How to Visualize and Animate Products in Blender like a PRO (Aryan)

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I'm going to teach you how to model texture and render this watch right here in blender if you can do this right you might be able to find a distributor who would pay good money to have this type of footage on their website first we have to find some good reference images for this watch you can visit the website of any watch company on Earth and find a whole bunch of pictures of watches I want this one right here so I'll open this picture up right click save image as and I've got a new folder right here just for this project this is where I'm going to save all the references and all the textures that I'm going to use in this project I don't don't really like the resolution of this reference image but here's how we can fix that go to this website called upscale do media upload an image and in a couple of seconds it's going to process your image and increase the resolution not only is the resolution going to be higher but it's also going to look much sharper when you look at a close up you can even do 4X and it's going to be a huge picture but this is all right for me so I'm just going to download the image right here if you need more pictures of this watch you can copy this code right here paste it into Google images and you're going to be able to find a whole bunch of pictures of the same watch from different angles this right here is a great reference for the face face so we're also going to save that I've got a pretty similar watch right here so I'm just going to look at that as well as I'm working now in blender go to top view shift a image reference load up the reference image I'm going to make it slightly transparent and just align this image with the center of the world and lower it down below the grid now we got a couple of references let's start modeling we're going to let me tell you something about modeling a watching blender we're going to have to start with a circle from Top View and it looks like the default 32 vertices might work pretty good we just got to slide this ver backwards with double G Slide this one down a little bit to align it with this dark line here but let's undo that a couple of times so that before we do that we can extrude this inwards so we have a perfect circle in the middle and just in case we mess something up I'm going to place a plain axis empty here on this middle and that way if I accidentally move this circle out of place or I change the location of the origin I'll be able to tell exactly where the middle is supposed to be still and of course we're going to parent the object to this empty now extrude this Edge and lift it up we're going to align that with the inner part of this metal thing give me two Loop guts right here so I can lower this geometry down and make a little curve here and now I can extrude this down delete everything except this quarter with this ear up here then give me a mirror modifier on both x and y axis and now I want to inser this area uncheck boundaries so we don't have this part here alt e extrude faces along normals that's going to give me this little extra area over here and now I just have to make this part a little bit smoother but not this part over here so with alt s I'm going to inflate this like this maybe slide this down a bit and now when we add some subdivision surface this part is going to be nice nice and smooth but this is going to turn into this little edge here make sure you do the same on the underside here and before we get cocky with the bevels on this Edge give me this edge control B to turn into two edges slide this all the way out and this all the way out to here that's going to tighten up this corner a little bit and then we can also lower this to tighten it up even more if you really want to push your luck you can add another loop C over here but I don't want to risk up my geometry on the rest of this object so I'm just going to keep it like this and maybe I'll change something later when I apply some more subdivision let's duplicate this so we have some backup select all these edges like this the inner edges as well like this control B to Bevel that I want two segments in a shape of one we can delete all the faces on the inside we won't need those and now I think we're doing pretty good apply the mirror modifier fill this circle I to inside then press o so it comes out like this we're going to bring this Edge very close to the outer edge here and we're doing this so that we can create this extra layer which is up here above this lower part but first let's fix up the stretch out Geometry we're going to delete this long face so give me a loop gut over here and now I can fill this with some quads and it's going to be a little bit cleaner now we can take this extrude it up delete the face in the middle scale this circle up and lift it up that's supposed to align with this Edge that we can see over here on the reference image then we can extrude this downwards a little bit and there probably supposed to be some kind of little step here so you can place the glass here after that we can just extrude all the way down and that's going to be the face of the watch now we got to Bevel all this on the inside we're not going to Bevel but we're going to do a crease because I think this is supposed to be completely sharp and now let's move on to part two which is going to be this little thing right here I don't know what you call this I don't I don't know what I'm going to name this chapter so I'm about to Google it so the ground has to have a little hole here into which it is placed to create that hole we have to ensure that we don't have to add any more details to this shape because we need some more geometry for this hole and to get more geometry we need to apply the subdivision surface modifier and if we apply the subdivision surface modifier we're not going to be able to make major changes onto this shape very easily at all the only place where we might have some details is going to be the back of the watch but it looks like that's quite simple it's only supposed to be a little bevel back here and there's a flat surface onto which another metal disc is placed and then there's