How to Visualize Products in Blender | Red Bull Tutorial (Aryan)

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we're going to make a can of red wll and blender I can't think of an easier way to get paid than to make a simple animation with a can from any energy drink company send it to them and ask them to pay you for more videos we got Pure open over here and first we need a picture which we're going to use to figure out the dimensions of this can right click copy that paste it into PF then we're going to search Red Bull top and now we can get a top view of the can where we can see this thing that you open it with you can see their little logo and all this other lucky for me I got a Red Bull right here so that's the best reference you can get so we're also going to paste this into pure ref but I'm going to go back to the old image and also save it to my computer and I'll be able to open this up and blender as a reference image in the background so shift a image reference and there's my red bullet even has a transparent background we're going to throw this in the back let's do a circle with something like 16 vertices we're going to fill that and extrude it up then once we extrude it up a little bit we're going to scale this circle up so it matches the width of the entire can as you can see here this lower circle is a little bit smaller so it matches the width at the bottom of the can we're also going to add a loop C over here so we can make a little bevel now extrude this lift it up up here we're also going to make it a little bit more narrow once that's done we're going to duplicate this right click to snap it back into place lower it just a little bit extrude right click and scale it to add some thickness extrude it up to create this ring around the top and we're just going to scale this with shift Z on these two axes so it becomes a little bit thicker than the rest of the can we're going to delete this interface at the top then I'll inser this one extrude it inwards a little bit extrude it inwards again and create this little shape on the side if you trying to follow along just do what I'm doing cuz I'm just looking at the can in front of me right now otherwise run to the shop and get a Red Bull real quick now once we get to the bottom of the can we're going to insert it a little bit and extrude it and lift it up a bit that way we're going to get this little Gap here and now we get to the important part because now we have to make the top of the can so we're going to have to model out the top of the can but also this little thing that you use to open the can whatever you call it this is going to be pretty high poly so we can just bake this as a normal map I got another reference image over here at the top View and let's just try to roughly shape this out I'm going to use a plane to make this thing on top here I'll use a couple of loop Cuts so I can bend this down I'll exu this and push it down as well give me another loop cut over here so we can take this and scale these edges here inwards a little bit and then we're going to scale this edge up a little bit and push it out to create this round part we are going to subdivide this don't worry now let's try one or two levels of subdivision so we can adjust this shape accordingly scale this up add some more geometry to control the shape a little bit better we're going to add a loop gut up here and now we have more or less the shape that we're trying to get here so I want another loop cut here because that's going to allow me to cut out this little shape here so insert that scale it down delete this surface in the middle and now let's just align some of this geometry a little bit better so it's not too stretched out like this now let's take this surface up here extrude it and scale it down a little bit then when Loop TOS we're going to turn it into a circle delete the geometry in the middle we're going to scale this circle up on the x- aaxis so it's a bit longer and this topology here is not ideal but I don't really care it's going to look fine anyway now let's fill this inside it a little bit once we insert it we can push it down and then we can bevel these two Edge loops with contrl b and that way we have a nice flat surface in the middle I'm now going to apply one level of subdivision and that way I can take some geometry from down here and use that to extrude this little piece we got to scale this down a little bit then extrude it out like this we can take these two edges here lift these vertices up a bit and we're just going to move some of this geometry to try to make this look a little bit more round add another loop cut down here now we can go back to subdivision surface in the middle here we can just add a circle let's give that 32 verticy we're going to adjust the size then lift it up a little bit extrude it up a little bit scale it down fill it we can bevel this set the shape to one correct the normals with shift and object shade smooth and this part is ready for baking now the only thing we still need is this bull shape up here we're going to create this with an alpha map first of all let's get rid of this and we're going to replace that with an endon let's add a plane right on top of this thing and we're going to make that plane just slightly bigger than the shape it needs to float above the surface like this now now in the shading tab we're going to add a new material to this we're going to call that normal map bake add a new image texture node to this material generate a new image let's do 2048x 2048 we're going to name that can opener normal map I don't know what the you call this thing check 32-bit float click okay set the color space to non-color we can preview that blank image right here now we're going to select this shape then shift select the plane let's switch to Cycles scroll down to the bake menu here set the bake type to normal and check select to active now make sure that you select this node in your Shader editor set your samples to one and hit bake meantime we're going to get up on caffeine now we got our baked image on the side over here so with these three little lines go to image save as let's make a new folder for all our Redbull textures and we're going to save that in there let's add a subdivision surface modifier to the can and also get that ready so that we can bake the top of the can now let's delete the end gun at the top of the can select the edge Loop go to face grid fill and now we're going to use this geometry to create create this little shape around this object first of all I'm going to apply one level of subdivision surface and add another subdivision surface modifier now I just have more geometry to