How To Deal Any Poker Hand! Learn Card Cheating Tutorial- Easy

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what's going on guys Spidey here and this week I'm gonna teach you a really easy way to deal yourself any hand at poker you want with a borrowed and shuffle deck so grab the card get ready [Music] what's going on guys spider here welcome back to the channel and this week I'm teaching something that for a very long time I hesitated about it's been in my list for a while I keep going like huh should I teach this and finally I'm gonna do it the first time ever teaching this to anyone quick back story when I was younger when I was starting in magic I would do card tricks and people would say oh my god I never want to play poker with you it's like a clot one of those classic magic joke new playbook with you and I wanted to demonstrate to people that I can actually set up a deck of cards and deal myself any hand I want people have such a powerful reaction to that kind of thing because it goes beyond magic it's like real like this is something people wish they can actually do but all the techniques that I knew at the time were really difficult and although I was practicing them at the time I wasn't good enough to do them so I wanted to come up with a really easy simple simple way to prove to people that I could give myself any hand I want in Texas Hold'em poker and I came up with this and that's what we're gonna do today we're gonna go through it we're gonna learn it now before we get into this real quick message for you guys i just opened the tic-tock page yesterday or two days ago and I would really really appreciate if you guys give me a follow on that so if you use tick tock please go check the link in the description please don't give me a follow I love my youtube subscribers and I would love for you guys to go show me some love on tick tock as well that would be awesome without further adieu now let us learn this awesome poker deal so as I said earlier this is something that's really easy to learn even if you don't do magic or you're not really familiar with card technique this is something you can be able to pick up in just a couple of minutes by the time this video is done you'll be able to do this in fact I just did it in front of you while I was shuffling these cards I set myself up to get four aces quadruple aces in a three-person game and I'll show that to you that's one that's two that's my first ace that's one that's two that's my second ace now this is Texas Hold'em which is the most popular kind of Poker that's the first bring card this is the flop and there's the third days that's another burn there's the fourth day's giving me my four aces and doesn't matter what comes next no one's gonna beat those aces so we're gonna get into this I'm gonna teach you exactly how all of this works how to get into it how to set up and how to modify it depending on the number of players because when you ask someone that you're doing this to okay how many players you want me to deal its enormous ly powerful now before we learn this there's something that I want to say that's very important to me I've only ever used this to impress and to amaze to show people the amazing skills that I have with a deck of cards I've never used this in the context of an actual game and I really really hope that you don't either and that you understand that the intention here is the amazed people by showing them how you could fix the game of cards people react so powerfully to that so please use this for entertainment okay let's get right into the shuffle and what's going on by the way for this video I'm using Fox playing cards by katarina I will leave the link in the description if you guys like what you see so in this explanation I'm gonna be dealing the royal flush in diamonds because with this method you can control five cards in the Texas Hold'em game regardless of how many players there are now for this I'm just gonna start with the five cards that royal flush at the bottom of the deck like this so if you're doing this for friends or if you're demonstrating you start with the head that you want to deal at the bottom of the deck if you're doing it from a shuffled deck and you know how to call cards that's a technique to control five cards or how many ever cards you want to wherever you want you can go ahead and do that from a shuffled deck I'm not gonna teach calling in this video but once again in the description I will leave links that teach you how to call in other words you could take a shuffle deck and get to this position from a shuffled deck and and that's normally the way I do this but it's as effective if you start with the cards at the bottom now at this point you can give the deck a couple of riffle shuffle leaving those cards at the bottom in other words if I start my riffle shuffle dropping those cards and then shuffle like this I haven't moved these cards so you could start by doing a few of these why don't you do it like this or you do it you know some people riffle shuffle like that it doesn't matter because these stay at the bottom now it's time for my method my my shuffle here's what's gonna happen if you are right-handed like me you're holding the cards in your right hand like this with the face is pointing to the left if you're left-handed you're holding them in your left hand with the face is pointing to the right in other words the faces of the