some other going on back there which is going to be part of a separate object so I'm going to lower this face Loop give me a little bevel down here I don't know if this is exactly right I don't really care I think it looks cute now we can forget about this so we're going to duplicate this as another backup give me one level of subdivision surface applied and now we have some more geometry here that we can use for this little hole here now it's supposed to be circular and it's also quite large so I think we just shot ourselves in the foot by applying this subdivision surface modifier so instead we're going to go back to having low poly here inser this surface surface and just slide some of these edges around a little bit to make this a little bit more curved scale this down I don't feel like dealing with this anymore so I'm just going to pretend like it's supposed to be an oval hole so inset with ey give me alt s to push this inwards bevel this and that's good enough for me if we really want to split hairs we can make another little hole in here which is going to be a little bit sharper extrude that inwards bevel this and now we can start making the crown so the crown is going to be quite a simple shape but we have to count how many of these little lines we have here if I count these it looks like there's approximately 12 of these on 1/2 of the circle which means it's going to be 24 bumps in total which means we got to have at least 48 edges to start with so shift a circle 48 scale down select check or deselect scale these up and now we can extrude this when we apply a subdivision surface modifier gets smoother but we can just select one shift G select similar face angles and bevel the points we're going to pull these inwards like this fill one then from front view give me alt e spin use duplicates I want 24 copy this to the other side and now just fill in the rest of this geometry we're going to select this face Loop here and inser it with I make sure to check Ed rail select one surface at the top like this and with shift G we're going to select by similar area set the threshold to something very low so we can select all these other top faces once you do that we're going to press I to inset give me o for outset that's going to create a new edge around this Control Plus and with individual Origins we're going to scale this down on the Z and the y axis simultaneously I think that looks pretty good also bevel this part and that'll do it for my crown now I just want a cylinder in the back that can be 12 vertices flip it sideways push it into the hole I'm going to make this whole thing a little bit thinner it looks like my crown is way too small it's supposed to be at least twice the size it also looks like my frame isn't wide enough to hold this Crown so from side view we're going to take all this geometry lower it down further and that also allows us to make a more circular shape here so dissolve these bevels Loop tool circle on this and now we can have a crown here now let's make the strap for this watch we're going to start with a plane up here scale that plane down and move it down here and it's supposed to be almost exactly the same width as this gap between these two metal bits place it around here somewhere push this down give me a loop gut over here then another one over here which we're going to Bevel extrude down for a little bit of thickness extrude this surface on the top and the bottom and scale those two apart a little bit give me a couple of loop Cuts over here just to turn this into square tiles I want a bunch of loop Cuts over here so I can have square tiles on this side and then I'm also going to do three Loop Cuts Like This push this part forward a little bit give me some faces at the end like this slide these vertices up extrude out with individual Origins slide this again extrude again slide again extrude again bring these two very close together now we can just connect this bring an edge out here fill this fill this fill this fill this merge by distance we can probably do this a little bit better so let's add some more geometry like this delete this center part and now we just got to fill in the rest here now we're going to Bevel all the edges that go around this shape and now we can start adding some details the details here are going to be the holes over here and also the stitches on the side so to to do that we're probably going to need some more geometry let's duplicate this in case we up give me one level of subdivision surface I don't know if that's going to be enough so give me one more now we got a whole lot of geometry to work with here's how I plan to create the stitches and this is going to be ridiculously high poly but we can bake this as a normal map later if we have to I'm going to select this Edge Loop that goes all the way around this shape I shape this so it's also on the UND side and I I'll go up here to select check or deselect I'm going to put in the selected two and selected one now in verdict select mode I can just go alt s that's going to create these little gaps here and if I add some more subdivision surface this is going to look even better I'm going to exclude these vertices over here from that and now look how good that looks now to make the stitches we're going to select this Edge Loop right here P the separated to new object delete all this at the top now from front view we're going to select all the vertices on the inside here which are a little bit lower control B to Bevel them V to only bevel the vertices and make a small bevel there then once again select only lower part now we got all this selected press contrl minus and we're going to scale these down towards the z-axis so they move further into the strap now we just got to go object convert curve and in the curve properties find geometry in the bevel settings add a little bit of depth to this would object shade smooth reduce the depth to something more reasonable and next thing you know you got some stitches around your strap they're perfectly connected with all the dents so that works pretty well next we got to make some holes here we need to have eight holes here so we're going to select some surfaces on which we're going to create the holes when you do that make sure