How To Create Your Own AutoGPT (Step-By-Step Tutorial)

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what's going on everybody in today's video I'm going to show you how to create your very own Auto GPT to use as a virtual assistant now when I did this myself it took me about two and a half hours to my goal in this video is to shortcut that timeline for you and then also remove a ton of the confusion that comes along with this because if you're anything like me I'm not some crazy coder and instinctively knew how to do all of this so I had to do some research ask chat GPT a bunch and ultimately took me a lot longer than it should have so in this video we're going to be shortcutting that for you but without any further Ado let's go ahead and jump into it so uh Auto GPT they've recently made some updates so um this video should be super helpful for you guys with the most recent release they've changed a couple different things and the prerequisites to do it have actually changed so I have my steps outlined right here the first thing I need to do is download Auto GPT from and I can find it actually right here where it says urgent they just made a new update so I'm going to click here it's going to take me to this page and then I can okay just released one seven hours ago wow okay so all I need to do is scroll down to assets and I just click download right here now it's going to download I actually already have it downloaded so that stuff was kind of redundant but I'm gonna go back here and our next step is to download python now if you're using a Mac like I am this should already be downloaded onto your computer but we want to make sure we have the most recent version so I'm just going to go here to download Python and I'll just click this button here at the top again I already have it downloaded so I'm not going to do this but whenever you do basically all that you need to do is just click on this you know package and accept everything you know give it you say yes to all the prompts like when you're normally downloading something and uh then you should be good to go on the python uh now our next step is actually to get our API key from all right um so if you guys have signed up for like a chat GPT account you should already have your own API key um or sorry you're not not your own API key but uh your own open AI account all right so if you already signed up for chat GPT you should already have an account if you haven't you'll just go to and it should prompt you to create one but basically in order to get our API key I'm going to click up in the top right here where it says personal and then view API keys and then I'm just going to click create new secret API key I can name it you know whatever I want I'm just going to call it Auto GPT kind of Rhymes there and I'll just click create secret key now this is going to be blurred out in the video but as you guys can see here the entire API key is right here uh all I need to do is copy it and paste it and I want to make sure that I don't click done before I do that because once I click done I will never be able to view it again so I need to make sure that I copy this I'm just going to paste it into a note stock paste right there again that's going to be blurred out and now we have it in safe keeping in our notes let's look at our next step which is actually one of the things that have changed before that you didn't need this but now you do is you need to download Dev container and vs Studio okay so you'll just click on this link it's going to take you here and you're going to want to download Docker for your desktop on Mac and then also download this is the more important one is vs code so you just click here and then click download I've already downloaded it again so I'm not going to have to do that for the video but that's what you do just download it for Docker and then also download it for vs Studio all right so once you have done that now we're going to go back to let's go here and I just need to follow the remaining steps so um since I've already downloaded it directly from uh from this Source here on the update I don't need to do I don't need to do where to go this I'm just going to kind of walk through the steps anyway just so you guys can kind of see what that looks like so I'll just create a new terminal um for those of you guys like me that aren't coders terminal is basically just like where you can do like coding prompts with your Mac it's kind of like a deeper deeper level of operating your computer but I'm just going to type in terminal in the spotlight search so to get to that just click this magnifying glass uh type in ter and then terminal should pop up just click on it and there we go so now I have terminal opened up um I can well since I've already downloaded it I'm not going to need to do this so all I need to do is Click CD Auto GPT and just paste that in now I'm just going to copy right here where it says pip install R requirements paste it there and it will install everything as you guys can see so now I'm already in Auto GPT now this is the part where you need the vs Studio which you guys just downloaded you have to rename the file named The Dot EnV template and you need to change it um the take away the part where it says template and then add in your open AI open AI API key that always trips me out but basically once you've downloaded the vs Studio we're just going to type in vs and it's going to pull it up you want to open vs Studio and then if you just go here right uh in the Explorer you should be able to pull up all the different things that are on your computer right and so once you let's see because I want to try