Can AgentGPT Start an E-Commerce Business?

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Hello friends back with another AI breakdown demo today we're trying out agent GPT now a lot of you will have seen my test of God mode which is an implementation of something like an auto GPT or a baby AGI or at least inspired by them and today I wanted to try another one of the prominent AI creation or AI agent creators in your browser which is Agent GPT now something that a lot of folks have noticed around these first implementations or at least these implementations of Auto GPT type Bots that are trying to make it easy for people who don't have coding skills is that they tend to get a lost in Loops right they don't necessarily get all the way to actually doing the thing that they've set out to do so we're gonna see how this does I have probably a little bit more reasonable expectations that I might have had when I was trying out God mode first either way we'll learn a lot and so let's try something a little bit different with the god mode trial the demo I did a little bit too abstract task I think or at least there wasn't enough meat on the bone I just said let's grow the YouTube by 10 000 subscribers and ultimately what it decided to suggest was go create this type of content and make a calendar and here's your schedule during the week and it was cool it was useful in this sort of way that it might have been useful had I was just talking to chat gbt and asking what the steps to growing a YouTube following were but let's see with agent gbt if it actually could go a step farther in terms of doing anything or if again it's just going to be a sort of more mediated process of giving some feedback on how to go from one to implementation of an idea so for this one I think that we should try an e-commerce bot and I think the goal should be create a new e-commerce store to sell images created with AI all right so let's deploy the agent and see what happens so the tasks that it has added research and select a suitable e-commerce platform develop an AI algorithm for creating unique and high quality images designed an attractive and user-friendly website develop a marketing strategy to attract potential buyers to the new e-commerce store for AI generated images and it's still thinking now just added another task develop a system to automatically categorize and tag images based on their content to streamline the process of adding new images to the e-commerce store but I think it's also now trying to actually go into and do its tasks so let's see how that's going so the first task research and select a suitable Ecommerce platform for selling images it says after conducting research on various e-commerce platforms I recommend Shopify as the most suitable platform for selling images created with AI next it's executing develop an AI algorithm for creating unique and high quality images now the interesting thing here is that instead of just picking mid-journey or stable diffusion or something like that it's actually trying to develop a new version of those things so it says to develop an AI algorithm for creating unique and high quality images I will need access to a large data set of high quality images as well as an understanding of the desired output this is a little bit let's call it taking the Hard Road next it says executing design and attractive and user-friendly website interface as an AI I have analyzed the requirements the homepage of the website would have a simple yet engaging representation blah blah blah so it's here talking about what the website needs to include it doesn't necessarily say how it's going to actually build that website so that's another thing that we will come back to and now it says this agent has maxed out on Loop and is shutting down let's try this again actually let's try this again and suggest that it uses the AI tool mid-journey and see if it can figure that out or another similar text to image tool maybe that will help it out a little bit okay so let's check to see what tasks it came up with this time instead we've got research and analyze existing e-commerce platforms that one was the same develop a comprehensive marketing platform that was the same or comprehensive marketing plan excuse me integrate mid-journey or another suitable text image tool into the e-commerce store that one's new obviously we had not given it that specification last time and it tried to just rebuild mid-journey or something like it from the ground up and then the new one here develop a plan to integrate Shopify with mid-journey or another suitable text image tool to ensure seamless and efficient operation of the online store next integrate social media sharing buttons on the eCommerce store website to encourage customers to share products they purchased next design of visually appealing and user-friendly e-commerce store Website Layout that showcases the high quality images created by mid-journey or other similar text image tools now I'm not sure if it's getting more of these tasks because we narrowed the parameters to using mid-journey or just because we increased its ability to pull on information let's go up and start to see how it's actually thinking about executing these sit out research and analyze existing e-commerce platforms again it comes up with Shopify it's good to see that it's made the same analysis twice develop a comprehensive marketing plan let's see what it includes here target audience is individuals and businesses who are looking for high quality images create a brand strategy next steps to create a brand strategy develop a Content strategy so this is I think where the lack of specificity starts to really hurt these things this is really just the super generic here's all the steps that you would take to do this if you were on your own but it doesn't have any context right mid-journey images can mean so many different things and there's a part of me that wants to specify and narrow it down even more maybe we'll try to actually give it a Target so that it can do things a little bit better now this one's interesting it says executing integrate mid Journey or other suitable text to image tool into the e-commerce store ensuring seamless or an efficient operation this is tax execution successful mid Journey has been integrated into the e-commerce store but that's strange it has it actually created an e-commerce store if we go back up to see it just suggests Shopify but presumably it hasn't actually created a Shopify store