that you select this in wireframe mode so you also select the faces on the other side so we can cut the holes here so select this one more which is going to be four faces apart another one up here and a fourth one above that with individual Origins we're going to extrude right click scale down Loop tools Circle scale down even further and now we got to do the same a couple of times above here then select all these circles W Loop tools Bridge that's going to cut holes in every part here now we just got to Bevel the outsides and then we got some holes and now on the other side we're supposed to have the same except a little bit shorter instead of a point we got to have a flat surface here so let's extrude this and this part over here is where the stitches are going to be now again give me two levels of subdivision select an edge Loop like this select Checker deselect two deselected one selected deselect the vertices in the front here then give me alt s and now history repeats itself so select this Edge Loop separate it to New object I don't have to say this again just do the same thing we did a minute ago once we got this done we just got to add a couple of simple details give me a cube like this scale it down on the y- axis scale it down on the z- ax AIS it has to be a little bit thicker than the band delete the front and the back faces Loop guts here Loop guts here subdivision surface scale this down extrude right click alt s bevel the sharp Corners object shade smooth duplicate this and place it back here and now we just need this little metal thing in the front here give me a plane slide this edge here and delete it extrude this down I think we got to delete this face as well pull these vertices backwards a bit extrude this down and bring it forwards lift this up and pull this down fill this give me subdivision surface give me some more geometry over here alt e extrude faces along normals we're going to give this a little bit of thickness and check even offset we got to Bevel all these edges and finally we just need a little Gap here so delete all this fill fill fill fill fill fill fill fill fill fill couple of loop guts fill fill fill fill and after we're done filling we can just bevel this once we got that give me a little plane extrude it out to here lift this bit up then give me another cut here and lower this one down straighten this out subdivision extrude right click alt s bevel this and there H the strap is ready later we're going to bend this so it forms a circle and it looks a little bit better next we're going to move on to the fun part which is going to be the face obviously we're going to have to start with a circle and before we jump in let's make a quick game plan for this some things on this face have to be modeled and other things have to be created with a normal map for example this texture back here in the middle has to be a normal map but these numbers can be modeled the screws in the hands can also be modeled and then the tiny little letters and Dots here can also be a Textra normal map or something else then we're going to get to the open heart which of course we're going to model and this thing here is probably going to be a combination of both I can't think of a good place to start so let's just pick a random thing and start making it we're going to start with this Roman number 12 right here give me a plane make it very long and thin like this extrude the top and bottom then extrude the sides we got our first number one so we're going to duplicate that and bring one over here then duplicate it again to the other side and this other side we're going to transform into the X do that first let's shift this over here we're going to mirror it from the middle but this segment over here has to be a lot thinner so with individual Origins we're going to scale these edges down like this we can adjust the width by just moving this inward give me this little Auto merge vertices thing up here in the options we're going to check split edges and faces then select this Edge G click without moving it that's going to create two vertices right here we're going to do the same thing with this Edge now this is connected properly that gives us number 12 we're also going to need number three over here to do that we're first going to bring this into the middle of the watch over here maybe it would be a good idea idea to place an empty in the middle of this shape and if we have that right there we can parent these two shapes onto that empty object now we know this is exactly in the middle we're going to place it over the reference like this now place the 3D cursor in the middle of this number duplicate this and mirror it over to the other side snap that in the middle lifted back up here and now just rotate by 90° around the middle now we also got number three the rest of the things here are just little simple lines it kind of looks like that thing the chicks use to file their nails right so give me a plane make it long and thin just like one of the numbers here control B and V to Bevel the vertices merge by distance and with the 3D cursor in the center we're going to press alt e spin use duplicates I want 12 of these for 12 hours on the bottom we're going to duplicate one and place it over here on the other side and we're going to do the same thing over here where the number nine is supposed to be delete this and delete this now we can join all these numbers into the same object we got to check the normals so we have to invert the normals on these red ones with shift n and now we can just extrud everything to give it a little bit of thickness we can delete the faces at the bottom place this onto the surface object object shade Auto smooth and now the numbers are good to go let's parent that to the face now we got to make two circular holes here which are connected I don't want to waste anytime I'm making good topology so give me a cylinder with 16 vertices place it over here give me another one over here give me a smaller cylinder here and down here now give me a Boolean modifier Target this apply delete and now we can delete all this geometry on the inside we're going to try to clean this up a little bit and once we got this under control a little bit we're going to select all