side push this surface further down and now we got to connect this that's going to allow us to create a semicircle down here so we're going to use this geometry to to create a hole which is going to allow us to connect a cable to this Mouse cuz this is not a wireless mouse do you really want to live a life where you have to worry about your Mouse dying any second because the battery just ran out we're also going to inser this part to make the upper part of the circle and now we're going to have to move these vertices around a little bit until we get a halfway decent Circle here before we can connect everything and finally we got to add a cable so to do that we're going to use a cylinder with let's say 16 vertices flip it sideways scale it down so it fits into this hole right here extrude it outwards like this we're going to need five Loop Cuts right here here bevel all of those Loop cuts and now here's what we're going to do go to top view select some faces on the side of every other segment like this inset take the vertices in the corners and slide them forwards then delete the geometry in the middle and now we just got to bridge Edge loops on the top and the bottom edges like this give me three Loop guts like this and we can fill the rest with quads we can duplicate this geometry and paste it into the other holes we need to have the same on the other side of the cylinder now delete these vertx Loops like this 3D cursor over here select this entire area bring it over to this hole and rotate it by 90° around the x-axis also fill the last Gap here object shade smooth and give me a subdivision surface modifier bevel these edges and look how clean that looks now now to make the cable we're going to add a cube X collapse edges and faces subdivision surface modifier on this single vertex and then just extrude it out take it wherever you want to take it object convert curve in the curve properties we're going to go to Geometry add some depth to this curve increase the resolution object shade smooth parent it to the base here and now your model is more or less ready to go we just got to texture this thing now texturing this should be the easiest thing ever the entire thing is basically the same color except we have to have a few emission Maps one for the logo and one for a light bar which is placed around here in the back so first of all let's make a new material which we're going to call black plastic we going to make that black like this apply that to more or less every part of the mouse this middle part where we also have the mouse wheel is supposed to be a little bit more shiny so we're going to make a new material for for that and just reduce the roughness there and then in the shading workspace we're going to make a couple of nodes which are going to create a little bit more of a realistic texture on this black plastic so give me a noise texture node plug the color into roughness we're going to use a node Wrangler with control T set that to object give me a color ramp node crank up the scale reduce the contrast between the colors and the color ramp node and that's going to make it look like there's little spots on this texture the mouse wheel needs to have a simple gray material like this which is supposed to be a lot more rough I also want a rubber material for the cable that that also has to be black but it has to be more rough than the plastic so that also has to be some kind of dark gray but it has to have more roughness than the plastic because it's rubber it's not that shiny now let's make the emission Maps here's how you do that I want a fully black canvas then on a new layer give me my circle tool set the thickness to 100 at least I'm going to do 125 and we're going to create a new circle like this delete 1/ half of that Circle then give me my line tool with the same thickness of a circle I'm going to add a line down here and we're going to copy this and paste it somewhere in the middle I'm trying to not not make the exact same logo so the company doesn't have any good Arguments for suing me but now I'm going to select all the red parts and I'll make a gradient with a different color on top of that something like this will do flatten this image we're going to save this image into the mouse folder name that logo and then we're going to make a separate image which is just going to be a gradient consisting of the same colors that we used for the logo like this save that name it gradient in the black plastic material which is all over the mouse we're going to load up the logo image so we can drag and drop that from the file browser plug that into emission and now we can see some colors on this surface to map this properly we're going to select an area over here where we want the logo to be placed U unwrap and in the UV editor we can now rotate this to adjust the position of the logo I want mine to be something like this invert my selection with control I and take every other part of this UV map scale it down and put it on some black part over here I don't want the emission map to appear anywhere else then we're going to select a segment in the back of the mouse like this add a new material name that gradient and load up the gradient image into that plug that again into the emission for this material you unwrap and now we also have a little gradient back here if you have any problems like this we're just going to have to correct the UV map for those other surfaces and now in Cycles this is going to look pretty cool especially when we make our scene really dark that's it the materials are ready next let's make a little rendered animation for this to animate this I just want a simple animation of the camera spinning around this mouse so first give me a plane place that right beneath the mouse like this then shift a give me an empty like this ins side view I'm going to align my camera with the view and parent that to this empty now bring the camera closer we're going to rotate it around the 3D cursu in the middle so that it's looking at the mouse like this and our animation is going to end up looking something like this so in the animation workspace I'm going to go to frame zero I key frame rotation then we're going to move to frame something like 250 rotate the empty by 360° and once again I key frame rotation select all the key frames press D and set the interpolation to linear and now we got a circular animation we're going to move the final key frames further down so it's rotating much more slowly then in the shading workspace I'm going to switch to world I want an hdri in the blender files I found the hdri for this Courtyard which is built in the blender and then I loaded that into blender so that I can render with this HD we're going to make that a lot weaker and this animation is going to start off dark but later some lights are going to appear so I'm going to use some area lights I'm going to arrange them in a row like this I'm going to place them above the scene here duplicate the row and give me another one over here on this side and this is going to be approximately the final position of these lights I also want my ground to be reflective but still white and then we can select all these lights press I to key frame their location rotation and scale in the animation workspace we're going to place that key frame somewhere on frame let's say 40 and we're going to move the marker to frame zero lift the lights somewhere way up and reduce their scale down so that at this point they're barely going to be casting any light into the scene now again I key frame location rotation scale interpolation linear and now when we roll the animation these lights are going to appear at some point we're also going to key frame the power of these lamps so that at frame 38 when they're down here at the scene they're going to have the same brightness as they have now but at frame zero they're not going to have any brightness at all so key frame that we're also going to set the background strength to zero on frame zero so right click insert key frame and then on a later frame I want to have some environment brightness because I want that to produce some type of Reflection from the mouse so we can set that to 0.1 right click insert key frame and now on frame zero our is completely dark except for the emission map on this texture and then it slowly becomes brighter as the lights appear now I showed you the template that I followed for this animation I'm still going to with all these settings a little bit off camera I might add some more lights I might change the timings a little bit I might change the colors I might change the camera position or whatever I'm just going to try to figure out what looks best in this case eventually I'm going to want to render this so in my output properties I'll set the resolution to 1080p let's do 128 samples the output has to be FFM video encoding m EG 4 and the destination folder is going to be the mouse folder which we just created earlier it's up to you whether you want to render this in e or Cycles as you can see an EV can still look pretty cool I'm going to try to render both if I'll have the time to do this but in any case now you have a setup which allows you to create some pretty cool animations to Showcase this product and to make something which you could potentially do for the company for their marketing purposes now I'm just trying to do this for the video I'm not actually trying to produce marketing content so like I said you're probably going to have to do this a little bit differently in the if you're actually trying to sell this as an animation but I have a couple of videos where I showed you guys how to do this type of go check these two tutorials where I made some cooler animations anyway if you want more tips for finding clients and for making some money with this type of join my Discord we got almost 2,000 people in there we can talk more about how to monetize blender if you like this tutorial and you learned something then check out my blender ebook I'll put the link below I got a massive 100 page update coming soon so stay tuned for that in the meantime like the damn video subscribe to the channel let me know what you want to see next and I'll see you in the next next [Music] one
Channel: Aryan
Views: 24,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: visualize, visualizing, visualization, animation, animate, animating, product, blender, tutorial, money, clients, pro, 3d
Id: AhiUGykR_X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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