to basically see how I pulled up that dock but if you just like if you go to this part where it looks like a copy paste it's called the Explorer and then you type in what file you want you can pull up the auto GPT folder which is the one that you guys just saw me download and then you just pull that up inside of vs studio so super simple um let's see if I can yeah tell you what you guys will be able to figure it out you basically just search for your folder inside the Explorer and then we'll go to figure out so we're gonna look for the dot EnV um I'm just going to say I can rename this tell you what she's gonna ask chat gbt because I don't really use vs Studio a lot I'm not a coder Studio locate the file right click on the file or select the file and press f2 let's see so dot EnV and then I just change it to that remove the template part all right now I'm going to go back to these instructions so we removed the template part from dianv I and now we just need to fill it in with our open AI API key so that is what we copied onto this note stock so let me just copy that I'm going to go back to vs studio and then if you guys can see here it should be on line 23 it says open AI API key your open AI API key and then I'm just going to paste it there now if you guys want to use the auto GPT where you can actually like talk to it um that is going to be on the 11 11 Labs API key so you basically just sign up for 11 labs and then get an API key for that and then you can talk back and forth with it in this example I'm just going to do the most simple basic version that you can do and that is where I just pasted that key there so it should save automatically there we go so just exit it out and hit save and now I'm gonna go here everything looks good I just need to copy this prompt that says python Dash M Auto GPT so let's paste that there [Music] give it a second come on there we go perfect so now we can just name it whatever we want so I'll just call it you know we can describe the role of Auto the auto GPT that's literally like whatever you want it to do so let's say for example I want it to press enter and then you basically are just typing in the goals so that's like different checkpoints to achieve its role so I could say go one is um search it's going to it's just thinking right now but it's about to obviously go through all the goals that I just set so it's going to search Google for the best places to find dog breeds find the cutest dog breeds then find breeders that fit that list and then compile that into a list and shut down now it's asking me um it's going to make me approve every single command which cool in the beginning but once you kind of get the hang of this I kind of like to just let it run which maybe that's a little sketchy but that's just kind of what I do so I think I'll start by Google command for the best dog breeders in the US gives you the reasoning why it's going to do that it's going to start with the Google General General Google search which will help them gather a general idea of the set of dog breeders to explore and narrow down based on reputation blah blah blah makes sense and then it's going to tell you the plan and then the criticism which is basically just like the either the reason it won't work or something that it needs to consider going forward to make sure that the role is completed so it's going to tell you the next action it's going to do it's basically Googling best dog breeders of the US and I type why to authorize the command or n to exit the program now I also have this other option which is Y dash in so what you can do here is you can like automatically green light a certain amount of decisions so I want to say yes to let's say five decisions now command authorized by users it can do five different Acts or five different you know steps without asking me so that's one option you can also do uh continuous mode which is pretty cool basically here um so you can basically just copy this and then paste it in there and it'll run continuously like without me doing anything and then you can obviously like if this thing starts getting crazy and starts doing things you don't want it to do especially if you're on continuous mode you can just press I believe it's Ctrl C and it'll stop so this is what continuous mode looks like we're going um I think it's I was saying that I need to add the voice settings but basically you just do that if you guys want to do the 11 Labs thing it's pretty easy to find and then you would be able to do continuous mode with speak you might be able to do this and then just take out the speak part okay I might have bugged it out so basically if you guys want to use continuous mode I think you do also have to have the 11 Labs part but all of that is basically what we did here actually it might be running now there we go all right and that is how you set up Auto GPT in about 15 minutes thank you guys so much for watching this video if you got value be sure to click the like button so that somebody else struggling with how to do this can see this video and save themselves a ton of time if you guys want the exact step-by-step that I used uh to go through this process I know the one on auto GPT is a little bit more complex there's going to be a link Down Below in the description where you can get those instructions thank you guys so much for watching I appreciate you and without any further Ado I will see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Tim Schucker
Views: 15,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SKJwlBnV7dI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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