the edges extrude and pull them downwards I like how this looks when we Bev so we're going to Bevel it twice and when we add some subdivision surface I think this looks pretty damn clean next let's figure out a way to make the hands so give me some geometry from over here inset Loop DS Circle place that right here in the middle extrude and lower it down and now I want a cylinder in this hole this cylinder has to have something going on up here like this that's going to be the hour hand then we're going to duplicate this and bring it up on top here so have the same thickness in both discs this new disc is going to be for the minute hand and then do this one more time for the second hand that's going to be a separate object so we're just going to going to make a little hole here at the top for the hour hand we're going to extrude three faces out like this scale that down a little to something like this and then extrude it all the way to the end of the handle and we're going to need a couple of loop guts over here to make this part wider a few more to adjust the shape in the middle and we're going to Bevel all these to make them a little bit smoother and once we got the our hand we can separate it to New object and now for the second hand we're going to do basically the same now the second hand has to be a little bit different because it's going to have a bit of a different shape it's not curved or anything it's just a straight line with a couple of circles so let's do a 32 vertx Circle in the middle then let's duplicate that and place it somewhere over here extrude both of those inwards like this and we're going to connect two edges from the outside of each circle then extrude two more edges on this side and two more edges backwards extrude this one more time give me a couple of loop Cuts delete the geometry in the middle Loop to Circle and now we also got a circle in the back extrude this down shade Auto smooth and now the hands are good to go as well now before we get to the best part of the modeling we're just going to set up a few quick things and then we can start doing the heart give me a 64 vertx Circle fill this we're going to join some vertices on the opposite sides then extrude and one more time extrude this outer part object shade Auto smooth and maybe we can bevel something like this for shading purposes now we got a screw which we're going to place over here in this hole and give me another one over here next I want another Circle in the middle here inset that like this and on the inside I want to make this little cutout here so we're going to shoot it inwards again give me a circle in the middle delete half of this segment here then give me another loop cut over here lift this up and now with a subdivision surface modifier this is going to look pretty cute the side stuff here we can do with a texture give me some thickness on this now that we got this in place let's make the mechanism that we need for the heart here get this second hand out of the way and then right here in the middle of my circle I want another Circle which is going to have let's say 16 vertices my model is not perfectly aligned with the reference but it doesn't matter we're going to extrude this out a little bit like this give me a loop gut so I can make this part up here and then we're going to extrude this all the way to the end here let's the subd adjust the vertices a little bit better relax this and now we're going to inser the this area turn it into Circle I don't really care how the geometry looks here as long as the outline of this shape is good I'm happy now extrude these two edges up here bring this up to this side another loop C over here to reshape it a little bit extrude some more stuff here in the back fill this inser an area over here Loop to Circle and we're just going to extrude some edges out here and then down here on the bottom we're also going to extrude some edges extrude this fill it with some random faces like this extrude another Edge fill this Loop gut here fill this fill this inset Loop D circles and then we're going to take all these circular holes fill them inser them lower them down delete extrude mirror on the z-axis select all sharp edges and we're going to Bevel every sharp edge on this mesh we're going to lower this into the hole I'm going to add a circle here with 18 vertices delete 2/3 of this circle extrude this part inwards select this part and loop tools relax delete this outter geometry now with the cursor in the middle alt e spin three use duplicates merge by distance subdivide this fill inset delete we got another Circle in the middle so we're going to place that there extrude both of these to give them some thickness bevel their sharp edges and we got some kind of little crystal in the middle so give me a cube scale the cube down three levels of subdivision delete cast modifier Factor one apply delete the lower half flatten this out scale this down to the z-axis to flatten it out object shade smooth we can make another outer frame with another Circle here and then we got some details in the middle of this over here I'm going to do something a lot more simple just duplicate this circle extrude it inwards give me a loop gut like this and lift that up bevel it inser this again fill extrude it down give me a loop gut here extrude this part down delete the faces at the bottom and bevel all the sharp edges I'm going to copy the shape from over here separate the new object place the origin in the middle 3D cursor on this next Circle and snap that over there adjust the scale if you have to then we're just going to copy this middle part one more time and we're going to place that in this smallest Circle here that's probably the coolest part of this open heart the rest is just some simple gears so give me a circle with let's say 30 vertices extrude this inwards take one edge of and bring it inwards we're going to use some Loop guts to reshape that now alt e spin this three times use duplicates subdivide this extrude to make some thickness bevel the sharp edges inser some little areas like this extrude them down that's just a cool little detail to add here place this back in the hole and scale it down if you got to this is something that we're going to animate