work with now I'm going to inser a surface around here Loop tools turned that into a circle this has to be located around here somewhere we can just delete this entire surface and we're going to wrap some geometry up here around this little shape that we created for opening the can let's also delete that we can get rid of all this geometry and start refilling that now I'll just select these two Edge Loops Loop tools G stretch I'll slide these down so let's just fill this insert it a little bit lower it down a little bit and then we're going to Bevel these Edge loops and maybe we can also create a little shape around the opening we're going to replace this Eng gon with a grid fill it looks like span 8 offset 6 works just fine now we can take some faces like this delete them and use them to shape out this hole over here once we got the right shape fill inset just slightly we're going to extrude this inwards to make a little Gap here inser this again an edge Loop over here just to control the edges a bit better and now if we remove this we can also bake this onto another normal map so let's add a plane on top of here I'm just going to do the same that I did a minute ago with this shape so we're just going to skip over it now the top is baked as well so let's also save that to the computer now let's duplicate both of these objects and push them to the side somewhere in case we something up and we need these later as back up for now we're going to select all the geometry on the top of the can like this we're going to delete that and we're going to replace it with an endone now we're going to need a texture that we can wrap around the can one thing you can do is take one of these cans cut them open and then take a picture but that's easier said than done because it's reflective if you had a label from a can of beans or something then that might work but this is probably not going to work so we're just going to Google Red Bull label and now we can pick up the first image that has a decent resolution none of them are very good so we're just going to download this one and then we're going to go to this website called upscale do media we're going to open up the Red Bull label with this button over here and then we just got to wait a couple minutes for this thing to process now we got an image with twice the resolution and if for whatever reason this is not good enough you can also do forx and and then you got to wait another minute now we got a high resolution label so let's just download that now back in blender we're going to apply the subdivision surface modifier let's get rid of this and fix up the topology a little bit by just replacing it with an endon we're also going to dissolve these Edge Loops we need to Mark a seam down here somewhere and we're also going to Mark a vertical Edge Loop like this as a seam this ring isn't going to have a texture so we don't care about it but this is going to have a texture so just select this face contr E mark seam now in order to apply a normal map that we Bak from this we're going to take the edge Loop round this shape duplicate that and separate it to New objects you can fill this as an end go on it doesn't really matter too much bring it to the middle of the can we're going to apply normal map number one over here and normal map number two down here so give me a new material for the can crank up the metallic value and reduce the roughness we're going to name this material metal then we're going to add a new material slot where we're also going to load that material duplicate that material name the second material can top in the can top material go to shift a image texture and load up the can top normal map run Dash J through a normal map node plug that into principled make sure to select this face then select the can top material click assign and you might have to adjust your UV map so press U unwrap and adjust this to whatever you think looks best I think it should look something like this let's create a new material for this little opener thing make that blue this can be metal later but we're just going to make it blue for now so it's more visible we got to adjust the UV map below a little bit so it fits this shape now let's go to the shading workspace again we're going to name this blue metal and add a new image texture node load up the other normal map and again run that through a normal map node you unwrap and just adjust this normal map it might work better if you subdivide this a little bit just make sure to get rid of the geometry on the inside and replace it with an endon then unwrap again and now you're going to be able to place this a little bit better now we're still going to need a little Alpha map here so I Googled Red Bull bll and I'm going to take this little icon here copy image in paint that I'm going to touch this thing up a little because I have to fill up any holes that we have here in the bow now we can delete delete the background we're going to make this bu white and we're going to make it slightly blurry so it's not so pixelated and we're going to take this white bull and we're going to place it on a new layer on top of this little normal map now it's positioned correctly so we're going to take this entire surface of the new layer crl c crl n create a new canvas we're also going to have to go to adjustments invert Alpha now it's only the bull that's transparent and everything else is going to be visible now load this image into a new image texture node plug the color into alpha or better yet the alpha into Alpha and now you can see what I'm talking about it doesn't work properly in material preview but it works well when it's rendered now we just have to select this surface U unwrap and in this material we're going to drop down our label plug the color into color and let's rotate that by 90° on the UI map scale it up a bit and this label is a little bit cropped for some reason you can just Google another one and get a better one you get the idea now your can of Red Bull is ready you can duplicate that as many times as you want you can animate this whatever way you like and now you have all the energy you're going to need to give somebody a good beat down if you learned something then like the damn video let me know in the comments what you want to see next and I'll see you in the next [Music] one
Channel: Aryan
Views: 8,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, product, visualization, design, render, rendering, 3d, modeling, aryan, arijan, money, can, energy, drink, red, bull, animation, advertisement, advertising
Id: N71O12C6Hnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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