yet so it's interesting that the way that it's framing things is that it has successfully executed that task next develop a plan to integrate Shopify with mid-journey Next Step executing integrate social media sharing buttons on the eCommerce store website to encourage customers to share products they purchase on their social media accounts Next Step executing design of visually appealing and user-friendly e-commerce site it just keeps adding more and more steps so I think I'll pause here for just a second the thing that I believe people are very excited about these sort of Auto gpts or AI agents doing is not just coming up with the list of steps although this is extremely useful and helpful for anyone who's trying to think through what could make a project come to life and what steps they need to take to do so I think what people are looking for hoping for is for these tools to take the next step to actually go start the implementation and the execution of these tasks so when it says use Shopify I think that people's expectations when they hear autonomous AI agent is for it to go create a Shopify account now in many cases that's going to be dictated by what the tool in question or the platform that it needs to interact with can do in terms of these autonomous agents as well but I think that's where we're we're seeing a little bit of a disconnect perhaps between what people are imagining in their heads and what these tools are actually doing now before we leave agent gbt I want to do one more test and I want to get even more specific let's give it a specific goal so let's call it the background Builder and let's say use mid-journey or other text to image tool to create patterns visual backgrounds that YouTubers can use for thumbnails and then sell them on an e-commerce platform like Etsy or Shopify so this is obviously much more granular here we are specifying not just suggestions for the tools to be used but who the actual buyer that we're imagining is and how the product in this case patterns and visual backgrounds that can be used for thumbnails what they're actually buying okay so let's see what we've got going on here we've got tasks develop a deep learning model that can create visually appealing patterns or backgrounds based on given keywords integrate mid-journey into text to image or other text to image tool into the system to generate visual content Implement an e-commerce platform API integrate the Deep learning model into the system develop a user-friendly interface for users to input keywords or content Implement an online payment system to enable users to purchase develop a system to ensure quality control Implement a marketing strategy provide customer support to users who purchase and download the generated visual content develop a system and track sales and analyze user Behavior I think I'm going to stop here because I think that we can observe a few things that are just very similar to what we've seen first kind of makes things a lot harder that it seems like it needs to be develop a deep learning model that can create visually appealing patterns rather than just using mid-journey to do that and then it has all of these different steps that really show I think again High utility in terms of helping someone think through what it is that they might need to do to go from an idea to implementation but don't necessarily reflect the optimal path between them so just for comparison's sake let's go to chat GPT and see how it would go about something similar like this so let's use the 3.5 model that's the same as I think was being used with agent GPT so we're not giving it the the benefit of four two and let's ask the same question say hi if I wanted to create a business using mid-journey or another text to image tool to create patterns and visual backgrounds that YouTubers can use for thumbnails and then sell them on an e-commerce platform like Etsy or Shopify what would my steps be so here we're defining this rather than saying go implement this we're saying what should we do so let's see how similar the results are to what we got from agent gbt so research the market develop the product set your e-commerce platform promote your product provide excellent customer service monitor your business thanks which e-commerce platform would you suggest but that's in Shopify are excellent options at season Marketplace on the other hand Shopify is a complete e-commerce solution it's classic chat GP to answer ultimately the choice depends on your specific business needs and preferences how would you figure out what types of patterns were most interesting or most desired by YouTubers for thumbnails analyze competitors survey potential customers monitor Trends test and iterate so you're kind of seeing here that to the extent that you have any starting point you might have better luck right now with something like chat gbt if your goal is to really just start to think through what the steps between xero and an idea would be anyways that's agent GPT I still think it's obviously extremely impressive technology the fact that you can input a goal in a sentence and have just so much of the task list laid out for you and even see how it would start to go about that task list is going to be an enormously productivity enhancing tool right so even though maybe these AI agents aren't quite at the stage yet where at least in these implementations again we're not using any code we're just using what someone has you know put together inside of a week or two after these Technologies have become available but in that case they're not doing the sort of autonomous thing entirely still super impressive anyways guys that's agent GPT go check out the video where I tried something similar on God mode and see what you think peace
Channel: The AI Breakdown: Artificial Intelligence News
Views: 6,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #AItechnology, #OpenAI, #GPT, #LLMs, #AutoGPT, #MachineLearning, #DeepLearning, #NeuralNetworks, #ArtificialIntelligence, #RoboticProcessAutomation, #SmartMachines, #CognitiveComputing, #DigitalTransformation, #PredictiveAnalytics, #Chatbot, #NLP, #AutonomousSystems, #QuantumComputing, ChatGPT, GPT-4, MidJourney, Stable Diffusion, AI Agents, Large Language Models, DALL-E, AutoGPT, AI, AI Podcast, AI explainers, AI tutorial, AI 101, gpt4, agentGPT, ecommerce, AI for ecommerce, AI experiments, ai demos
Id: mIF77POXhj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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