later cuz we can make this spin as much as we want to give me another circle with let's say 128 vertices turn it into a cylinder select all the faces select check or deselect extrude all the faces outwards individually scale them down a little bit to make them pointy then inset the inner part flatten this out Delete the faces in the middle extrude a segment like this towards the middle and we're going to do a little cube in the middle select the faces around it face extrude individual faces out like this and then finally give me a cylinder this part is not even going to be visible this is supposed to be real tiny somewhere over here on the side we're just barely supposed to see this spin underneath everything else just to finish up I want another little cylinder over here on the side I don't know what this is supposed to be but we'll come up with something inser that a little bit extrude this part Loop gut here lift that up give me a hole here bevel the sharp edges subdivision and maybe we can use a couple of these at the bottom here now everything on the face is model I damn near lost my mind doing this so next we're going to come up with some textures and normal map so that we can finish the other details on this thing all right let's talk about the textures that we're going to need for this we need an image for the logo here we need a normal map for the background we're going to have to make some of these dots that go around the face a couple of letters and numbers down here this is just going to basic materials we're also going to need these dots this Sunshine thing and maybe a normal map for this then we're also going to have to do something about the strap that we'll get to that later so to make the texture for this face and for the dots behind it we're going to go to top view 3D cursor in the middle give me a little circle with let's say 32 vertices we're going to place that up here on this dot at the top that's going to be the big bump right here so we can extrude this scale it down bevel it now it's like a little rivet which we can place onto this surface I think it's better if we keep this as a model parent that to the face now give me another little circle up here this one has to be a bit smaller cursor in the middle alt e spin use duplicates we're going to need 60 of these for every single minute and we're also going to make 12 of these rivets here for the hours the rivets are going to stay down here but this is going to be baked onto a texture place that over here to the side then we're also going to make another smaller circular pattern that's going to be for this part over here and that needs to have 12 duplicates at the top here I want a plane rotate by 45 stretch it out like this so it's like a diamond and we're going to put that on the side here somewhere place my camera in the middle of this big circle make it face exactly downwards and lift it up give me a black material for these dots no specularity render with a transparent background give me a square frame 2048x 2048 orthographic projection and render this out image save as new folder here for textures we're going to name that dots then also render out the other dots and save that as dots small let's throw that to the side sumwhere and let's prepare our normal Maps the normal map is going to have to be a circle with something like 250 6 or maybe even 512 vertices in Edge select mode go select check or deselect X delete edges that's a bit too many so let's do 256 now extrude the edges and scale them up that's going to give us these little white lines here I have no idea what those are inset extrude up with alt s now place a plane just above this we're going to bake this onto this plane as a normal map I'm not going to show you how to do that because I don't feel like it if you don't know how to do this then Google it once I got my DOT normal map I cut a hole in the middle and on a layer below this hole I'm going to place this other normal map texture which I made in another video or maybe I'll even use this other texture which I like a little bit better let's flatten this out and save it now I can't find the texture for this day and night we got a moon and a sun on the other side so instead on Google Images I'm going to get a picture of a sun and I can't find a moon face in the same style but I can just cover one of them up so I won't need both on a new canvas give me a sky background draw a dark blue line over that for the night time we're going to paste the sun on the day part and give me a couple little diamonds like this just to add some more detail I don't want to use the comp comp's logo here so we're going to use the Albanian code of arms instead now in blender let's apply these textures so first of all give me a metallic material for the case that's got to be pretty shiny like this select the crown link the material with the case at the top of these numbers we're going to add a dark material that's going to be metallic and shiny but the rest of it has to be white so give me a new material assign that to the surrounding part we're also going to make it metallic and shiny but it's going to be white we're going to use the same metal material for this little part here this little thing has to be pink crank the transmission lower the roughness something like this will do this lower gear wheel has to look golden so give me a golden color High metallic low roughness I need a white material for the face these dots here going to be dark metallic Now give me a new image texture for this face load up the dots plug that into base color we're going to map these dots so they fit here properly and I don't feel like doing any texture painting so over here somewhere I'm going to select an area add a new material and also load up the face duplicate that this new material is going to be called logo unwrap this surface separately and we're going to use that to place this logo here then we got to load up the normal map run that through a normal map node and we got these other little dots over here and on the inside of this smaller dial I'm going to load another normal map which I'm going to run through a normal map node that's going to let me create these little lines here and then I want to Circle in here which is