cards are facing outwards which is usually this is the way we normally shuffle for this we're holding it this way so here is the sequence we're gonna assume I thought usually tell the people who are watching I say how many people you want me to deal let's say they say four that's important you have to remember four we're gonna start the process by doing something called milking the deck what milking the deck means is your thumb and your fingers are grasping the deck and as your right hand pulls the cards up the top and bottom card are being held back by your thumb and your fingers so basically a bit of pressure here I pull there and I'm pulling the top random card and the bottom card which is one of the cards I need off the deck like this so that's happening like this and then I'm gonna peel off with my thumb two more cards one two and drop this entire left hand packet back here at the face now I'm gonna peel off nine cards I find it easier to do three three three because in the middle of those I could say something like okay so I'm gonna deal now you wanted four players let's see how I do and that these are nine cards they go right back to the face over here now I deal one card to the back so peel one card from the front that goes to the back now six cards to the back one two three four five six to the back again one one card now you're gonna deal or or or count the number of players they said so if they said four one two three four and finally you're gonna do the number of players minus one one two three and that's it you're ready to deal now if you want to do some fake cuts some big shuffles if you know any go ahead and do those otherwise you know go on youtube check some out as an added convince er but essentially now I'm ready to go one two three and there's my card but I'll usually view that facedown because I want to build up the suspense two three there's my second one now you deal the flop so you burn a card one two three I'll usually comment on what's happening oh that's dangerous there's a very very real flush possibility there then you do this burn the other card boom now you comment or like oh my god one diamond gives you a flush if any of you have a diamond you'll have me beat then you put one last down and it goes here so essentially these three cards are gonna be the ones you control then the two in your hand now I turn I usually turn these over and I say let's see how you guys did that guy has a queen at the end but he's not gonna stick around for that with all these diamonds that guy is a king in an ace right in his pocket in the beginning with that 10 in that jack he might stick around and see what happens and that person has an ace but they're not sticking around so really the only person is taking around is this I usually comment on what's going on and I go but regardless of that doesn't matter because I have the royal flush okay let's do it again this time I'll do a little faster so you can see what's happening and this time we'll do it for let's say five players it really doesn't matter so here we go milk plus two to the front nine one two three one two three to the front one to the back six three four five six to the back one more to the back number of players that's one two three four five then number of players minus one one two three four to the back like that and now we deal one two three four five one two three four five burn flop again comment be like oh that's flush possibility right on the flop then the next one oh my god one diamond gives you a flush and then BOOM now you turn these over you see let's see how you guys did oh that's an ace and another ace of pocket aces that guy's gonna go strong right in the beginning preflop this guy that's an ace and a queen that's also a ridiculously good hand right in the beginning especially because they have a straight now because of the jack 10 Jack Queen King ace this guy's got a diamond he hit the flush right off the you know after the King he got his flush that's another flush that's two flushes are straight and pocket aces but it doesn't matter what you guys have because I have the royal flush and now they just go nuts so there it was as you can see it's super simple all you have to do is remember the following formula milk plus two to the front then nine to the front then one to the back six to the back one to the back number of players to the back number of players minus one to the back in fact you take a screenshot of this right now and just practice it a couple of times and then I promise your muscle memory will kick in and this will take you minutes to learn and then you go out and blow some minds and it trust me guys this gets incredible reactions once again please remember to use this for entertainment also once again please remember to go follow me on tik tok the content i'm posting there is very different than what i'm doing here we're gonna have a kind of fun there and I can't wait to see you guys there as well thanks for watching hope you guys enjoyed it let me know in the comments what you thought of this see you on the next one [Music]
Channel: SpideyHypnosis
Views: 213,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poker, magic, magician, card trick, cheating, texas hold'em, texas holdem, how to cheat, amazing, bedros akkelian, spidey hypnosis, spidey magic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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