going to have this day night going on so we're going to open up the sun texture here plug it in the base color unwrap this we can adjust the rotation of this I'm going to make this metallic and a little bit more shiny and I'm also going to use this color map here as a bump map to add some more features to this also give me some simple metallic material for the hands and then I want to download some leather material from ambient CG I'm going to go with 2K whatever this is I just want the roughness map and the normal map for this for the roughness map plug the color into roughness here we're going to use a node Wrangler to map this properly and then give me a normal map node set this to non color plug normal into normal and then we got a texture for a strap which currently looks like I want to get rid of my roughness map and now I got got a halfway decent texture for the strap I'm also going to apply the same material to the other side these things here are just supposed to have a simple black material this can be metallic and now we got our textures let's figure out a way to render this when we animate this we have to keep in mind that this is going to be 30 frames per second you can check that by going over here to Output properties and in the format menu you can find frame rate I want that to be 30 the reason I want 30 is because I'm going to edit this in 30 frames you might want something different this is important because this means that in my animation timeline in the animation workspace 30 frames equals 1 second which means when I animate this my second hand is going to jump every 30 frames I'm going to select my second hand on frame one I'm going to key frame the location and rotation in this position then on frame 30 I have to rotate by 6° and key frame one more time I don't know if there's any better way to do this so I'm just going to skip 30 frames by 30 frames and animate each step at a time now I don't need this to go on for 10 days so I can just do a couple of seconds and right now if I play this the animation is going to be smooth I don't want this to be smooth I want it to jump even though in real life the second hand here is not jumping it's just slowly moving as you can see right here on this video let's not sit here and pretend like any of us here give a about real life right now we're talking about blender so we're going to duplicate all these frames with Shifty and bring them almost to the next frame and now when you play this every 30 frames is going to jump over to the next second we're also going to animate the gears inside this little heart so this little gear is going to start right here in this position and on the last frame we're going to rotate it a couple of times like this insert another key frame set the interpolation to linear with t and now this is going to move as the animation progresses this little wheel here is going to have to jump back and forth because that's what I see on my watch right here so it's going to start right here on frame 30 it has to be back in the same position which means it's going to have two back and forth Expedition on frame 10 it's going to rotate by 90° then on frame 20 it's going to come back so by minus 90° then on frame 30 it's is going to rotate by another 90° and now if we just duplicate these key frames this thing is going to be jumping back and forth when we play the animation I want this to rotate by more than 90° so let's add another 90 to this and that looks a little bit better now we got a little bit of Animation going on on the face of the watch now we just got to figure out the camera and the lighting as always I'm using my hdri over here that's loaded through an environment texture node and this particular hdri I got from the blender files because that's this Courtyard that you got in the viewport shading Thing by default and as always I'm going to add an area light I'm going to copy that a couple of times crank up the power and we're going to have a couple of Lights arrayed like this so that we have some cool Reflections from the watch I'm going to parent all these lights to an empty Cube now all the lights are following the cube the cube is going to start over here on key frame zero key frame that and on a later frame we're going to move it over here linear interpolation now we have some lights rolling by now I want another empty in the middle here I'm going to parent my camera to that give me 1920 x 1080 I'm going to zoom in a little bit like this and I want to start a little bit blurry so check depth of field reduce the f- stop to something like 0.5 that's going to make everything which isn't in Focus very blurry and at first I want my focal distance to be something like 3.7 and then as the animation plays I want this to change but I only want this to change after my camera rotates a little bit so I'm also going to key frame this empty then rotate a little bit like this key frame again and now on a later frame I can increase the focal length so it's focusing on the watch it looks like something like this will do so let's keep frame that and now when we play the animation we start Blu-ray but then it focuses very quickly now we got some cool Reflections from this watch and by the way shout out to my mainman PV 8685 for telling me how to make glass transparent and Eevee I didn't know you can do this believe it or not and here I am with almost 60k this is what the animation currently looks like and now we're just going to go to Output properties set the file format to ffmpeg video encoding EG 4 give me a destination folder and now we can hit render render animation and this is probably what I use to flex on you guys in the beginning of the video to keep you watching now since you watch this video all the way through at least like the damn video And subscribe to the channel join my Discord because we just hit 2,000 people let me know in the comments what you want to see next and I'm going to see you in the next [Music] one
Channel: Aryan
Views: 10,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, product, visualization, animation, visualize, animate, money, aryan, 3d, modeling
Id: l5EmLAZeAik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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